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I don't understand cruisers who look at Carnival's loyalty program and make comments like "I'll never experience platinum" because it means having to go on x number more cruises over a time span of x number of years.


I'm from Minnesota, so we generally get a chance to go on one cruise per year. A couple of years, we did go on two. I've been cruising since 2007, and it includes a couple of shorter cruises (4/5 days) in there as well.


I never looked at the number of cruises or sea days and had the attitude that it sucks to be me or that Carnival didn't appreciate my business simply because it would take me a number of years to attain platinum status. I just knew that was the way it was. When Carnival switched from number of cruises to sea days, it actually meant we would have to take 11 (rather than 10) cruises to attain platinum which meant having to wait another year. While I wasn't happy, it wasn't worth getting all upset over.


So next year, after nine years of cruising, we will finally attain Platinum, assuming that nothing else changes. And never once did I complain that it would take so long because I like cruising and I knew that I would get there eventually.

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I don't understand cruisers who look at Carnival's loyalty program and make comments like "I'll never experience platinum" because it means having to go on x number more cruises over a time span of x number of years.




I'm from Minnesota, so we generally get a chance to go on one cruise per year. A couple of years, we did go on two. I've been cruising since 2007, and it includes a couple of shorter cruises (4/5 days) in there as well.




I never looked at the number of cruises or sea days and had the attitude that it sucks to be me or that Carnival didn't appreciate my business simply because it would take me a number of years to attain platinum status. I just knew that was the way it was. When Carnival switched from number of cruises to sea days, it actually meant we would have to take 11 (rather than 10) cruises to attain platinum which meant having to wait another year. While I wasn't happy, it wasn't worth getting all upset over.




So next year, after nine years of cruising, we will finally attain Platinum, assuming that nothing else changes. And never once did I complain that it would take so long because I like cruising and I knew that I would get there eventually.



That is a great attitude. My vifp level is not why I cruise and now you can buy some of the best platinum benefits. One day I will reach diamond, at this rate, in about 20 years. It's something fun to look forward to! I, too, average 1 cruise per year and have cruised since 2002.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I don't understand cruisers who look at Carnival's loyalty program and make comments like "I'll never experience platinum" because it means having to go on x number more cruises over a time span of x number of years.


I'm from Minnesota, so we generally get a chance to go on one cruise per year. A couple of years, we did go on two. I've been cruising since 2007, and it includes a couple of shorter cruises (4/5 days) in there as well.


I never looked at the number of cruises or sea days and had the attitude that it sucks to be me or that Carnival didn't appreciate my business simply because it would take me a number of years to attain platinum status. I just knew that was the way it was. When Carnival switched from number of cruises to sea days, it actually meant we would have to take 11 (rather than 10) cruises to attain platinum which meant having to wait another year. While I wasn't happy, it wasn't worth getting all upset over.


So next year, after nine years of cruising, we will finally attain Platinum, assuming that nothing else changes. And never once did I complain that it would take so long because I like cruising and I knew that I would get there eventually.


No offense but what do you want, a pat on the back. If people want to complain so be it.

Edited by knight2096
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Wow some people can be really snarky on this board "no offense":rolleyes:


I am new to cruising so I do not understand the whole loyalty status thing. We have been going to DisneyWorld every year for the past 10 years and spend at least a week at $5000 a pop. You know what kind of loyalty Disney gives me? NONE. I can't even get a special pin code room discount because they know I'm already on the hook and will book without one. Does that stop me from going? Nope, my kids love it there.


I did not start cruising for the perks or the bragging rights to say I am diamond or whatever. I go because I want to cruise, Carnival does not owe me anything.


People will always complain about something. Live life and have fun people.

Edited by Tissa
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Nice to be so close to platinum, but prepare yourself to be possibly disappointed. Carnival has cut the gold level back so far, that the only way they can go now is to start chipping away at the platinum level. So maybe in due course platinum will be nothing much to crow about either. At the rate that Carnival cuts things, I dont place much faith in anything from them anymore. Hopefully I am way off, but time will tell.

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Wow some people can be really snarky on this board "no offense":rolleyes:


I am new to cruising so I do not understand the whole loyalty status thing. We have been going to DisneyWorld every year for the past 10 years and spend at least a week at $5000 a pop. You know what kind of loyalty Disney gives me? NONE. I can't even get a special pin code room discount because they know I'm already on the hook and will book without one. Does that stop me from going? Nope, my kids love it there.


I did not start cruising for the perks or the bragging rights to say I am diamond or whatever. I go because I want to cruise, Carnival does not owe me anything.


People will always complain about something. Live life and have fun people.


I totally agree with you. Well everyone is entitled to their opinion, we all have one just like other things we all have in common. ;)

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Nice to be so close to platinum, but prepare yourself to be possibly disappointed. Carnival has cut the gold level back so far, that the only way they can go now is to start chipping away at the platinum level. So maybe in due course platinum will be nothing much to crow about either. At the rate that Carnival cuts things, I dont place much faith in anything from them anymore. Hopefully I am way off, but time will tell.


Some years ago when they changed the loyalty program they took a bunch of things away from platinum.


Who knows what else they will do?

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I don't understand cruisers who look at Carnival's loyalty program and make comments like "I'll never experience platinum" because it means having to go on x number more cruises over a time span of x number of years.



Whether some people are born complainers may be debatable, but it certainly seems like the number of chronic complainers is increasing these days, and not just with cruise lines.


I guess some just aren't happy unless they have something to complain about.

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I don't understand cruisers who look at Carnival's loyalty program and make comments like "I'll never experience platinum" because it means having to go on x number more cruises over a time span of x number of years.


I'm from Minnesota, so we generally get a chance to go on one cruise per year. A couple of years, we did go on two. I've been cruising since 2007, and it includes a couple of shorter cruises (4/5 days) in there as well.


I never looked at the number of cruises or sea days and had the attitude that it sucks to be me or that Carnival didn't appreciate my business simply because it would take me a number of years to attain platinum status. I just knew that was the way it was. When Carnival switched from number of cruises to sea days, it actually meant we would have to take 11 (rather than 10) cruises to attain platinum which meant having to wait another year. While I wasn't happy, it wasn't worth getting all upset over.


So next year, after nine years of cruising, we will finally attain Platinum, assuming that nothing else changes. And never once did I complain that it would take so long because I like cruising and I knew that I would get there eventually.


Well said. Instant gratification isn't fast enough for some people. :rolleyes:

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Awesome attitude!!! I feel the same way. I was affected when the Platinum was changed but eventually got there and now I will be Diamond next year on my next cruise. While I like the perks it is not the only reason I cruise Carnival. I think for the fun and value it is an awesome cruise line. All companies are doing cut backs - not just Carnival. And as a stockholder I want the company to do good!

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Awesome attitude!!! I feel the same way. I was affected when the Platinum was changed but eventually got there and now I will be Diamond next year on my next cruise. While I like the perks it is not the only reason I cruise Carnival. I think for the fun and value it is an awesome cruise line. All companies are doing cut backs - not just Carnival. And as a stockholder I want the company to do good!




Some cruisers with the Me Me Me entitlement attitude would run the corporation into the ground.

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I respect your positive attitude kingoftheicedragons . My feelings are different .I don't care about

loyalty programs because I have no loyalty . 4 cruise lines in just 7 cruises spells that out .;)

Cruise line's care about your next cruises not your last cruises . Their loyalty plans are not

a reward but an incentive and one that you pay for . For each new cruise DW and I start with a fresh search.

We look at all options and don't limit ourselves to any one.


These loyalty plans are a bait and switch scheme which is fine for me because I give them no value.

Therefore they can change them all they want and I won't care . My attitude dovetails well with Carnival which has

a meager plan . Good ! I don't have any expectations of being rewarded so I don't want to pay for a grand program.

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I would be perfectly happy if they would all do away with their "loyalty" programs and use the money to improve the on board experience for everyone.


That is the best idea I have heard in the last couple of days on this board. Use the savings from the perks of the loyalty program in which everyone complains about anyhow and invest it upgrading entertainment and the overall cruising experience.

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Its easier to see it your way when you have had all those cruises with the Gold benefits many are upset over losing. You will be Platinum now. Its much easier to see it your way when you have had the opportunity to experience the lame parties and such.


Have some empathy man. Some people simply wanted to experience what you have had for years. Just even once. You absolutely cannot blame them. You tasted something they will not but since you did, you expect them to not care.


This is coming from someone who said coupons would be fine but I certainly empathise with those who will never get to have what you and others had. You guys can go on an on about how sucky the parties were and so forth but fact is, you tasted what was taken away from others who were on the same path or journey as you. Some of you smack of "I got or had mine, too bad so sad for you" Its not intentional but it comes across as that in a way.


We are happy for you that you got to enjoy, or not enjoy the Gold benefits and that you are going to continue with those benefits. I really am. BUT. Its pretty unfair of you and others to look down on folks who just wanted to experience what you did, as lame as it may be in reality, thats all some wanted. To experience what you did and some did for years. Is it really so hard for some of you to empathise with them?


I notice its mostly you guys who have had the perk for years who are looking down on those who just wanted what you had at the same level. There are some who are not that level, like me and don't all that much personally care, but just because I don't care that much, is no reason for me to tell the others tough crap and condescend to them.


To me its a thread for you and others to feel superior. You had what they almost had, so its easier to see it your way.


I thought it was ok for people to complain about a cruise line's policies here. Is it ok for members to crap on the members that criticize a company policy? (not you King, but many others) Evidently, yes.

Edited by Rottweiler Puppy
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I don't understand cruisers who look at Carnival's loyalty program and make comments like "I'll never experience platinum" because it means having to go on x number more cruises over a time span of x number of years.


I'm from Minnesota, so we generally get a chance to go on one cruise per year. A couple of years, we did go on two. I've been cruising since 2007, and it includes a couple of shorter cruises (4/5 days) in there as well.


I never looked at the number of cruises or sea days and had the attitude that it sucks to be me or that Carnival didn't appreciate my business simply because it would take me a number of years to attain platinum status. I just knew that was the way it was. When Carnival switched from number of cruises to sea days, it actually meant we would have to take 11 (rather than 10) cruises to attain platinum which meant having to wait another year. While I wasn't happy, it wasn't worth getting all upset over.


So next year, after nine years of cruising, we will finally attain Platinum, assuming that nothing else changes. And never once did I complain that it would take so long because I like cruising and I knew that I would get there eventually.


people are not just complaining about gold perks, they are making complaints about another take away for their money to carnival. Over the last few years, food has gone down in quality, alcohol prices have been increased a ton, now some items cost money on room service etc... When you take something away from people, that is a reduction on what you get for you money. I know there are a number of people on this board that don't care how much is taken away from them, they just love carnival. However, there are others, including myself, who think when companies take away items that use to be free or charge more for the offerings, that we voice a complaint about it.. Others don't care if they get less for their money...

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Please! Go find out what the phrase "Bait and Switch" means before you apply it to very thing a cruise line does!!!

Words and Phrases mean things, when you misapply a phrase, you destroy your own argument.


Bait and Switch: Dangle a new Cadillac at someone and deliver them a Yugo


Every cruise line loyalty program comes with the caveat that it can change, every cruise line loyalty program, not just Carnival's

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I would be perfectly happy if they would all do away with their "loyalty" programs and use the money to improve the on board experience for everyone.


I would like that as well but its really not fair to others like who, like PLatinums and Diamonds earned them.

Edited by Rottweiler Puppy
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I am about to turn gold in a couple of months and i don't understand why people get so angry about the changes. Sure i would love to be about to go to the past guest party and get plastered but i cn live without it. Anybody that would use any common sense has to understand that a lot more people cruise today then they did 10 or so years ago. At the previous rate if people with 7 or 8 cruises were getting all of the former perks it would lesson the experience for the higher status Platinum or Diamond cruisers. You can't give everyone perks! I wonder what the percentage is of Carnival cruisers with 5 plus cruises under their belt today compared to how many had 5 ten years ago? I bet it is a big number.

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I don't cruise for status, but it is slightly painful to attend my first past guest party, have a great time (guess I was lucky with the uncrowded room and great service), and then find out I can't go back until I have FIFTY more cruise nights, which for me will be about ten years.

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would like that as well but its really not fair to others like who, like PLatinums and Diamonds earned them.


Earned? Don't you mean paid for?


Does a sales pitch disguised as a "party", or a free drink really keep someone booking with the same cruise line?


I respect your positive attitude kingoftheicedragons . My feelings are different .I don't care about

loyalty programs because I have no loyalty . 4 cruise lines in just 7 cruises spells that out .

Cruise line's care about your next cruises not your last cruises . Their loyalty plans are not

a reward but an incentive and one that you pay for . For each new cruise DW and I start with a fresh search.

We look at all options and don't limit ourselves to any one.


These loyalty plans are a bait and switch scheme which is fine for me because I give them no value.

Therefore they can change them all they want and I won't care . My attitude dovetails well with Carnival which has

a meager plan . Good ! I don't have any expectations of being rewarded so I don't want to pay for a grand program.


Perfect. Could have written this myself.

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However, there are others, including myself, who think when companies take away items that use to be free or charge more for the offerings, that we voice a complaint about it..


When costs rise, companies can go out of business or make changes.


But it isn't always cost - often change results from changes in the target market. Examples include suggested dress code modification, style of music, Your Time Dining, tables for two, comedy shows, Guy's Burgers, etc.

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IMO, when 2 or more companies offer the same product (a cruise), then the companies need to differentiate themselves somehow, offering a reason to pull the customer to their side, and then keep them. This is the reason behind the loyalty programs. With Carnival constantly trimming their program, it lessens the reason for a customer to cruise on their line.


As it stands, the only thing C has going for them is the price point. I can take the same itinerary, on a different line for more money. The question is, what do I get for more money? If it includes more add-ons (free or included beverage card, prepaid gratuities, preferred boarding) for $400 more for a 7 day cruise, then is Carnival even the best deal only on the money issue (Comparing to Celebrity)? And then throw in a superior loyalty program (offered by any mainstream line), then why should I choose Carnival?

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I would be perfectly happy if they would all do away with their "loyalty" programs and use the money to improve the on board experience for everyone.


Where is the like button. I think all corporations should do this. Get rid of any and all loyalty programs and put the money towards R&D for better products, or put the money into better customer service. I also agree with the poster that said they go to Disney and don't expect anything. I do as well. I've been many times to WDW but don't have any expectations of a loyalty program from them.

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