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Ship photographers really messed up this time

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Reminds me of my first wedding .. we didn't find out until we met with the photographers weeks after the wedding that the photos from the ceremony itself didn't turn out .. the photographer had messed up the film so the only photos we had were photos taken separately before the wedding and then at the reception. No compensation given at all!!! Really ticked me off.

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Using one photographer and one memory card for an event is completely unprofessional and inexcusable. That's how craigslist hacks do it. It's in just about every top 10 list of what to ask about photographers when choosing one; do they have backup shooters and/or equipment.


This is exactly right. I've shot some weddings and I operated with two to three cameras, multiple lenses, etc. And what happened here is exactly WHY I do that.


Why on earth wasn't the photographer checking his images as he was shooting? It takes 2 seconds to review shots as you shoot. I do this all the time to check lighting, exposure compensation, focus . . . it is incomprehensible for me to think of shooting something this important without backup media and equipment and without constantly verifying that everything is working right.


It's possible that the media card was exposed to some magnetic field that wiped it . . . I'd think something would still show with an evaluation of the card and the article said nothing was there.


I understand why they didn't accept the re-shoot. It's fake, staged. The expressions aren't the same, the moment is lost. They're called event photos for a reason - Event photos are moments, captured forever. They're memories for the short term, family history for the long term. I personally would have done the reshoot if I were one of the people getting married, but it would have been a very, very poor solution.


And then you think about the hair styles and makeup and the outfits and items like candles, flowers, setting . . . what a nightmare.


When a photographer shoots a wedding, he needs to be equipped to get it right. Period.

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Wait, other guests aren't allowed to take pictures at your wedding? How does RCI stop that? I would assume if I want to provide my own photographer, they would be another guest on board.


Of course guests are allowed to take photos. But they can't "get in the way" of the official photographer -- whatever that means. Over on the wedding & honeymoon forum, some brides have reportedly paid full fare for their own photographer to cruise with them, and then had them act like a guest.

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No, I can't understand. Is it sad? Yes. Unfortunate, yes. Heartbreaking? eh, maybe? Something that "RUINS" the cruise? Absolutely not.


Did they enjoy their time on the ship? Did they enjoy their excursions? Did they enjoy the food? The entertainment? Are they still married?


I don't see how a loss of pictures ruins a wedding much less a full vacation. If you enjoyed everything as it happened, and you still have memories of enjoying those things, how can it be ruined?


My guess is that it happens the same way smelling cigerette smoke while on the balcony or seeing someone not wearing a tux on formal night ruins things for seasoned cruisers who post here. Different people react differently to situations.


I am a firm believer that absolutely nobody can make me feel any particular way about anything. I choose to feel certain ways (happy, sad, angry, etc.) based on my reaction to the events around me. But then, my wife says I am weird.


ETA: We loss all the pictures from our wedding. Luckily they were taken my a professional (back in the really olden day) who went to church with my wife. When he retired he walked up to her at church one morning and handed her an envelope saying "Thought you might like to have these.". Inside was the negative of every picture he took that day. We now have about 850 pictures from that day including reprints of every one we purchased in the package.

Edited by TC1957
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My nephew had a very expensive wedding with several photographers taking pictures and somehow the pictures got lost. Yes they were very upset. They reached out and got pictures from friends and family in attendance. Not the same but also not much that could be done about it.

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I spent about a quarter of the wedding budget on a huge leather binder for our photos at my first wedding. That's how important my in laws saw photography.


Since divorcing the album went into storage and eventually became flood damaged ......


There's still loads of photos knocking around, not a lot I can do about that :eek::D

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OK, that's a shame, but we are talking electronics. Things can go wrong. I think Royal did right by refunding the wedding package (I assume that was the entire wedding cost, not just the pictures).


I don't understand how a loss of pictures can "ruin" a vacation though.


Exactly my thoughts too!

Lot of drama!

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After re-reading the post, I am sure the problem was found before debarkation. In time to redo the photos. That said, I stand by my earlier response simply because Nobody knows what my wife's reaction would have been. And you do not want to know:o

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My Mother in-law is a photo hound. So when I proposed to my wife on Mariner I made sure to hire a ships photographer to capture the moment and get some pictures after. It was surprise and I actually had to have a family member that was on the cruise with us set it up with the photographer. I pretty much told them what, when and where I wanted them to do.


The plan was my GF and I walk by a selected spot at a set time after our formal dinner on Day 2 of the cruise. The photographer was exactly where he was asked to be. I told my GF hey we're dressed up lets get a nice picture just the two of us. When the photographer went to set up the shot I bent down to get the ring box out of my sock (only place I could hide it with out her seeing it).


My GF gets impatient with me and just wants to take the picture and I look up to her with a ring and a question. The ships photographer got it all and I could not have been more pleased with the results (Oh she said yes).


Yes I had a plan and it worked perfectly. I did however have a family member off in the distance where my wife or the ships photographer would not notice them to take back up pictures just in case something didn't go right.


Now we're heading out on our first cruise with our son. So I'm very thankful to photography staff at RCI. Yes, it wasn't cheap but it was well worth it.


Just my 2 cents before everyone jumps to bash the RCI staff photographers.

Edited by SB9
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That's too bad about the photos, I don't see why they wouldn't have been able to do a very nice picture in the studio after RC admitted to messing up. Someone had to have taken some pictures since there is one in the article!


There is more to this story than what we are all reading, it sounds like to me that RC tried to make it up to them but the couple instead wanted to go to the public media to see if they could get more out of it than what RC offered while on board. Seems like alot of people have been going to the media lately with cruise issues.


I think RC could have given them a nice on board credit for the photos as well as a nice meal or two. I'm sure this didn't ruin the entire 1 week cruise for them and it was just a little bump in the road.


That being said the only advice I could give future cruisers, get married before you cruise to make sure everything is the way you would like it and go on the cruise as the honeymoon. They could have saved some money and may have been happier. I know some of us are picky about our wedding photos, I made a list of the photos I wanted taken on my wedding day and we got two photographers for the day and paid $2,000 for the pictures and they turned out amazing.


I really hope this couple will be very happy and can someday laugh about this because at the end of the day it's just a picture and the most important thing is that you married your best friend and things will unfortunately happen to us in life that are far worse than losing some pictures.


My husband and I lost two babies after we were married and I really can't think of anything worse than that except for losing my spouse. I don't get upset over the little things anymore in life. You just cherish the time you have together and memories will always be in your heart even after photos have been lost.

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Agree with most here, this is definitely a huge disappointment, but they did have options that I don't feel like they looked into.


I had one cruise a few years ago where due to a technical issue, all of my pictures were lost. Is it a disappointment, absolutely as I had a few great shots that I still think about, but they are in my memory so not truly lost. For me I didn't know it was an issue until after I was back home so now way to redo anything not even the pics from the ship.


This family should have had family that took some photos, along with the options to re-do everything. Is it exactly the same, no, but it is a close second. They too have the day in the memory, but would have something to hold onto after. Especially since a lot of wedding pics are posed anyway.

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I understand the bride's disappointment. A wedding is planned for everything to work out, the dress, the flowers, the cake, the guests, the reception, the food, the pictures, etc. if any one of those fails for some reason, then we have a hard time accepting it.

I'm sure once she calms down and accepts that there will be no pictures, perhaps having a second ceremony won't sound so bad. Imagine 10 years from now looking at oneself dressed up again looking just as beautiful will bring smiles and laughs while explaining what happened on the original date. I'm sure the loss of original day pictures won't ruin her life, and will probably bring smiles and chuckles down the road.



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Your wedding day is always in your heart , and you can remember it better than any posed photo could. You thoughts can bring forth more feelings than a photo can ever show . Be happy you have found the one you wish to spend your life with , and renew vows when your kids can be a part of your happiness.

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That's too bad. I don't know about 'vacation ruiner' but I know we'd of hated to have gone through that ourselves.

I'm a little surprised they don't have something that auto-uploads the shots via wi-fi. That would seem to be a good investment for any line to make though I have no idea if there are camera's that do this. I know with our phones we can set it to automatically load the shot to Dropbox. Then the photographers don't have to worry so much about losing the photos from point a to point b... Edited by AlexanderBeetle
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I teach photography, and two of the cornerstones of responsible, professional work are that you NEVER attend a once-in-a-lifetime event with only one camera . . . and you NEVER take pictures of such an event without doing a couple test shots and looking at them on the memory card.

Having said that, the couple -- okay, probably the bride -- is being [I]overly dramatic[/I] to say that her entire vacation was "ruined" because of the pictures. Sure, she missed covering the actual ceremony and LARGE compensation is appropriate, but she could've still had lovely family photographs a few hours later. Yes, this was a terrible mistake, but refusing ANY photographs makes her sound like a petulant child and only hurts her in the long run. I mean, at this point, what she wanted isn't possible. Her choices are, 1) Have pictures remade. 2) Have nothing. A reasonable person would be very, very, very disappointed -- but would still choose to have [I]something [/I]rather than nothing.

Would family members have taken pictures? Maybe, maybe not. They all knew that a professional photographer was present, and they might've thought, "My photographs won't be as good as his -- I'll buy those later." And most of the time that would've been a correct assumption. Edited by MrsPete
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I don't have my camera handy to check what it does, but is it possible the "Record Inhibit" was turned on on the card?

I was talking to another guy who's son plays with my DS on a travel soccer team. He had brought his camera to one of the games, had taken pictures throughout the game including a diving header for a goal. After that picture, he went back to look to see how it turned out and realized he never even had a card in the camera.

ETA: I'm not excusing the photographer. He definitely should have checked to make sure everything was working before this event*.

*I was going to say "once in a lifetime", but with today's divorce rate, that's not a sure thing. ;) Edited by S.A.M.J.R.
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[quote name='S.A.M.J.R.']I don't have my camera handy to check what it does, but is it possible the "Record Inhibit" was turned on on the card?

I was talking to another guy who's son plays with my DS on a travel soccer team. He had brought his camera to one of the games, had taken pictures throughout the game including a diving header for a goal. After that picture, he went back to look to see how it turned out and realized he never even had a card in the camera.[/QUOTE]Yeah, that's a typical Dad-with-new-camera mistake. You laugh, and you move on. But we're talking about a professional working at a pre-arranged job. No excuses.
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Lot of heartless people. I can understand that some people would feel differently about losing their wedding pictures than others, but the lack of empathy some folks are demonstrating is pathetic.

A cruise is a vacation, not a cult. A wedding is not a vacation either. It's much more important. The problem isn't the newly weds' it's the photographer and his/her employer. It's a negligent disregard for the duties. Seems like Royal dud the right and refunded the entire package. The couple contracted for pictures and the photographer failed to uphold their end of the bargain, through negligence or stupidity.

I haven't looked at my wedding pictures in years either, been almost 25 years. But my children sure enjoyed looking at them growing up as we enjoyed looking at our parents'. Seeing the family gathered and many are no longer with us is important. Showing the next generation who their great grandparents were is joyful.

I don't understand the lack of simply understanding the feelings of others. I sure hope the people I cruise with are more tolerant and caring of others.

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[quote name='MrsPete']Yeah, that's a typical Dad-with-new-camera mistake. You laugh, and you move on. But we're talking about a professional working at a pre-arranged job. No excuses.[/QUOTE]I edited my post as you were writing yours. A professional photographer should take steps to ensure the photos are actually taken.

[quote name='heyabbott']Lot of heartless people. I can understand that some people would feel differently about losing their wedding pictures than others, but the lack of empathy some folks are demonstrating is pathetic.

A cruise is a vacation, not a cult. A wedding is not a vacation either. It's much more important. The problem isn't the newly weds' it's the photographer and his/her employer. It's a negligent disregard for the duties. Seems like Royal dud the right and refunded the entire package. The couple contracted for pictures and the photographer failed to uphold their end of the bargain, through negligence or stupidity.

I haven't looked at my wedding pictures in years either, been almost 25 years. But my children sure enjoyed looking at them growing up as we enjoyed looking at our parents'. Seeing the family gathered and many are no longer with us is important. Showing the next generation who their great grandparents were is joyful.

I don't understand the lack of simply understanding the feelings of others. I sure hope the people I cruise with are more tolerant and caring of others.

Sent from my iPad using Forums[/QUOTE]
What lack of empathy? I think everyone would agree losing the photos sucks. However, I think claiming it "ruined" (the bride's words, not ours) the cruise (not only for her, but her parents, siblings, and others) is going over the top.
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[quote name='S.A.M.J.R.']I edited my post as you were writing yours. A professional photographer should take steps to ensure the photos are actually taken.

What lack of empathy? I think everyone would agree losing the photos sucks. However, I think claiming it "ruined" (the bride's words, not ours) the cruise (not only for her, but her parents, siblings, and others) is going over the top.[/QUOTE]

Ruined is subjective but can no one put themselves in her position and understand? In fact it did ruin the cruise for them, they said it did. Would it for you? Maybe not, but is there no empathy for her feelings? It's not just a silly cruise picture of your table mates that was lost.

So much good information exchanged here but so many sycophants of the corporation. Norvo virus? Shake it off, not their fault. Hurricane? Not their problem, you knew the risk Fire on deck? Accidents happen? Got your order wrong in MDR? Just a chance to try new items. 15 year old in the Solarium? Child overboard and be done with it. Platinum member in the DL? Put them in the brig. Some, SOME, folks values and ability to judge are out of control.

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Yes, it is sad that they don't have professional photos, but the complaint still seems over the top.
[quote]Wand says she’s heartbroken after an intimate wedding aboard the Oasis cruise ship July 14th turned into a nightmare.[/quote]

I have actual nightmares, and losing pictures is not a nightmare. I have also had horrible things happen on vacation (Hurricane Gilbert on Cozumel, seeing someone die horribly on a shore excursion), and once the film place lost a roll of film from a family vacation. They don't compare.

Losing pictures is a disappointment. At the end of the cruise, they are still married and had a lovely time. Do they deserve some compensation? Yes. Is this worthy of a news article? No. Mistakes happen. I am hoping RC learns, and has its photographers start being more careful of wedding pictures, and perhaps adopting a belt-and-suspenders policy, but this is still blown out of proportion IMHO.
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[quote name='heyabbott']Ruined is subjective but can no one put themselves in her position and understand? In fact it did ruin the cruise for them, they said it did. Would it for you? Maybe not, but is there no empathy for her feelings? It's not just a silly cruise picture of your table mates that was lost.

So much good information exchanged here but so many sycophants of the corporation. Norvo virus? Shake it off, not their fault. Hurricane? Not their problem, you knew the risk Fire on deck? Accidents happen? Got your order wrong in MDR? Just a chance to try new items. 15 year old in the Solarium? Child overboard and be done with it. Platinum member in the DL? Put them in the brig. Some, SOME, folks values and ability to judge are out of control.

Sent from my iPad using Forums[/quote]

Most posts suggest that the compensation was good. And many say that the "ruined the vacation" stance is too far.

How does that make them sycophants of the corporation? I doubt that anyone here is going to get a discount for thinking that RCI did a reasonable thing based on a mistake.

Should they have gotten more compensation? Should the photographer be fired for making a mistake? That seems a little more heartless than "your vacation wasn't ruined" stance.

Maybe we all should hope for some massive problem so that we get some extra compensation? Edited by alfaeric
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It's ridiculous to claim that her wedding turned into a nightmare. Was the wedding that awful? My opinion is that the bride is definitely over reacting and I wonder how she is going to take all the future ups and downs of married life. Statistics would state that she may or may not even make it 10 years in the marriage. I think Royal offered the best option of retaking the pictures.
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