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Pic heavy, detailed Vision OTS review/recount of our 12nighter out of Barcelona!

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A sun dial




It is said that this is a symbol of fertility. (I touched her arm, we shall see if it works!)




Beautiful Turkey.




After about an hour of looking around, we went to a small village where we had a home cooked meal. The girls who made our food were training. The food was absolutely awesome.


Nec told us to try the local special alcoholic drink. It was called Raki. When I ordered it, the man was surprised and even asked if I was sure. Oh no, what had I just done?!





We started with salads and they asked us if we had any dietary requirements. I asked for no meat, as I wasn't sure what we were going to eat & I'd rather be a bit hungry than a bit sick.





ANOTHER TIP: just be careful what you eat in foreign countries. Mick has an iron gut, but I certainly don't.


Ok, my Raki. It was... Delicious! I really enjoyed it. It was a lot like ouzo, which I absolutely love!



My meal. Such awesome people. They made me some stuffed capsicum, (peppers). Also very delicious.





The meal everyone else got. Mick said it was amazing!


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After lunch, (which we paid for the drinks only, & they were super cheap), we went to the back of the outside eating area and got to see a carpet/rug making area.

Ok, a lot of people post about this and say how terrible it is and they are really hounded by the owners to buy the rugs. This was NOT how it was here.


We got to see how the silk is collected. The silk worms were so cool. The owner told us about the male and the female silk worms. The females looked more like the number 8- it had a bit of a waist- so cute.


They out the silkworm in super hot water, (that kills them).





Then they get a harsh brush and they push down a few times, which gets the threads of silk to get stuck to the brush.








They then grab the silk




and start unravelling it.










When they dye the silk, they use 90% organic dye

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I asked the lady who was making a rug, how long it takes. Another man stepped in and spoke for her, which in thought was super rude, but he said it takes up for eight months, depending on what rug it was.





They showed us exactly how they are made. Wow. Such a lot of work!!!





We then went in to the presentation room, where they told us about more rugs and showed some really great ones.

They offered us drinks, and we got a Turkish coffee each.





After the presentation, we spoke to the owner who is actually from Melbourne. Small world. He was telling us where his family property is in Brunswick and we actually know his exact house! Crazy hey!



After that, everyone walked back to the bus and Nec read Mick's coffee. So it's like reading tea leaves, but because you don't drink all of your coffee, (you're left with like thick mud at the bottom) & when you turn your cup and the saucer upside down, it makes pictures.

She was spot on with what she said, including things about our trip, our home life and our jobs. We were very impressed indeed.





We got our passports back at the port. You were meant to being your original paperwork with you, but we had forgotten it. The Aussie line was super short, so they served us straight away and after collecting our passports, we got back on the ship.


The view from the boat.








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You've made me really excited about our Mediterranean cruise next year even though it's on a different cruise line. Thanks so much for posting, you and Mick seem like a really cool couple! I seriously can't believe how much he looks like his uncle, they could be twins! I wish you many safe and happy travels.

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You've made me really excited about our Mediterranean cruise next year even though it's on a different cruise line. Thanks so much for posting, you and Mick seem like a really cool couple! I seriously can't believe how much he looks like his uncle, they could be twins! I wish you many safe and happy travels.



Awwwwwwww, I'm so glad I've made you more excited for your upcoming cruise! Which ports are you doing?

I'd like to think that Mick and I are really cool, lol, I didn't think anyone else would think that. We're adults that are yet to grow up!

Mick looks more like his uncle than his dad!!! It's insane! Ha ha.

Thanks for reading. Posting more soon!!! X

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Ok, I'm back!


We're still on day 8... The day we were in Kusadasi, Turkey.


Dinner was booked for 8.30pm in Giovanni's. We didn't get the same waiter, which was a shame, but he kept coming over to us and chatting, which was super nice.

The gang was with us tonight, Annette, Julie, LaMac & Mike.

I accidentally drank a little too much and really let my hair down. I'm going to say it's because the weather was so hot thru the day and maybe I was dehydrated?! Ha ha.


Jules and I





La Mac & I





Starters. Beef carpaccio.











Awwww. Love this gorgeous man


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I think this was an eggplant lasagna






(We actually shared all of our starters so everyone could try!)


The crab ravioli was absolutely amazing!





My main meal. Magnificent!





No idea what this was.





Mick's meal


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Our waiter didn't believe me when I said I wanted to try it all!!!





Our awesome table mates xxx




Jules had a bit too much to drink too




My dessert... Yes I shared!





It was such a great night as we all rolled out of the restaurant.

I really think if your cruise is seven nights or more, then trying the restaurants on board would be such a great idea!


When we arrived back to our room, we had a bat towel. Not as cool as a bot-mobile, but still very cool.





We had an invite on our bed for a top tier event at 7.45pm in the Enchanted Evening Lounge the following evening, (which we still hadn't attended anything at yet!) yay.



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Waking up early, I put my face on, got my bathers on under shorts and a tank top, put my thongs, (flip flops) on and then grabbed Mick & off we went to meet up with LaMac and Mike to do some fun things on the island of Santorini, Greece.

LaMac's reason for this cruise was to go to Santorini. Mike wanted to see all the old places, do the tours and see a lot of rocks. (Their words, lol). LaMac on the other hand put up with the rocks and mike's over enthusiasm for them, (& then mine too when we met, ha ha) so she could do beach things.


Just as we were leaving our room, an announcement came over the PA system. It was our captain, with her deep cough in tow, explaining that we couldn't stop in Santorini today, as we were expecting a HUGE storm, and it would be very unsafe.


I kept listening for her to say she was just kidding... But that part never came.

I turned and looked at Mick. He said, "What's another day at Sea? Let's get our drink on!!!"

I'm glad he was so excited. We honestly didn't care where we ended up, as long as we were having fun with friends.


I quickly ran upstairs with my camera to see if I could get a pic or two... But I didn't. Oh well.










I called LaMac's room to see if they wanted to have breakfast. Mike answered and said LaMac was SUPER MAD & upset about no stopping. Aw, my poor mate!

We met them for breakky and oh my gosh, LaMac was in a stinking mood! (Not with me, but she did blame Mike, lmfao!!!!!!!!!)


After breakfast LaMac went to the casino to drink and drown her sorrows. I went shopping for a bit and then had some drinks with the boys next to the pool bar. We played Skipbo, of course!

Even though we had gone quite far out from the coast line, the wind was still super strong, so I can't imagine what it would have been like on land. I know a lot of people were mad that we weren't able to dock, but I'm happy to trust the captain's advise... She probably knows slightly more about safety than us! Ha ha.


There was a silver sale sometime on thru the day, but it was really expensive and lots of those things were offered on land for 1/3 of the price. (That was a tad disappointing!)

LaMac went to her room to have a rest and be away from everyone, so I went to Cafe Lattetudes to get some chocolate treats for her and went to the cabin, but she wasn't there.

I went to my room and noticed they had delivered a different cruise compass for us and the old one had vanished. Maybe Magic Hector had been in.


After a while, LaMac was feeling better, (it may have been the alcohol that we were consuming) or it may have been the fact that she was kicking butt at Skipbo! Mike promised her he would bring her to Aus to do a cruise with us on the islands! Woohoo!!! (Note to self, organise that!!!!!!!!)


Dinner tonight was in the MDR & was uneventful, but nice.



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Yeah! You are back!!! I have been checking daily! Really enjoying your thread..... Getting so excited for our cruise coming up! I started gathering stuff to pack even though it's weeks away! Thanks for the wonderful review! :D.

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Yeah! You are back!!! I have been checking daily! Really enjoying your thread..... Getting so excited for our cruise coming up! I started gathering stuff to pack even though it's weeks away! Thanks for the wonderful review! :D.

That's sooooo exciting! I hope you post a review so I can read it and live thru your review!!! X

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We woke up around 9am after a very decent sleep in. Time to hit the solarium for a yummy breakfast.

Today's weather was 70 degrees F, or 22 C.

Tonight's dinner attire was formal... And another night at Chops! I was super excited!


What would today bring, I thought.


The night before we had gotten an invitation for a meet & mingle with other Aussies. So at 11.30am, we met up in the Viking Crown Lounge where there was over 100 people- all from Australia and New Zealand.

There wasn't enough room for us all, so they moved us up to Izumi.

We were all waiting for some kind of announcement as to why we were there, or even just a welcome, but that never happened. The drinks were flowing freely, so we kept drinking. After a quick chat with a couple next to us, I really wanted to talk to a couple I'd seen around the ship. We walked over and asked if we could sit down... They were from New Zealand and their names were Alex & Ian. Alex was a Maori, (native New Zealander) & is a hair dresser. He was so fun! Ian was a bit more serious, but was super nice and very friendly.

After many drinks and a good chat, we decided to leave, as it was 12.45 and the belly flop comp was on!!!

As we walked out to the pool, LaMac yelled out to us from the top deck that they had saved deck chairs for us.

The Belly flop comp was hilarious. Super fun and very entertaining.

We spent the day playing Skipbo, drinking and laughing!

6pm came and it was time to get ready for formal night... And a group dinner at Chops Grille!

At 8pm, we met up with the gang at the Centrum to see the Michael Jackson Thriller performance.


I'd read so much about the Thriller performances so I was really excited and I had also seen people practising...

The performance was absolutely amazing!!! The costumes were super cool, but the dancers themselves... Wow! There was a girl of about 11- who was pronominal. I made sure to find her the next day to congratulate her. It would have taken a lot of courage to get up there and do that!


We walked up to the desk at Chops Grille at 8.30pm... And didn't get seen until 8.40. Hmmmmm.

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We were sat down at a really nice round table in the middle of the restaurant.




There was a huge table of about 12 people sat down the end, with officers and really important people sitting there. Out of the 12, six of them were guests and Mick noticed that D & J were sitting there with them. How did they get that gig? More on that in a sec!


Our waiter explained how everything works regarding ordering, but then didn't come back until 9.10pm to get our order. I was a bit annoyed and asked our waiter, Wendall what was taking so long. He told us that the table with the officers and D&J was a very important table, because those people were the biggest complainers on the ship and they had to make a good impression! Lmao- well that makes sense! We all had a laugh and gave our order.





We saw that Cathy & Mike (Cgomps) were at a table behind us, celebrating their wedding anniversary!!! Soooo cool. I hope Mick and I are still as happy as we are now after 25 years of marriage!


Our starters came finally came at 9.25.

Mine was amazing, but the French Onion soup that the other girls ordered, were cold. They were sent back.

The pork... Yum!!!





The mains came over very soon after we had finished our starters. We had ordered a whole lot of sides to share and then a main, (or two) each. On Splendour, our Chops experience was VERY different!


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My veal





Selfie, of course!!!





LaMac and I





When we had finished our mains, Wendall offered us dessert. When he had finished getting our orders, then was a big announcement that came over...



By the second call of Oscar, every single officer was standing up and running out of the restaurant. Wendall ran over to our table and said he had to go & he was super sorry and he would make it up to us. Then BOOM, he was gone!

Another waiter came over to us and explained that Oscar meant "Man overboard" & that Wendall was one of the head guys of the Search & Rescue team.

We all ran over to the window, where we stayed, seeing of we could see anything. We saw rescue boats launch and although it was adrenalin pumping, it was also quite somber to think that someone was missing off the boat and was in the water.


After quite a few announcements, (considering it was an emergency, Captain Lis was amazing at keeping is in the loop and letting us know what was happening), we were told that there was small boat found and it belonged to a refugee group that were seeking asylum. The waiters told us that this happens often in the Mediterarian waters.

After all was said and done, we were eventually told that it was a boat belonging to the Coast Guard.


Wendall came back and we had just finished our delicious desserts.

He was so disappointed that the replacement waiter didn't do as he asked & give us complimentary shots. So we enjoyed them too & Wendall told us about the rescue mission. How crazy!!!


Red velvet cake





My mud pie





This was waiting on the bed when we got back to the cabin



Next up, Salerno!!!

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Another early start... But so totally worth it. Were we in for an amazing adventure today or what!!!

A quick breakfast with Mike and LaMac in the WJ. It was really busy. Either everyone had an excursion to do for the day, or everyone was well and truly ready for land.


The weather was great. There was a top of 68 degrees (F) or 20 degrees ©, but as said before... It was much hotter than that.

Our group today was us, LaMac and Mike, Sue and Jan and Pierre and Dolores!

Our day was to include a minivan driver, a guided tour of Pompeii and a drive on the Amalfi Coast.


We met at the usual 7.30am in the Schooner Bar, where we all walked off the ship together and met our driver, Daniel.


Now, how to describe Daniel. VERY Italian. Ha ha. Daniel was about 32 years old, he had chinos on, boat shoes, a shirt that had the top five or so buttons undone so you could not only see his very hair chest, but his gold link chain too, a jacket over the top, slicked back hair and aviator sun glasses. And a cigarette of course!

When I introduced myself, he dropped the cigarette and shook my hand, welcoming us.

I REALLY liked Daniel. He was funny and extremely knowledgable.


The eight of us, (& Daniel) jumped into the minivan. It was the best one yet! So comfy, the air con worked super well and there was heaps of room for us all to relax and take in the sights.

We left Salerno and headed in to Naples.




Daniel told us to look out for Mt Vesuvius. Whaaat?! This is soooo exciting!!!!



It was super hilly and the views were magnificent.




There it is!!!!!!!





Here it is again!!!!!



After a short drive, we were at the front of the town of Pompeii. We met Franchesca, our guide for the day. Franchesca was all of about 5 foot tall and in immaculate clothes. She had a few quick jokes with Daniel. They must have known each other.

The front gates still weren't open, so we waited about 10 minutes and were the second group in for the day, SCORE!!!



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I stayed close to Franchesca and noticed as she walked up the hill to the real start of our tour, that she also had platforms on the bottoms of her running shoes! She literally must have been about 4 foot 5!!!

We chatted a fair bit and it turns out she was a retired university professor, who studied and then taught about Italian history. Wow. Literally couldn't have asked for a more knowledgable person for this tour!!!


This was originally filled with water.




The huge hill up to the official start




Looking back down





Everything was so super preserved because the volcanic ash covered everything so quickly. Some of the ash was 17 foot deep!!!

We walked pretty slowly so Sue could keep up with us, but it was good because Franchesca could explain everything to us in great detail.


This was actually the front of a shop. The bowls were filled with food and it was like a take away food store, (like an old school McDonald's, ha ha).









The walls around Pompeii


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The amazing streets and old shop fronts





Nearly 2.6 million people visit here every year... I'm so glad I was one of them!

Mt. Vesuvius is the only active volcano on mainland Europe and is one of the most active volcanos in huge world. I was happy to take the chance and see it.


The central market place
















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Like Ephesus, in Pompeii there were signs on the street and on some buildings to give an indication of where to go for some "fun"!




More streets




ImageUploadedByForums1437559004.228764.jpg.4176c4178686e2100242d7b27922f206.jpgThe drainage in the streets- so clever!!!


Lots of restorations going on.




A double story house


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Inside the double story house was a brothel. Here are some great pics to let you know what was on offer.





Mick thought the lady looked quite masculine on top... But Franchesca told us that in Italy & Europe in General, the men like their ladies with curves... Even back then.


This was a concrete bed, with it's own concrete pillow! Looks comfy!





More signs. The reason why there were so many pictures up rather than written words, is because a lot of the people in Pompeii were holidaying there or visiting from other countries.










They used copper pipes, even back then.





This was a communal drinking fountain


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Amazing pillars





This is where I said to LaMac, "Surely that is a 10/10 view, even for someone who doesn't like rocks!"

Her answer... "Yeah, it's probably a high six!" Ha ha. Gotta love that girl!!!





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