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QE2 - January 3, 2006 - Six Day Crossing


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For those who, like me, will be in London prior to boarding, the Transport for London website has a response to the planned London Underground strike due to begin at 12 noon on New Year's Eve day and last for 24 hours. You can see it at




The Jubilee Line was already scheduled to be closed, should make getting around interesting. Fortunately my hotel is in a great location for walking!

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Tom I am hoping too.


This will be my fourth crossing and I have never yet managed any real weather. On one the ocean was like a mill pond for the whole way until Ireland where we reached about a force 7 (nothing). I have been through a few force 9 and 10s but only in costal seas, I want to see what an ocean can really do!


I am at the moment making all the preparations for my two week trip round the US after I get off the ship. I have a spreadsheet, of course, with all the details on it.



Should there be a competition on who has the most lists and spreadsheets in the Golden Lion (not a Chart Room activity) on the third night out? Points for number of lists detail, obscurity and use of colour/charts.

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Hot darn! I'm doing the doc dance, well sorta, and the tickets do indeed say cabin 1067 for Cheryl and me. Right now it's just an abreviated dance. I'll do the doc with passport in hand dance when my passport comes back from the Brazillian Embassy with a visa in it for my QM2 trip 'round the Horn.


I'm not sure if Cheryl has any idea what this doc dance thing is. Then again, I still haven't seen her to pass her set of docs along. Perhaps when I do, next week, she'll feel that doc thing and be overcome by it. ;)

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Should there be a competition on who has the most lists and spreadsheets in the Golden Lion (not a Chart Room activity) on the third night out? Points for number of lists detail, obscurity and use of colour/charts.


Are there any extra points awarded for printing business-sized cards with your name, the ships' name, you cabin number and email address? How about if it also has your own personal logo on it (some intertwined initials)?


So I'm down to only two three-ring binders to carry, I thought I was doing pretty good. A redacted copy of the itinerary (names, dates, places, no reservation or confirmation numbers) have been stuffed into the suitcases, and there are three differrent cards for each luggage tag, each one showing the next planned destination.


And yet... the best remembered times of any trip I've ever taken are those events that spring out of nowhere, were never planned, and could not have been anticipated. The place you found when you were out looking for somewhere else, the sudden turn you took that displayed a wondrous sight, the conversation you had with the taxi driver that made you laugh and left you deeply grateful, and that moment when you looked at the palm of your hand, saw it covered with unfamiliar coins and realized you had absolutely no idea of how much money you were looking at.


Happy Holidays to everyone, and all the best for the New Year!

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Well Ken, logos are good : Cunard is a good one to have and personal ones are a stroke of genius.


Now the three ring binders might be going in the wrong direction, conciseness is important. Three ring binders is fine as long as you have a summary page for each one giving the most pertinent information.



The best part of travelling is always the new and unexpected experiences like you say. This is also the same in everyday life: people watching, such a great sport.

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Will this keep up for the following week? If we did have weather like that, it would be something awesome.

It would certainly be interesting... I don't think I'd want six days of it, but a day or two of real weather would be fun.


only in costal seas, I want to see what an ocean can really do!

Well... What's coastal? "Coastal" seas can give some pretty wicked weather.


I experienced quite a storm this summer on ROTTERDAM crossing the North Sea... I would say about 20 ft seas, our cabin window (at roughly the same height as three deck on QE2) was underwater most of the night and waves were breaking over the boat deck (equivalent of two deck level). So if the North Sea is "coastal"...


I've even experienced some pretty wicked storms in the sunny Caribbean, and not during hurricane season either!


Really, just about any body of water can be pretty nasty. Of course the North Atlantic as the reputation as nastiest of them all, but they can all act up if they want to. (Even fresh water - remember the EDMUND FITZGERALD!)


Fortunately, those hoping for bad weather should take solace in the fact that I tend to attract it, much to the dismay of family members...


the tickets do indeed say cabin 1067 for Cheryl and me.

Good, then nobody can change you back down at the last minute ;) .


I changed my cabin assignment (purposefully) from 4154 to 4143 but I am told by my travel agent (who has seen them - they're in the mail to me now) that they have the old cabin number. Same goes for other clients of his who are on this crossing and have had changed and/or upgraded cabins. So I'm actually a bit surprised that your docs reflect your new cabin!


Apparently Cunard now use those ghastly pre-printed airline-style baggage tags. Of course mine all have the wrong cabin number on them now!


business-sized cards with your name, the ships' name, you cabin number and email address?

What if you get a Frank-and-Cheryl style upgrade, but at the last minute? Then you have to cross out the cabin number and put in the new one ;) !


A very Merry Christmas to all WCC members who celebrate. As for a Happy New Year - well, we certainly will be starting it off nicely :) ...

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Depart date WCC member Routing(Airline)


12/23 Stowaway 2K: LAX-LHR (Virgin)-DUB-EDI-Southampton


12/26 tandemtourer/captaintandem: Boston - London-Southampton

12/26 Ken W: SFO-LHR


12/28 Skipperette/Transatlantic Tom/Commodore Mik: MSP-ORD-LHR (AA)


12/29 sfo-john: SFO-London

12/30 transat: LAX-London-Stuttgart-Paris-Waterloo-Southampton


12/31 Brian Boru: BUF-IAD-LHR


1/1 Greatam: PHX-ORD-LHR

1/1 NewtoQE2: LIT-ORD-LHR

1/2 juliecat: PDX-SFO-LHR

1/2 Allis154: Halifax-LHR (Air Canada)

1/2 Host Doug: JFK-LHR (AA)

1/2 Post Captain: Newark-Boston-LHR

1/2 eroller: Atlanta-ORD-LHR (AA)

1/2 Calliope/Confetti: Cincinnati-ORD-LHR-Duke of Wellington


1/3 guernseyguy: Waterloo- Southampton[/size]



(Tom - using Skipperette's logon)

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Originally Posted by Ken_W

business-sized cards with your name, the ships' name, you cabin number and email address?


What if you get a Frank-and-Cheryl style upgrade, but at the last minute? Then you have to cross out the cabin number and put in the new one


That's exactly what should be done (in black or blue-black ink only), using a single line through the original cabin number.


What, you think in the old days when you had to have an expensive brass engraving plate made everytime a little detail like your name or address changed you threw away all your old cards? (OK, your address wasn't supposed to be on your calling card, but it's the concept of the thing.)

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Hi Tom


The only crossing I did in 2004 was the December westbound. It got a little choppy on the first day out but overall was fairly smooth during the day. When the seas were highest, it was night time so you could not see them.


My routing to Southampton is simple, 03Jan06 Edinburgh to Gatwick and then train(or bus if problems) to Southampton. My return trip is LAX-LHR-EDI on 21Jan06.



Seasons greettings to one and all.

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Captaintandem here now in delurk mode, posting via Rebecca's computer. I've been reading these threads regularly and with increasing frequency as our departure date draws near. I am the consort to Tandemtourer and wish she had convinced me earlier to begin travelling by ship.


To the keeper of the Cabin Cavalcade list - please be sure to enroll us now that we have our final assignment: Cabin #1074. Home of the Tandems (Rebecca and Tom) for 8 glorious days.


Transatlantic Tom, your latest list is most enjoyable. We're leaving tomorrow and not completely packed:eek: .

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MERRY CHRISTMAS Ernie! (And everyone else of course!)


It's a White Christmas here today... But not in the "I'm dreaming of a..." sense! One looks out the window and sees white... FOG! I feel like I went to bed on Long Island and woke up in Seattle!


At the moment I'm re-reading "The Only Way to Cross" (I haven't read it in years and forgot how great it is!) and today's weather reminds me of this passage:


The last eastbound crossing I made was on the Queen Elizabeth 2, an anomaly whose service requirements dictated a scheme of design half Atlantic and half Caribbean. We traveled in a bank of fog for the entire five days and the white blanket that remained outside those large dining-room windows designed for the tropics became increasingly opressive.


(Note: This was written in 1972. I do not know how many eastbound crossings John has made since, but I suspect it is quite a few!)


The windows in my house are not designed for the tropics, but I have rather the same sensation!


PS: Ernie - you're having some kind of e-mail trouble... Your personal e-mail, not home. I just got an e-mail from you sent on Thursday! Other e-mails coming in "on time" so I don't think it's on my end. Just FYI.

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Cunard sent to Cheryl and me two different styles of documents. I received the old style 8.5 x 11" white paper ones all stapled together in a glossy white folder marked Cunard. The section for bon voyage gifts and services is just color Xerox copies of the pages in the back of the new style spiral bound tickets. My ticket is clearly printed room 1067. Cheryl's docs are the spiral bound ones and the CA for Caronia is crossed out and the new room written in.


We both received those ghastly airplane/Princess style luggage tags with the new room assignment penned in also. I still have my QE2 tag on my carry-on from 2003. It is cardboard stock and has a litho of a long gone Cunarder on it. It's a great conversation starter. I'm afraid the ubiquitous new ones will be removed quickly after the trip in over.


Here's wishing all of the WCC members and everyone else on Cruise Critic very joyous Holidays and a prosperous New Year!

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Hi Tom


The only crossing I did in 2004 was the December westbound. It got a little choppy on the first day out but overall was fairly smooth during the day. When the seas were highest, it was night time so you could not see them.




Yes, we were with you for that crossing last December. That first day and night out was lively, but not too terribly bad, to be honest.


We were at a 6-person table in Mauretania, and had the table to ourselves for dinner the evening of the first full day out. The other four at our table couldn't make it up to dinner !! Jan & I managed just fine, had a delightful dinner, went to the Yacht Club for a nightcap, and generally enjoyed ourselves.


We'll keep "working the beads", watching the maps for the North Atlantic, and keep our fingers crossed for some interesting conditions. Our beloved John Brown/Upper Clyde-built ship will see us through...


God bless those Scottish shipbuilders !!!


See you in The Chart Room, Jon.


Tom (using Skipperette's logon)

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As we rapidly approach the day of embarkation in Southampton, I'd like to say thank you to everyone for all of the interesting, thoughtful and fun contributions that have been made on this thread during the course of the last number of months.


What an amazing group !! I can't tell you how much I look forward to meeting all of you, seeing you in person, shaking your hands and -with a little luck- making a new friend or two.


We are a unique group. How many people do you know, in 2005, who would think to cross the North Atlantic, in the winter, aboard a ship ??


I don't know of any....


We are embarking on a very special journey. For some like Host Doug, this will be their first T/A crossing aboard QE2; for others it will be a return to a familar friend, a much beloved "home", almost a "place" that we love....albeit a place that can move across the North Atlantic at 30+ knots !!


Thank you all. These wonderful exchanges have helped to inform me, and to add to my excitement.


With a little luck, and god-willing, many of us will be able to meet up again for either the January 2007 or April 2007 QE2 crossing...


In the meantime, it's safe to say that this entire group will not be making another QE2 crossing again together, so let's have a great crossing. This is something we will all remember for the rest of our lives.


Godspeed all !!!


Transatlantic Tom (using Skipperette's logon)

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I was travelling with my mate Dave last December. We were the same for dinner, table of six for just the two of us. We were thinking of inviting the people on the tables around us to come and join us to make a full table. I was concerned that the food might not be so good because so many of the staff were missing too, but all the cooking was very good.


Afterwards we went to the Grand Lounge to find the advertised entertainment, a juggler, had been cancelled and we had a pianist instead. We were looking forward to seeing the juggler trying to do his craft on a lively stage. There were at most 50 people in the lounge, when normally you cannot find a seat.


It is nice when things are not so busy.


At the moment it looks as if will still be quite choppy this year. There are high winds from the gulf of Mexico for the the end of this week which I hope will produce some high seas for us.



I will be in the chart room waiting. What was the final line up for meets by the way?

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Originally posted by Skipperette and Transatlantic Tom

Best Wishes to Ken, Rebecca & Tom for safe flights to London tomorrow !!


We're right behind you !!!!


Thanks. Safe travels to you both and Commodore Mik. Have a good time in London. Rain is forecast, so London is a wise choice...we may get quite wet on our planned walks in the Cotswolds.


Fingers crossed for clear weather on early Jan 3, say, about 5 a.m?


We wish good travels to Southampton for all, with easy connections, clear skies, and on-schedule flights.


We sincerely look forward to meeting this most illustrious group of WCC members. Reading this thread over the past months has made the waiting a real pleasure. Special thanks to Ernie for starting it.


Looking forward to upgrading from Associate to Full membership,


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Hi, All! If you celebrate Christmas, I hope it was happy!


My travel docs finally arrived on Friday just as we were leaving town. Glad to have them in hand! Now, my "to do" list is two pages long so I've got to get busy!


Would someone remind me of the time and place that our board members are going to meet? I would definitely love to put some faces to names.


Have a great day!


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Would someone remind me of the time and place that our board members are going to meet? I would definitely love to put some faces to names.


From Ernie, December 19:


Onboard meeting place and time. I went through the messages and it looks like this is the final meeting place and times we decided on. If this is not correct, please let me know. I am a little concerned about the meeting time on the first day at sea. I'm thinking it may overlap with the Captain's Cocktail party. What do you all think??


January 3rd (Sailing Day), 10 PM - The Chart Room

January 4th (First day at sea), 7 PM - The Princess Grill Bar/Champagne Bar



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Ernie, you don't have your name on the list - surely you are joining in?





Hi Peter,

Since we are now a week away, I think it's safe to say my cabin swapping days on QE2 are over. ;) Cabin change #4, and what I believe will be my final cabin on this voyage is 2108.


I look forward to meeting everyone in person, and certainly plan to participate in the "cabin cavalcade".



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