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This Thread Is To Be Used For All Discussions About HAL's On Board Smoking Policies

Host Walt

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After over 2000 responses on over 100 pages with this subject, one might want to guess how many people have changed their views on smoking as a result of all the time and effort volunteered here by so many people.


My guess would be zero.


My thought would be that over a dozen have taken up smoking to calm their nerves over this subject! And they ALL booked verandahs!;)

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We had booked a verandah for our first ever cruise on the Zaandam, without realizing HAL's rule until I found CC. I was worried it would be a concern ( and quite likely would not have booked HAL had I known before). The reality was that we were lucky. Our verandah was second from the front so we had unknowingly reduced the odds of smoke being blown in. Neither of or neighbours smoked so it was not an issue. Still I'm not sure I would take the gamble in the future.


The only time we noticed smoke, and it was irritating enough to make us leave the verandah, was in port in Skagway. We think it had drifted up from a verandah below somewhere.


We quickly learned where to avoid smoke on the ship. I think it was meant to be limited to one side of the aft but there were ashtrays and smokers on both sides on more than one occasion. We never went into the casino but the smell was evident even from the nearest part of the Mix bar next door and from the corridor at the other side. The smell was of stale smoke and was even present when there was no active smoking as far as we could see.

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After over 2000 responses on over 100 pages with this subject, one might want to guess how many people have changed their views on smoking as a result of all the time and effort volunteered here by so many people.


My guess would be zero.


It's our way of making our feelings known to anyone reading (hopefully someone at HAL with some influence to do something about it) and release our frustrations HAL was chosen to be the smokers' cruise line. If it didn't matter so much to those of us who post often about it, we wouldn't be doing it. :)


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If enough people speak up about this, and continue to speak up, HAL may eventually listen...just like all the other lines did. I, for one, will not stop telling HAL how I feel about this issue until they ban smoking on balconies.


That's an interesting strategy, post often in the expectation your "voice" is counted each time you post.


I don't think it works that way. And here's why I have that opinion.


A couple of years back Azamara decided to do away with their 4 piece string entertainment, and the uproar on Cruise Critic was something to behold. Post after post denouncing the change, people pledging never to sail with Azamara again. It was terrible on the Azamara thread, the angst, the beating of the breast the dire threats of the cruise line going broke if the decision wasn't reversed. Multiple posts by the same person, much like multiple posts on this thread by the same people over and over and over again.


Azamara had a "Chief Blogger" who participated in the Forum, and he was asked with all the backlash why wasn't Azamara reversing their decision."Clearly so many people were so upset, why just look at the number of postings on the thread ?"


His reply was along the lines of yes indeed they did make note of the comments on Cruise Critic, as well as other Social Media and traditional forms of feedback. He was open and honest in explaining that although some people had posted their opinion multiple times, in the tabulation of opinions done by Azamara the persons opinion was only counted once. It didn't really matter how many times they posted an opinion, one poster one opinion.


I would suspect any business conducting a sampling would use the same process.


My learning from this is, post as often as you want, one person one opinion, it's only counted once.

Edited by WpgCruise
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That's not the point. Look at the social media uproar when NCL made a new rule that food cannot be taken away from any dining facility including the buffet. There was enough internet backlash to make NCL reverse the new policy. Same thing happened several years ago regarding RCI's loyalty program. If enough people speak up about this, and continue to speak up, HAL may eventually listen...just like all the other lines did. I, for one, will not stop telling HAL how I feel about this issue until they ban smoking on balconies.


I'd be happy with a ban on just starboard or port side, but they also need to make it very clear (big red letters when you book or something similar) what the situation is so people know what to expect.


"Just sail another line" doesn't work so well when HAL has lots of unique itineraries or other things that appeal. It's totally an economic issue for the cruise lines (even leaving aside things like starting fires on balconies) of whether banning smoking will result in more or less business. I'm hoping to find cruising delightful, as I love to travel but hate flying, and the pack/unpack, schlepping luggage around part of travel, and so a big floating hotel really appeals. I would love a verandah, but no way in hell am I paying the extra bucks for one if there's a risk a smoking neighbor may make it unusable.

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That's not the point. Look at the social media uproar when NCL made a new rule that food cannot be taken away from any dining facility including the buffet. There was enough internet backlash to make NCL reverse the new policy. Same thing happened several years ago regarding RCI's loyalty program. If enough people speak up about this, and continue to speak up, HAL may eventually listen...just like all the other lines did. I, for one, will not stop telling HAL how I feel about this issue until they ban smoking on balconies.


I agree. I don't believe most posting here aspire to convince others not to smoke. According to Travel Weekly there were 65,000 views on a CC thread regarding the NCL prohibition on food taken to cabins before Frank Del Rio (FDR) blinked. This thread, regarding HAL smoking, has 149,411 views, apparently it takes Stein Kruse much longer to get the message.


It is true that many posters do post more than once and that counts as one opinion as it should, who would logically expect the one screaming the loudest to have the most influence? It is also true that some cruise lines are steadfast in their determination to stick with a management decision. I spent a good portion of my professional career in transportation, a lot of it related to tourism and I assure you, we did pay attention to what our clients wanted, couldn't always deliver, but we did pay attention.


The two reasons why we stick with this thread are: 1. As you suggest, to let Stein Kruse know our thoughts. and 2. I believe it is going to take some time for negatives of having HAL as "the only game in town", as far as balcony smoking goes, to manifest. Therefore, as the HAL balconies begin to fill up with smokers, some of those who experience this and dislike it are going to post, most likely here or in ship reviews. As four star Mariners with over 200 sailing days on HAL we haven't given up on them completely yet, but getting close and we are not booking them anymore either. In order to evaluate the situation as it transpires then, we have to depend on the threads.


We have no pending cruises with HAL and have canceled two cruises on them. We have rebooked with Princess. Smoking was a factor in both cancellations but to be truthful it only had a small and indirect contribution for the first but was probably 50% of the reason for the second. Both cruises were Mediterranean Grand Voyages and TAs, the first for 32 days and the second for 55 days.

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I'm not going to say anything, pro or con, regarding balcony smoking.


Cruisers can choose to cruise on HAL or any other cruise line. I have read where many of the HAL cruisers posting on this thread and CC in general, have been on many HAL cruises or have shares in the cruise line. Subsequently, they amass perks with each sailing. Are some, or all, willing to use those accrued perks and compromise their principles, regarding balcony smoking, or "suck it up" , continue to cruise on HAL and lobby for change? Or, will they choose to cruise on another line where there principles, in some cases their health, are not compromised, but they will not have the sailing days to up their perks?:)


We all make choices. What is most important? I know my wife and I can go on any cruise line and I can decide not to smoke on the balcony, not smoke a cigar period, OR book with HAL and have that option. I will not be a "frequent floater" on any cruise line because I do not want to be reeled into a situation where I'll look at the accrued perks and base some decisions on "extra" benefits ($$$) and not on what is important to my wife and me. They are not the only cruise line marketing "frequent floater" programs and it's a good way for them (cruise lines) to try and trim their competition. i just "googled" "frequent floater" and not on google :eek: Quite alliterative though, eh?;) By George, I may have coined a new catch phrase.:D

Whatever cruise line I book; my having a cigar on the balcony or not; is not a deal breaker. A relief and a breath of fresh air to have that kind of flexibility:cool:

Edited by Cantorindahouse
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Seeing you asked.......


HAL tells me I have over 800 days with them and I am Five Star Mariner with all the perks......


I have no cruises booked with HAL at the moment but am sailing NCL for the first time ever. :eek:


That is not to say I won't be returning to HAL nor to say smoking is the 'only' reason I have chosen to book elsewhere.


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Cruised HAL reluctantly for first time due to smokers on balcony and we did get lucky! Only one evening in Alaska we could not use the balcony. Their were only 3 smokers I ever saw on the back deck smoking section. The smoking areas on the ships are set up well so as to not bother non-smokers.

I did mention on my survey that being allowed to smoke on balconies will keep us from booking and it's too bad because I really did like HAL better than the other lines.

Glad we have this forum.


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The smokers who keep mentioning that the balcony dividers cannot possibly allow smoke fumes in neighboring balconies have failed to mention there are spaces above and below each partion. I did smell cigar and cigarette smoke on our balcony and the ship was at sea. Yes, it was nauseating enough to have to leave my balcony. There were no smokers on either balcony next to me.


While I cannot explain the physics of how it was possible; I experienced it and know somehow it happened. I have seen seen feather light objects float every which way in the breeze and I suppose smoke odor would weigh less and therefore float even more freely.

I have no problems with smokers. I feel it is my right to enjoy my balcony without the negative effects of someone else enjoying their balcony. We have not booked a future cruise on HAL for this reason.

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I will continue to enjoy a cigar on my balcony on every cruise line. six am or midnight and never in port.


Yuckkk...Even tho, most pax are not out at 6 or 12, I am on the balcony on those times, and the stink would ruin my night, or morning.


Maybe at 4 AM it may not bother anyone. Else, just chew, and spit the thing, it stinks way less that way :)

Edited by jpelleti007
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I will continue to enjoy a cigar on my balcony on every cruise line. six am or midnight and never in port.


Stick to Midnite😄

I am sleeping then but I enjoy my coffee at 6am!

You know I would much rather smell a good cigar over stinken cigs any day!

We are having our fingers crossed that this med cruise next Oct we will be free of the horrible smell!

We were lucky on our last cruise with the Nieuw doing our 24 day with no one smoking!

A good Choban cigar is nice!

Sorry if I had a choice guys cigars would win!

And I believe our new CEO of HAL does not give a rats you know what!!!

It is all about the dollar!

Guys on June 4th remember the big announcement in NYC from corporate on Carnival.

Denise :)

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I will continue to enjoy a cigar on my balcony on every cruise line. six am or midnight and never in port.


Hey, pretty emphatic statement there corkpopr. I have no problem at all with your specific times for enjoying your cigar, except that you are breaking the rules. Unfortunately, I'm pretty certain you will and can get away with it, even though you would be breaking the rules on fairly close to 100% of the lines going today. Arrogance has it privileges they say.


But then consider, corkpopr, that perhaps someone catches you, you will receive probably nothing more than a tongue lashing at the very least and at the very worst being ostracized and/or banished from future booking on said line. As, after all you are getting away with it because it isn't such a serious affront to civil disobedience is it, in your mind anyway?


However, corkpopr, beware of the marshal arts expert that posted a few hundred posts back, who had his gut full of those, like yourself, knowingly violating and flaunting smoking rules. Unless, you are one yourself (marshall arts or tough guy) you will find yourself a broken wreck of a human in your adjacent corridor.


Are you still be going to have fun then after that? My gosh, that is against the law, correct, what that guy did to you? Well, so, much for rules. So sad, sob, sob.


But if you want to wise up, here are the latest rules, I think: http://www.cruisecritic.com/articles.cfm?ID=225

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Hey, pretty emphatic statement there corkpopr. I have no problem at all with your specific times for enjoying your cigar, except that you are breaking the rules. Unfortunately, I'm pretty certain you will and can get away with it, even though you would be breaking the rules on fairly close to 100% of the lines going today. Arrogance has it privileges they say.


But then consider, corkpopr, that perhaps someone catches you, you will receive probably nothing more than a tongue lashing at the very least and at the very worst being ostracized and/or banished from future booking on said line. As, after all you are getting away with it because it isn't such a serious affront to civil disobedience is it, in your mind anyway?


However, corkpopr, beware of the marshal arts expert that posted a few hundred posts back, who had his gut full of those, like yourself, knowingly violating and flaunting smoking rules. Unless, you are one yourself (marshall arts or tough guy) you will find yourself a broken wreck of a human in your adjacent corridor.


Are you still be going to have fun then after that? My gosh, that is against the law, correct, what that guy did to you? Well, so, much for rules. So sad, sob, sob.


But if you want to wise up, here are the latest rules, I think: http://www.cruisecritic.com/articles.cfm?ID=225


Out of curiosity, what rule is he breaking?

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Out of curiosity, what rule is he breaking?


On HAL he would be breaking no rules which is why many of us now avoid HAL. But nearly every other line prohibits any smoking on a balcony and the few who still allow balcony smoking generally limit it to cigarettes. We are aware of one family that was tossed off a Princess cruise for smoking in inappropriate areas (after warnings) but cannot say if anyone has been thrown off a ship for smoking on a balcony.



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On HAL he would be breaking no rules which is why many of us now avoid HAL. But nearly every other line prohibits any smoking on a balcony and the few who still allow balcony smoking generally limit it to cigarettes. We are aware of one family that was tossed off a Princess cruise for smoking in inappropriate areas (after warnings) but cannot say if anyone has been thrown off a ship for smoking on a balcony.




We just sailed on the Coral Princess and I barely thought about on board smoking, I hardly saw any one smoking. I generally saw a handful of people Inside the Churchill lounge. I did not see or smell smoke on the pool decks, promenade deck or balcony. We did not spend much time on the pool decks. The casino is now open to the International cafe and to a back hallway, I smelled no smoke walking by these areas.

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We just sailed on the Coral Princess and I barely thought about on board smoking, I hardly saw any one smoking. I generally saw a handful of people Inside the Churchill lounge. I did not see or smell smoke on the pool decks, promenade deck or balcony. We did not spend much time on the pool decks. The casino is now open to the International cafe and to a back hallway, I smelled no smoke walking by these areas.


So much for the claims that there is smoke EVERYWHERE when cruiselines eliminate balcony smoking. On my last princess cruise I had a jerk smoking on the balcony next to me. On the rest of my cruises on princess people adhered to the rules.

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And the point is? There are some posts that have been removed as they were attacking other posters so not sure what point this proves. I will continue to be vocal about something I don't enjoy. If no one ever complained about smoking we'd still be in restaraunts, offices, theaters etc surrounded by smoking.

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Out of curiosity, what rule is he breaking?


Depends upon which line, but he claims he smokes on all of them regardless of any particular cruise line's no-smoking rules, read my CC link to most cruise line smoking policy. For instance, most prohibit smoking on balconies period. Cigars included. Except for HAL. Examples:


Where You Can't: Smoking is prohibited in cabins and on balconies. Also, smoking is not permitted in any dining venue, casino, theater, hallway, elevator or corridor. On Celebrity's Solstice class, the Lawn Club and the Sunset Bar at the Lawn Club don't allow smoking.


Cigar and Pipe Smoking: Cigar and pipe smoking is allowed only in specially designated sections of the open decks.


Here is typical language in cruise ship contracts with clients:



"Guests choosing to disregard the policy may be subject to monetary penalties -- up to the fare paid for passage -- that will be imposed to cover the costs associated with the required cleaning of stateroom furnishings, verandas and surrounding deck and accommodation areas. Guests are also kindly reminded that the Master of the vessel reserves the right to disembark any guests, without prior warning, for violation of this policy and said guest(s) shall be responsible for all fees levied by governmental or quasi-governmental authorities, all costs associated with repatriation and vessel's loss of revenues from said forced disembarkation or costs associated with repairs or replacement of furnishings as a result of combustion of accommodation areas found to be caused by said guest(s)."

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We just sailed on the Coral Princess and I barely thought about on board smoking, I hardly saw any one smoking. I generally saw a handful of people Inside the Churchill lounge. I did not see or smell smoke on the pool decks, promenade deck or balcony. We did not spend much time on the pool decks. The casino is now open to the International cafe and to a back hallway, I smelled no smoke walking by these areas.


We just got off the Coral as well, in mid January. Experienced the same.

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We just booked a verandah cabin. Now I remember we have not booked them the last few HAL cruises because we could not use one sailing because it always smelled smoky.

Funny thing on the Caribbean cruises I searched--balcony cabins are the same price as oceanview cabins. Maybe they are not selling well because others feel as us and thus the reduced pricing.

I feel for the same price, we will chance it, but would not even pay $100 per person more to chance it on HAL. At worst we have a really big window;)

We have not cruised for a couple years and I hoped the smoking policy would be more restrictive. Maybe time to go back to Celebrity.

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I realize there may be a penalty, and if necessary I will pay it.


Well, on some lines such as Princess the penalty is $250 per offense. That can get expensive. Stick to HAL.



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