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Live from the Maasdam - May 1 – 16, 2015 The Atlantic Coast

Alberta Quilter

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May 5, 2015 Newport, Rhode Island


We've been to Newport before but I don't remember it. As I've mentioned before, we're trying to achieve a new Mariner level so we booked our tour for today through HAL. This also ensured that we were on a tender at a reasonable time. This proved to be a good thing as we later heard that people waited anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours for a tender. We waited only ten minutes.


We were to arrive at 11 am, and the meeting time for our tour was 11:50 am for departure at noon. We actually arrived, in the harbour, around 10 am and they started tendering by 10:15 am. The annoying thing was that they didn't change the Lido buffet hours to end the breakfast service a little early so that lunch could be started a little early. Of course, all of the tours were set based on an 11 am arrival. This meant that many people were hanging about the Lido to eat as soon as it opened, eat what they could in 15 or so minutes and then hustle down to the Showroom to get a tender ticket and wait to be called. We're not allowed to take food off the ship but that didn't stop some people from doing so. At any rate, we were two of the many who had a bite to eat in 15 minutes, after standing in a long line (because they only had one side of the buffet open initially). We did grab some cookies to eat on the way down to the showroom.


As I said, we only waited about 10 minutes before our group being called to the tender. DM and I were the last two on the tender and the first two off. Our tour was the Vanderbilt's Newport which included tours of both The Breakers and Marble House mansions, both Gilded Age "cottages". The dining room of The Breakers is as big as the main floor of our house!!! These were no cottages! On the tour, the guide mentioned that this is where the term "conspicuous consumption" was coined.


We had about an hour and a half to tour The Breakers and about 45 minutes to tour Marble House. We weren't able to take pictures inside, only outside. Let's just say that I wouldn't want to live in either house. I wouldn't mind either property, though. It's a beautiful setting; the mansions overlook the sea, the waves crashing on the rocks below. We took a look at the Cliff Walk but didn't have time to walk even a portion of it.


The weather was fabulous today. It was cool to start, about 10C, which is pretty good to me, particularly after the heat of the past few days. I didn't bring a jacket or windbreaker; I think I was the only one on the tender that didn't. By the end of the day, many were quite hot and carrying their jackets.


After the tour, we went to the Barking Crab for some crab. DM and I shared two appetizers, the hot crab dip and the crab cakes. The cakes were really good; the hot crab dip was good but very salty. DM enjoyed the dip more than I did but even she found it salty.


There was a long lineup to get the tender back to the ship. Just before we got to the front of the line, they had enough people for the tender so we had to wait for the next one. Fortunately, it wasn't too long a wait. But, of course, then we were almost the last off the tender when we got to the ship. By this time, it was 6 pm, well after our dining time of 5:30. Well, we hoofed it right to the MDR and kind of snuck in. We did this mostly because I had pre-ordered my dinner last night to accommodate my low salt request; I would have felt guilty if I didn't show up for the meal. Our dining stewards were quite gracious about it; they said that it often happens at tender ports. Two others at our table were there and their meal proceeded as it should have. They were only held up at dessert so we could all eat dessert together.


By this time, we were quite stuffed. We went back to the cabin for a bit to unpack our day bags and put things away. Then we went to the show in the showroom. Tonight was Rich Purpura, a Comedian and Mentalist. Some of his act was good; some was a little stupid.


We're both rather tired now; I had a mojito at the show and that did me in. I don't think I've had such a strong one on a ship, at least not in recent memory.


Tomorrow is our last sea day for a little while. We then have six port days in a row, with some early mornings. DM is not going to like that but she'll "suck it up". Talk to you tomorrow!



Your tour sounds exactly like the one we did years ago. Thankfully back then we arrived around 8 AM and the tour started about 8:30 once we got ashore.

I have never known HAL to adjust Lido meals because of port times. Maybe in Europe they do.

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May 6, 2015 At Sea


Well, we're still in Code Red. The Captain announced this morning that there are a few new isolated incidents of noro so they are maintaining the strict sanitization procedures until there are zero new cases. I have to say, having not experienced Code Red for more than a day (because the cruise ended), it's not as bad as I thought it was. Sure there are no flowers, salt and pepper, and the rolls/butter are served to you, but the Lido is working fairly smoothly. Everything is fairly orderly. I will report that our cabin mirror is clean, and so are the elevator door frames. Some would prefer that the thermal spa pool would be open, of course, or the library but still, life is good on the lovely Maasdam.


This morning started off with a bing from my phone. My sister texted me with the election results back in Alberta. After 44 years of one ruling party, Alberta has voted in a socialist government, with a majority. All DM could say for the following hour was "oh my God". Thank heavens she was still lying down in bed when I told her. Otherwise, she might have passed out! We knew people were annoyed with the ruling party and we knew they'd get kicked in the butt but we didn't think it would come quite as harshly as it did. Thankfully, we went to breakfast where we discussed the election results with our tablemates, and then dropped it completely. We had a very nice conversation about many things, other than politics, and shared some good laughs, too.


We went again to the Lido pool for today's Deck Sale. That visit also lasted 5 minutes. They had pretty much the same items for sale with a few more trinkets, hats, gloves and scarves thrown in as well. It is noticeably cooler today so the Floridians and others who live in warmer climates are bundled up in heavier clothing, which is kind of funny to those of us from cooler climates.


This morning's event in the CAC was the Cupcake Wars. Jordan officiated between two teams of two. One team consisted of two pros from Dancing with the Stars, and the other team consisted of Jude, the CD and Rich Purpura, the entertainer from last night. There was no cooking involved, thank goodness; who knows what might have happened if there was. What they had to do initially was decorate tiny cupcakes using the ingredients supplied: peanut butter, whipping cream or icing, white chocolate, sprinkles, dark chocolate curls, and bananas. Rich kept eating the cupcakes and decorations, and sabotaging the other team's creations.


The second part of the competition was one team member being blindfolded and standing behind the other teammate who had their hands behind their back. The one who could see had to tell the blindfolded member what to do to decorate their cupcakes. We laughed the entire time. You had to be there, but Rich was acting up; Jordan almost (I did say almost, Mom) lost control of the competition, there were one liners being tossed everywhere. Jordan regained control when she put Rich in his place (something about he had his turn last night and now the CAC was her stage); it was all quite hysterical.


After that, I had one of the messiest Dive In burgers ever! I ended up ditching most of the bun and using a knife and fork to eat it, it was that messy. If I have another one, I'll have to ask for a plate. With the Code Red, of course, we have to ask for everything. DM had made a special request for marinated herring for lunch today so she went to eat in the MDR. Only problem with that is lunch in the MDR tends to take a long time and so she was late for trivia.


Team Trivia was another bust for us again, although we did kind of help the winning team with their tie breaker question. Don't tell anyone, okay?


Thought of the Sailaway Gang's recent cruise in the past couple of days because we got our Canadian Customs Card. It's supposed to be filled out by tonight at 6 pm. We still have Bar Harbor tomorrow so we won't complete and submit it until tomorrow, after sailaway, since it's possible that we may shop tomorrow.


I came close to winning at Bingo twice today but it was not meant to be. It was Show Host Kevin's first time calling Bingo; he'll improve with more practice. It didn't help with people saying "you're going too fast" or "you're going too slow" and general teasing/heckling. I think he was blushing at one point!


Today's tea was English High Tea. It was quite nice, with tea sandwiches, treats, scones, jam and whipping cream. Dinner was very good - two of us had turkey with all the trimmings, two had crab cakes, one had roast chicken and one had a pork chop. The crab cakes were supposed to be served with grits but both people replaced the grits with either a baked potato or mashed potatoes. Dessert included rhubarb crisp, tiramisu (no sugar added), tarte tartin, hot fudge sundae, and chocolate cheesecake. I have to say the tiramisu was wonderful.


The entertainment tonight was a variety show with the two prior guest entertainers. The movie tonight was The Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel, which we had seen before. After the show, I took in Name That Tune in the Mix bar, with Jamm the Piano Man. He's very good. It was my first time hearing him.


We have been sailing VERY slowly today. When I looked at the map on the TV this morning, it looked like we were barely away from Newport. When the Captain gave us his navigational report this afternoon, he said that we were in a migratory path for the Right Whale which is very rare to see, according to him, and that's why we had to go slowly. The vibration from the engines disturbs them, so we have to keep to a speed under 10 knots. We've been cruising at 9 knots. I guess that explains why we have a sea day between Newport and Bar Harbor. But what do I know, I'm a city girl from the prairies! I've never even heard of Right Whales. Why are they right is what I'd like to know! During tea, we did see what I thought were porpoises but DM and others thought were Right Whales. The Captain said that Right Whales don't have a dorsal fin; I couldn't tell whether the beasts we saw had dorsal fins or not. Jude even mentioned the Right Whales in her pre introduction talk tonight, not only was it rare to see them, it was also unusual to see them in pods. I still think they were porpoises; they were pretty small, IMO. They looked like porpoises that I've seen in Alaska. I wish I had taken my binoculars to tea!


I'm sure that argu, er, discussion will continue tomorrow. BTW, we may not get off the ship in Montreal, given that we now have a fear of going home. Hopefully, a lobster feed tomorrow will help take DM's mind off of the changes on the horizon in Alberta. If I hear "Oh my God" one more time today, I think I'll scream! And I'm the one, of the two of us, who has even more concerns about job security than I did when we left Alberta almost a week ago. Right now, I will live in the present, on the beautiful Maasdam, and will worry about the future in a couple of weeks, when I'm back at home.

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The crab cakes were supposed to be served with grits but both people replaced the grits with either a baked potato or mashed potatoes.


Why are they right is what I'd like to know!


(1) I am sorry to hear so few people take up the offer of grits. They are definitely missing out on something very good. Though I will say, most of the time in the Lido at breakfast what the servers call grits is actually farina, or what many Americans will know as Cream of Wheat, not corn grits at all. I have never had grits offered in the Main Dining Room at dinner, so I do not know if what is served there is actually the hominy grits that I know and love.


(2) The tale we were told on our first cruise was that they are called "right" whales because they are the "right" ones to hunt -- easy to catch, kill, and retrieve. But I know that to be apocryphal. A Wikipedia search indicates no one really knows where the name comes from, though it is more likely that the "right" in the name means right in the sense of true or proper, not correct or the opposite of left.

Edited by ellieanne
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Right Whales were actually spotted in Cape Cod Bay today:



Says there have been about 50 in the last week alone. Photos with the article too.


"Right whales are an endangered species, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Federal law prohibits mariners from approaching them within 500 yards."


I've never heard of them before. Very interesting.

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I thought the librarian was picking the books off the shelf for the guests? I know the cages are down. I would ask.


That is likely true. I've seen some library books in the hands of some guests. We have fully loaded Kindles and iPads so we're not bothered by the library not being open.



Thanks for the info on the Right Whales. I'll look at it once we're in Canada and I'm on my regular data plan. I'm already running low on my minutes here!:eek:

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Sorry to hear that you are still in Code Red.

It was so bad on a couple of our cruises that most of the activities were cancelled and even the beauty salon could not open. The casino was closed for a couple of days while they cleaned all the chips, etc. Then people were given gloves to wear to handle the cards and chips.

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Sorry we didn't get the chance to bump into each other. I hope you enjoyed your day in our home state.

We had a lovely day in Newport and just sad that Jordan didn't have a demo while we were on board. I have never seen Jordan in her new role as CAC Host, but I look forward to reading your reports!

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We have been on cruises where no books were given to anyone during the Code Red.

It really depends on how bad the Noro Virus is.


Yes, I have heard that as well. No new cases have been reported so maybe they feel it's ok to still have the guests check out the books. I know Jordan helps the librarian sanitize the books when they are returned.

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Sorry you're still under Code Red -- but it sounds like it isn't affecting you too much. :) The only cruise we have ever had Code Red was this cruise in 2012. We were under Code Red for 13 of the 15 days. :eek: We stayed healthy and had a great time though!


Thanks so much for your updates.

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Right Whales were actually spotted in Cape Cod Bay today:



Says there have been about 50 in the last week alone. Photos with the article too.


"Right whales are an endangered species, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Federal law prohibits mariners from approaching them within 500 yards."


I've never heard of them before. Very interesting.


Thanks for the info; finally got to free wifi! What I thought were porpoises could very well have been right whales. They're certainly smaller that humpbacks!!!!:D

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I was already mentally composing my post about how the diners were missing out by passing on the grits, when I saw your post. They truly don't know what they are missing!


PS-I am also from Louisiana

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The first time that I ordered grits on HAL the waiter brought a huge bowl full of grits with brown sugar and raisins on the side. Definitely not the southern way to eat grits. They were good with plenty of butter though. :) I am a Florida girl relocated to Virginia.


I loved this itinerary when we took it in 2012. Thanks so much for your live report.

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I just heard from non-CC members that I know who are part of this cruise that the Code Red has been lifted and that they will immediately go back to normal service. Great shouts of joy could be heard from throughout the ship. :)


So happy for all of everyone aboard!

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Is Jeremy still the Cruise Director? If so, could you find out when he leaves for me please?




Jude is the current cruise director and I believe she just started her contract.

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May 7, 2015 Bar Harbor


Today's goal was lobster. Being from the prairies, we only get lobster at great expense. I'm not as fond of lobster as DM is; she wanted lobster, lobster, LOBSTER! So I did some research here on CC, and found out about the Side Street Cafe. The West Street Cafe was my first choice but they don't open for another week. I asked if they could open for the Maasdam today and the response I got was "Depends; can you cook?!". So, the Side Street Cafe it was!


The cafe doesn't open until 11 am. We went to the showroom for our tender ticket just before 9 am. We waited just over half an hour for our ticket number to be called so that wasn't too bad. The tender ride was short, compared to Newport - maybe 10 minutes. We walked about for a while, poking in shops here and there. We only bought our requisite fridge magnet.


The Side Street Cafe did not disappoint. We were there shortly after 11 am and found a few of our shipmates there already. Even more came in later. I think everyone from the ship had a lobster roll except me. I had the lobster cobb salad which was really good. It had the same lobster mix that is in the lobster roll minus the bun which I'm not supposed to eat anyway. There were 5 ounces of lobster in each serving. It was really good. It was not inexpensive but still less expensive than what we would pay at home, and, of course, the quality was very good. They say that it's so fresh, the lobster was swimming this morning. I think the lobster roll was just over $21 and the lobster cobb salad was about $25. I don't know what they used to bind the lobster meat together; there wasn't much of whatever it was. Mostly it was small chunks of lobster with a little seasoning. I think our goal was achieved with great success. DM was a lot happier after having our lunch.


After lunch, we walked back to the ship. DM didn't have a great night so wanted to have a little lie down. Stage 2 of our lobster goal is coming this afternoon. HAL is providing lobster rolls in the Crow's Nest. Yes, that's where I am typing this. I've staked out a spot as I anticipate it getting crowded here in about an hour. In fact, more and more people have arrived since I did half an hour ago! I suspect they have the same reasoning.


During our shopping, if one can call it that, we did run into the couple with the severe bathroom issues, where the toilet fell off of the wall. The bathroom was fixed but not very well as it caused a second flood, this time in the neighbour's cabin. The excess water leaked into the first cabin. They were given a cabin to use for the day while their cabin was dried out. They were also given a complimentary dinner in Canaletto. When I suggested that they should write a letter to HAL after the cruise, they thought they wouldn't bother. If HAL does anything, it would probably be a credit towards a future cruise; the couple confirmed that they won't be back.


Back to our regular programming, the lobster roll onboard was good but not as good as the ones shoreside. The bread was very good but there wasn't much lobster in it. There was a fair bit of filler, mayo, celery and the like, and not very much lobster. Tons of people were there in the Crow's Nest for the lobster roll; the servers got mobbed initially. Fortunately, once people had their fill, sanity returned to the Crow's Nest. I held the table while others went to get a lobster roll for themselves and one for DM since I was staying with the table. I didn't realize that DM was over on the other side, already eating one, so I did eat the one that I had saved for her. For future cruisers on this route, please note that they still had lobster rolls 45 minutes after the initial frenzy. Save yourself some grief and come a little later or wait out the initial frenzy.


This afternoon I was very much conflicted. Both Team Trivia and Win A Cruise Bingo were at 4 pm. I ditched the team and tried to win another cruise. I had hoped that Jazzy would bring me some luck but he let me down again. Heather, we absolutely have to cruise together again! DM did play trivia and reported that the team got 13 out of 18. Hopefully, there will be no more conflicts.


Just as we were heading to dinner, the Captain announced that we had no new cases of noro so he was partially lifting the Code Red and downgrading it to Code Orange. Well, he called it Code Yellow. Whatever it is, it's good news. Of course, we still have to be ever vigilant so we don't have another outbreak. Dinner tonight consisted of duck, roulade of beef, salad and calf's liver. There was also a delicious five onion soup.


The entertainment tonight was a performance by the Singers & Dancers of the Maasdam, called Rock Legends. I barely recognized any songs so walked out. DM walked out after the first song. I lasted for about five songs. The costumes were interesting; at one point the dancers looked like a cross between ghosts and the KKK, with black boots and black costumes underneath the gauzy sheeting!!


The library is open and jigsaw puzzles are out on the table. I got lost there for a while this evening. Tomorrow, we'll be in Halifax and we lose an hour tonight.


Good Night!

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