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Cruising and returning with illness . Is it worth it .


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I haven't gotten sick on a cruise, but different people have varied susceptibilities to illness. Air travel is probably more likely to cause illness than a ship. On one cruise I was on a friend came down with "walking pneumonia", whatever that means, but didn't find out until returning home. If I did often experience illness on cruises or other activities, yes, I would consider not doing it or finding an alternative. At least giving it thought.

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My experience: I've never gotten sick on a cruise ship. Airplanes, yes. The last time I was sick, which was a couple of years ago, I had Norovirus-like symptoms and still have no idea where it came from. I hadn't been anywhere except work and no one there was sick. Maybe the grocery store? That certainly is a possibility.


Is it worth it? IMO, yes, it's worth the risk. Life is risky no matter what you do or where you go and illnesses are everywhere. The benefits of traveling far outweigh the risks. But, I hardly ever get sick so what do I know?

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You asked, now I'll answer.


Less than a dozen cruises and never been sick. Okay, I once overindulged in some alcoholic beverages in Mexico, :D but other than that remained healthy. I do bring sanitizing wipes and hand sanitizer, plus I wash my hands thoroughly on a regular basis. So far, no problems.


So here's my question, Ken...what exactly is your point?


You obviously have a beef with P&O and believe that they are responsible for your illness, but there are thousands of passengers who step off cruise ships every day, healthy and happy.


I guess I don't understand why:


A. You've chosen to air your grievances YEARS after your last cruise.


B. You've chosen to air your grievances in an obviously pro-cruising forum.


C. You frame your argument not with facts, or proof or legitimate research from a reputable source, but from personal experience (which may be valid for you, but probably doesn't apply to us).


D. You don't explain why EVERYBODY on the ship didn't get sick.


E. You make a declarative statement that cruising causes illness, invite others to share their opinions and experiences, but remain dismissive of those comments.


I mean sure, I get it. You invested a lot of money in your trip, got sick, and blame it on your cruise (BTW, did you ever file a claim? Demand compensation from the cruise line? Bring a lawsuit?). I wonder if you ever stopped to think that maybe cruising wasn't for you? If your fears are such that the thought of getting on another ship makes you pause, then maybe you shouldn't.


Good luck to you.

Edited by Laughing Angel
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On our last day of a 4 weeks holiday in Australia I fell ill with a really bad chest cold. We were flying home via Hawaii and San Francisco and I struggled through, although it did impact on what we did. No idea where I picked it up, but it hasn't put me off returning to Australia and have been 3 more times and never been ill again.


You were obviously unlucky, but please don't post such negativity here. You could cruise again and never be ill. I suspect the problem is that you didn't enjoy the experience of cruising and are looking for a reason. Cruising isn't for everyone and that apparently includes you. Move on and leave the rest of us to enjoy the cruise.

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Guess we should have added our history to the mix. DW and I have spent far more then 3 years on cruise ships, been on 14 cruise lines, more then 60 different ships, and cruised to and around 6 continents (have not yet been to Antarctica). In all those cruises neither one of us has ever had Noro....which we attribute to simply a lot of hand washing and disciplining ourselves to avoid touching our face. As to respiratory illness, DW has had a couple of problems, but no more or less then she got when she worked as a teacher.


I should mention that of all the trips we have taken (to over 100 countries) the worst illness either of us suffered was in London, England where DW got what we think was a bad case of influenza. So based on the OP's theory, I guess this means everyone will get sick in London and should avoid that place.



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Maybe a better thread should be on how to decrease your risk of becoming ill. Yes, avoid close confines as much as possible. Hand washing is the biggest help. Eat well, try not to lose sleep. Avoid alcohol. Drink plenty of water. DH and I became ill from bad food in a hotel restaurant before flying to our cruise port. I became ill several days after the start of one cruise with a respiratory infection. I think most things we contracted were from venues before the actual cruise ship. If you are afraid of becoming ill on a cruise then find another past time. :rolleyes:

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It's been 38 years, but I still miss him, of course. I didn't intend for this to be a "downer" post. Seriously, the consolation was that we could look at all the neat things he got to do and places he got to see before the ripe old age of 20. (He was killed on the base in Sicily). If he had either put it all off because of the "yeah, but, what if's...", he never would have done it all and we wouldn't be able to say "at least he enjoyed his life."



Could you get sick? Sure. And, of course, people with compromised immune systems know, or should know, how to minimize their own risks. For the rest of us, well, we do what we can, cross our fingers and just GO, for heaven's sake! Cliche, I know, but YOLO. :rolleyes:


Thanks .Do you know that YOLO (you only live once ) has been accepted into the English language and can now be found in the Oxford English Dictionary along with Humblebrag.


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Hmmm, I didn't realize this until I read this post. Last month I cruised on the Legend. When I returned home, I came down with Bronchitis. I also could have picked it up in the hotel, Walmart, or at the Bahama Breeze we were at days before. Is that going to make me quit cruising? No way, I will be off and away next month.

Dr is curing me as we speak. Did I pick it up on the cruise? Probably, but as long as they can fix me, I will be off again.

It's worth it to me. You have to die of something, I hope to cruise myself to death.. lol

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Okay...here's the deal...at least the way I see it. I have been in the process of dying since the day I was born. I have to choose how I'm going to live this life of mine. I can either curl up and hibernate in my own home for fear I might get sick by being out and about and around people. In which case I will die alone, having merely existed in fear. Or I can choose to get up and out of the house, enjoy life by spending time with friends and family, go places, do things and experience life. In the first scenario, as I already said, I really only exist in fear, I don't really live life. In the end, I die. In the second, I am participating in life. Yes, I am taking a risk when I step out my door. But I am LIVING. And, in the end, I die. I think I'll take my chances and enjoy my life! I'll leave the merely existing and being afraid of getting sick to others...I'm having too much fun!

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Maybe a better thread should be on how to decrease your risk of becoming ill. Yes, avoid close confines as much as possible. Hand washing is the biggest help. Eat well, try not to lose sleep. Avoid alcohol. Drink plenty of water. DH and I became ill from bad food in a hotel restaurant before flying to our cruise port. I became ill several days after the start of one cruise with a respiratory infection. I think most things we contracted were from venues before the actual cruise ship. If you are afraid of becoming ill on a cruise then find another past time. :rolleyes:


Avoid Alcohol!!!!! Surely you jest.

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I leave for my cruise in 3 weeks. I will fly aboard a large tin can in the sky, breathe recycled air and sit next to someone I don't know, change planes in a big busy airport, eat some yucky airport fast food and may well be exposed to multiple germs that could cause miserable illnesses.


Later, I'll board a luxury hotel on a ship, breathe lovely sea air, eat gourmet food and see sights I've only dreamed of seeing and probably will never see again. I'll have memories that will last a lifetime. I will probably drink too much at least one night and will learn my lesson. I may be exposed to germs that I somehow avoided in the airport.


I have a chance that I'll be sick, maybe quite ill through some of this. Unless, it is a hemorrhagic fever I'm exposed to, I don't care. To answer the original questions, Yes, it's worth it.

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Alcohol kills germs!!!! ;) Good idea about hand washing. Clean hands can save your life. :) Best advise is to look after yourself and enjoy. Mom was right. :D


Just poor the alcohol on your hands:D Over indulging in alcoholic beverages can affect the ability of your white blood cells to fight infection. Lots of variables involved, but if I am worried about getting sick I'm going to keep the imbibing to a minimum. That's probably the key to most everything.. moderation. Its also important to remain well hydrated.. so there ya go!

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Latest research from CDC this week:


If you live in the general US population, you have a 1 in 15 chance of contracting Norwalk Virus.

If you take a cruise, you have a 1 in 12,000 chance of contracting Norwalk Virus.


I would take my chances on a cruise.

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Just poor the alcohol on your hands:D Over indulging in alcoholic beverages can affect the ability of your white blood cells to fight infection. Lots of variables involved, but if I am worried about getting sick I'm going to keep the imbibing to a minimum. That's probably the key to most everything.. moderation. Its also important to remain well hydrated.. so there ya go!


Everyone who ever died was exposed to water.

Just sayin'............

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I think Laughing Angel had the best post! Basically why even post this years after your cruise???

We typically come down with a cold on almost every trip, land or sea. We have cold meds from France, Germany, Russia, Hungary plus what we take with us.

We feel we get them in airports and on airplanes with the recycled air.

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We have not cruised for a couple of years . Why? You might ask .


On returning from our last cruise I came back infected with a severe chest infection . Which persisted for about four month's .


We paid thousands of pounds to fall ill . Large numbers of people herded together increases the odds that you will catch something.


It is not worth it. There is no way to protect yourself .


No -one is suggesting that you avoid all contact with fellow human beings . But it is about odds and exposure .


You are 100% convinced that you got infected while on a cruise. You are also 100% convinced that anyone else who cruises puts themselves at risk of severe infection.


The only thing that I can recommend is that you take vacations where you can drive to the destination. Don't put yourself at risk of being crowded into a ship, airplane, train, or bus. Reduce your odds of exposure.


I'm sorry that you spent so much money only to fall ill. But the rest of us can make our own risk assessments.


"Those convinced against their will are of the same opinion still."

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I am asking the opinion of other cruisers and those who are yet to cruise . Yes and guess what I have experiences and opinions and the right to post them.


I don't see where your op asked for opinions. Your mind was already made up that it isn't worth it. My opinion? It I S worth it. I have been on a dozen cruises to various places at various times of the year. The only time I got sick was from an overseas flight when I got chest congestion, probably from being near an ill passenger for over seven hours. You can get sick anywhere there is a crowd, not just on a cruise ship.

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I don't see where your op asked for opinions. Your mind was already made up that it isn't worth it. My opinion? It I S worth it. I have been on a dozen cruises to various places at various times of the year. The only time I got sick was from an overseas flight when I got chest congestion, probably from being near an ill passenger for over seven hours. You can get sick anywhere there is a crowd, not just on a cruise ship.


Surely . Asking is it worth it ? That is asking your opinion . Do you feel that it is justified the cost relative to the risk.


I believe that you have answered a question yourself . When you state that "you can get sick anywhere in a crowd" .No bigger crowd than a cruise . Also on a ship you are meeting and remeeting .


I guess you got lucky and didn't catch anything on your previous cruises . Gives you no guarantees for the future.


The point is still being missed . There is no more concentrated place than a cruise ship and it attracts the more mature who might be more vulnerable.

Who would probably not go on an adventure holiday and yet they have more chance of getting ill on a ship than mountaineering .(contagious sickness)

Edited by kenshaz
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I think Laughing Angel had the best post! Basically why even post this years after your cruise???

We typically come down with a cold on almost every trip, land or sea. We have cold meds from France, Germany, Russia, Hungary plus what we take with us.

We feel we get them in airports and on airplanes with the recycled air.


Because . When we became ill on our last cruise (both Norovirus and respiratory which lasted for months ) it changed our perception of the risks involved in cruising . We therefore decided to post in an attempt to counsel others to alleviate our feelings .

Do you not believe that experiences which happen to you in your life ,can effect your feelings ? I will make an analogy .Perhaps you should advise the victims of a mugging that their fear of going out is unfounded.

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I have a cruise planned for November. So I'll touch wood. In fact, just to be on the safe side from Noro, I'll start stroking it.


Sorry to inform you that magic and superstition will not protect you . Washing your hands will reduce the risk . But you could wash your hands raw and still develop a very nasty respiratory infection with complications .

I guess if you are in peak condition with no underlying medical conditions you will pull through . But it will not be a pleasant experience .


In England we touch wood ,never stroked it .But whatever rocks your boat.

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Surely . Asking is it worth it ? That is asking your opinion . Do you feel that it is justified the cost relative to the risk.


I believe that you have answered a question yourself . When you state that "you can get sick anywhere in a crowd" .No bigger crowd than a cruise . Also on a ship you are meeting and remeeting .


I guess you got lucky and didn't catch anything on your previous cruises . Gives you no guarantees for the future.


The point is still being missed . There is no more concentrated place than a cruise ship and it attracts the more mature who might be more vulnerable.

Who would probably not go on an adventure holiday and yet they have more chance of getting ill on a ship than mountaineering .(contagious sickness)


Seems as though millions and millions of cruise passengers are getting "lucky" (in your eyes).


Maybe it's just that you are unlucky??? ;)

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