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In Tallinn there was a free shuttle bus for Viking that dropped off and picked up in front of the big yellow Russian Cultural Building. This is also next to a HOHO stop, probably for Old Town.

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In Tallinn there was a free shuttle bus for Viking that dropped off and picked up in front of the big yellow Russian Cultural Building. This is also next to a HOHO stop, probably for Old Town.


So is there is a shuttle into Gdansk, which I understand is a gem but one needs to get there from the ships docking spot?

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So is there is a shuttle into Gdansk, which I understand is a gem but one needs to get there from the ships docking spot?


There is no free or otherwise shuttle to gdansk. They did have a shuttle but it went to the nearer town to the port which also started with a g but isn't gdansk. The included tour goes to gdansk and it is well worth it. Great old town.

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Thanks for the super info re St Pete! Makes me feel much more confident about getting off in time:). We're also using TJ Tours but for a group of 8.

Maybe the excursion threads could be broken down by segment? ie VIKING (and other) EXCURSION REVIEWS - Istanbul to Barcelona


We also used TJ Travel for agroup of 8 and it was excellent. I highly recommend them. We thought we were the first off the ship lol but maybe not. In any case we were the only ones going through the terminal at the time. Super fast and our guide was right there when we came out.

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OBX - I'll do that with my shore reviews - great idea! Will add some missing ones too with some recommended private tours we took on the Istanbul to Venice leg.


To answer your St Petersburg question - no we were the first passengers off the ship. The trick is to figure out whether the exit ramp is on deck 2, 1, or Deck A which is below deck 1. Then just go there ahead of the Viking tours which are gathering in the Star Theater or Torshavn. That way you can be first off. DO NOT go tell someone you are an independent traveller or that you're doing a private tour. Just go to the exit ramp and they will let you off as soon as they can.


There was also no problem with Russian immigration, either day, either coming or going. The immigration agents are a little intimidating frankly, and they don't smile, or say much - no friendly "hello" or "welcome to St Petersburg". Best bet is to just look straight at them. They didn't like it once when I looked away. It took about a minute both days - the first day we were first off, so the only ones there - the second day there was only one person ahead.


I don't know how Viking pulled this off, but bravo to them. There seemed to be as many Russian immigration agents processing us as there were for the MUCH larger AIDA German ship. Coming back today our Viking line was non-existent and the AIDA line was a mile long. We might have just hit it lucky, but the whole Russian immigration process was a lot less onerous than I had expected.


The port terminal itself is brand new and not at all dreary. Probably the best port we've docked at the whole cruise. NOTE however: it is a good 30 minutes from the port to the City Center by car or tour bus. I did not see any other public transportation options within walking distance other than private cars, mini-vans, tour buses and a few taxis.



Does no one at the Viking exit ramp even question you if you have a visa or blanket visa with a private tour company? We will be exiting and looking for our SPB Tour for both our St. Petersburg days.

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Does no one at the Viking exit ramp even question you if you have a visa or blanket visa with a private tour company? We will be exiting and looking for our SPB Tour for both our St. Petersburg days.


When you leave the ship, Viking doesn't question you as long as you swipe your keycard like normal. However, then you must pass through Russia passport control and that is where you will need to show your ship's keycard, passport and "tour ticket". Our tour ticket was an email attachment and didn't look official but it did show the company name, tour company license number (or something like that), tour name, my passport name and number, the date and time of the tour. The Russian passport control man looked at everything, stamped my passport and also gave me a landing card (or something like that -- I didn't look at it and just kept it in my passport). When I returned to the port later that day and went through passport control again, the landing card was taken from me. It was easy and took no more than one minute each time.


The ship's printers don't always work so make sure to bring anything you need printed out with you, if possible.


Also, if you use the ATM at the port which is on the right immediately after you walk through the Customs doors and if you select 1000 rubles (the smallest choice = $20 USD), you will get one 1000 bank note. No big deal unless you plan on using it for tips in which case you'll need to buy a bottle of water or something to get smaller bills.

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Agree 100% with what LadyVol has been posting re the questions on Tallinn, Gdansk, and St Pete. (It is called a landing card in St Pete and you need to have it to return to the ship, so don't lose it. However, on the second day for some mysterious reason, the authorities were not 'requiring' landing cards. Best not to question these things...)

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We did the included city tour in Helsinki this morning. I know it's free, but I'm not sure I would do this if I had it to do over. I think we'd take the free shuttle and maybe the Hop-on-Hop-off bus, or just walk from there. The included tour does cover (photo-stop 10 min) the Sibelius monument, the Senate Square and main Lutheran Cathedral (30 min) and the Rock Church (30 minutes). The Rock church was about a 1/4 mile flat level walk, and very crowded. Our guide said it was good we came this time of year because in the summer it gets crowded - and I thought it WAS already crowded. Although this church was certainly different, the crowds, noise, and selfies going on rather disracted from the place. The building itself is also showing signs of wear and tear from all the tourists. There was nothing wrong with this tour - but a little too much of "on your right is the ???, and on your left is the ???" for me. I think time on our own would have been better spent.


One rather confusing aspect today was the way it started. Apparently there was an announcement to not go to the Torshavn as per the Daily, but to just exit the ship on Deck A (one deck below deck 1). But, since this announcement doesn't get broadcast to the cabins, we didn't hear it. So when we went to Torshavn about 3 min past the meeting time, there was no one there - no sign either. So we figured I had this wrong and went to the Star Theater - no one there either and no sign, but I did find a steward who was cleaning up glasses and he said to exit on Deck A. This we did. No one there either but we just kept walking past the terminal and saw a bunch of coaches and went there. The first two busses were for another tour and neither bus driver knew anything about the included tour but pointed us (we had now picked up another 4 confused passengers) towards the far end where there was a lone bus. This turned out to be it. Just another example of some of the disorganization of the ShoreEx experience of this cruise. They should have had Viking staff at Torshavn or at least a sign.


After the majority of the tour was over, the bus then did drop off people close to the Market Square who wanted to stay in town and get the shuttle. Then the bus came back to the ship. We opted to come back to the ship as we need to start packing. We've found we've accumulated quite a bit of 'stuff' in 50 days and are not sure how it's all going to fit.


Can't believe our last port of call is tomorrow!

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For those few of you fellow iced tea addicts out there, an update on iced tea. While it has been easily available for several weeks by ordering from wait staff (no more deer-in-headlights total incomprehension), it has NOT been available at the tap on the juice machine for several weeks. The head of food & beverage patiently explained to me that they had run out of the iced tea concentrate that they need to make it at the tap because "WE WERE DRINKING TOO MUCH OF IT". (It had been available for about a week at the tap several weeks ago.)


Well, update on that, it has appeared at one of the taps on the juice machine on the starboard side once again. Don't know how long it will stay there, but at least it's not being made one teabag at a time anymore. Today at lunch, I noticed one of the waiters filling up a carafe at this tap. So hopefully it will be that way when the rest of you board. Only took them 48 days!

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Regarding Helsinki, the guides did indicate to their respective groups where the return shuttle would be, but some more accurately than others. Our guide essentially circled the harbor area on the maps provided when in fact the pick-up was in a minor square three blocks inland. A couple I met on the street had better information from their guide so I walked with them. The Viking Daily only mentioned a street name.


The map provided indicated the walk from the terminal to the Market Square was about 2km taking a very zig-zag route thru town. I think the walk along the shoreline which was level and certain was more than 4km. The problem with walking in is you have no idea where to catch the shuttle and you shouldn't rely on where our stop was.


The walk to the Rock Church depends on where your bus was able to park and it was nutty today when it wasn't even peak season. Our walk was moderately uphill for 4 blocks. The Rock Church in fact is a pit dug into a rock with a metal and glass roof. There rocks were piled along the outer walls to enhance the appearance of being substantially underground. There are bathrooms at the church with long line for women and using the bathroom required 1 euro or equivalent. Despite the wonderful music playing to enhance the experience, people were irreverent to the settings and I thought that stop was below average as an experience.


I would not pay anyone for the opportunity to see Helsinki. Take a free tour. For those staying in town, our bus let us out near the main shopping district with plenty of options for lunch nearby. There is a big department store called Stockman's and you walk past it on either it's left or right side and continue walking until you hit the Senate Square or waterfront. You'll know where you are then.

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In St Petersburg, for those with private tours, I believe the agents are matching computer records of the passport information the tour provided for your visa with your passport. Don't lose your landing card on the first day as it needs to be surrendered when you return. You'll then get a second visa stamp.


The second day you present your passport now with the two visa stamps and a tour ticket for that day.


On neither day were any of the six of us required to show our ship's card to immigration.


On both days be patient and business like. One at a time only and walk up to any available agent. The red light does not mean do not step up instead it means do not pass. When you are done, the light turns green and you can continue through.


When returning one day there was a line indicated for crew members but passengers were being directed to that line. Just go where you are told to go.


Someone pointed out that part of the delay might have been the agent thumbing thru the passport looking for the page with the bear image. We don't think it a coincidence that we all had our visa stamps placed on that page - it was a statement.


A staffer mentioned there were 30 immigration agents on the first day and had never seen that large a number before. Don't be surprised if there is an adjustment for future arrivals and lines start to grow.


P.S. If you are on a private tour and there is inclement weather think twice before stepping out of the building to look for a guide, etc. Once you are out you are out unless you go around the building and through security. That happened to us and others. If you are early, wait inside and let the guide come to you. I believe the only seating outside is in a grassy median without shade or cover.

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I think it was Deck 2. At first they told us A but when we got there they redirected us to either 1 or 2, but think it was 2. (That was 3 days ago...my memory isn't that good. I can tell you today in Stockholm it was Deck A, but 3 days ago - not so positive. :p )

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We are on the Bergen-Stockholm itinerary beginning July 11. We booked both morning and afternoon Viking excursions in SPB both days, with about 90 min between them. Has anyone done this? Did you have any trouble with timing getting messed up, i.e. were you able to make it to the second excursion on time?


Thanks for any info current passengers can provide.

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To any current or past Star passengers,

We are headed on the Star in July, and I have a kind of odd question. Does anyone know how LONG the main pool is in feet, meters, or yards? I am a lap swimmer, and I know this pool will be small. I was just curious HOW small.


Thanks for any info.

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Pool is 5'10" deep or 1.8m across the entire pool. I estimate the length to be about 25 feet and the width a bit less than 15 feet. There is a shelf about 5 feet long making the pool appear to be larger, 30 x 15. But swimmable length about 25'.

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For folks getting on in Stockholm on May 30, we've been told that it is sold out with 930 passengers expected. Also, Torstein Hagen boarded the ship in Helsinki yesterday and had lunch on board and met with the crew today at 10 AM (that was the announcement re: "All crew please come to the Star Theater" at 9:45 this morning) telling them about the delay of the Sky, that the Sea is scheduled for an April 1, 2016 sailing, etc., etc.


If you see Tors, offer to buy him a G & T and I bet you'll be treated like a VIP!!

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Yesterday we did the optional tour to Drottningholm Palace in Stockholm. The weather was cloudy and windy but nice. A bus took us to the Palace out of town a bit - ride took about 40 minutes. Then we toured the Palace itself. Although we had a great guide, it was a bit of a forced march in places. We would stop in a room for a short while as she would describe some of the highlights but then walk directly through the next 4 or 5 rooms and then pause again. There was no chance to even pause at any of the rooms we went through. She clearly had a short time to tour the Palace and had to really keep us moving. That was a shame because this was a beautiful place. The other bummer was that no photographs at all are allowed in the Palace. Then we went around the outside of the Palace to the Royal Theater and a docent in period costume gave us a tour here. The theater is quiet plain in comparison with the opulence of the Palace, but all the machinery and ornamentation is original, so was an interesting spot to visit - and here you could take pics but no flash. We then had a very brief walk out into the gardens, but had little time there before we had to board an old 100 year old boat (very seaworthy though and has been converted to diesel from steam) to go across the picturesque Lake Malaren. From there it was supposed to be a short bus ride back to the Star, but being Friday night rush hour it took about 30 min to get back.


This was a great tour, but needs more time to do it justice.

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Our 50 day maiden saga has been an adventure - some great times, some really frustrating times. But it is now officially over as we are off the Star. I will continue to answer questions and post the occasional comment as things come to me, but my regular posts will end. I would suggest that this thread come to an end as well and someone else start a thread for the new voyages that are now circling the Baltic. Otherwise this thread could go on forever! Bye everyone, especially to those kindred spirits who were with us for these crazy 50 days! God bless!

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