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Communication with Teen On Board Ship


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We will also have our two teens with us on our next cruise - one boy, one girl.


In addition to the rule of not entering anyone else's stateroom, they are not allowed to have anyone in our stateroom.


We also check in multiple times a day and eat together.


One issue that hasn't been mentioned - although I am hijacking the thread even more off topic :) - is drinks. We have a rule that if the teens leave a soda or other teen appropriate drink (while in the teen club or at the pool, etc), they are not to drink it when they return. Instead, they are to refresh instead. I'm probably an overprotective Mama, but rather be safe than sorry.


I won't even start the conversation about other teens hallway running and elevator games. Our kids shake their heads, too. Sigh.

Edited by Ladybug487
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We will also have our two teens with us on our next cruise - one boy, one girl.


In addition to the rule of not entering anyone else's stateroom, they are not allowed to have anyone in our stateroom.


We also check in multiple times a day and eat together.


One issue that hasn't been mentioned - although I am hijacking the thread even more off topic :) - is drinks. We have a rule that if the teens leave a soda or other teen appropriate drink (while in the teen club or at the pool, etc), they are not to drink it when they return. Instead, they are to refresh instead. I'm probably an overprotective Mama, but rather be safe than sorry.


I won't even start the conversation about other teens hallway running and elevator games. Our kids shake their heads, too. Sigh.


I'm with you on it all!! Our 12 yr old will be 13 when we go and he'll get the same rules and such... I trust him, but not necessarily the other people! And I love that you also said something about the drinks! ;-) good one!

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We will also have our two teens with us on our next cruise - one boy, one girl.



One issue that hasn't been mentioned - although I am hijacking the thread even more off topic :) - is drinks. We have a rule that if the teens leave a soda or other teen appropriate drink (while in the teen club or at the pool, etc), they are not to drink it when they return. Instead, they are to refresh instead. I'm probably an overprotective Mama, but rather be safe than sorry.



I cannot stress this enough - for cruise and home. My eldest girl had her drink spiked last year aged 21-( she looks a lot lot younger about 16yr)- She left her drink on a table with close friends (boys) while going to the toilet -but they were watching the world cup final and did not notice the drink being spiked - Luckily as soon as she drank it she got sick and started passing out and being diabetic her friends phone and ambulance immediately thinking that the diabetes was the issue. Within 20 mins she was fitting - blood tests showed very little alcohol ( at first it her friends found it hard was hard to get the paramedics in the ambulance to understand she was not drunk- in fact she had only been at the bar for 40 mins - we dropped off there and at the hospital blood tests showed she was still under the legal limit to drive) - over 1 hr later her friend also took ill and ended up also fitting- It took them days to recover fully - and my daughter thinks that had she not been diabetic it would not have hit her until she was walking home - probably on her own as it was early evening- It has scared the living daylights out of her- as she is really cautious and sensible so thought nothing would sneak by her. She tried going to the police and went to the bar for CCTV no one seemed interested- police say it happens a lot.:( Lesson well learned never leave drinks even with friends as they may not be as careful as you are).

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What an awful experience, having to use walkie talkies on a vacation.

Think about it, it is totally naff and an awful sight and uncomfortable for others.




I find is so odd and rude the way you respond to people. And for that reason, I would follow you around using my walkie talkie. :D

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I find is so odd and rude the way you respond to people. And for that reason, I would follow you around using my walkie talkie. :D


Me too... I'm sure this 'knickers' person has just signed on to wind everyone up! She'll be the one in the MD dining alone :p

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Funny story. My mom and I took my son on an Alaskan cruise when he was 15. I had rules set for him. Like he had to check in often and had to have dinner with us unless there was an activity in the teen club at dinner. He also had a midnight curfew. No problems until the second to last night.

Every night he and his friends would go to the hot tub around 11:00. The second to the last night he came and got his swimsuit on and said he would be back at midnight. I guess I was extra tired and fell asleep. I woke up at 4:00 AM and my son was not in the cabin. I quickly got my clothes on and went searching.

The feeling and thoughts I had were horrible. I was sick to my stomach. I go down to where the hot tub was and no one was there. I went from floor to floor. Finally a young man that worked on the ship asked if he could help me. I told him my situation. He said there was a young man in a lounger with his girlfriend at the pool. I go up there and sure enough, there he is in a lounger on TOP of a girl with a blanket over them. I marched my butt up there and slapped him on the head. He looked up at me and to my dismay......it wasn't my son. The looks on the boys and girls face was priceless. I asked if they knew my son, which they did but didn't know where he was.

I went back to the elevators and heard a bunch of laughter from the deck below. I went down the stairs and there is my son with a bunch of kids just sitting around talking. My son’s eyes were as big as saucers when he saw how mad I was. His excuse was he forgot his key and didn't want to wake us.

Needless to say, he was grounded from the teen club the last night. The ship gave all the kids white shirts for everyone to sign. The kid I slapped on the head wrote on my sons shirt "I will never forget your mother" The shirt is a keeper!


Oh. My. Word!!! :D THAT WAS FANTASTIC!!! I just read this to my husband and the part where you "found" your son on the lounger....:eek: yes, we both did that! And then cracked up at the rest of the story! Thanks for a good laugh! Btw- taking 2 teen boys this trip. They both KNOW how I would react. :p I expect very good behavior. :cool:

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No way are we going to use walkie talkies. I wouldn't want to lug one around and I know our teen wouldn't. We used the note method -- I kept paper and pen and tape on the desk in our cabin on our last cruise (which was 14 days in length). I would say I'm going for a hula lesson, my hubby would say he's off to Skywalkers to play his guitar, and my daughter would acknowledge these and say she's going to the pool. She knew when we would be at our cabin to get ready for dinner -- if she wanted to come with us, rather than eat with her group of teens, she'll come by and change too. Sometimes she'll ask if we're going to a show (she was into them too) and would eat with us and then to to the show with us.


And many times, even when not trying to find her, I would run into her. One time, I felt a pat on my head while watching a movie at the pool, I looked at the group passing by me and she waved.


She was with us in all the ports so we had plenty of family time then.


Just let your teen know you'll expect a check in every once in a while, or else they'll be glued to your hip for the rest of the cruise.

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We tried the walkie talkies but they didn't work that well. We opted for set times - although we usually stay together until after dinner. and on sea days she got a few hrs with friends in the afternoon. She was not allowed to change were she was with telling us - If something happens to the ship I want to know where they are!


Wilkie-talkies didn't work for us either.


Our kids highlight what they are going to do on the daily planner. You can get this at the beginning of the cruise. They are required to meet us at Lunch/Dinner. If they decide to change their plans they are required to find us immediately and let us know where they will be. We also fill out a daily activity schedule for our kids so they know where we will be. We have cruised many times and are fairly predictable so it's not hard to find us/them.


I used the word "required" on purpose. If they are not where they are suppose to be. Then they spend the rest of the cruise following mom and dad around. They know to begin with that it is NOT a vacation for mom if I have to spend the entire time worried about them. They are also not allowed in the cabin areas. We book near elevators/common areas. We also have 2 teens and they must always travel. Together.


Hopefully you can use some of this. I have cruised with my kids since they were babies and never had any problems. They know what is expected and the consequences if they fail. I never waver or give in so they always know what to expect.

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I used the word "required" on purpose. If they are not where they are suppose to be. Then they spend the rest of the cruise following mom and dad around. They know to begin with that it is NOT a vacation for mom if I have to spend the entire time worried about them. They are also not allowed in the cabin areas. .


That is the best post on this forum.

A responsible Mom.

Someone who care's about their son/daughter.


Some of the posts here are laughable, however some dont quiet get it that they prince or princess is among strangers and still lets the teenage kids run riot and do whatever they want to do.

Oh we hear, "We set rules for them" yeah right !!


In allowing their teenage kids to stay until 2am by the pool, go to others cabins, what do they expect ?

That they are comparing cup cake recipe's ??


Thankfully I know I am right on this, and thanks to the may of you who agree.





Edited by P&O Lynn Knickers
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That is the best post on this forum.

A responsible Mom.

Someone who care's about their son/daughter.


Some of the posts here are laughable, however some dont quiet get it that they prince or princess is among strangers and still lets the teenage kids run riot and do whatever they want to do.

Oh we hear, "We set rules for them" yeah right !!


In allowing their teenage kids to stay until 2am by the pool, go to others cabins, what do they expect ?

That they are comparing cup cake recipe's ??


Thankfully I know I am right on this, and thanks to the may of you who agree.






Wow, you must have been quite a horny shirty teen in your day! Do you even have children? I'm going to hazard a guess that most parents know their own children a bit better than you do.

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Wow, you must have been quite a horny shirty teen in your day! .


You know me too well.

yes I enjoyed myself when i was young.


Maybe you had a sheltered childhood.

Nobody really wants to know about the details.

but the teenage kids need to be supervised.


Giving them a daily planner and telling them to meet at xx time just isnt good enough.

Some parents are just awful parents.

You can see it on cruises.














Edited by P&O Lynn Knickers
Lynn is the best ever GO LYNN
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My son is a senior in high school. He is such a horrible kid. He had his prom last weekend. His date was a beautiful girl. I gave him a curfew of 1:30 AM. His date had the same curfew. Do you know how disappointed I was when he walked in the house at 12:10? When I asked why he was home so early, he said “the prom is over, nothing else to do” He's such a juvenile delinquent!

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:-) Good kid!! Good parenting!


Thank you! I'm pretty proud of him. And, yes, he tried to pull a fast one on our cruise when he was 15. (see story in this thread) But when I found him, he wasn't doing anything wrong. He and a bunch of boys just sitting around talking.


This knicker person is just trying to start trouble. I'm actually finding it a little enjoyable.

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Thank you! I'm pretty proud of him. And, yes, he tried to pull a fast one on our cruise when he was 15. (see story in this thread) But when I found him, he wasn't doing anything wrong. He and a bunch of boys just sitting around talking.


This knicker person is just trying to start trouble. I'm actually finding it a little enjoyable.



Yeah, me too! can't believe some of the rudeness on here, but all kidding aside, kids will be kids, no matter how hard you try and raise them right. They all try to get away with things once in a while...BUT, it is VERY important that they know the consequences of not following the rules on the ship and how dangerous it can be if they don't! :-) everyone will find what works for them and it's neither right or wrong, just whatever works!

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Thank you! I'm pretty proud of him. And, yes, he tried to pull a fast one on our cruise when he was 15. (see story in this thread) But when I found him, he wasn't doing anything wrong. He and a bunch of boys just sitting around talking.


This knicker person is just trying to start trouble. I'm actually finding it a little enjoyable.



Love it! Poor Knickers... I'm guessing 50 something spinster with six cats, a great job, but no friends (just acquaintances) Sits in the champagne bar all evening waiting for 'Mr Right'.


Enjoying this game. It's better than hearing her slag off our teenagers that she knows so well :mad:

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Love it! Poor Knickers... I'm guessing 50 something spinster with six cats, a great job, but no friends (just acquaintances) Sits in the champagne bar all evening waiting for 'Mr Right'.




Enjoying this game. It's better than hearing her slag off our teenagers that she knows so well :mad:



You are cracking me up!!

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Love it! Poor Knickers... I'm guessing 50 something spinster with six cats, a great job, but no friends (just acquaintances) Sits in the champagne bar all evening waiting for 'Mr Right'.


Enjoying this game. It's better than hearing her slag off our teenagers that she knows so well :mad:


That made me laugh out loud.

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Love it! Poor Knickers... I'm guessing 50 something spinster with six cats, a great job, but no friends (just acquaintances) Sits in the champagne bar all evening waiting for 'Mr Right'.


Enjoying this game. It's better than hearing her slag off our teenagers that she knows so well :mad:



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Love it! Poor Knickers... I'm guessing 50 something spinster with six cats, a great job, but no friends (just acquaintances) Sits in the champagne bar all evening waiting for 'Mr Right'. :


I have met many new friends in the champagne bar on cruises, and the occasional Mr Right.

I dont like cats, I have a dog.

I do have a great job, and yes I do have "Some" friends, and they are good ones.


I also think that leaving children wander around a ship until 2am is asking for trouble. That is very bad Parents the kid has, and no matter what type of humor you spin on it, the kid is going to be trouble.



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I have met many new friends in the champagne bar on cruises, and the occasional Mr Right.

I dont like cats, I have a dog.

I do have a great job, and yes I do have "Some" friends, and they are good ones.


I also think that leaving children wander around a ship until 2am is asking for trouble. That is very bad Parents the kid has, and no matter what type of humor you spin on it, the kid is going to be trouble.




I did not see anyone say they LET their kid run around the ship at 2:00 AM. Are you assuming this is being done?

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[emoji23][emoji23] Y'all are quite entertaining! [emoji6] I promise, that if my boys are running around at that time I will go & hunt them down....in my pjs. That is my threat to them, I think it will work to discourage any misbehaving! Y'all have a great day!

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I have met many new friends in the champagne bar on cruises, and the occasional Mr Right.

I dont like cats, I have a dog.

I do have a great job, and yes I do have "Some" friends, and they are good ones.


I also think that leaving children wander around a ship until 2am is asking for trouble. That is very bad Parents the kid has, and no matter what type of humor you spin on it, the kid is going to be trouble.




I love the phrase "the occasional Mr Right", that is too funny! I will have to share that with my single girlfriends, they will get a kick out of it, and I think it might become a new catch phrase on girl's nights out. Very cute.


On another note, maybe I missed it in all the comments, but I don't remember anyone saying that they let their children wander around a ship until 2am. I think the point of the entire thread is not to let that happen.

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