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Oasis returning to port?


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THis is indeed sad, but IMHO a child that young should never have been out of eyesight...not even for a second.


I know that from experience. My Toddler at 2 once walked down the hall of my neighbors house as we sat on her couch, right out her bedroom sliding glass door and into her pool. In a couple moments, probably no more than 30 seconds I said, "Where is Keith?" and got up to get him, looked down the hallway and noticed the open door. She had thought it was locked and had told me so. I ran as fast as humanly possible and he was in the pool over his head with arms up. I jumped in and he was O.K. We went to the emergency room, but they said he would be fine and did not have water in his lungs. So I was fortunately just in time.


My kids swam at 5 yrs. old. But it didn't help at 2. Even so I never let them in water without me.


BTW, we have both been in this pool. It has a warning. DO NOT LEAVE CHILDREN UNATTENDED. It's there for this reason. Sorry, but it's nobody's fault but the parent. Just like it was mine for looking away from my son.:(

Edited by BecciBoo
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I'm with many others on this one....

When my DD was 4 YO, there is NO way in HELL, she would have been out of my sight for 5-10 minutes. ESPECIALLY near a pool, or body of water.


I truly believe that parents come on these ships and expect everyone else to watch their children.

Well, guess what? It's not THEIR job. It's YOURS!!!!!!

You are the parent!!!!!


And while we are not 100% sure what happened, if it's true that the child was underwater for 5-10 minutes, well, then SHAME ON THE PARENTS.


Praying the child recovers and can live a "normal" life.

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I'm confused as I don't what that meant so I googled it. It is about judging others????


Why is this relevant to this thread?


(In fact (this is very controversial - sorry) why so many references to prayers and religion - I do not believe there is a god so these sentiments seem strange)




Its a passage about about not judging others. I'm assuming the poster was making a point to not jump to conclusions and judge the parents.

Edited by OfTheSeasCruiser
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I don't think I've heard two stories that are the same...even from news stories. Nobody on here knows what has happened except that a small child and his family are suffering. The difference between 5 minutes and 10 minutes under water can mean a World of difference so let's not write off this child.

A lot of speculation and blame-casting isn't helping anything or anyone.


I'm hoping for an official update...I hope we get one because I don't know if I'll stop worrying and wondering and praying for the child and his family! So, if anyone finds a story & can post the link, I sure would appreciate it.

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I don't think I've heard two stories that are the same...even from news stories. Nobody on here knows what has happened except that a small child and his family are suffering. The difference between 5 minutes and 10 minutes under water can mean a World of difference so let's not write off this child.

A lot of speculation and blame-casting isn't helping anything or anyone.


I'm hoping for an official update...I hope we get one because I don't know if I'll stop worrying and wondering and praying for the child and his family! So, if anyone finds a story & can post the link, I sure would appreciate it.


Same here. I'm sick about this. Praying for a full recovery for the little boy.

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according to this article the boy wandered away from his mother who was then frantically searching for him and had notified RCL authorities. I just pray this little boy makes it and is ok. This is just so sad, we were just on Oasis with my 4 year old grandson and I watched him play in this pool.



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Wow, how's that for responsible journalism? The family requests that the name not be released 'but by law we can so we went ahead and did it. What do we care about the families tragedy, we only care about circulation'. (area in quotes not actually published by news organization but how I read between the lines while reading this article).

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Wow, how's that for responsible journalism? The family requests that the name not be released 'but by law we can so we went ahead and did it. What do we care about the families tragedy, we only care about circulation'. (area in quotes not actually published by news organization but how I read between the lines while reading this article).


My thoughts exactly....gotta love the respect....:mad:



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according to this article the boy wandered away from his mother who was then frantically searching for him and had notified RCL authorities. I just pray this little boy makes it and is ok. This is just so sad, we were just on Oasis with my 4 year old grandson and I watched him play in this pool.




Since for some it may be easier to just read some of what the story says, here is exactly what is pertinent.


"BSO detectives conducted their on-scene investigation and confirmed that the four-year-old wandered away from his mother on the 15th deck of the ship.


The mother frantically searched for her child but was unable to see him enter a wave pool, where he was swept away and remained under water for almost six minutes, when a guest on deck motioned to a man in the pool, alerting him to the child. That man in the pool plucked the child from the water and handed him to bystanders on deck who initiated CPR until the ship’s staff took over and brought the victim to the infirmary."

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I am very skeptical of the mother's claim that the child 'wandered away' and jumped into the doughnut. Of course what is she going to do, admit that she wasn't paying attention to her child....around all that water? No, RCL doesn't have lifeguards, but if a woman says she lost her 4 year old child on the pool deck (or anywhere onboard for that matter), every waiter, bartender, crew member in the immediate area would stop what they're doing and look. But this woman lost track of a 4 year old for 5-10 minutes, no, she did not raise an alarm and the child was only spotted when a passenger noticed the body at the bottom of the pool.

Yes, things need to change, mostly people need to start taking responsibility for the care and maintenance of their own damn children. Thousands of kids have been on that ship, on the pool deck, in that doughnut and hardly ever do they drown. Considering the number of inattentive parents I've seen on these ships, I can only consider that as pure luck.

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If the pools are such a problem for the parents with young kids maybe the cruise lines should just get rid of the kiddie pools.


I see far to many parents not taking care of their kids, on cruises we have been on. We are watching our grand kids at home this weekend ages 3 and 5 and even at home we need to watch them all the time. Not easy but today it is our responsibility.


Sorry to disagree....accidents happen, and from the Broward Sheriff's office, it was an truly an accident. The solution is NOT to do away with kiddie pools. This type of wave pool perhaps needs a better 'gate system' to prevent it being so easy for someone to get into the wave pool.


It only takes a split second for a small hand to become detached from the mother's hand holding it, and for the youngster to run out of the mother's sight.


'BSO detectives conducted their on-scene investigation and confirmed that the four-year-old wandered away from his mother on the 15th deck of the ship.


The mother frantically searched for her child but was unable to see him enter a wave pool, where he was swept away and remained under water for almost six minutes, when a guest on deck motioned to a man in the pool, alerting him to the child. That man in the pool plucked the child from the water and handed him to bystanders on deck who initiated CPR until the ship’s staff took over and brought the victim to the infirmary.'

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I don't think a gate is an issue for this type of pool - you can't kiddie proof the entire ship...


gates for stairs? gates around the main pool?


it was an unfortunate accident that reminds all of us that anything can happen in a blink of an eye (whether someone is watching or not)...


they didn't mention if other kids were in this pool? maybe it was really crowded (which it can be) and kids get bumped around (kicked around)...


but at 4 years old...the current is strong (from personal experience with me and my kids) and I can see this happening without anyone watching over the kid...

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I don't think a gate is an issue for this type of pool - you can't kiddie proof the entire ship...


gates for stairs? gates around the main pool?


it was an unfortunate accident that reminds all of us that anything can happen in a blink of an eye (whether someone is watching or not)...


they didn't mention if other kids were in this pool? maybe it was really crowded (which it can be) and kids get bumped around (kicked around)...


but at 4 years old...the current is strong (from personal experience with me and my kids) and I can see this happening without anyone watching over the kid...


I know you can't 'child proof' everything, but a gate at the bottom of the stairs that lead up to the wave pool, is doable, in my opinion.


It was an unfortunate accident, and anything can happen in a blink of an eye -- I fully agree....but there are also some things that can be put into place to minimize situations.


You are also correct, the current would be strong for a 4 year old....it was strong for me when I tried it....and I am a very good swimmer and athlete, who is 4' 11 inches tall.


My heart breaks for this mother, who will live with guilt -- forever.


I am not being judgemental, just realistic.

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My thoughts and prayers are with the family of the little boy. Until the full story comes out and they find out what happened, where the parents were and how the child got away from them, I will not lay blame on anyone at this point. That is not my place to do anyway.


A child is fighting for their life and two parents and a sibling are out of their minds with worry and sadness. They need to deal with this as a family. If the little boy doesn't survive they will have this haunting them the rest of their lives.


This should have been a fun time for them going on a vacation after the Holidays and it turned into one of the saddest times of their lives.


Praying the little boy makes a remarkable recovery so this family can move on and learn from this and hopefully other families have already learned for this.


Everyone on the cruise was also traumatized by the events that unfolded. I am sure everyone is praying for a positive outcome from all of this.


Embarkation day can be a little hectic and you need a plan to keep together.


Prayers, love and thoughts are being sent their way that everything turns out for the best. :)

Edited by sunflower47
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This thread is just making me sad all around. It kind of puts the dress code and dynamic dining threads into some perspective, this family walked onto the ship a family and walked off with one of their kids one step from dead.


Just sad. I feel for and send prayers to all involved, including the bystanders who helped, ship crew who assisted, and of course the parents.


When my mom retired as a high school principal, I asked her what was the darkest moment of her career. She told me a story of showing up for work one morning when they found a student drowned in the pool. The swim coach opened the pool in the morning with some students, and saw the body in the pool and thought it was a rescue dummy. He sent a student in to get it, who found one of his friends at the bottom of the pool. It was horrible for not only the family but the staff member and other students who were there.


I am sure this was traumatic for everyone present, sending prayers their way.

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It's a small pool...I don't think she was in the pool with the kid (assumption). More likely, the kids wander away from the mom on deck and went into the pool... But there's so many questions un answered and never will be...just a tragic accident that we will all (hopefully) learn from. Hug your kids tonight just a bit tighter...

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I feel very badly for all involved and know it only takes a second for a child to wander off, especially with the crowds on the ship. It's possible when she noticed he was gone, which may have only been seconds, he was right next to her, but behind a taller person, a plant, or a chair, but by the time she started looking for him he had truly wandered off and, sadly, ended up in the pool. We may never know what really happened, and it's none of our business anyway, I just hope he somehow manages to make a full recovery.


When my son was 2 1/2 (he's 11 now) we were at the beach. It was a very hot day and there were a lot of people there. He was standing next to me eating a sandwich and I turned to answer a friend who asked me if I wanted a water while she had the cooler opened. I turned back and my son was gone. In the amount of time it took me to turn my head and say "yes, please", he was no where to be found. I stood up and scanned the beach, but couldn't see him. I started to get panicked and everyone started looking for him. I just kept thinking, "please don't be in the ocean, please don't be in the ocean." I eventually spotted him about 3-4 minutes later three-quarters of the way down the beach patting a dog and still munching on his sandwich. He had seen the pup and ran after him. When I first realized he was missing, he may have only been a few feet away behind another beachgoer, umbrella, or cooler, but by the time I found him he was just a speck way down on the beach- only spotted by his bright red and yellow bathing suit. I think it was my scariest "Mom moment" ever. I was very lucky, everything turned out okay. I wish the best for this Mom and her little boy.

Edited by Maybaybie10
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That pool to me is very crazy wild with little kids running around in circles pushing, the waves etc. I hated that my then 5 year old loved it I had my eyes peeled and my husband was either standing in it (yes) or right there on the outside standing. It only takes a second and yes I'm a worry wart

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My thoughts and prayers are with the family of the little boy. Until the full story comes out and they find out what happened, where the parents were and how the child got away from them, I will not lay blame on anyone at this point. That is not my place to do anyway.


A child is fighting for their life and two parents and a sibling are out of their minds with worry and sadness. They need to deal with this as a family. If the little boy doesn't survive they will have this haunting them the rest of their lives.


This should have been a fun time for them going on a vacation after the Holidays and it turned into one of the saddest times of their lives.


Praying the little boy makes a remarkable recovery so this family can move on and learn from this and hopefully other families have already learned for this.


Everyone on the cruise was also traumatized by the events that unfolded. I am sure everyone is praying for a positive outcome from all of this.


Embarkation day can be a little hectic and you need a plan to keep together.


Prayers, love and thoughts are being sent their way that everything turns out for the best. :)


Very well said. Thank You.

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This little pool has always been my daughter's favorite spot on both Liberty & Oasis.. She would stay there all day if I allwoed her to. She is a very good swimmer and I was always still worried about that pool even on out last November sailing as she is now 9yrs old. The current can be very strong in that little whirl pool!

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