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Ocean princess venice to rome


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As I mentioned before there were cruisers on board who had been on already for two weeks so we were sailing with a mix of people who had joined the ship at 3 different ports. Being in the Med and a very expensive ship by big ship standards (costing $3500 more than the Regal for 7 days for a suite) the crowd was mostly mature adults who loved to smile and laugh and have fun without treading on other people's toes. There were very few kids and two of them belonged to one of the Engineering Officers and his wife who had brought them up well.


Having so many Aussies on board meant there was always lots of laughter and banter and the shows, although in small rooms, had good audience participation from people intent on enjoying themselves.


So a good group to sail with.


Dinnertimes always had plenty of energy. Wine bottles and a joie de vivre helped ensure that. Our waiter Oleg and his busboy Guido were energetic and very pleasant. I would see Oleg serving in the Buffet at 6 a.m when I went for my first coffee and here he was on his second dinner service of the evening, still looking fresh and enthusiastic.


Princess is good at hiring great people.

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When you come from the aft elevator as we did onto deck 5 you see this. Go right and you are in the corridor that features the photo gallery-go left and you are in the Casino bar and thence the Casino.




Casino Bar sitting area






You can see the photo gallery being set up nearby




Elegantly furnished





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Ha! As I was scrolling thru your photos of the casino/bar and photo gallery, my exact thoughts were EXACTLY what your last comment was! Yes, a VERY rich and elegant decor! I can picture a Cary Grant or Ingrid Berman movie set in that ship! Thoroughly enjoying my evening 'trip' with you and Carol!

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Ha! As I was scrolling thru your photos of the casino/bar and photo gallery, my exact thoughts were EXACTLY what your last comment was! Yes, a VERY rich and elegant decor! I can picture a Cary Grant or Ingrid Berman movie set in that ship! Thoroughly enjoying my evening 'trip' with you and Carol!


Well earlier I had commented on how drab the elevator areas were in comparison to the rest of the ship and as I show more and more of her you may agree that they look unfinished compared to the high gloss treatment of the public rooms.


I notice some folks are looking at my photos on Flickr but as I said before I am uploading as I need them so they don't tell the full story yet. There are no photos of Malta, Palermo, Sorrento or Rome there and there won't be until they take their place in the chronology. Flickr has been troublesome but I am sticking with it. iMovie too has it's issues and frustrates me too, to the point where i have to power off the Mac to kill the spinning beachball (which spun for over an hour earlier until I could take no more).


And don't get me started on youtube! LOL.


First world problems, I know.


Thanks for stopping by to comment. I thought I was alone there for a while.



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Thanks for stopping by to comment. I thought I was alone there for a while.




Norris, you don't need to worry about being alone. I'm sure there are many, many folks following along with you, but just not commenting often or at all. Don't stop!

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Norris, you don't need to worry about being alone. I'm sure there are many, many folks following along with you, but just not commenting often or at all. Don't stop!


That is true. We are following along diligently and looking forward to every new posting. Great stuff!

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Norris, I'm lapping this up. Thoroughly enjoying it! The earlier pictures you posted of the Ocean Princess somehow made me think the ship looked a bit ummm 'dowdy'? But her style seems to have grown on me. Your pics of the lounge in the casino and the bar in the MDR look wonderful. Very elegant and sophisticated. Great places for a quiet drink either predinner or nightcap.


Thanks so much for your hard work putting all this together. Much appreciated.

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Norris, you don't need to worry about being alone. I'm sure there are many, many folks following along with you, but just not commenting often or at all. Don't stop!


Howard stopping is not an option as I'd never get to tell you about Malta (that harbor-ye gods!) I am bouncing up and down in anticipation of that one. Palermo-well let's just day that will be different. Sorrento-Pompeii and Positano blew my socks off-either that or they lost them in the ship's laundry. And if I stopped I would never get to tell you about ROME.


Such a volume of stuff in front of me here to draw on. Stuff to share. There was only 680 people on this trip and this Itinerary is only being done twice this year by the Ocean so some of this and maybe all of this will be new to someone reading- it was all new to me and Carol.


I have to go slowly as I am living a life at the same time but I know it could be tiresome to keep checking in to find that there are only 10 new photos and maybe some folks will do a weekly round-up read.


Every comment or question is welcome and appreciated.


Thanks for stopping by!



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That is true. We are following along diligently and looking forward to every new posting. Great stuff!


Thank you! More to come tomorrow (sea day) and then we'll get to the dazzling ports one by one.



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Norris, I'm lapping this up. Thoroughly enjoying it! The earlier pictures you posted of the Ocean Princess somehow made me think the ship looked a bit ummm 'dowdy'? But her style seems to have grown on me. Your pics of the lounge in the casino and the bar in the MDR look wonderful. Very elegant and sophisticated. Great places for a quiet drink either predinner or nightcap.


Thanks so much for your hard work putting all this together. Much appreciated.


The hard work is also fun as I get to relive the cruise and remember things that are already dim.


I have many more pictures of the ship's beauty within. I have so far only been critical of the elevator lobbies and Sabatini's dull decor. There's also less art on board , especially the stairwells, but most of the public spaces will dazzle for their warmth and elegance.


I looked forward to writing about the ship as she doesn't get many in-depth reviews- those are the kind I like to read and like to write but I won't be photographing every doorknob or every dish in the buffet, breakfast lunch and dinner. There are other reviewers who cover every rivet on the ship and do it well.


I don't photograph the menus usually but will photograph our plates of food as reminders of what we liked.


I don't go out with a written plan of what I want to photograph or video- but I really should as I miss stuff and regret it later. Hopefully I'll get better at that and not have holes in my stories.


Glad you are warming got the ship. She's a little gem.


Thanks again,



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"I stayed up on deck as I could see that the big P & O ship was about to leave her berth when I had finished my snack-the Trident Grill is some of my favorite food onboard Princess ships as the include Malt Vinegar for the crispy chips (fries)"


I too like to stay up on deck when the ship is departing, as well as arriving in the wee hours.


Twice on the Ocean Princess, yet never tried the Trident Grill, and to think it serves some of your favourite food, like chips with malt vinegar.


Fascinating what different countries serve with their chips, such as mayonnaise in Holland.

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I'm enjoying your photos and videos. Thanks for the memories of Ocean Princess, in particular.


Did you listen to the piano player in the Casino Bar Sitting Area each night? It was such a tiny area, yet we sat in rows, concert style, enchanted by a piano player, who used no music, yet could play any song requested. He even learnt the names of his audience - impressive!


You chose well with your excursion in Dubrovnik, which seemed good value. Had to laugh when you thought you might be able to catch a taxi for a brief tour afterwards. That is the kind of thing I would be thinking. :)

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"I stayed up on deck as I could see that the big P & O ship was about to leave her berth when I had finished my snack-the Trident Grill is some of my favorite food onboard Princess ships as the include Malt Vinegar for the crispy chips (fries)"


I too like to stay up on deck when the ship is departing, as well as arriving in the wee hours.


Twice on the Ocean Princess, yet never tried the Trident Grill, and to think it serves some of your favourite food, like chips with malt vinegar.


Fascinating what different countries serve with their chips, such as mayonnaise in Holland.


If you like being up in the wee hours then although it's far from the middle of the night you might like our arrival in Malta....luckily I now have a camera I can use in low light. I can't wait until I show you Malta!


I've had the mayonnaise and also remember paprika on the "chips" when I first went to Germany but they were from a Middle-Eastern take-away so it might have been their preference.



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I'm enjoying your photos and videos. Thanks for the memories of Ocean Princess, in particular.


Did you listen to the piano player in the Casino Bar Sitting Area each night? It was such a tiny area, yet we sat in rows, concert style, enchanted by a piano player, who used no music, yet could play any song requested. He even learnt the names of his audience - impressive!


You chose well with your excursion in Dubrovnik, which seemed good value. Had to laugh when you thought you might be able to catch a taxi for a brief tour afterwards. That is the kind of thing I would be thinking. :)


No piano player for me on this trip-just another thing I manage to miss by not reading the patters. I did hear the girl singer/keyboardist duo as I was in the Photo Gallery one evening- they will appear in the sea day video coming up soon.

Even on a small ship there is always something going on but I often prefer just being on Promenade deck leaning on the railing watching the ship's bow wave as we race through the sea or talking to someone around a deserted swimming pool.


I fight the urge to over-schedule myself while at sea. We stick to the schedule where the excursions and fixed dinner times are concerned. This was the first time we were on a ship without Anytime Dining.



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Well without the Patters I am just guessing so may have to give details when I find them. I am writing this in Michigan and we think they may be in Chicago.


I think Monday night was Italian Night in the MDR but unlike the old days when I was on the Song of Norway there was no strolling accordionist dressed in a red and white hooped gondoliers shirt.


Club Restaurant on a slow night




With fixed seating the room was always full and lively and two bottles of wine were always brought to our table from my "stash".


All I have from this evening are a few food pics...


Prosciutto and melon




At a guess I'd say this is soup with some Parmesan cheese on top




Veal Saltimboca?




3 different Gelato




Tiramisu for Carol




If memory serves (and it doesn't) we went to the show in the Cabaret Lounge and saw a solo saxophonist. Yes, that's what I said. Quite the player on a variety of wind instruments with a sense of humor and great showmanship. Think Kenny G after he had a few double espressos. He was backed by the ship's band who are excellent readers and don't "phone it in". His stage name was just one word but I'll have to get back to you with that word. The room was maybe half-full. He had CDs for sale in the gift shop. As always he was introduced by Peter Roberts.

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As the Captain predicted the wind would be following us on our sea day (Tuesday)

so our normally sheltered balcony wasn't the Shangri-La it could have been.

The sea was choppy and later in the afternoon the ship was rolling and the horizon rising and falling.


Our room steward Luis had already brought my first bag of laundry back the day before and tonight would be another Formal Night.


Luis in our hallway on Disembarkation Night




The schedule for today revolved mainly around food; there would be breakfast in Sabatini's followed by a Pub Lunch followed by Afternoon Tea on the balcony followed by Formal Night dinner in the MDR at 8.15. We also had an invitation to the Captain's Cocktail Party in the Cabaret Lounge around 7 p.m.


In between I would make frequent visits to the Pool Bar to sit and chat with people from far and wide and expound the virtues of CC to them. I gave them written instructions on how to get to the Princess Boards. It was thirsty work and I was kept hydrated by Marisol from the Philippines. No Beck's beer on board so now I switched to Grolsch by the pool. With Marisol words weren't necessary-she would look my way from across the deck and a slight nod of the head brought acknowledgement and a cold Grolsch.






Here is the ship as I began my day. I went to the espresso bar in the buffet to try some fresh brewed coffee as I had my coffee card. After taking it to the pool to drink I decided to stay with the coffee syrup from here on in as it was very weak indeed. The cappuccinos in Sabatini's were complimentary so I really only used the card for double espressos with my Sambuca after dinner. I think I have a virgin Coffee Card for my next cruise.




Our first appointment of the day was on deck 10




You'll notice that the wall signage refers to the Italian Restaurant which we know on other ships as Sabatini's.




There were never more than 8 people having breakfast here at the same time. We were usually there are 9 a.m but service began at 7.30. Sea days meant they served until 10.30: port days 9.30.



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Today's breakfast began as usual-cappuccino with an extra shot of espresso and fresh orange juice. Yogurt and granola parfait? Si ! Fresh fruit plate and pastries/croissants. Apple turnovers I cannot resist.


For Madame the lox and well-toasted bagel (as requested)




For Monsieur the corned beef hash and lots of bacon brought from another kitchen as it's not on the Sabatini menu. Sab shares the same kitchen with the Sterling Steakhouse.




Suitably fortified- on with the day of doing nothing strenuous!

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To keep things moving along here is the video I shot on our only sea day.


Damn the wind noise! The tiny microphone on the camcorder takes a beating.


Also my apologies for including so much of the duo playing on deck but I loved the songs they were playing and the girl singer had a good voice. As you can see there are plenty of open loungers and no hogs were seen on the ship, befitting a mature group of passengers. There's a nice lazy sea-day feel to the pool shots but I think the band PA could be turned down a tad to help those that would like to take a snooze.


While I have been choosing photos to show I caught glimpses of our arrival in Malta photos (wiping up drool with Bounty towels) and so I am in a hurry to take you there.


Here's the video




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Carol reads her Kindle as she downloaded her newspapers each day thanks to our 150 minutes each of free Internet. Slow download times though.




A rare sight-another ship nearby






I never hit my head on this beam but it is something to be aware of on these raked balconies. Even though the stern is raked you cannot see onto the balconies from above. We can only see our neighbors when they stick their heads out from their balcony.



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Thank you SO much for your very entertaining reviews, and wonderful photos and videos.


I just watched the Day at Sea video, and now I'm even more excited about our upcoming cruise on the Ocean Princess, in November. It will be our first small ship, and I was a bit hesitant to book a smaller and much older vessel, but your photos and videos have really helped to diminish my concerns!


And, my husband and I are flying to Monterey next Saturday for a week there (for a conference) and a couple of days in San Francisco, so I also really enjoyed your Big Sur road trip video.


Thanks again! :)

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Smoking tables are port side at the forward end of the pool deck


Below is the smoking section (a wall mounted ashtray) on the Promenade Deck outside the aft elevator lobby. Gift shop and casino staff would come out here for a break.


There are also the back 4 tables on starboard side in the Tahitian Lounge...


Tahitian Lounge






and the Casino of course on non-smoking nights.


Duty-free cigarettes are available in the gift shops but the selection is tiny and they didn't have my brand. I stocked up at O'Hare on the way to Italy.

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