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I missed the ship last week! Allure, at first port... what to expect...


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Did you have travel insurance?


Curious as to whether travel insurance would have helped. We always buy it but I have no idea if we would be covered for something like that.


I doubt if any travel insurance policy would cover this even if OP had it since missing the ship was due to his own action. It's just like travel insurance won't pay if you miss your flight because you didn't allow enough time to get to the airport and got delayed in a traffic jam or your car broke down.

Edited by robtulipe
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Great, now I am not going to sleep tonight. It is such a worry about being late to the ship. I am one of those that tries to return way early even if it means missing time at a port.

This sounds like a case of the best laid plans going wrong. Until we have been in the OP shoes it is hard to know what we would do. I have learned from his adventure like the phone info! Who knew you could get back on the ship without your SS card??

Good luck to all cruisers out there. Be careful. Maybe we should invent an alarm watch communicator device. Waterproof of course. They would be set on ship time and would provide a shock if not turned off by entering the ship. We could call it WHERE ARE YOU?? RUN!!

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I feel very sorry for you.

Can't imagine what your family went through.

It's got to be the worse nightmare.

I know this very well, my sister and her daughter were left

behing in St. Martins 5 years ago, in her bathing suite, no money,

no passport, had to be flown to the next port on her own expense.

Not cheap. All because they did not pay much attention to the time change.

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My heart really goes out to you, you did what any parent would do.


Using your experience as a "Lessons Learned"


I know there's a temptation to "I can't believe you did this..." to OP but she's right. We're in the "lessons Learned" phase give give 'em credit for explaining what they did in that situation and sharing knowledge. God knows I never want to end up in those shoes, but maybe what I've read here will help if ever.


Seems they were using their phone as their clock (NEVER DO THIS!!!) because St Martin doesn't recognize Daylight Saving Time so they were an hour off!!!!


Also part of my reasoning for getting back to the ship so flippin' early when I probably have more time. Am I sure? Sure enough I'll never end up relating a similar tale?

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I've been thinking a lot about what I would have done in your situation. I'm most definitely not being critical of your decisions as I wasn't there and there's no telling what I really would have done. That being said, I think the best move would have been to go back to ship to see if he was already onboard. If he wasn't, then maybe you could get your passport, money, etc. off the ship and wait for him and let the ship leave without you knowing for sure that he wasn't on board. Just something to think about if you (or anyone else reading this) is ever in that situation. I wonder if the ship would let you sit on the dock and just watch it sail away if a family member was missing.....

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I have to say that reading this thread brings all the "emotions" up about "what if it was me." I have to say that, with 20/20 hindsight, I would likely go back to the ship and see if they were back. Then, if not, I'd get what I need to fly home (passport, money, etc) and stand at the boarding ramp and wait for my kids to arrive. If they don't, guess I'd wave goodbye and go to Atlantis and look for them.

No "right or wrong" answer. We do whatever it takes to make sure our kids are safe. My heart goes out to the OP as I can't imagine the panic and emotional upheaval at a situation like this.

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[quote name='4boysnana']Great, now I am not going to sleep tonight. It is such a worry about being late to the ship. I am one of those that tries to return way early even if it means missing time at a port.
This sounds like a case of the best laid plans going wrong. Until we have been in the OP shoes it is hard to know what we would do. I have learned from his adventure like the phone info! Who knew you could get back on the ship without your SS card??
Good luck to all cruisers out there. Be careful. Maybe we should invent an alarm watch communicator device. Waterproof of course. They would be set on ship time and would provide a shock if not turned off by entering the ship. We could call it WHERE ARE YOU?? RUN!![/QUOTE]
We have Verizon for our cell phone carrier and anytime we turn it on in a foreign port, we receive 3 text messages from Verizon. One text is telling us what the phone rates are and how to dial. One text is what the text rates are and the third is what the data rates are. We also use their online trip planner that shows us all this information in advance so we know before we leave home. It is not only important to know this information, but it is also important that you verify that you actually have international dialing on your phone and that the phone has also had all updates installed prior to leaving your home area.

Unfortunately, the OP had issues with his phone disconnecting. I wonder if he tried texting since they seem to go through better sometimes when phone calls keep getting dropped.
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Gland to hear that you made it back to your Family. As I Have posted on the other thread that this has happened before. Last year I was told by the excursion director that a father and son had missed the Oasis of the Seas, because they missed the ship they were also at Atlantis and had to spend over a grand to meet the ship in Saint Thomas.


I myself got stranded when I was on an excursion which I had bought from the Oasis of the Seas. When you do an excursion from a ship you usually have a guarantee that you get back to the ship. We were in Saint Thomas and had booked an excursion to Coral World. There were 2 vans that took us to Coral World, when it came for us to be picked our driver never showed up. There were 10 of us that were stranded we waited a half and hour and still no driver, they were closing Coral World. I saw a gentleman who was directing the Taxis and there was one taxis left so I walked over to the gentleman and told him that our driver Joe did not show up to pick us up. He got on his cell phone and called the driver right away, but there was no answer. The taxis driver asked what ship we were on and I told him it was the Oasis of the Seas and he said that he would bring us back to the ship, but he just had to drop off his passenger first. I said Thank You and called to the others and said we got a ride back to the ship everyone was very happy and thanked the driver who never asked for a full fare, we gave him money that we would have given to the other driver. When I got back to the ship I went straight to the Concierge Lounge and told the Concierge what had happened and he arranged a meeting with the excursion director and told him what happened and was given a discount on my bill. Here is something that Cruise Excursion director asked me to do is to try and find others that were also on the excursion which I only remembered one couple and they found me and I told them to contact the cruise customer desk and they also got a discount on there bill. Couldn't they look in the computer and see who purchased the excursion and contact them.

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My apologies, I'm back...


First, I know that some said that they would've gone to the ship and checked so see if son was on... but think about it, what if my friend left him, and my son was all alone in Atlantis, NO MONEY, no clothes, NO STREET SMARTS?! For those of you that said you would've gone to the ship, I really don't know what to say... just think about it.

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Passport: We didn't have one, wife and I had one that expired. We paid for this trip for the 4 of us, spent at least 5k or more, just for the trip. When we learned that only a birth certificate and license was needed, we figured we'd save the 600. Again, over 15 cruises, nothing has ever happened to us. It was a close looped cruise, what the heck, nothing is going to happen.

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I doubt if any travel insurance policy would cover this even if OP had it since missing the ship was due to his own action. It's just like travel insurance won't pay if you miss your flight because you didn't allow enough time to get to the airport and got delayed in a traffic jam or your car broke down.



Travel insurance would not cover missing the ship in this case - you are right.


My insurance covers me for the following:


"You miss a connection because of the delay of your connecting private passenger vehicle, when the delay is caused by the mechanical failure of your connecting private passenger vehicle, a traffic accident, an emergency police-directed road closure, weather conditions, earthquakes, or volcanic eruptions. Your connecting private passenger vehicle must have been scheduled to arrive at your point of boarding in time to comply with the travel supplier's check-in procedure."


In reading that, it appears that I would be covered for missing the ship if the above applied.

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I'll continue..


So, ship is leaving, I'm looking up at the bridge, begging, waving my arms, hoping that captain johnny would turn back. Alfred, the port authority said it's gone, it's gone. I just thought of my family, waiting for me, expecting me to come around the corner surprising them, but not this time. Reality kicked in, Alfred made a U-turn and ran into another person that worked at the pier. He asked her to take me. She said, take him where? There's nothing that I can. He kept gesturing to her to take me and do whatever. She wouldn't budge, and said I can't, there's nothing I can do! She rolled away!


Alfred said i'll drop you off at the gate. I asked him, told him, what am I going to do?! I don't know where to go, I don't know what to do. I don't know anyone out here! Again, the port was emptying out, and I know that Alfred sensed that I was really scared, which I was...

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Alfred sensed that I was scared. He's an English gentleman, in his 60's. As I mentioned earlier, he was yelling at me to get on the cart. But after the ship left, he was kind, understanding and even apologetic. He said that we were all calling you! The captain was waiting! They even had the gang plank down for you! As someone mentioned, he said once the ship starts rolling out, it's not coming back, it's like a jet! Its not like the old days.


I asked Alfred if he could get me on a boat and catch up to the ship. He said that this is no longer an option, they don't do this anymore and the Allure is to big. Was I mad at Capt. Johnny? Not at all! It's a business, and time is money, so I don't fault him nor am I angry.


Alfred says, ok, go out the gate, wait a block down at the corner. I'll be driving a blue van, when I honk, JUMP IN! This is when I turn into Jason Bourne, or James Bond! But, as I exited the gate, I realized that I'm the only 'white' person, all eyes are on ME! I have 3 backpacks, I'm trembling (I'm a big guy and can take care of myself, but..). I realize, I cant act weak, I've seen Animal Planet, I know what happens to the weaker animals!


So, I put on my sun glasses, put the one backpack into the other, fling them over my back and start acting like I belong there! I walked back and forth, with confidence! Inside, I was shaking! It wasn't night time yet, but the sun was definitely going down!

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Alfred sensed that I was scared. He's an English gentleman, in his 60's. As I mentioned earlier, he was yelling at me to get on the cart. But after the ship left, he was kind, understanding and even apologetic. He said that we were all calling you! The captain was waiting! They even had the gang plank down for you! As someone mentioned, he said once the ship starts rolling out, it's not coming back, it's like a jet! Its not like the old days.


I asked Alfred if he could get me on a boat and catch up to the ship. He said that this is no longer an option, they don't do this anymore and the Allure is to big. Was I mad at Capt. Johnny? Not at all! It's a business, and time is money, so I don't fault him nor am I angry.


Alfred says, ok, go out the gate, wait a block down at the corner. I'll be driving a blue van, when I honk, JUMP IN! This is when I turn into Jason Bourne, or James Bond! But, as I exited the gate, I realized that I'm the only 'white' person, all eyes are on ME! I have 3 backpacks, I'm trembling (I'm a big guy and can take care of myself, but..). I realize, I cant act weak, I've seen Animal Planet, I know what happens to the weaker animals!


So, I put on my sun glasses, put the one backpack into the other, fling them over my back and start acting like I belong there! I walked back and forth, with confidence! Inside, I was shaking! It wasn't night time yet, but the sun was definitely going down!


Klfhngr: I think your login name says we are all being punked since you are creating a cliffhanger story but I will probably go along for a bit longer

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I'm pacing, then I hear the honk! I cross the street and jump in! He said, this IS what you need to do, I'm going to show you three places, remember where to go! First, in Nassau, you have to drive in a circle, it's hard to explain, sorta like a large loop. So he say, the first stop is the hotel, second stop is Mr Photo and the third spot is the embassy.


He drives to the hotel, I'm expecting the Hyatt, or Hilton.. WRONG! It's a 'place' in the middle of town, he says this is where you are staying tonight! He drives in a large circle as we go to the next stop, Mr Photo. He says, be here at 8 am sharp, take two photos. After that, walk 3 blocks to the east. He stops, points down the street. Asks me if I see that picket fence 3 blocks down on the second story, behind McDonalds? I say yes. He says, that street is where the U.S. Embassy is, walk there, they'll be expecting you!


He drives back to the motel, I'm trying to recall the streets, which block is which, what time did he say to be at Mr Photo, etc.... After this, again, the reality of me not being on the ship kicked in! I started thinking about my family again, I was hoping that I'd see a familiar face... nope. I was thinking, what are they doing now?


Up until this point, I still have NOT spoken to anyone. It's close to 2 hours since the ship left. I can imagine how my wife felt, my youngest son especially, and even my oldest. My oldest earlier, before we left Nassau, asked, why do we always wait for people? People never wait for us! Why can't we just go on our own!? This started to race thru my mind. Boy was he right!

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Klfhngr: I think your login name says we are all being punked since you are creating a cliffhanger story but I will probably go along for a bit longer


Really? Why would I waste my time writing this? I have better things to do!


Why am I doing this? I've seen many people in the past left behind, and I always wondered what happened to them. I've NEVER heard the ending, or their side of the story. This is why I am doing this.


So no, it's not fake, I'm real, sincere and not trying to punk or leave you all hanging.

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Alfred sensed that I was scared. He's an English gentleman, in his 60's. As I mentioned earlier, he was yelling at me to get on the cart. But after the ship left, he was kind, understanding and even apologetic. He said that we were all calling you! The captain was waiting! They even had the gang plank down for you! As someone mentioned, he said once the ship starts rolling out, it's not coming back, it's like a jet! Its not like the old days.




I asked Alfred if he could get me on a boat and catch up to the ship. He said that this is no longer an option, they don't do this anymore and the Allure is to big. Was I mad at Capt. Johnny? Not at all! It's a business, and time is money, so I don't fault him nor am I angry.




Alfred says, ok, go out the gate, wait a block down at the corner. I'll be driving a blue van, when I honk, JUMP IN! This is when I turn into Jason Bourne, or James Bond! But, as I exited the gate, I realized that I'm the only 'white' person, all eyes are on ME! I have 3 backpacks, I'm trembling (I'm a big guy and can take care of myself, but..). I realize, I cant act weak, I've seen Animal Planet, I know what happens to the weaker animals!




So, I put on my sun glasses, put the one backpack into the other, fling them over my back and start acting like I belong there! I walked back and forth, with confidence! Inside, I was shaking! It wasn't night time yet, but the sun was definitely going down!



Someone may have stats or a story to contradict this but a friend got married in Nassau several years ago and large group of us stayed in Nassau for a week. We walked everywhere and caught the jitneys with the locals and we never had a problem. The locals that worked in the hotel told us tourists rarely have problems with crime because all of the locals depend on tourists for their livelihood. The don't want any negative press about crimes against tourists. A local policeman told us the same thing. I'm sure it happens but we never felt unsafe.




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Alfred opens the door, and walks me in to the motel. As I walk in, ALL eyes are on me. It's not a bad place (ok, sort of bad), but not a place I would ever stay at. It was in a bad part of town, no one was talkative, and they all stared. Alfred explains to the manager of the hotel what happened to me.. They ask me for a credit card, I sign, they give me a key and that's it.


I haven't eaten since morning, I have no desire to do so. I feel like throwing up, and even more so now that Alfred says he's leaving! He tells me to get some rest, do the things he mentioned, and after doing that, he asked that I call him so that we can make flying arrangements. Then, a disclaimer: IF we can find a plane that fly's out on time! 'WHAT, what do you mean Alfred'!? He says, 'there are not to many daily flights that go out of Nassau, especially to Jamaica! WHAT? I might miss the boat again?! Yes, but let's play it by ear!

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Someone may have stats or a story to contradict this but a friend got married in Nassau several years ago and large group of us stayed in Nassau for a week. We walked everywhere and caught the jitneys with the locals and we never had a problem. The locals that worked in the hotel told us tourists rarely have problems with crime because all of the locals depend on tourists for their livelihood. The don't want any negative press about crimes against tourists. A local policeman told us the same thing. I'm sure it happens but we never felt unsafe.




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By no means am I insinuating that the people are scary or mean, or violent, etc. But, you mentioned that you were in a group. Trust me, if I was in a group, I'd have no WORRIES! But I was left behind, carrying crap, and no friends, alone and stranded, lol!

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