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deleting automatic gratuities


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Lets face the fact that those that remove the auto gratuity do not intend to give as much in cash if anything.


They are mostly cheap and don't want to tip.


ain't it incredible how some people think they know so much about you in the online world when you make a simple post regarding tips and performing them through the cruise lines system, versus a cash hand off system to the intended person! I love how easy it is to make friends and learn so much about them and judge them all via a simple post! I had no idea asking this in a forum would render me as "cheap" & not wanting to tip; guess I'd better up my class!

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How on Earth do they know who has given cash and to what amount? What if you tip your steward some extra cash day one, but remove your gratuities at the end? What if you leave money on tables in the buffet? What if you add tips to every drink but remove your auto gratuities? What if I keep my tips on and you are in the room next to me and take your tips off and give cash; how do they know that was cash you gave (to the pool) and not cash I gave (for them to keep). Do you mean to say my additional cash goes into a pool to subsidize those that did not contribute to the pool? Do you have any sort of proof of this? I find this highly unlikely and difficult or impossible for the cruise line to monitor.



none of my business how the companies police this or any other policy. i do know people get fired for not abiding by it, whatever the official policy is. I am only repeating what I have been told, which may or may not be the truth or the entire truth


so to save myself the headache I just accept the status Quo. I leave the daily charge on. I tip in cash those individuals who are not covered by the daily fee.


FTR I always prepaid in full before boarding even before it became mandatory with MTD. I just find it easier to not have to worry about carrying around gobs of cash or trying to impress others by how awesome I am handing out envelopes

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none of my business how the companies police this or any other policy. i do know people get fired for not abiding by it, whatever the official policy is. I am only repeating what I have been told, which may or may not be the truth or the entire truth


That is completely fabricated

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[quote name='viperrtblck']ain't it incredible how some people think they know so much about you in the online world when you make a simple post regarding tips and performing them through the cruise lines system, versus a cash hand off system to the intended person! I love how easy it is to make friends and learn so much about them and judge them all via a simple post! I had no idea asking this in a forum would render me as "cheap" & not wanting to tip; guess I'd better up my class![/quote]

They are much nicer on the RCI board than the NCL board. I am of similar thought to you. I prefer the old fashioned way, giving cash to those that provide us services directly. Often double the recommended amount. I am called the most vile nasty things because of this by people who think by leaving auto grats on, or paying from OBC, or having their travel agent pay it, and then they throw another $20 on top, that they can sit upon high and cast judgments down.

Even on a short 4 day cruise we've tipped over $200 in cash. Yet because it's not prepaid people act vile and disguting on here. I fully understand your purpose and intent and am sorry you are being treated so poorly. Ignore these people as best you can.
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[quote name='Ocean Boy']You tip the person that provided you direct service. How that gets split up later is none of my concern or business.[/QUOTE]

It's not really my concern, either. I just pay my gratuities and don't really worry about how it gets split up. But some people here seem to worry about that kind of thing, for some reason, and seemed bothered by the fact that some of it may go to people who did not directly interact with them. I was merely explaining that similar things happen at restaurants. You are not necessarily just tipping "the person that provided you direct service."
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[quote name='viperrtblck']When doing this, according to what you said, they'll just have to take the extra I give them and put in in a pool. Again, that's not my intention, to share it. I'm giving you extra because YOU deserved it. If I'm in the next section down the hall and that stateroom attendant was horrible, I don't want my tip being split with them, I want my tip intended to MY waiter/attendant. So according to your statement, giving cash above what the daily amount it, will result in it being divided up.... honestly what's to keep them from holding the cash themselves. it's cash so there's no record of it being transferred...[/quote]

so you begrudge the person the ability to be able to share a little wealth with the people that make HIS life easier?!

just going by a LAND BASED restaurant. you tip your server 20% of the biill. say its a $100 tab..so 20 bucks.

the waiter splits that 20 bucks with the busboy who cleared off your table( before and after you sat in it) quickly so that another group could be seated/served and sold stuff. he slips a buck or two to the bartender so that your drinks weren't watered down or left to be made last. The guy with the water pitcher who keeps your glass filled all night? yeah he gets some too.

Hotels: not that many people tip their housekeeper( I should know I was one for a few years) but when I was, I gave a couple dollars to the chick who kept my cart full of towels and sheets so that I wasn't waiting around with half done rooms. and it was strictly out of my tips.

Bars: some bars pool tips as a matter of course for the shift. the way a few bartenders( two different cruise lines) ALL explained it was thusly: the autocharge was pooled. any cash on top of that could go into thei pocket without having to be shared or declared. this was the BAR STAFF ONLY.. not the dining or housekeeping staff so I have no idea( nor is it my concern) how their departments do it Nor do I know how it worked if you tipped extra on your account.
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I'm only 28 but still like to go by the phrase that cash is king! Also I believe in physically looking someone in the eye and physically handing them cash (tip) when they tended to me! Call or look at me as ehatever; but I've got enough descency or whatever you wanna call it, to have the one on one interaction with someone and give them cash in hand, instead of just letting a computer take care of it all...
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[quote name='viperrtblck']I'm only 28 but still like to go by the phrase that cash is king! Also I believe in physically looking someone in the eye and physically handing them cash (tip) when they tended to me! Call or look at me as ehatever; but I've got enough descency or whatever you wanna call it, to have the one on one interaction with someone and give them cash in hand, instead of just letting a computer take care of it all...[/quote]

Like I said earlier, RCI [B]provides the option to you[/B] to do this. I sense you are getting frustrated having to defend yourself against this. If the current policy were not working for Royal they would change it, wouldn't they? I commend you, actually, for wanting to recognize the people that made your trip so special. It is the classic, time honored and traditional way of doing things and most readily used by the crew.
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[quote name='Paul65']It's not really my concern, either. I just pay my gratuities and don't really worry about how it gets split up. But some people here seem to worry about that kind of thing, for some reason, and seemed bothered by the fact that some of it may go to people who did not directly interact with them. I was merely explaining that similar things happen at restaurants. You are not necessarily just tipping "the person that provided you direct service."[/quote]

agreed. look at this way: that waiter who directly interacted with you so efficiently did so because HE HAD BACKUP that made it possible for him do so.

if it weren't for the behind the scenes people, your cruise experience would be a lot less overall and you'd woud be a lot less likely to give out any money.
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[quote name='KelJ']Who are you to not TRUST where the money goes? Let RCCL run their business. I don't question it in the least bit. I agree it should be called a service charge, but it's not. Big deal. I have traditional dining, not MTD, so I just called last week and prepaid our gratuities for all three cabins we have booked. It's best to have it out of the way and paid for before I go. Why would you want to stand in line to have the gratuities removed and then mess around with cash and envelopes and tracking people down? Prepaying the gratuities simplifies things, bottom line. I don't worry myself silly about where my gratuities go. I worry about important things like where I'm going to get my next drink and what kind of seafood is going to be on the dinner menu tonight![/quote]

That is your opinion,other people have their opinions also.Spend your money as you please.And other people will spend their money as they please. :)
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[quote name='poncho1973']Well, this is a first. I'm going to agree with both LMaxwell AND LetsGetWet.[/quote]
:eek::eek::eek: Hmm, it must have something to do with you changing your avatar to Brutus. Peggy, my other half, is an avid Buckeye fan & alum, and was actually a varsity cheerleader on the sidelines when Woody punched the player! :D
[quote name='poncho1973']If they would simply change it to a non-removable SERVICE CHARGE and let anyone who wanted to TIP beyond that just give them cash, most of these problems might solve themselves.[/quote]
That's exactly how we deal with it. We've never removed the auto-charge, and tip extra in cash for service we feel warrants it. Our cabin steward on our most recent cruise was simply outstanding, really went above and beyond and made our cruise better - and we rewarded him well for it in cash, above and beyond the auto-charge amounts which we got from us.
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[quote name='LMaxwell']How do you think I feel? Is this what a hot flash feels like?

I've been finding myself agreeing with LGW more and more lately. Not on everything, but on many things he sees them for what they are and will call a spade a spade. I can respect that. [/quote]
Yep, to use another Royal analogy, we seem to be agreeing enough recently that the WOW factor is wearing off! :D :D
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[quote name='Boytjie']On other cruise lines it is called a service charge: e.g. on HAL is is a "hotel service charge" and the same debate happens on the HAL message boards. So it doesn't matter what they call it. :)[/quote]

Let's be fair... on HAL, they aren't called stateroom attendants, they are called orderlies.

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[quote name='Havingfun2010']Honestly, who cares! However, cruise lines have a method of figuring it out in such a way, that even if you give cash, they still will distribute the tips. The old days of cruising are no longer here. [COLOR=Red]Computer models of tipping are used, to distribute tips. [/COLOR]

So the simple answer is, leave it alone, since it is barely any money at all, and if you want, hand over a larger tip to the people you want. Everyone wins and you don't look like a scrooge.[/quote]
[quote name='Ocean Boy']This actually made be laugh! Now tipping has been elevated to the same level of designing the next generation of cruise ships and airliners.:D:D:D:D:D[/quote]
Or... its been lowered to the level of operation of the RCI website! :eek:

(Actually, I really doubt that they're using "computer models" to distribute tips. I imagine there are set percentages which are automatically applied to split the auto-service charge monies among staff.)
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[quote name='viperrtblck']I'm only 28 but still like to go by the phrase that cash is king! Also I believe in physically looking someone in the eye and physically handing them cash (tip) when they tended to me! Call or look at me as ehatever; but I've got enough descency or whatever you wanna call it, to have the one on one interaction with someone and give them cash in hand, instead of just letting a computer take care of it all...[/QUOTE]

Seems that you are indirectly trying to insult others, by suggesting that it is a show of "decency" to want to look someone in the eye while handing cash to them.

It could just as easily be that you feel the need to look people in the eye, as you hand money to them, because it makes you feel superior. I don't have the same need for face-to-face interaction in order for money to be exchanged. I don't think that means I have any lack of decency, though. :cool:
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[quote name='Boytjie']On other cruise lines it is called a service charge: e.g. on HAL is is a "hotel service charge" and the same debate happens on the HAL message boards. So it doesn't matter what they call it. :)[/QUOTE]
It's been called a Daily Service Charge on NCL for a number of years now and yes, the same debate happens over and over and over and over.............

[quote name='viperrtblck']When doing this, according to what you said, they'll just have to take the extra I give them and put in in a pool. Again, that's not my intention, to share it.[/quote]
I think you are reading wrong what Spook was saying. They have to pool cash tips if you have removed the daily gratuity. However, if you leave the automatic gratuity in place and choose to tip over and above that at the end of the cruise, they do not have to pool the extra.

Now, this "policy" has also been up for debate and I have no doubt it will be debated here as well.:D After reading previous opinions on whether or not it's true, I went to our cabin steward. I told him we had pre-paid out gratuities and asked if I give him cash in hand as extra above that amount, does he get to keep it for himself and not have to share with anyone? He said it was his and his alone. I'm sure someone will come along and say this is not a good enough answer since how do I know he's not just telling me that, one steward saying it does not make it true., etc. etc.

[quote]I'm giving you extra because YOU deserved it. If I'm in the next section down the hall and that stateroom attendant was horrible, I don't want my tip being split with them, I want my tip intended to MY waiter/attendant. So according to your statement, giving cash above what the daily amount it, will result in it being divided up....[/quote]
You're still reading Spook's post incorrectly.;)

[quote] honestly what's to keep them from holding the cash themselves. it's cash so there's no record of it being transferred...[/QUOTE]

Since it's [B]generally[/B] accepted that cash over and above is not pooled, they DO get to keep it for themselves. When you say there's no record of any being transferred, if you think that way, aren't you concerned that your all cash tips are not shared with others that should get some of it? I know cabin stewards have helpers, or at least they used to, and the waiters also have others who help in their job that we don't necessarily see.

Here's another thing to consider. If you remove the auto gratuities and tip in cash, all that cash must go into the "pot" and it's divided according to the cruise line's parameters. Your waiter and steward gets X amount. If you leave the gratuities in place and give extra in cash, your waiter and steward get their X amount but on top of that they get XX (your extra). So, in the end, they get less when the auto-gratuities are removed and they are tipped in cash.

I just wish Royal Caribbean would show up here, or else post it on their website, and give the OFFICIAL policy. If they would just say, "if the auto gratuities are left in place, any cash given above is kept and not pooled" it would be easier for people to understand.
Let the games begin.:D:D:D
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First accuses another poster of "indirectly" trying to insult others:
[quote name='Paul65']Seems that you are indirectly trying to insult others, by suggesting that it is a show of "decency" to want to look someone in the eye while handing cash to them.[/quote]
And then immediately turns around and directly insults the other poster himself! :rolleyes:
[quote name='Paul65']It could just as easily be that you feel the need to look people in the eye, as you hand money to them, because it makes you feel superior.[/quote]
Gotta love the internet! :)
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[quote name='LetsGetWet!']First accuses another poster of "indirectly" trying to insult others:

And then immediately turns around and directly insults the other poster himself! :rolleyes:

Gotta love the internet! :)[/QUOTE]

I was just giving an example of how it could be interpreted a different way, and the only reason I went there at all, was because of his characterization of his way of tipping being a sign of "decency."

I meant it as an example of another way of looking at things - not to imply that it was THE way of looking at it. Some people like to hand out tips in person, and that could be for a variety of reasons. Some are happy to follow the standard system, and that, too, can be for a variety of reasons. Edited by Paul65
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[quote name='iheartbda']

Here's another thing to consider. If you remove the auto gratuities and tip in cash, all that cash must go into the "pot" and it's divided according to the cruise line's parameters. Your waiter and steward gets X amount. If you leave the gratuities in place and give extra in cash, your waiter and steward get their X amount but on top of that they get XX (your extra). So, in the end, they get less when the auto-gratuities are removed and they are tipped in cash.


The first part of this statement has never been proven to be factually accurate. As for the second part of the statement, that could not possibly be true if someone gave more than the recommended amounts. The math simply won't allow it.
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[quote name='iheartbda']I think you are reading wrong what Spook was saying. They have to pool cash tips if you have removed the daily gratuity. However, if you leave the automatic gratuity in place and choose to tip over and above that at the end of the cruise, they do not have to pool the extra.

Now, this "policy" has also been up for debate and I have no doubt it will be debated here as well.:D After reading previous opinions on whether or not it's true, I went to our cabin steward. I told him we had pre-paid out gratuities and asked if I give him cash in hand as extra above that amount, does he get to keep it for himself and not have to share with anyone? He said it was his and his alone. I'm sure someone will come along and say this is not a good enough answer since how do I know he's not just telling me that, one steward saying it does not make it true., etc. etc.[/quote]
You only asked your steward half of the question at hand. I think its VERY likely that any cash above and beyond your auto-gratuity is his and his alone. That's not hard to believe at all.
[quote name='iheartbda']If you remove the auto gratuities and tip in cash, all that cash must go into the "pot" and it's divided according to the cruise line's parameters.[/quote]
That's the harder part to believe. Policing such a policy would be nearly impossible, outside of "the honor system" and threats. If you remove your auto-gratuity how do they know if you give your cabin steward cash, and if so just how much you gave him?
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[quote name='Paul65']I was just giving an example of how it could be interpreted a different way, and the only reason I went there at all, was because of his characterization of his way of tipping being a sign of "decency."

I meant it as an example of another way of looking at things - not to imply that it was THE way of looking at it. Some people like to hand out tips in person, and that could be for a variety of reasons. Some are happy to follow the standard system, and that, too, can be for a variety of reasons.[/quote]
You were just giving an example, but he could make the same argument.

I tend to agree that his statement was somewhat of an insult, but then so was yours. And complaining about insults at the same time you're flinging them yourself is rather nonsensical.
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[quote name='LetsGetWet!']You were just giving an example, but he could make the same argument.

I tend to agree that his statement was somewhat of an insult, but then so was yours. And complaining about insults at the same time you're flinging them yourself is rather nonsensical.[/QUOTE]

I didn't complain. I pointed out my interpretation. And my counter-example was absolutely intended to be an insult, to show how that it's all in how you look at it.
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[quote name='LetsGetWet!']
Gotta love the internet! :)[/quote]

And this topic on CC-Priceless!!! :D

Yup-I like to tip in cash. Remove them from Royal and will on my first NCL that's coming up. I'm waiting for the CC tip police to pull up the driveway at any minute!!:p
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[quote name='Debde']And this topic on CC-Priceless!!! :D

Yup-I like to tip in cash. Remove them from Royal and will on my first NCL that's coming up. I'm waiting for the CC tip police to pull up the driveway at any minute!!:p[/quote]
We've never removed auto on our cruises - but like LMaxwell (again!) have nothing against those who choose to do so, and don't automatically assume (as others have in this thread) that those who do are cheapskates.
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