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Norwegian Cruise Line Bans Smoking on Balconies


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I don't normally post and am not really interested in getting into this silly debate, but have read it with amusement and interest.


But this information is not completely correct. There have been a lot of small businesses close because of Canada's smoking rules and a lot of businesses hurt by them.


BTW in all of these pages of debate, I really haven't seen one poster who has been swayed to think differently that what they did prior to reading an alternate point of view.


Carry on

What I read is that no one is willing to even try to "walk in my shoes" as the saying goes. Everyone seems to want it "their way". The me, me, me generation.

I still can't believe the cruise lines can't find a more sensible way to accommodate all their guests! Why they can't make some upper level aft balconies for smoking. Why people who hate balcony smoking don't book forward balconies when they know smoke travels backwards. I love to visit NYC, but know in advance I will choke on the diesel fumes on almost every street corner, especially in the summer. It is the price I pay to visit the city I love.

The main cruiser that will be turned away from the balcony ban are the retirees (who have the money and time to cruise often) and are not mobile enough or willing to walk a great distance to enjoy a smoke. Not to mention the ladies who don't want to get dressed to enjoy a smoke and morning coffee. There are many all inclusive resorts who are smiling since the retirees will be looking for more sensible, relaxing places to spend their money. Also smiling are the land based casinos!

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Can we smoke and get away with it on the balcony? Has anyone tried on other cruises? I'm not proud to be a smoker for sure - but it is my vacation, I'd like just this one vice


Of course you can. It would only be your nosey neighbours either side of you who would be running to Guest Services to report you

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Can we smoke and get away with it on the balcony? Has anyone tried on other cruises? I'm not proud to be a smoker for sure - but it is my vacation, I'd like just this one vice


If someone complains, you will have to pay a $250 fine and possibly be removed from the ship, according to the new regulations. Passengers sitting on adjacent balconies do not have to be "nosey neighbors" to smell the smoke. They can just be sitting or sleeping on their own balcony. That's the issue. They don't have to peek around the divider to have smoke come onto their balcony. The unscented/unflavored ecigs should not be noticeable.

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If someone complains, you will have to pay a $250 fine and possibly be removed from the ship, according to the new regulations. Passengers sitting on adjacent balconies do not have to be "nosey neighbors" to smell the smoke. They can just be sitting or sleeping on their own balcony. That's the issue. They don't have to peek around the divider to have smoke come onto their balcony. The unscented/unflavored ecigs should not be noticeable.



Exactly. I won't be looking at other peoples balconies. It would only be if I smell it. On many ships you can see what people are doing on balconies below. Still I won't be complaining unless I actually smell it and it actually bothers me on my balcony.


As far as e cigarettes on balconies. The same as above. If I happen to see it from above on my outside balcony I am not going to complain unless it is actually making an oder that bothers me.


Those who do it should consider though that many ships now have CATV monitoring the outside of the ship. It is has been installed primarily because of people going overboard.

Edited by Charles4515
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Can we smoke and get away with it on the balcony? Has anyone tried on other cruises? I'm not proud to be a smoker for sure - but it is my vacation, I'd like just this one vice


There are still going to be places on the ship where you can smoke - just not in your cabin, on your balcony or inside venues aside from the casino. You may "get away with it" but you should probably set aside $250 or more dollars just in case you don't. "getting away with something that is prohibited" reeks of something that kids try, not the behavior of a true adult.:rolleyes:

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Really? I walked the streets of Montreal last year, cigarette in hand, and no one said a word to me even though I said hello to several police officers.


Smoking on the street here in Montreal is not an issue. Smoking is banned in all bars, restaurants (outdoor eating areas may offer smoking sections), offices, etc. Hope you enjoyed your visit :) Montreal is a great city.


Sent from my phone. Typos are inevitable.

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"... why allow the minority with an addiction to impinge on the majority!!!!"


Because someday all of us will find ourselves in a minority position over something.


When that happens it is not particularly comforting to hear the majority simply say "we are the majority, what we say goes. Your minority interests are unimportant and not worthy of consideration or accommodation."


Finding appropriate and health respecting COMPROMISE is what is necessary for civilized folks to live together. Without compromise we all just go into our warring camps ... hardly a fun way to spend a vacation.


An NCL compromise that allows e-cigs and vaporizers on balconies and in private cabins is called for, both as an effective compromise and as a matter of general public health (meaning that includes the public health of vaporizer users trying to quit tobacco).


Anyway, a lot of my recent posts were deleted and it is true that this thread, though educational in some sense, is not going to have much impact on things. I have written my letter to Mr. Shaheen, made my decisions about which future cruise lines I will use (if things do not change), and figure it is time to stop posting in this thread.


Happy sailing all, though I doubt we will be seeing each other on an NCL ship anytime soon.



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"... why allow the minority with an addiction to impinge on the majority!!!!"


Because someday all of us will find ourselves in a minority position over something.


When that happens it is not particularly comforting to hear the majority simply say "we are the majority, what we say goes. Your minority interests are unimportant and not worthy of consideration or accommodation."


Finding appropriate and health respecting COMPROMISE is what is necessary for civilized folks to live together. Without compromise we all just go into our warring camps ... hardly a fun way to spend a vacation.


An NCL compromise that allows e-cigs and vaporizers on balconies and in private cabins is called for, both as an effective compromise and as a matter of general public health (meaning that includes the public health of vaporizer users trying to quit tobacco).


Anyway, a lot of my recent posts were deleted and it is true that this thread, though educational in some sense, is not going to have much impact on things. I have written my letter to Mr. Shaheen, made my decisions about which future cruise lines I will use (if things do not change), and figure it is time to stop posting in this thread.


Happy sailing all, though I doubt we will be seeing each other on an NCL ship anytime soon.



And the argument that cities have smoking restrictions in businesses does not equate to being "trapped" on a floating city during long sea days!:rolleyes:

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You said it all in one line......why allow the minority with an addiction to impinge on the majority!!!!





Sent from my iPhone using Forums


Happens every day. To continue with that line of thought, the government should stop paying out for Welfare, Medicaid, WIC, Obamacare, and a host of other programs that only support a minority of the people and impinge on the majority.

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Can we smoke and get away with it on the balcony? Has anyone tried on other cruises? I'm not proud to be a smoker for sure - but it is my vacation, I'd like just this one vice


It doesn't matter if you can get away with it. You know it's a violation of the rules and therefore should not. You can have as many vices as you want (smoking, drinking, gluttony etc....) as long as you are not breaking any laws/rules.

Edited by Out to sea!
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What I read is that no one is willing to even try to "walk in my shoes" as the saying goes. Everyone seems to want it "their way". The me, me, me generation.

I still can't believe the cruise lines can't find a more sensible way to accommodate all their guests! Why they can't make some upper level aft balconies for smoking. Why people who hate balcony smoking don't book forward balconies when they know smoke travels backwards. I love to visit NYC, but know in advance I will choke on the diesel fumes on almost every street corner, especially in the summer. It is the price I pay to visit the city I love.

The main cruiser that will be turned away from the balcony ban are the retirees (who have the money and time to cruise often) and are not mobile enough or willing to walk a great distance to enjoy a smoke. Not to mention the ladies who don't want to get dressed to enjoy a smoke and morning coffee. There are many all inclusive resorts who are smiling since the retirees will be looking for more sensible, relaxing places to spend their money. Also smiling are the land based casinos!

No ship would dedicated upper level aft balconies for smoking, because it is prime real estate on the ship, not to mention some cabins may go empty in that area or around the area because most non-smokers wouldn't want to be in or around a smoking area. Actually, I don't think any ship would dedicate a level, side of the ship, etc. for smoking, because they would not be guaranteed that those cabins would sail full and that non-smokers would avoid cabins near that area.

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And the argument that cities have smoking restrictions in businesses does not equate to being "trapped" on a floating city during long sea days!:rolleyes:


"trapped"??? Surely you jest. There are places on that floating city where you can indulge in your desire to smoke, just not in your cabin, on your balcony, or in certain inside areas of the ship.

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Can we smoke and get away with it on the balcony? Has anyone tried on other cruises? I'm not proud to be a smoker for sure - but it is my vacation, I'd like just this one vice

On Celebrity many have been turned in, not because someone is peeking over the divider, but because they can smell the smoke. I've also heard that some were caught by the cameras onboard the ship.

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If someone complains, you will have to pay a $250 fine and possibly be removed from the ship, according to the new regulations. Passengers sitting on adjacent balconies do not have to be "nosey neighbors" to smell the smoke. They can just be sitting or sleeping on their own balcony. That's the issue. They don't have to peek around the divider to have smoke come onto their balcony. The unscented/unflavored ecigs should not be noticeable.


When was the last time a smuggler was removed from the ship? They have the same possibility according to the contract. Probably the same odds (0% to 0.001%) of a smoker being removed from the ship as a smuggler.

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Maybe it's time to have smoking & non-smoking ships. So many major hotel chains have gone totally non-smoking, however smokers can easily find hotels that allow it.

All Disney resorts forbid it completely (and they do not suffer from any boycotting), yet there are hundreds of other hotels that allow it.


I don't want to be stuck on a floating city on long sea days, with my expectation of fresh air in debate anymore.

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"... why allow the minority with an addiction to impinge on the majority!!!!"



An NCL compromise that allows e-cigs and vaporizers on balconies and in private cabins is called for, both as an effective compromise and as a matter of general public health (meaning that includes the public health of vaporizer users trying to quit tobacco).


Happy sailing all, though I doubt we will be seeing each other on an NCL ship anytime soon.




Totally agree and would actually propose they carry it a step further.


To me the areas in and near the casinos are far more dangerous due to second hand smoke from cigarettes than anywhere outside on a balcony.


What would be wrong with the following:


Just like they have a cigar bar why not have something similar for people that want to smoke real cigarettes somewhere out on an open deck. Have it be large enough and secluded enough to accommodate those who wish to use it while having little or no impact on those who wish to avoid smoke.


In the casinos they could ban cigarette smoking totally but allow people to vape e-cigs. Doing that would vastly improve the air quality in all of the inside venues in the vicinity.


Right now there is no way NCL would ban cigarette smoking in the casinos as there is a disproportionate number of gamblers who smoke vs. those that don't. However most of the smokers/gamblers that I know would be perfectly content if they could vape e-cigs (many do already) rather than smoke cigarettes.


e-cigs should definitely be allowed in the cabins and balconies in my opinion as well.


Seems a simple enough solution to me and it is a case where everyone wins:


For those that must smoke real cigarettes there is an area to do it.


For everyone else the air quality is infinitely better everywhere on the ship both inside and out as only the vaping of e-cigs would be allowed.


I fully expect the few anti-smoking people on this thread to immediately jump on it and oppose the idea....as it is their way only that matters.

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And the argument that cities have smoking restrictions in businesses does not equate to being "trapped" on a floating city during long sea days!:rolleyes:

If a smoker feels "trapped" on a floating city during long sea days, it is because the smoker chose to cruise on a ship knowing their smoking policy; they have no one else to blame but themselves. If one doesn't want to be "trapped" on a cruise ship, then one should consider a vacation where they won't feel "trapped", after all no one is forcing a smoker to cruise.

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No ship would dedicated upper level aft balconies for smoking, because it is prime real estate on the ship, not to mention some cabins may go empty in that area or around the area because most non-smokers wouldn't want to be in or around a smoking area. Actually, I don't think any ship would dedicate a level, side of the ship, etc. for smoking, because they would not be guaranteed that those cabins would sail full and that non-smokers would avoid cabins near that area.


Highly doubtful that any prime cabin would go vacant. Many non-smokers have had no issues with smokers on balconies and the same would be the case is this policy were instituted. Smokers would go for them and non-smokers that don't care would book them. You might even find some non-smokers that dislike smoke booking them just because of them being prime real estate with the hopes that the cabin next tho theirs doesn't have a smoker in it.......just like now. Thinking that cabins would go empty is like thinking half of the balconies on sailings prior to the new ban went empty just because a smoker might be next door.

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If a smoker feels "trapped" on a floating city during long sea days, it is because the smoker chose to cruise on a ship knowing their smoking policy; they have no one else to blame but themselves. If one doesn't want to be "trapped" on a cruise ship, then one should consider a vacation where they won't feel "trapped", after all no one is forcing a smoker to cruise.


Many of the "vigilante" non-smokers felt "trapped" in their cabin, unable to use even for 1 second their balcony that they paid for because someone next door was smoking a pack of cigarettes at the same time. No one forced them to book a balcony either but they did so anyway.......IMO just to have something to complain about.

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When was the last time a smuggler was removed from the ship? They have the same possibility according to the contract. Probably the same odds (0% to 0.001%) of a smoker being removed from the ship as a smuggler.


I think most smokers won't violate the policy so there would be few cases where the possibility of removal would exist. Also there probably would be a warning before resorting to removal. After a warning I think most would have the common sense to comply. I have heard of removals on other cruise lines for violation of smoking policies. Have no idea how NCL will handle violations.

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