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Having completed a cruise in July, and going back on board in Sept, I thought about those passengers doing a World Cruise, or maybe several segments of a World cruise.


Shows, - In July it was the same old shows that have been offered for past 7 YEARS. the solo acts were the same old performers, doing the same routines - even wearing same outfits. I had read that a new group of performers would be on but that did not happen.


Do you have to put up with the same shows over and over again on a World cruise?


I did three B2B2B in July, and found the exact same menu's on the same day of each cruise.


Is this how it is on the World Cruise (I am of course writing about meals in the Britannia)


Do they ever vary the Breakfast menu?.


Perhaps I am being anal about this, but I do think Cunard need to look at the entertainment on board very seriously, if people are to be "loyal" and travel on Cunard, time after time, we do need some NEW ENTERTAINMENT, and some new menu's.


Todd English for instance, again exactly the same menu on every one of my 23 cruises.


When I am on board for 22 days, I will not be attracted to TE when every day is the same dishes.


I was told Mr English had been on board several weeks earlier and had re vamped the menu, but no sign of that on my cruise.


A report from a World Cruiser would be interesting.

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We were on only for 29 nights from Singapore to Southampton this year. I must admit the shows were somewhat repetitive, but there were so many other things on offer, it wasn't a problem for us - the shows aren't a big deal for us.


In the Grill's Lounge, an excellent string quartet played a few times - as well as in various venues throughout the ship - and each time, they had a different programme.


Menus were also repeated, but there was always something suitable, or else they'd make something to suit. We chose not to dine at TE.

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Having completed a cruise in July, and going back on board in Sept, I thought about those passengers doing a World Cruise, or maybe several segments of a World cruise.


Shows, - In July it was the same old shows that have been offered for past 7 YEARS. the solo acts were the same old performers, doing the same routines - even wearing same outfits. I had read that a new group of performers would be on but that did not happen.


Do you have to put up with the same shows over and over again on a World cruise?


I did three B2B2B in July, and found the exact same menu's on the same day of each cruise.


Is this how it is on the World Cruise (I am of course writing about meals in the Britannia)


Do they ever vary the Breakfast menu?.


Perhaps I am being anal about this, but I do think Cunard need to look at the entertainment on board very seriously, if people are to be "loyal" and travel on Cunard, time after time, we do need some NEW ENTERTAINMENT, and some new menu's.


Todd English for instance, again exactly the same menu on every one of my 23 cruises.


When I am on board for 22 days, I will not be attracted to TE when every day is the same dishes.


I was told Mr English had been on board several weeks earlier and had re vamped the menu, but no sign of that on my cruise.


A report from a World Cruiser would be interesting.



Which ship are you referring to?


They do tend to do the same shows for years it's true. They haven't done Rock the Opera in a long time though. I rather liked it because it was fun.

Edited by Tess of the Sea
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On my QV World Voyage this year, the ship's entertainment group repeated their shows during each segment. The entrainers they brought on board changed out at most ports. I heard that many of these entrainers are repeats frm past years. Some were good, some nos so good.



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Which ship are you referring to?


They do tend to do the same shows for years it's true. They haven't done Rock the Opera in a long time though. I rather liked it because it was fun.


This is the down side of cruising. The menu has two to three weeks worth dishes. then it repeats. The shows seem to hang around for ever...at least several years and are mostly the same on all ships of that line.


You don't notice the repeating menu if you do just one 7 day to up to maybe 14 or so day cruise. However, if you stay on for a B to B you will see the menu again and probably on the same day of the cruise. This is true on all lines we have sailed, be it the Carnival held ones including Cunard and Seabourn, X, HAL, NCL and Regent. On the world cruises and the 60+ day Grand Voyages, the dishes repeat and some get every old! Sometimes, the chef does try to mix up the offerings so the menus don't look just like the one two weeks before. This may be more true on the smaller ships (less than a 1000 passengers) though.


On many of the larger ships, Cunard is in this group, the specialty restaurant menu doesn't change period. On the small ships the same space may serve several types specialty restaurants on a rotating basis. Some specialty venues may also have a nightly special type of thing. Both Seabourn and Regent do have a specialty venue that rotates through a group of mostly set offerings.


When we first started cruising in the early 80's (first cruise was on Cunard and we were hooked) we loved the shows. It was all new and exciting. But we didn't do more than one cruise a year back then and then never for more than 14-21 days. That was all the vacation we had! Fast forward 30 years and into retirement ....the shows hold very little interest any more.....nothing really new. Though we do enjoy many of the small musical groups in the bars and dancing venues, we rarely go to the shows anymore because they are so repetitive.

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For alternative dining you could go to one of the King's Court $10 banquets. They really are quite good but ask for a seat on the righthand side of the KC as they close that side down to through traffic and it is slightly more private as a result.


As for shows they did change the production company to Qdos from Belinda King, sounds like Qdos are just recycling the same shows which is a pity. After 23 cruises I am not surprised you are weary of the productions. The one with the Cossack dancers is quite good but not after 23+ viewings I am sure.


A quick question. You must know some of the crew and officers quite well by now. Why not raise your concerns directly with them? I know that instant changes would not be forthcoming but at least you would be challenging them in their own back yard and they would have to listen, as opposed to doing so in a chat forum that they may or may not monitor?



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On my QV World Voyage this year, the ship's entertainment group repeated their shows during each segment. The entrainers they brought on board changed out at most ports. I heard that many of these entrainers are repeats frm past years. Some were good, some nos so good.




You may have a point about recycling entertainers.


I was on QE2 in 1993 one of the entertainers was Allan Stewart. I was on QM2 in 2012 one of the entertainers was Allan Stewart. In fairness to Allan Stewart however, he was entertaining on both occasions.



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I did the 28 day Sydney to San Francisco this year, the shows did not repeat, they had different entertainers on, the Maori dancers went with us from Aukland to Tonga as we missed the last port in New Zealand. The meals were different, enjoyed the Kangaroo Steak, Wild Boar sausage and Crocodile Brochette dinner. If you take the behind the scenes tour you will see that there is not much room to store sets and costumes for different shows. I enjoyed the trip but only you will know if this is for you.

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You may have a point about recycling entertainers.


I was on QE2 in 1993 one of the entertainers was Allan Stewart. I was on QM2 in 2012 one of the entertainers was Allan Stewart. In fairness to Allan Stewart however, he was entertaining on both occasions.




He also performed on this year's QE World Voyage.

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Having completed a cruise in July, and going back on board in Sept, I thought about those passengers doing a World Cruise, or maybe several segments of a World cruise.


Shows, - In July it was the same old shows that have been offered for past 7 YEARS. the solo acts were the same old performers, doing the same routines - even wearing same outfits. I had read that a new group of performers would be on but that did not happen.


Do you have to put up with the same shows over and over again on a World cruise?


I did three B2B2B in July, and found the exact same menu's on the same day of each cruise.


Is this how it is on the World Cruise (I am of course writing about meals in the Britannia)


Do they ever vary the Breakfast menu?.


Perhaps I am being anal about this, but I do think Cunard need to look at the entertainment on board very seriously, if people are to be "loyal" and travel on Cunard, time after time, we do need some NEW ENTERTAINMENT, and some new menu's.


Todd English for instance, again exactly the same menu on every one of my 23 cruises.


When I am on board for 22 days, I will not be attracted to TE when every day is the same dishes.


I was told Mr English had been on board several weeks earlier and had re vamped the menu, but no sign of that on my cruise.


A report from a World Cruiser would be interesting.


The main shows by the singers and dancers (I believe there were five) were repeated each segment but there were so many performers brought on for a few shows that it did not bother me. Some of the shows I saw more than once but there were other things to do if I did not want to.


Items repeated on the menu but usually it was not all the same (like not the exact same six main courses).


I have read the same complaint about the shows being on the ships for years on other lines. Evidently so much is spent on the shows the lines can't afford to mount new ones too frequently.

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When passengers spend time in the theater, they aren't spending money in the bars, casino or shops on board. On board spending nets more revenue than fares. So it seems to me that cruise "shows" are a loss leader. I'm thinking that cruise line perspective is that shows should not be so good as to distract passengers from other venues that are far more revenue enhancing, but rather just good enough to entice bookings - just my theory. -S

Edited by Salacia
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My memory of 28 and 36 day segments (of World Cruises) includes a change of performers at various ports. Off with the old and on with the new. Performers and insight speakers disembarked and flew "home."


Menus didn't seem to repeat in their entirety, but certain main courses were served more than once. The one that I remember (because it was so odd) was beans served on a baked potato… Honest!


I remember "Rock the Opera" from our first crossing in '07. The costumes were fabulous! (Singing and dancing were good, too)

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... I remember "Rock the Opera" from our first crossing in '07. The costumes were fabulous! (Singing and dancing were good, too)
Rock the Opera (or was it Rock at the Opera? I can't remember) is the only singing/dancing "production" show that I've seen on-board QM2 more than once (four times: '06, '07, and twice in '08). To me it seemed it was the only show to make full use of all the stage machinery in one hour! The revolve, the four rising platforms inside the revolve, the orchestra pit rising and falling, the drop-down glitter-ball from the central chandelier etc. Other shows I've seen in the Royal Court Theatre have used elements, but not all, and have been a bit so-so (imho), but I enjoyed Rock (at) the Opera :) Edited by pepperrn
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We are on the QM2 and it is day 19 of a 30 day voyage from NY to Norway, Hamburg, Soton and back to NY. Our waiter warned us that the menus would repeat and they did after about 9 or 10 days. We saw Appasionata on the TA to Soton and it is on again tonight. We saw it the first year it was on and have seen it every year since. They say it is in "it's sixth exciting year." A couple of the entertainers we have seen before on other ships. One, a fabulous tenor originally from New Zealand, performed on the NY to Soton part and then not again. That means he was on for eight days and only had one evening of performing. Would have loved to have seen him again. But, it's been a smooth, lovely voyage on this beautiful ship!

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When we did the 22 days around Australia two years ago, I was astonished to see "Hit Me With a Hot Note." That one was on QE2 at least 15 years ago. I asked the CD why they dredged up such an oldie and he said on a long segment, it's either that or repeat the newer ones. He added that it costs a lot of money to put together a new production, so they keep reusing the ones they have. I thought QM2 was supposed to get a new show this year?


On our crossing this spring, I think the CD referred to Appassionata as their "signature show."


The other shows (the ones not done by the resident performers) were different every time. That cruise had the advantage of lots of port stops so they could trade in the "used" ones for new ones, as jimmybean described.

Edited by 3rdGenCunarder
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(some text deleted)


When we first started cruising in the early 80's (first cruise was on Cunard and we were hooked) we loved the shows. It was all new and exciting. But we didn't do more than one cruise a year back then and then never for more than 14-21 days. That was all the vacation we had! Fast forward 30 years and into retirement ....the shows hold very little interest any more.....nothing really new. Though we do enjoy many of the small musical groups in the bars and dancing venues, we rarely go to the shows anymore because they are so repetitive.


In the '80s, the shows on QE2 were done by Jean Ann Ryan Company. They produced shows specifically for QE2, often working in projected vintage photos to tie the songs to her history. I remember that they did a show for Cunard's 150th anniversary, and that one did not show up again in later years. They often made great use of the double staircases in the shows.


That company was later replaced by "Broadway Bound," who should have been bound and gagged...

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QM2 has a new group of singers and dances, but they are still churning out the same old (very tired of seeing ) 6-7 year old shows.


Same with individual acts , not only same people, but exact same act word for word, even same clothes.


PLEEEESE can we have some new entertainment.!!!!!!!

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QM2 has a new group of singers and dances, but they are still churning out the same old (very tired of seeing ) 6-7 year old shows.


Same with individual acts , not only same people, but exact same act word for word, even same clothes.

PLEEEESE can we have some new entertainment.!!!!!!!


That's really sad. The times we've seen performers a second time, the acts were different. But I think it may have been a year or a bit more between shows. If you sail more than once in a year, you are more likely to see repetition.

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We are on the QM2 and it is day 19 of a 30 day voyage from NY to Norway, Hamburg, Soton and back to NY. Our waiter warned us that the menus would repeat and they did after about 9 or 10 days. We saw Appasionata on the TA to Soton and it is on again tonight. We saw it the first year it was on and have seen it every year since. They say it is in "it's sixth exciting year." A couple of the entertainers we have seen before on other ships. One, a fabulous tenor originally from New Zealand, performed on the NY to Soton part and then not again. That means he was on for eight days and only had one evening of performing. Would have loved to have seen him again. But, it's been a smooth, lovely voyage on this beautiful ship!


I thought they had finally ended Appassionata. We have seen it three times in four years and enough is enough, it's time for something new please!

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