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Room Service No Longer Free - NCL Starts $7.95 Charge Per Order


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Yes I read that in another thread. I am not sure what it means. Does it mean that;

  1. There will now be a service charge added to the purchase of the UDP? or
  2. Is there a service charge built into the 18% auto gratuity?


If the answer is 1) I wonder why this would not be built into the purchase price of the UDP? Or is it already there? If the answer is 2) I believe the average person would think that an 18% gratuity would be meant for the server themselves. Not a gratuity with a portion going to the employer.


Just more ambiguous terminology that makes it difficult to figure out exactly what we are being told we must pay in addition to our base cruise fare. How is a consumer supposed to make an informed choice if they have no idea what is being said?




who knows what is included.


NCL manage to charge EU VAT on items that cost Zero to the consumer which is un heard of in Europe.

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Now you are starting to see the concern many of us have been expressing. The room service fee by itself is not a big deal but seen in the light of what Del Rio wants to do with NCL it takes on a different meaning entirely. I am not sure it's a matter of how dumb he is but rather a matter of how arrogant he is.


The bold is the crux of it. I'm very curious to see where this company will be in 5 years.

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who knows what is included.


NCL manage to charge EU VAT on items that cost Zero to the consumer which is un heard of in Europe.


Whatever percentage rate of VAT multiplied by zero is zero.:confused:


What items are you referring to?

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People keep saying that NCL is "skimming" a portion of the DSC and other sundry service charges for their own bottom line.


What facts are they basing these accusations on? Or is the typical throw $h1t on the wall and see what sticks?


I've have tried very hard to share my background, education, training and expertise in the fields of law and law enforcment and how they affect cruising life. Here is another applicable situation.


Law Enforcement is a multi tiered process with escalating levels of truth:

reasonable suspicion of guilt, probable cause of guilt, guilty by perponderance of evidence, guilty beyond reasonable doubt.


We act to protect ourselves with suspicion of guilt.

We arrest or sue with probability of guilt.

We impose money damages with guilt by perponderance of evidence.

We imprison with guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.


It is illogical to ask for "proof" positive that NCL's Daily Service Charge is being skimmed before responding as if it has.

In the real everyday world, we should act under worse case scenario.

If NCL fails to be completely transparent and candid where the money goes, there is reasonable suspicion that some or all is being skimmed.



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People keep saying that NCL is "skimming" a portion of the DSC and other sundry service charges for their own bottom line.


What facts are they basing these accusations on? Or is the typical throw $h1t on the wall and see what sticks?

They have no proof, just as they have no proof that NCL is double or triple dipping, it is all speculation. No one on here, even if they say they are an "expert", has any idea what NCL does with the money and if they say they do, they are very disingenuous.
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They have no proof, just as they have no proof that NCL is double or triple dipping, it is all speculation. No one on here, even if they say they are an "expert", has any idea what NCL does with the money and if they say they do, they are very disingenuous.

For the umpteenth time; when something was "included" when I booked a cruise and now incurs TWO fees on top of the DSC in order to use it, NCL is triple dipping into my pocket. The DSC. The convenience fee. The gratuity on top of the convenience fee. This is very easy to understand.

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Ordering a "Chops" steak in the MDR on RCI has been an option for a few years now.


Yes, I know, I have done it several times, but only on ships that did not have a Chops. I do not recall seeing the option on a ship that had Chops.

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For the umpteenth time; when something was "included" when I booked a cruise and now incurs TWO fees on top of the DSC in order to use it, NCL is triple dipping into my pocket. The DSC. The convenience fee. The gratuity on top of the convenience fee. This is very easy to understand.
For the umpteenth time, you have no idea if those getting the 18% gratuity for the specialty restaurants or room service is getting any of the DSC. If you look on NCL's website under DSC, it clearly says Staff members including complimentary restaurant staff, stateroom stewards and behind-the-scenes support staff. This is very easy to understand. Just because you don't believe NCL, doesn't make it true!
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I realize I am very late to the party, but I would line to comment on the NCL convenience charge. The amount of this charge is not yet fleet wide and is yet to be determined. Thus the two different amounts being charged on two different ships.


Folks have complained for years about the lack of hot food, particularly on the breakfast menu. Guess what? NCL has responded and offered a menu with

hot food for breakfast. This does not come without some expense.


The old breakfast menu does not require rocket science to prepare. Basically, it is matter of producing toast, filling coffee carafes and placing cold items on a tray. The enhance menu requires a dedicated cooking staff to cook eggs and other items. That creates expense.


Also, if the ordered food is supposed to be hot when delivered, I presume it

will entail more personnel to deliver orders in a timely manner.


Basically, NCL is offering what pax requested. Some here think they are being ripped off.

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For the umpteenth time, you have no idea if those getting the 18% gratuity for the specialty restaurants or room service is getting any of the DSC. If you look on NCL's website under DSC, it clearly says Staff members including complimentary restaurant staff, stateroom stewards and behind-the-scenes support staff. This is very easy to understand. Just because you don't believe NCL, doesn't make it true!


We are talking about two different things.


I am talking about the number of times NCL charges me. You are talking about what NCL does with the money.


When I booked, room service was included with the cruise fare and DSC. Now I am charged two additional charges; a convenience fee and a gratuity on top of that fee. It doesn't matter if NCL lights the money on fire or feeds it to the fishes. It's a triple dip into MY wallet. First time; the DSC. Second time, the convenience fee. Third time, the gratuity on the convenience fee.

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We are talking about two different things.


I am talking about the number of times NCL charges me. You are talking about what NCL does with the money.


When I booked, room service was included with the cruise fare and DSC. Now I am charged two additional charges; a convenience fee and a gratuity on top of that fee. It doesn't matter if NCL lights the money on fire or feeds it to the fishes. It's a triple dip into MY wallet. First time; the DSC. Second time, the convenience fee. Third time, the gratuity on the convenience fee.

You have your opinion and I have mine, so we will just have to agree to disagree on this.


Hope all your future cruises go well.

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Whatever percentage rate of VAT multiplied by zero is zero.:confused:


What items are you referring to?


Drinks on the UBP

my last cruise was around $10 on a zero charge,


I could not be bothered with a guest service discussion on that amount.


I think they just have a messed up POS system.

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I realize I am very late to the party, but I would line to comment on the NCL convenience charge. The amount of this charge is not yet fleet wide and is yet to be determined. Thus the two different amounts being charged on two different ships.


Folks have complained for years about the lack of hot food, particularly on the breakfast menu. Guess what? NCL has responded and offered a menu with

hot food for breakfast. This does not come without some expense.


The old breakfast menu does not require rocket science to prepare. Basically, it is matter of producing toast, filling coffee carafes and placing cold items on a tray. The enhance menu requires a dedicated cooking staff to cook eggs and other items. That creates expense.


Also, if the ordered food is supposed to be hot when delivered, I presume it

will entail more personnel to deliver orders in a timely manner.


Basically, NCL is offering what pax requested. Some here think they are being ripped off.


If that were the case NCL would charge for the "premium" items a la carte, and not charging the same fee regardless of how much you order and whether an item is hot or cold.


Carnival seems to be handling this MUCH better. Much of their room service remains complimentary. If you want a continental breakfast of coffee, fruit, yogurt, no charge. If you want a premium, made to order, hot item you pay additional for that item. No uproar over at that board, many seem to embrace the change. If NCL did the same thing I think many here would embrace it too.

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When did that change? Why would someone pay double the price for the same steak in Chops?

When did the policy allow you to order a "chops" steak in the MDR for extra charge? So long ago that I can't give you a date. Not something that I regularly do but the last time I remember ordering one was at least two years ago. So, you can order a "better" steak in the MDR for an upcharge. When in Chops, you can order a "better" (dry aged) steak for an upcharge. I think their favorite word is "upcharge".

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As Mr. Spock would say: "Your opinion is based upon illogical thinking.


In the real world of every day life, if some one does not divulge what they are doing with money they demand of you, a rational person would act in a logical manner and form a reasonable suspicion that the other person was pocketing some or all the money.


When you accuse others, who are thinking more logically than you, of being disengenuous, you are accusing them of lying.


The way I interpet NLH's position is thus:


"Since we do not know what NCL does with the money, it does not matter how many times they charge you for the same thing. The number of times NCL charges you is irrelevant. You can not claim they charge you three times, even though they DO charge you three times, until we know where the money goes."


Doesn't matter where the money goes, only matters that they charged me 3 times.

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For the umpteenth time, you have no idea if those getting the 18% gratuity for the specialty restaurants or room service is getting any of the DSC. If you look on NCL's website under DSC, it clearly says Staff members including complimentary restaurant staff, stateroom stewards and behind-the-scenes support staff. This is very easy to understand. Just because you don't believe NCL, doesn't make it true!


We have formed a reasonable suspicion (I think probable cause) that NCL is not telling the truth because the new CEO has public said he's going to increase what he charges and cut back on previous comp services and they keep changing the wording of prices and services.

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I realize I am very late to the party, but I would line to comment on the NCL convenience charge. The amount of this charge is not yet fleet wide and is yet to be determined. Thus the two different amounts being charged on two different ships.




Folks have complained for years about the lack of hot food, particularly on the breakfast menu. Guess what? NCL has responded and offered a menu with


hot food for breakfast. This does not come without some expense.




The old breakfast menu does not require rocket science to prepare. Basically, it is matter of producing toast, filling coffee carafes and placing cold items on a tray. The enhance menu requires a dedicated cooking staff to cook eggs and other items. That creates expense.




Also, if the ordered food is supposed to be hot when delivered, I presume it


will entail more personnel to deliver orders in a timely manner.




Basically, NCL is offering what pax requested. Some here think they are being ripped off.



So, all I want is a pot of coffee delivered to my room each morning. This was free when I paid for my cruise. Now it is $4.95. On a 12 day cruise, 11 mornings, that is going to cost me $54.95. Just as well they have a discretionary service charge, else I'd be out of pocket.

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Drinks on the UBP

my last cruise was around $10 on a zero charge,


I could not be bothered with a guest service discussion on that amount.


I think they just have a messed up POS system.


Without wishing to get too deep into VAT law:D and not knowing your itinerary and the timing of the drinks/food.


The pertinent time for the charging of VAT is the time of the supply, not the time of payment (known as the Tax Point).


I am guessing you were supplied some chargeable food/drinks whilst within Spanish territorial waters. The supply dictated the timing of charging of the VAT - the time of payment is irrelevant.


So (given the Spanish assumption) NCL were applying it correctly.

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In the real world of every day life, if some one does not divulge what they are doing with money they demand of you, a rational person would act in a logical manner and form a reasonable suspicion that the other person was pocketing some or all the money.


I disagree. Logic would dictate that the business I go to is under no obligation whatsoever to explain to me what they do with the money they charge me for a service. When you go to a restaurant and pay your bill do you ask the cashier or manager where all or a portion of you money goes and to whom?


NCL is under no obligation to it's customer based to explain the increase in the DSC,how the DSC is distributed or why they implemented a RS,specialty dining fee or any of the auto-grats. The idea that a business that isn't "transparent and cnadid" about how it uses it's revenue is somehow ripping off it's customers and/or employees is nonsense in my opinion.


People seem to think that because NCL is opening it's books to the general public that something shay is going on when in reality they are like any other business. You don't see Coca-Cola explaining how they distribute their revenue to their employees.



NCL been more open about how the DSC is distributed because they wanted to be not because they have to be.


Again this is pretty simple to solve for anyone that is having an issue with these new charges. Deal with it for this cruise(provided you are already booked and can't cancel) and then book with NCL again or go elsewhere.


Regardless happy sailings for all.





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When did the policy allow you to order a "chops" steak in the MDR for extra charge? So long ago that I can't give you a date. Not something that I regularly do but the last time I remember ordering one was at least two years ago. So, you can order a "better" steak in the MDR for an upcharge. When in Chops, you can order a "better" (dry aged) steak for an upcharge. I think their favorite word is "upcharge".


Well, my next two cruises are on Freedom (which no longer has a Chops) and Liberty (I don't know if it has a Chops) and we will see. After Liberty is my NCL cruise.

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So, all I want is a pot of coffee delivered to my room each morning. This was free when I paid for my cruise. Now it is $4.95. On a 12 day cruise, 11 mornings, that is going to cost me $54.95. Just as well they have a discretionary service charge, else I'd be out of pocket.




You're giving NCL the benefit of the doubt. They may use the 2nd ships trial plan and charge $7.95 (Room Service Convenience Charge) plus the new trial balloon of 18% (Specialty Dining Service Charge).


Your 12 days of formerly free morning pot of coffee could cost you: $112.56

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Well, my next two cruises are on Freedom (which no longer has a Chops) and Liberty (I don't know if it has a Chops) and we will see. After Liberty is my NCL cruise.


Why not discuss RCCL's dining policies over on the RCCL Board? It's confusing enough to keep NCL's policies sorted out;):).

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