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A Teen's Review of the Norwegian Jewel


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Hey all. I have decided to write a review of my Jewel cruise from February 14 to the 21. I've been debating on actually writing a review but I have decided to try. This is my first review so stay with me because it might be rough. Anyway here it goes.


My name is Brenna, I am fifteen and love to travel. Traveling and planning have always been my passions. This was my second cruise, my first was in Disney. I'll get to the comparison later but for now I will say I was pleasantly surprised. One of the main reason I am writing a review is because many teens don't and I had a real struggle finding information on teen activities. On to day one.


Day One Friday February 13


My mom is a teacher so our vacation time is limited to school breaks, so we decided to go over February break mostly because it is so cold in Canada! We originally booked a flight out of Regina leaving at 8:50 but Air Canada changed our take off time to 2:55. Since we had such a late afternoon flight we decided to leave the morning to Regina. We left at 7am to get in some last minute shopping done. I don't like flying in general but flying on Friday the 13 was really scaring me. Anyway we got to the airport at about 1, checked into our flight and waited for boarding to start. We met my mom's coworker at the airport we was on the same flight as us. So as we were waiting we found out our flight was overbooked. They needed two people to volunteer to go through Toronto and then onto their final destination. In the end my moms friend and daughter ended up going through Toronto. Anyway back on topic our flight left at 2:55 so boarding started at 2:15.


The flight was an hour and a half and was super loud. Since we were in such a small plane it was really loud. We landed in Calgary went through customs and airport security. We had maybe thirty minute to eat before boarding so we grabbed a bite at the whopper bar. I love the California whopper. The flight from Calgary to Houston was about four hours and man that flight was rough. I've flown a lot and I've never been on such a rough flight. By the time we landed in Houston it was 10. We got our luggage and checked in to the Marriott at IAH. Then it was off to bed before our cruise.

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Thanks for doing this.


A few Teens have started reviews, but none finished that I noticed. My son is only 11 and would never write anything, but I know he loves to know what is going on for the time he's on a ship. He will be a Teen before I know it, so I like to here what the Teens think of what is offered to them

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Hey all. I have decided to write a review of my Jewel cruise from February 14 to the 21. I've been debating on actually writing a review but I have decided to try. This is my first review so stay with me because it might be rough. Anyway here it goes.


My name is Brenna, I am fifteen and love to travel. Traveling and planning have always been my passions. This was my second cruise, my first was in Disney. I'll get to the comparison later but for now I will say I was pleasantly surprised. One of the main reason I am writing a review is because many teens don't and I had a real struggle finding information on teen activities. On to day one.


Day One Friday February 13


My mom is a teacher so our vacation time is limited to school breaks, so we decided to go over February break mostly because it is so cold in Canada! We originally booked a flight out of Regina leaving at 8:50 but Air Canada changed our take off time to 2:55. Since we had such a late afternoon flight we decided to leave the morning to Regina. We left at 7am to get in some last minute shopping done. I don't like flying in general but flying on Friday the 13 was really scaring me. Anyway we got to the airport at about 1, checked into our flight and waited for boarding to start. We met my mom's coworker at the airport we was on the same flight as us. So as we were waiting we found out our flight was overbooked. They needed two people to volunteer to go through Toronto and then onto their final destination. In the end my moms friend and daughter ended up going through Toronto. Anyway back on topic our flight left at 2:55 so boarding started at 2:15.


The flight was an hour and a half and was super loud. Since we were in such a small plane it was really loud. We landed in Calgary went through customs and airport security. We had maybe thirty minute to eat before boarding so we grabbed a bite at the whopper bar. I love the California whopper. The flight from Calgary to Houston was about four hours and man that flight was rough. I've flown a lot and I've never been on such a rough flight. By the time we landed in Houston it was 10. We got our luggage and checked in to the Marriott at IAH. Then it was off to bed before our cruise.


Awesome bro, can't wait to read the rest


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Thanks everyone, again. About the last name comment, that was stupid on my part but I'm so used to signing my full name I wasn't even thinking. I was more worried about not making any major spelling or grammatical errors.


Day Two - February 14th


We all woke up at about 8, everyone was super excited for our cruise. Since

we were taking Norwegian transportation to port we had time before we had to

leave. Luggage had to be ready by 9:30 and then we would be shuttled to port at 12:15.


We had breakfast, finished packing and sat in our room and watched the food network. Since it was valentines days the restaurant gave us cute little goody bags with chocolates inside. That was so sweet.


So the drive to Bayport was interesting to say the least. We left our hotel at about 12:30 and started driving. Now, I had no idea where we were suppose to go but I have enough sense of direction to tell that we were driving in circles. We drove in two circles around the airport. People got on the bus, others got off, people who just got on got off realizing they were on the wrong bus. Eventually we stopped driving in circles and started on our way to Bayport. The drive from IAH to the terminal took about 45 minutes.


We arrived at the cruise terminal at about 1:20. Security was a breeze and took about 5 minutes. The other line for room keys took about 20 minutes. After all of the confusion we made it on board before 2. Since we got on board later our room was ready right away. I was surprise at how big our room was, I was expecting it to be a lot smaller. We were in room 11066 which was a midship mini suit. I love how much storage was in the room. After that my parents went to register me and my sister for Entourage, the teen club.


For those of who don't know, Entourage is a club for teens 13-17. It's not like the splash academy where you have to be singed in and out, it's come and go as you please. After that we headed over to the garden cafe for a bite to eat. After eating we decided to go for pre sail away drinks at the great outdoors, pop for me and my sister. On a side note: I loved the great outdoors. It was the best place to grab a bite. Then it was on to the muster drill which was quick and painless.


After the muster drill we went to talk to guest services because my i concierge app wasn't not working. They in turn sent me to the Internet cafe because they didn't know what wasn't working. Apparently I didn't download the full app yet so I purchased a minute by minute Internet plan to complete the task. Since we were still docked the app took about three minutes to download. I signed up for the texting and phoning with my dad and sister. I'll talk more about the app later. Because of this we completely missed the sail away party. So we improvised and hung out on our balcony and watched Texas go by. Our luggage was here by this point, so everyone started to unpack. Like I said before I loved loved loved how much storage there was.


Then it was 5:30 and off to Tsars for our first supper. By this time you could feel the boat move. I had the squash pancetta for an appetizer. It was really good I loved the arugula salad that come with it. For my main course tried manezane parmigiana. I totally didn't notice that there was blue cheese on top so I ended up taking off all of the cheese. I had a Creme Brûlée for dessert. I once made Creme brûlée for a French project on 7th grade and have been addicted to it ever since. Food was better than Disney but again I will do a major comparison later. Mom and dad went to the show and my little sister and I walked around and tried to find our way, we had time to burn since entourage didn't open until 8.


Again this has been said before but go at about 7:55 on THE FIRST night. Little compliments go along way. Outside in the hallway before we were let in was how I meet two of my friends. The other five I met like five minutes later. And yes, it's awkward. I can't even sugar coat it but remember everyone probably feels as awkward as you.


Once we all knew each other we played 'recruits' which basically meant that we run all over the ship taking selfies and finding new teens to bring back. We won! After that we as gender wars, girls lost. Then we all went to get ice cream only to find that there wasn't any. So one of the guys suggested that we go hot tubbing. Hot tubbing was nice but it was super windy out on the pool deck. Then we all went to get more ice cream, this time there was some! Oh, I slipped on the wet floor, in front of everyone. The nice part was some man tried to catch, it didn't work but the thought was nice. After when I recovered from embarrassing moment number one (yes they are numbered because there will be more.) I went back to my friends. An employee came over to make sure I was okay, that was super nice and I wasn't expecting that. We all just hung out and talked until 11:30 when I decided I was done for the night.

We made plans to met at noon the next morning at the washy washy in front of the Garden Cafe.

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Sunday February 15

Today I woke up at 6:3pm feeling slightly sick. The week before I left I wasn't eating because I had the flu not flu. That's what I stated calling it because you feel sick and don't want to eat but you never actually threw up. My moms says it's kinda like your pregnant, which I'm not! But I felt kind of off.


I hope it's just the late night food. Breakfast was eaten at the garden cafe, I still wasn't feeling great, so I really didn't eat. After breakfast I decided that I should go for a run, due to the point that ice cream has become my main meal. I also had a skating competition the weekend I got back so I thought it would be a good idea to try to stay in shape.

On a side note, to try and stay on able o would do the stairs whenever possible. Is there was no one on the stairs I would jog them.

After a hard 20 minute jog I went for a shower to wash off all of the sweat that I was covered. I went up to the buffet to get some water and saw one of my friends eating. So water forgotten I stopped and talked with her and to eat more food. Then we both went to entourage and meet up with more of our friends. We all decided to go tanning but we ended up meeting my parents.

We were up on deck 13 and it was super super windy. After meet the parents we all went down to the garden cafe to washy washy to meet up with everyone else. After lunch we went back to tanning, no parents this time. Somehow in the process of tanning I managed to unclip my room key from my lanyard. Skill I know. So I went down to guest services to get a new one. I went alone, I was surprised that I was actually issued a new room key without my dad or mom with me.

In the process of my room key adventure I lost everyone. Eventually we all meet up in the end. Then we attempted to go down the water slide, you've all seen the people who get stuck going down the waterside, ya that was me. I had to walk down the rest of the way. Like how embarrassing can my life get. After we all got down we decided to go swimming, first of all the pool is really deep. I'm 5,5 and I thought I would touch the bottom but nope I went under. And the pool is freezing! Plus it was salt water so I inhaled a lot. So we all jumped in the hot tub with about 10 of our closest friends. The hub tub was packed. Most of us were siting on each other, legs were all over. Since it was so cold none of us wanted to move or get out. After a good hour of sitting and talking to each other we decided it was time to go. The girls went back to to entourage to see what was happening, nothing was really going on so we started to dance. I left at five to get ready for supper. I love to dress up, I never get to at home because it's always so cold. So tonight was formal night, I wore a basic skirt and shirt combo. We went to Le Bistro for supper. I order the scallops for an l appetizer, followed by swordfish and an apple dessert, sorry I forget the official name. After we all went shopping at the duty free store, I went to look at guess purses. I didn't find one though. Then it was back to washy washy to meet everyone. Washy washy was quickly becoming our meeting place. The teens were having a group supper but we decided not to join in. So we chilled in the hallway of entourage until the supper was done. That night we played at speed dating game of basically how fast could you get to know someone. And another game where you had to think of the answer to a situation. After we had a dance party. Then it was time for me to go to bed as we all had an early morning in Cozumel.

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Sunday February 15

Today I woke up at 6:3pm feeling slightly sick. The week before I left I wasn't eating because I had the flu not flu. That's what I stated calling it because you feel sick and don't want to eat but you never actually threw up. My moms says it's kinda like your pregnant, which I'm not! But I felt kind of off.


I hope it's just the late night food. Breakfast was eaten at the garden cafe, I still wasn't feeling great, so I really didn't eat. After breakfast I decided that I should go for a run, due to the point that ice cream has become my main meal. I also had a skating competition the weekend I got back so I thought it would be a good idea to try to stay in shape.

On a side note, to try and stay on able o would do the stairs whenever possible. Is there was no one on the stairs I would jog them.

After a hard 20 minute jog I went for a shower to wash off all of the sweat that I was covered. I went up to the buffet to get some water and saw one of my friends eating. So water forgotten I stopped and talked with her and to eat more food. Then we both went to entourage and meet up with more of our friends. We all decided to go tanning but we ended up meeting my parents.

We were up on deck 13 and it was super super windy. After meet the parents we all went down to the garden cafe to washy washy to meet up with everyone else. After lunch we went back to tanning, no parents this time. Somehow in the process of tanning I managed to unclip my room key from my lanyard. Skill I know. So I went down to guest services to get a new one. I went alone, I was surprised that I was actually issued a new room key without my dad or mom with me.

In the process of my room key adventure I lost everyone. Eventually we all meet up in the end. Then we attempted to go down the water slide, you've all seen the people who get stuck going down the waterside, ya that was me. I had to walk down the rest of the way. Like how embarrassing can my life get. After we all got down we decided to go swimming, first of all the pool is really deep. I'm 5,5 and I thought I would touch the bottom but nope I went under. And the pool is freezing! Plus it was salt water so I inhaled a lot. So we all jumped in the hot tub with about 10 of our closest friends. The hub tub was packed. Most of us were siting on each other, legs were all over. Since it was so cold none of us wanted to move or get out. After a good hour of sitting and talking to each other we decided it was time to go. The girls went back to to entourage to see what was happening, nothing was really going on so we started to dance. I left at five to get ready for supper. I love to dress up, I never get to at home because it's always so cold. So tonight was formal night, I wore a basic skirt and shirt combo. We went to Le Bistro for supper. I order the scallops for an l appetizer, followed by swordfish and an apple dessert, sorry I forget the official name. After we all went shopping at the duty free store, I went to look at guess purses. I didn't find one though. Then it was back to washy washy to meet everyone. Washy washy was quickly becoming our meeting place. The teens were having a group supper but we decided not to join in. So we chilled in the hallway of entourage until the supper was done. That night we played at speed dating game of basically how fast could you get to know someone. And another game where you had to think of the answer to a situation. After we had a dance party. Then it was time for me to go to bed as we all had an early morning in Cozumel.


I'm loving your review it's very awesome , I'm going on my third Norwegian cruise this November so you're totally getting me in the cruise mood lol. I went to Cozumel in March, can't wait to hear what you did in Cozumel.


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Monday February 16 Cozumel

Today was our first port day, first of three. We had booked a jeep and passion island day through shore excursioner. We had been to Cozumel last year, we went to the mainland and did the Xplore Park. That was pretty cool minus the point that there was zip lining. I hate heights.


Anyway we were told to met at the hard rock boutique. So we were walking through the main area of shopping by the pier, and this man shouted 'passion island' I was like 'ya' and my dad was like 'no Brennna, keep walking' anyway. Apparently the hard rock boutique didn't exist anymore. We started walking back the way we came from, and I was right. The guy was calling at us! Anyway we met our guide Carlos, who was the best and the couple we were touring with. We were driving the quote unquote uncool jeeps as according to my father. The jeeps actually we pretty cool, but the road we took was super bumpy. After a rough ride we made it to the boat that would take us to passion island. We had about 3 1/2 hours on the island. I went swimming for about 15 minutes and then just laid down for an hour.


After I attempted to kayak, it didn't go so well. Somewhere during the day I managed to get burned. I never burn. I did no wheat to do! After we all went for lunch. Which by this point I didn't want to eat. This was the worst possible situation, what kind of person doesn't want to eat on a cruise. I just had some guacamole.


Passion island was gorgeous, and there were only about 450 guests it wasn't hard at all to get a chair or a drink. All of your drinks and food are included. There are no frozen drinks though.The shopping was decent there too.


Soon, our three hours were up and it was time to catch a boat and take a jeep back to Cozumel. The back road we took in the jeep was awful, it was the same rode we took up. After we did a little bit of shopping and then I decided that it was time for me to get back to the boat. Yes, I went by myself. On Disney I remember that you had to be over eighteen to get on the boat by yourself but I guess that wasn't the case here. Another nice touch by Norwegian was the cookies, juice and towels they had waiting for you before you boarded. Disney never had anything like that and I appreciated the gesture after a long day. I went back on the boat and napped until sail away. At sail away my family watched the dock runners, that was probably the best part of the day. It is actually very amusing to watch.


Diner tonight was at Azura. I double appetizered and ordered a seafood soup and a pork spring roll. For my main I had chicken cordon blue. Since I doubled appetizered I wasn't feeling dessert so I ordered a melon dream, because I love fruit. After diner my family went to watch the comedian. He was so funny, like I haven't laughed that much in a long time. We found out he was doing a bullying presentation later in the week and my mother, once. A teacher always a teacher decided we were all going to go.


After the show I went to meet up with my friends at washy washy. Apparently every else wanted to see the comedian. So I went again, I pretty sure I laughed just as much as the first time. After we went up to the sports deck and watched a pretty sad game of dodgeball. By this point our group had had gone from nine to four. We all just hung out at entourage. Nothing was really happening so I went back to my stateroom around 11 to have an early night.

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Monday February 16 Cozumel

Today was our first port day, first of three. We had booked a jeep and passion island day through shore excursioner. We had been to Cozumel last year, we went to the mainland and did the Xplore Park. That was pretty cool minus the point that there was zip lining. I hate heights.


Anyway we were told to met at the hard rock boutique. So we were walking through the main area of shopping by the pier, and this man shouted 'passion island' I was like 'ya' and my dad was like 'no Brennna, keep walking' anyway. Apparently the hard rock boutique didn't exist anymore. We started walking back the way we came from, and I was right. The guy was calling at us! Anyway we met our guide Carlos, who was the best and the couple we were touring with. We were driving the quote unquote uncool jeeps as according to my father. The jeeps actually we pretty cool, but the road we took was super bumpy. After a rough ride we made it to the boat that would take us to passion island. We had about 3 1/2 hours on the island. I went swimming for about 15 minutes and then just laid down for an hour.


After I attempted to kayak, it didn't go so well. Somewhere during the day I managed to get burned. I never burn. I did no wheat to do! After we all went for lunch. Which by this point I didn't want to eat. This was the worst possible situation, what kind of person doesn't want to eat on a cruise. I just had some guacamole.


Passion island was gorgeous, and there were only about 450 guests it wasn't hard at all to get a chair or a drink. All of your drinks and food are included. There are no frozen drinks though.The shopping was decent there too.


Soon, our three hours were up and it was time to catch a boat and take a jeep back to Cozumel. The back road we took in the jeep was awful, it was the same rode we took up. After we did a little bit of shopping and then I decided that it was time for me to get back to the boat. Yes, I went by myself. On Disney I remember that you had to be over eighteen to get on the boat by yourself but I guess that wasn't the case here. Another nice touch by Norwegian was the cookies, juice and towels they had waiting for you before you boarded. Disney never had anything like that and I appreciated the gesture after a long day. I went back on the boat and napped until sail away. At sail away my family watched the dock runners, that was probably the best part of the day. It is actually very amusing to watch.


Diner tonight was at Azura. I double appetizered and ordered a seafood soup and a pork spring roll. For my main I had chicken cordon blue. Since I doubled appetizered I wasn't feeling dessert so I ordered a melon dream, because I love fruit. After diner my family went to watch the comedian. He was so funny, like I haven't laughed that much in a long time. We found out he was doing a bullying presentation later in the week and my mother, once. A teacher always a teacher decided we were all going to go.


After the show I went to meet up with my friends at washy washy. Apparently every else wanted to see the comedian. So I went again, I pretty sure I laughed just as much as the first time. After we went up to the sports deck and watched a pretty sad game of dodgeball. By this point our group had had gone from nine to four. We all just hung out at entourage. Nothing was really happening so I went back to my stateroom around 11 to have an early night.


Yeah the comedians are all usually really good. I'm shocked that you didn't go to dolphin topia


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Sorry guys, I've been super busy with school and skating lately. Thank you for all of the support. Here goes day four!


Tuesday February 17


Today was the day I had been waiting for since my last cruise. I finally got to see Mayan ruins. Last cruise I really wanted to see some but it didn't work out. So when I was planning this cruise I made sure that I would be able to see ruins somewhere.


On another side note I planned most of this trip with dad giving me the final okay, so I considered it my baby.


So we woke up at 6:45 because we had a 7:50 meeting time for our Lamanai Ruins and Ricer Safari. Dad and I has a week long talk if we should book with the ship or with an independent tour operator. In the end we decided to book with the ship because Belize was a tender port.


My sun burn was better today but I still covered it with after sun and sunscreen. And planned my outfit to hide the burn. I wasn't feeling hungry again. Like what is the point of going on a cruise if you never want to eat. So I had a small bowl of fruit.


Since we had to tender we met in the stardust theatre and left from there. It was really cool because we had to walk through the crew area to get to our tender. Anyway once we got to the main land we found our tour pretty easily. It was in a cute little area with some cute shops. I saw a really awesome pullover that I wanted to buy but we didn't have any time, so we were going to stop and shop on the way back.


We had about an hour bus ride through the country side of Belize. Our guides were brothers Roy and Edgar. They were super funny and shared a lot of information about Belize. So we drove to a restaurant where we would board a boat to take us to the ruins. The river safari was suppose to take 45 minutes. On the ride we saw birds and a little boy in the tour got to fed a monkey, it was adorable. The boat almost broke down a couple of times but we made it to the ruins.

Once at the ruins we saw the four main sites. We got to climb the high temple. There were stairs going up the back so it wasn't as authentic. We also saw the mask temple, and the Jaguar temple. I honesty didn't really see the jaguar. We also saw the royal court where games were played, apparently the winner of the game was sacrificed, want a way to win. We also took a detour and saw the ball court.

After about an hour we left the site to board our boat back to the restaurant. We were riding on a new boat because our old boat broke down. So we got on the new boat, it broke down too, in the middle of the river. We kind of just floated for about 15 minutes in the river. Another boat came to help us out and eventually we were up and running again. We made it back to the restaurant and started to eat lunch. By this time it was almost three so I don't remember what lunch honestly was but it was good. For not wanting to eat I actually had some! We had about 30 minutes before we had to board the bus back.

For the first 45 minutes I napped. And then the bus broke down. As you can see today was not our day for vehicles. By this point it was four and everyone was starting to get worried about catching the 5:30 tender. But since we booked with the ship we wouldn't be left in Belize. So we stayed in the side of the highway for about 15 -20 minutes while the bus was being fixed. And then we all filed back on only to have the bus break down again. So this time it was five minutes and we were up and running, again. Now we drove for about five minutes and then we hit a bump the bus broke down, again.


Now today was obviously not our day for vehicles. This time they decided to call in a new bus, it was about 4:45. The bus took about 30 minutes to get the bus to where we were. At this point we were about 10 minutes from port. It was getting tense mostly because people did not want to make the boat wait. And I really wanted to get that sweatshirt! Eventually a new bus came and we all got on. We made it to the pier at 5:25 and basically ran into the next tender. We waited for about 10 minutes and then left to the boat.


Once we made it back to the boat we had missed our diner reservations. I still phoned to cancel even though our 5:30 time had passed. We decided to eat at the buffet because no one was really hungry. I had a make your own pasta.


After I went to meet up with my friends to tell them about my adventure. We just sat and talked on the deck twelve to thirteen stairs, don't worry we moved out of the way for people. We saw a person who had a cupcakes, apparently it was Mardi Gras that night. Now since I'm Canadian I've never actually celebrated Mardi Gras, there was a dance party up on deck. At fist we were dancing with everyone, I went to dance and slipped, in front of everyone.


Then we decided to dance in the hot tub. Which was really fun. People noticed us and we received multiple high fives. After we decided to go to the show, in bathing suits and towels. We dried off enough. The show tonight was Duo Deja Vu. Which I highly recommend you make time to see. It was very very good.


After we went back to the hot tub and just hung out until I left at 11:30 to get ready for our last port day.

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Sorry guys, I've been super busy with school and skating lately. Thank you for all of the support. Here goes day four!


Tuesday February 17


Today was the day I had been waiting for since my last cruise. I finally got to see Mayan ruins. Last cruise I really wanted to see some but it didn't work out. So when I was planning this cruise I made sure that I would be able to see ruins somewhere.


On another side note I planned most of this trip with dad giving me the final okay, so I considered it my baby.


So we woke up at 6:45 because we had a 7:50 meeting time for our Lamanai Ruins and Ricer Safari. Dad and I has a week long talk if we should book with the ship or with an independent tour operator. In the end we decided to book with the ship because Belize was a tender port.


My sun burn was better today but I still covered it with after sun and sunscreen. And planned my outfit to hide the burn. I wasn't feeling hungry again. Like what is the point of going on a cruise if you never want to eat. So I had a small bowl of fruit.


Since we had to tender we met in the stardust theatre and left from there. It was really cool because we had to walk through the crew area to get to our tender. Anyway once we got to the main land we found our tour pretty easily. It was in a cute little area with some cute shops. I saw a really awesome pullover that I wanted to buy but we didn't have any time, so we were going to stop and shop on the way back.


We had about an hour bus ride through the country side of Belize. Our guides were brothers Roy and Edgar. They were super funny and shared a lot of information about Belize. So we drove to a restaurant where we would board a boat to take us to the ruins. The river safari was suppose to take 45 minutes. On the ride we saw birds and a little boy in the tour got to fed a monkey, it was adorable. The boat almost broke down a couple of times but we made it to the ruins.

Once at the ruins we saw the four main sites. We got to climb the high temple. There were stairs going up the back so it wasn't as authentic. We also saw the mask temple, and the Jaguar temple. I honesty didn't really see the jaguar. We also saw the royal court where games were played, apparently the winner of the game was sacrificed, want a way to win. We also took a detour and saw the ball court.

After about an hour we left the site to board our boat back to the restaurant. We were riding on a new boat because our old boat broke down. So we got on the new boat, it broke down too, in the middle of the river. We kind of just floated for about 15 minutes in the river. Another boat came to help us out and eventually we were up and running again. We made it back to the restaurant and started to eat lunch. By this time it was almost three so I don't remember what lunch honestly was but it was good. For not wanting to eat I actually had some! We had about 30 minutes before we had to board the bus back.

For the first 45 minutes I napped. And then the bus broke down. As you can see today was not our day for vehicles. By this point it was four and everyone was starting to get worried about catching the 5:30 tender. But since we booked with the ship we wouldn't be left in Belize. So we stayed in the side of the highway for about 15 -20 minutes while the bus was being fixed. And then we all filed back on only to have the bus break down again. So this time it was five minutes and we were up and running, again. Now we drove for about five minutes and then we hit a bump the bus broke down, again.


Now today was obviously not our day for vehicles. This time they decided to call in a new bus, it was about 4:45. The bus took about 30 minutes to get the bus to where we were. At this point we were about 10 minutes from port. It was getting tense mostly because people did not want to make the boat wait. And I really wanted to get that sweatshirt! Eventually a new bus came and we all got on. We made it to the pier at 5:25 and basically ran into the next tender. We waited for about 10 minutes and then left to the boat.


Once we made it back to the boat we had missed our diner reservations. I still phoned to cancel even though our 5:30 time had passed. We decided to eat at the buffet because no one was really hungry. I had a make your own pasta.


After I went to meet up with my friends to tell them about my adventure. We just sat and talked on the deck twelve to thirteen stairs, don't worry we moved out of the way for people. We saw a person who had a cupcakes, apparently it was Mardi Gras that night. Now since I'm Canadian I've never actually celebrated Mardi Gras, there was a dance party up on deck. At fist we were dancing with everyone, I went to dance and slipped, in front of everyone.


Then we decided to dance in the hot tub. Which was really fun. People noticed us and we received multiple high fives. After we decided to go to the show, in bathing suits and towels. We dried off enough. The show tonight was Duo Deja Vu. Which I highly recommend you make time to see. It was very very good.


After we went back to the hot tub and just hung out until I left at 11:30 to get ready for our last port day.


Absolutely fantastic, you should keep writing reviews for future cruises you go on.


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