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avoiding frisking by TSA agents at airport security


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I'm a 35 year old female with multiple body piercings. Needless to say, I set off the security alarm every time I'm at the airport. I get the whole pat down thing every time, which gets a little intimate, espically considering where some of my piercings are located!

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For females who do not like to be groped by TSA agents at airports, this is what I plan to wear.

1) no bra, only undershirt

2) no barettes

3) tight t-shirt

4) tight yoga pants

5) tennis shoes which I will have to take off.


I have not tried this outfit, but a month ago I got singled out for special screening. The agent (female) was directed by her male supervisor to find any metal on me, she found 2 metal stays on my bra and a metal hook and eye closure which she had to touch everywhere she found metal. I was lucky as compared to the girl in front of me who had an underwire bra on.

I had a large t-shirt and some dockers type slacks on and I am baby boomer white female. I was upset by this whole affair and vowed not to fly again, but then I couldn't go on a cruise, so I am going to try these clothes.


I say barrettes because I was originally asked to remove my barrettes, but I thought that was ridiculous and I have no comb or brush with me in carry on, so I said they could use the wand, I didn't know I was going to be frisked for not wanting to have my hair messed up for the next 4 hours. I either had to put up with the frisk or leave the airport. That was the only two choices. It didn't matter that I took out my barettes, they still had to frisk me.


So things have changed since December 2004. When I got home I did a bunch of web searches and found they about 15% of women are frisked like this. I think this is outrageous. I hope my change in clothing will keep me from being frisked this time. This is a warning to women who wear bras with metal in them (remember that eye and hook closure in the back - that is metal).


I posted this on the air cruise forum too, but I don't think anybody reads that one. If you have any other ideas of how to avoid getting frisked, please tell.

According to the TSA and the Dept. of Homeland Security: the searches are randomly selected at the time of the purchase of your tickets. When you book your flight, the number generated has an alphabetical letter associated with it. If that letter is an S or SS then you will be pulled aside and thoroughly searched regardless of your age, race,sex, of anything else.

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According to the TSA and the Dept. of Homeland Security: the searches are randomly selected at the time of the purchase of your tickets. When you book your flight, the number generated has an alphabetical letter associated with it. If that letter is an S or SS then you will be pulled aside and thoroughly searched regardless of your age, race,sex, of anything else.


Our boarding passes all were marked "SSSSS" in the lower right-hand corner. With all five of us being selected, I can't believe it was random. (At least I remember that much from probability and statistics class in college:D )

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I don't understand why no one minds the indignity we put up with to travel. I am throughly felt up each time I travel because I refuse to take off my shoes until they give me a chair to sit in with my feet held off the filthy floor while they sniff my shoes. Personally, I'll take my chances when I fly. Just like we do every single day in life. I am more likely to die from some disgusting disease I pick up walking thru security at Atlanta's Hartsfield airport barefoot than I am from terrorism. No I am not being a smart a$$. What is NOT acceptable for some of you? Squat and cough? That is probably next. Heaven forbid someone figures out how to make a bra bomb, jock strap bomb, you get my drift.

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I believe if you are traveling together, all will be marked. At least that is what happened to hubby and me.


The family in front of us in strict security consisted of mom and two young daughters. Only one of the daughters was marked for strict security; mom and the other daughter were along for the ride, since the kid couldn't very well go through security herself. Natty, I hate flying; I hated it before 9/11 and I've hated it even more since. This past July was the first time I'd flown since 2001, although DH flies several times a year. I don't like the whole experience, from arriving at the airport to baggage claim on the other end. However, I "keep my eyes on the prize" - if I can get through the flight, there's a great vacation waiting for me. If I don't fly, my travels are rather limited. And having changed planes at Hartsfield (and running through the terminal to make a plane that's leaving in less than 10 minutes), going barefoot for a few moments is the least of my worries!

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I figure that if I'm picked to be searched, then I'll just cooperate fully and there shouldn't be a problem. I don't have anything to hide so I'm not really worried. I didn't get any special searches when I went to Europe and back but if I had, no big deal. I'd rather that they do searches and possibly catch somebody doing something wrong than not do them and miss somebody who should have been searched.

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It was because I refused to remove my barettes that I got frisked. I have since found out (according to the TSA) that I had the right to be frisked in private (which was not offered). I removed my barettes immediately when I realized what was about to happen, but it was too late. And the real question is why wasn't I (and anyone else wishing to do so) given the opportunity to remove my bra so that they would not find any metal? The line? 2 people were in line that is all, they had plenty of time to search all they wanted. And plenty of time for me to go to the bathroom to remove my bra. But only two choices - frisk now or be removed from the airport.


But I wear metal glasses, and they didn't they ask me to remove my glasses. And if I were to remove my glasses I would not be able to see them to return them to my face. So what are people with 20-800 vision to do if they ask me to remove my glasses. I can't find them at home, which is why I always take them off in only one place.

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I believe if you are traveling together, all will be marked. At least that is what happened to hubby and me.


Yep, and we got the red sleeves to hold our tickets in to make sure everyone knew we must be the "bad people". Us and the family with the 7 y.o boy and 3 y.o. girl next to us getting frisked. I'm thinking they are not terrorists, but I guess you never know.;)

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I believe if you are traveling together, all will be marked. At least that is what happened to hubby and me.


Me and my fiance have been searched both together and separately. Seems fairly random to me. What's not random is why we always seem to get picked. At least one of us anyways. I don't think it's a racial thing. It's obviously not a sexist thing. Doubt it's an age thing. We're just supremely unlucky in that regards I guess.

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I don't understand why no one minds the indignity we put up with to travel. I am throughly felt up each time I travel because I refuse to take off my shoes until they give me a chair to sit in with my feet held off the filthy floor while they sniff my shoes. Personally, I'll take my chances when I fly. Just like we do every single day in life. I am more likely to die from some disgusting disease I pick up walking thru security at Atlanta's Hartsfield airport barefoot than I am from terrorism. No I am not being a smart a$$. What is NOT acceptable for some of you? Squat and cough? That is probably next. Heaven forbid someone figures out how to make a bra bomb, jock strap bomb, you get my drift.


Since 3000 people died in the World Trade Center, many of us are willing to put up with being searched. If you remember this started when planes were hijacked to Cuba in what seems eons ago. I wouldn't assume that the terrorist will do the same thing again so complete searches are the only way to try to make it less likely that something else doesn't happen. No one ever has gotten sick from a floor unless you licked it. You take your shoes off at home with you hands do you immediately wash them afterwards? If this troubles you you can drive any where you like.

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My 15yo son learned the hard way not to wear "punk" pants with about 25 fake zippers. You should have seen the look on his face when the latex gloves were put on.


I thought I read somewhere that hand lotions containing glycerin would set off some kind of alerts.

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If it raises the level of security even one iota than who cares. I travel all the time for business. Every now and then I get the pat down. Yes, I've forgotten to take out a hair clip and it set the machine off - do I freak out that my hair may not look good, nope - not important enough. Trust me, the TSA operators are not getting cheap thrills out of patting us down. Think about the downside - I've seen some pretty nasty, disgusting people I wouldn't want to touch with a ten foot pole, but they have too.


As for frequency, there is both randomness as well as certain profiling. Frequently I have to buy a one way ticket, that is usually a trigger. Short time frames from purchase to travel also a trigger. In addition to these triggers, they include random selection.


For the slight inconvenience it's all well worth it. Even if it seems arbitrary and unprecise, I'll take it. Better than nothing. If your worried about those horrid germs you might get from the floor, here's a novel idea - wear socks! You can easily remove them and either dispose of them if they are so offending or stick them in a baggy until you can wash them.


In this day and age, even if you are not a seasoned traveler, there is enough information about the requirements of travel. As the OP suggested, her clothing choices may make the process a lot faster. Kudos, good idea. My greatest complaint is all the "resisters" who will argue being searched, or insist that their keys won't set the machine off. Take the minute or two, empty your pockets and leave the zipper clad pants home. The long lines and waits I've experienced are worse on weekends when it is primarily the casual traveler. Business travelers have it down to a science and keep the process moving.


For the sake of homeland security, let's just be a little more forgiving for the minor inconveniences we have to incur. There are people such as those from 9/11 who have suffered far worse "inconveniences" that I'm sure they would trade in a heartbeat for!

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Business travelers have it down to a science and keep the process moving.


For the sake of homeland security, let's just be a little more forgiving for the minor inconveniences we have to incur. There are people such as those from 9/11 who have suffered far worse "inconveniences" that I'm sure they would trade in a heartbeat for!


DH always empties his pockets, takes off his watch and shoes, and puts everything in a bin to go throught the xray machine, and goes through just fine. The TSA folks are just doing their jobs - and their jobs were created by the folks we elected in Congress. If you don't like it, complain to your Senator/Representative. As for 9/11, I will always remember that as I was driving to work along the NY Thruway that bright blue September morning, AA Flight 11 flew right over me en route to WTC Tower 1. A friend of ours from church lost her nephew in Tower 2, and another friend walked through WTC1 from the PATH station only moments before Flight 11 struck Tower 1. I can handle the inconvenience of a search in the airport if it helps prevent another 9/11.

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It is a running joke between DH and myself that one of us will be pulled aside for a more thorough inspection. We've had our checked bags come to us several times with a TSA sticker on them, presents unwrapped, and items shuffled. We've had tickets (one way) a few years ago that got our bags a hand inspection at the gate, and got us segreated to sit in a "special" area prior to boarding. I'm sure that those who get to wand the bottom of my bare feet really get their jollies. I'm sure the TSA baggage people love looking/smelling my dirty clothes. I've been frisked, husbands been frisked. I will gladly submit to a public frisking if it increases my odds of a safe and uneventful flight. We've gotten smarter over the past few years--I now always take off my shoes. In the past I had assumed my sandals had no metal in them--they did. I try not to wear pants with pockets in them. My carryon bag is not overstuffed, because it can be hard to push everything back in once it's been opened and looked through at the end of a table with people streaming all around you. Another thing I do is always say "thank you" to the screeners. It is a thankless job, but one that is crucial to maintaining our air saftey. Happy travels everyone!

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  • 2 weeks later...

It's just a sign of the times and as others have said.....whatever needs to be done is fine with me. One can't pick out potential threats by sight. Criminals of all sorts come in all shapes and sizes. I only get annoyed when I'm near somebody in line who's complaining about security procedures. In my opinion...THEY shouldn't be allowed on the flight!

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I get searched everytime I go. I'm in a wheelchair.


Ditto that!! I have a prosthetic leg and even though I can walk OK I always use my wheelchair for those long waits in line. I have yet to NOT get searched since 9/11. They always ask me to remove the shoe from my prosthetic but I just say; that one does not come off. Then they wipe it down to check for explosives. (Hey STUPID, I'm already missing one leg, you think I want to lose the other?) :eek:

I asked about it once and their explanation was that handicapped people (Wheelchairs) are a good "cover" for terrorists so they always get the full routine......lucky me!! :cool:

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My son is a TSA and you would not believe what people try to conceal in their clothing! Be happy that you are being thoroughly scanned. You would not want someone sitting next to you with some of the things they confiscate! I have learned what to wear and how to make the TSA's job easier. It isn't just the unusual people who try to bring dangerous items.

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Smeyer418 I caught a very nasty foot germ on my way through Atlanta last year!!! I had to fork out 500 USD for Doctors & medications in Fort Lauderdale over the next 2 days. It salready started itching on my flight from atlanta to Ft. Lauderdale so I knew where it came from!!

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because if the TSA didn't RANDOMLY screen flyers they would most certainly be sued by the ACLU. They are doing the best they can under the rules and the laws they have to follow. When we decide as a society to wake up and concentrate on the real threats, we will be much better off. Until that time we will have to put up with some of these intrusions.

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Anymore I carry a Ziplock bag in my carry-on. Before going through security I put everything (belt, coins, wallet, keys, jewerly, cell phone, etc.) in the bag and toss it in one of the trays along with my shoes. Yes, it's a pain to do, but it saves the hasssle of having the detector go off and then getting frisked.




Eliot Ness has some good advice. Using a ziplock bag or just putting the potentially offending items in your carry-on bag before you go through the security checkpoint can save you some inconvenience.


Of course I liked Silly2003's original suggestion too.....I think all women should come to the airport with no bra, wearing a tight t-shirt and tight yoga pants.


....hey, I need something to entertain me while I'm waiting for my flight.

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What exactly does this mean? Care to elaborate?



All it means is we have to stop being politically correct and afraid to offend someone's feelings. Perhaps a little profiling might be in order. We really have a pretty good idea of who the threats are but we can't say that because it is not politically correct.

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