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Four legged fur face children...


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Was wondering does anyone but me have a hard time leaving their fur face children behind for extended cruises ???

Got two little guys..(new babies too) and they are so much better than kids..

More devoted too..... lol

Going to ask my neighbor to check on them 4x day... she could really used the extra $$$ and the babies are happy too.

What is a fair price. She lives a two minute walk....

Edited by rjrice1
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Have two little maltese's both housebroken.

One will be one yr old and the other 14 months at the time.

I know boarding is $$$ did it for my other little guy (but is now at the rainbow bridge)

I want to give her a fair price.. she doesn't work and have two school kids.

She has to let them out in the am, feed them. Afternoon let them out

Supper feed them and let them out and bed time let them out.

She lives a two minute walk and I know she could use the cash...



Do you have cats or dogs?
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What it would cost you to board them would be a fair price to pay her.


She is coming to them. They don't have to move to an impersonal kennel where there are lots of scary noises and busy stuff going on. They get to stay in their own home, with their own beds, toys, food, etc.


I don't think it matters that she is only two minutes away.

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I have a hard time leaving my very spoiled cat when I go away! I have a wonderful cat sitter that comes to the house every day for a quick 15 minute visit. He only charges $11 per visit. That is very low - we tip him very well! Every other fur babysitter in my area (New Jersey) charges $18 per visit. Hope that helps!

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We have two furbabies (mini-doxies) who stay with a woman who keeps them in her home. Our bill for our 2 babies to stay with her while we are on a 7-night cruise, with one day pre-cruise on a holiday week (4th of July) is $515 (8 nights, holiday surcharge and one day that is considered day care). Really doesn't matter how much it is because we wouldn't go on the cruise if she couldn't keep them. We contact her and check to see if she's available before we book the cruise.

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We have 3..


One is a border terrier and is the indoor perfect dog. He stays at his aunt's house and enjoys playing with her dogs for the week. My DH has a problem leaving him for sure.


Our other two were mine that were outdoor country dogs-borador mixes, now city living. They won't walk on a leash so they can't be boarded. We typically hire a friend or a family member and pay $20 per day for them to stop by and feed them. They have an enclosed sunroom that they can walk in and out to the backyard whenever. If it is cold out, they will lock their door at night and turn on the heater.


We also have webcams and it helps to check in on them while we're away. Normally they are sleeping inside or outside when I check in, but I like to see the temp in their room, that their door isn't locking them in or out, and their water is full. I trust my friends and family, but it gives me extra assurance.

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Leaving the pets behind is the only bad part of going away for us. They know the second the big suitcases come out that we will be gone for a while.


(I apologize in advance for what I am about the write, but I just have to.)


Friday we found out our 12-year old cat has cancer and we are absolutely devastated. He was energetic and acted totally fine nine days ago but then started acting different out of nowhere and we just knew something was wrong. We went to the vet twice last week, received the bad news on Friday and now we are going to a specialist on Monday to find out our options.


He seems to be getting worse each day. He's sleeping all day, hardly eating or going to the bathroom so we are expecting the worst. We have already decided that we will cancel our cruise in September if he is somehow still with us because there is no way we could possibly enjoy ourselves. And I know my travel insurance will probably not cover it but I don't really care. We are so heartbroken.




Sorry again for bringing everyone down but we are just so crushed over this.

Edited by Yorkvillain
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Do not feel sorry... our pets are "family"

The hardest thing in the world was when I took my maltese 14 to the vet, after several days in ICU... I decided to take him home..

After several days I knew it was time for him to go to the "rainbow bridge"

Thankfully a vet came to my house, offer him a cheeseburger but he turned his head away from it... knew it was time. He told me through his eyes.... held him under his favorite tree and let him go peacefully..

Miss him a lot.. was my best friend..






Leaving the pets behind is the only bad part of going away for us. They know the second the big suitcases come out that we will be gone for a while.


(I apologize in advance for what I am about the write, but I just have to.)


Friday we found out our 12-year old cat has cancer and we are absolutely devastated. He was energetic and acted totally fine nine days ago but then started acting different out of nowhere and we just knew something was wrong. We went to the vet twice last week, received the bad news on Friday and now we are going to a specialist on Monday to find out our options.


He seems to be getting worse each day. He's sleeping all day, hardly eating or going to the bathroom so we are expecting the worst. We have already decided that we will cancel our cruise in September if he is somehow still with us because there is no way we could possibly enjoy ourselves. And I know my travel insurance will probably not cover it but I don't really care. We are so heartbroken.




Sorry again for bringing everyone down but we are just so crushed over this.

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Thank you for all my questions. Going to give her $15.00 per visit; she said it was way too much.

But told her is wasn't and she is helping me out a lot.

Be the same price as boarding but I will have my babies in their own home,

having somebody come by my house several times a day to turn lights on and off..

Now if my cruise could just come faster.... lol

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Hi there yes I go into pre cruise panic mode. I spend all year looking forward to my cruise and then a few days before I no longer want to go! I also find that I only really admit to having enjoyed my hol when we are home and know all of our animals safe. We are lucky as my in laws live with us but we have too many animals for them to cope so a friend also house sits. I've already written her instructions and its 9 pages long!:rolleyes:


We are off on explorer two weeks today and are leaving;

7 horses, 4 dogs, 2 cats, 4 pigs, 2 ducks and 6 chickens. I worry most about the dogs and horses as they feel the impact the most.


Thank you for this thread it's nice to know I'm not the only one who views them as part of the family.

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Parrotfeathers, we have one Havanese that is 9 months old and he is the best dog we have ever had....just a sweetheart. We love him so much that we are getting another baby in July after we get back from our cruise. We could have her now, but the breeder is kind enough to keep her so we don't have to leave her so young. They are special dogs.

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Leaving the pets behind is the only bad part of going away for us. They know the second the big suitcases come out that we will be gone for a while.


(I apologize in advance for what I am about the write, but I just have to.)


Friday we found out our 12-year old cat has cancer and we are absolutely devastated. He was energetic and acted totally fine nine days ago but then started acting different out of nowhere and we just knew something was wrong. We went to the vet twice last week, received the bad news on Friday and now we are going to a specialist on Monday to find out our options.


He seems to be getting worse each day. He's sleeping all day, hardly eating or going to the bathroom so we are expecting the worst. We have already decided that we will cancel our cruise in September if he is somehow still with us because there is no way we could possibly enjoy ourselves. And I know my travel insurance will probably not cover it but I don't really care. We are so heartbroken.




Sorry again for bringing everyone down but we are just so crushed over this




Don't be sorry we have all been there:(


I don't have any pets now for a few reasons but one is I just cannot take the heartache when one passes .(I know wimp)


My adult ,weight lifting ,LEO son had to put his cat down and he held him in his arms until he fell asleep. That was the hardest thing he had to do up until then.


I am hoping the best for your furbaby but if the time comes to let him go please remember all the good times. :)



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Children? :confused:


Sorry bit confused, I thought you had a real child with a physical deformity.


Whilst I fully get that pets can be cute and good company for people, I really don't understand the reference to them as children? Unless of course you physically gave birth to the said animal, in which case I'd be seriously worried about certain aspects of your life!


At the end of the day, pets are animals. Yes they should be looked after and I get the affection part, but children? Really? Weird.

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But travel is the reason I will not own one again................ or at least while I can still travel as much as we do. I could never leave them in a kennel, I have heard many stories of mis treatment etc in kennels even the "good ones" dogs coming home sick etc.

We travel at least 60 days a year, so finically and leaning on neighbors to help out is a big no.

If you are lucky enough to have good neighbors/family to help with pets that is GREAT.

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Leaving the pets behind is the only bad part of going away for us. They know the second the big suitcases come out that we will be gone for a while.


(I apologize in advance for what I am about the write, but I just have to.)


Friday we found out our 12-year old cat has cancer and we are absolutely devastated. He was energetic and acted totally fine nine days ago but then started acting different out of nowhere and we just knew something was wrong. We went to the vet twice last week, received the bad news on Friday and now we are going to a specialist on Monday to find out our options.


He seems to be getting worse each day. He's sleeping all day, hardly eating or going to the bathroom so we are expecting the worst. We have already decided that we will cancel our cruise in September if he is somehow still with us because there is no way we could possibly enjoy ourselves. And I know my travel insurance will probably not cover it but I don't really care. We are so heartbroken.




Sorry again for bringing everyone down but we are just so crushed over this.



I am so sorry. Our beloved Maverick (a cocker spaniel) crossed the Rainbow Bridge last year after going into kidney failure, and the treatments not working. I pray your sweet fur baby responds well to treatment. Just want to say I understand and I am sorry. We didn't cruise for years because he got sick when we left him.

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Sadly, we too have been where you are with your handsome kitty so many times. Hang in there.


One question though. . . How did you get him to pose behind your laptop instead of being camped out on the keyboard like mine does?


Our pet sitter gets 18 a day. She spends about a half hour a day with our spoiled cat.

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Children? :confused:


Sorry bit confused, I thought you had a real child with a physical deformity.


Whilst I fully get that pets can be cute and good company for people, I really don't understand the reference to them as children? Unless of course you physically gave birth to the said animal, in which case I'd be seriously worried about certain aspects of your life!


At the end of the day, pets are animals. Yes they should be looked after and I get the affection part, but children? Really? Weird.




While I have never called my pets children or fur baby's to each his own. Far be it from me to define another persons relationship with their pet.


BTW: You do not have to give birth to a child for said child to be your son or daughter. Ever hear of adoption? :)


Have a great day !



Edited by Reader0108598
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I am so sorry. Our beloved Maverick (a cocker spaniel) crossed the Rainbow Bridge last year after going into kidney failure, and the treatments not working. I pray your sweet fur baby responds well to treatment. Just want to say I understand and I am sorry. We didn't cruise for years because he got sick when we left him.


Wow it's lovely to hear that rainbow bridge is used in the states. Our animals go there too!

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Children? :confused:


Sorry bit confused, I thought you had a real child with a physical deformity.


Whilst I fully get that pets can be cute and good company for people, I really don't understand the reference to them as children? Unless of course you physically gave birth to the said animal, in which case I'd be seriously worried about certain aspects of your life!


At the end of the day, pets are animals. Yes they should be looked after and I get the affection part, but children? Really? Weird.


You'll probably get flamed for this but I agree. It's one thing to love your pets (we LOVE our dog). But comparing them to kids is getting carried away..........


Our dog is 13 and when she's gone we won't get another - tired of paying kennel bills:D

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Leaving the pets behind is the only bad part of going away for us. They know the second the big suitcases come out that we will be gone for a while.


(I apologize in advance for what I am about the write, but I just have to.)


Friday we found out our 12-year old cat has cancer and we are absolutely devastated. He was energetic and acted totally fine nine days ago but then started acting different out of nowhere and we just knew something was wrong. We went to the vet twice last week, received the bad news on Friday and now we are going to a specialist on Monday to find out our options.


He seems to be getting worse each day. He's sleeping all day, hardly eating or going to the bathroom so we are expecting the worst. We have already decided that we will cancel our cruise in September if he is somehow still with us because there is no way we could possibly enjoy ourselves. And I know my travel insurance will probably not cover it but I don't really care. We are so heartbroken.




Sorry again for bringing everyone down but we are just so crushed over this.



Don't apologise. Anyone who appreciates and partakes positively in this thread will fully appreciate how you feel. I lost my beloved cat piglet last year, he didn't come round from surgery aged 5. I cried for days! We still have his brother tigger.

We lost our black Labrador on Xmas day 4 years ago. It was a horrible Xmas.

Every time it goes wrong I say never again. But we still do, animals are so precious it's a honour to welcome them into our homes and lives.

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Animals are the reason my hubby and I do not vacation together. I just bought a havanese puppy and she is going to stay with our trainer while I am on my Indy cruise in November. He doesn't want to be responsible for a puppy.


Too funny. Your pet is more important than your hubby!

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