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Teenage boy allegedly sexually assaulted by worker on Carnival cruise ship


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This is just stupid- the father was there, the rules dont say you must stand in the shower with your teenager!! Do you accompany your teens into public bathrooms every time you're out at a restaurant or event??


The father being nearby or quickly alerted afterwards by the son does not mean the father was there in the locker room or even in the gym facilities. I'm sorry but a men's steamroom and sauna is not the area for an unmonitored minor to be. If teens cannot enter the Serenity pool area or the nightclub or the casino they should not be in the steam/sauna alone either when there is clear signage.

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You're making a wild assumption that he broke the rules' date=' as previous posters have pointed out, children between 12-17 can go into this area with a parent present - he clearly was near enough to his father for his father to quickly apprehend the rapist.


More importantly, even if he was breaking the rules he should be able to do so without being raped! Stop blaming the victim.[/quote']


Sadly I think you misunderstood, please re-read.

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No where does it say the boy was raped, it only says sexually assaulted, please don't put a bigger stigma on this boy by saying he was raped! This is how rumors get started and the kid has enough to deal with without this beind said!!



In Florida -state of Florida, sexual assault is legally referred to as sexual battery. Florida State Statute 794.011 defines sexual battery as:

“Any oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another or the anal or vaginal penetration of another by any other object” performed without consent and not for a bona fide medical purpose.

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Lots of comments about the Father....


Bottom line is that nobody deserves to be assaulted, regardless whether or not they 'broke' or 'bent' the odd rule.


Regardless of how many employees CCL has out on their Ships, but it is impossible to screen for this if there is no record.


These people that prey on kids are everywhere....


Not CCL's fault unless they knowingly hired this person with with a record.

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Seems that most posters in this thread are overlooking the word "allegedly" in the article and are ready to crucify the crew member. As far as I can tell, the only proof is the word of a teenage boy. For all we know, his story could be an exaggeration of the truth or completely false. Just sayin'...

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Seems that most posters in this thread are overlooking the word "allegedly" in the article and are ready to crucify the crew member. As far as I can tell, the only proof is the word of a teenage boy. For all we know, his story could be an exaggeration of the truth or completely false. Just sayin'...


I understand playing Devil's Advocate and yes everyone is "innocent until proven guilty" but most children would not make up a story like this. I'm sure the details will come out and the guilty parties will be held accountable.

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My heart goes out to this boy and his family. What a horrible way to end a vacation!



My question is why was the room steward allowed to have use of the passenger sauna? It was my understanding the crew has their own gym and even their own hot tub, so I would think they would have their own sauna for crew use.



You can run into passengers who are "freaks" in the gym and sauna area...it could have been anyone, not just a cruise member. Just in this case it was.


Its a shame this had to happen, poor young man.

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Clearly he was not being accompanied by a parent. His father was not in the sauna nor the shower, so he was not being accompanied. I'm not trying to place blame here, just pointing this out so that others don't make the same mistake. Rules are put in place for a reason.


Call me crazy but by accompanied I assume that means the parent has to be somewhere in the facility Not necessarily right at the piece of equipment the child was using. And quite frankly I am gonna be quite a bit concerned about a 16 year old in the shower with his father both naked. That's very suspect

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Call me crazy but by accompanied I assume that means the parent has to be somewhere in the facility Not necessarily right at the piece of equipment the child was using. And quite frankly I am gonna be quite a bit concerned about a 16 year old in the shower with his father both naked. That's very suspect


Sorry but I don't understand what's so difficult to understand here. Based on "the rules" a child can't go into an R-rated move just because their parent is also in the same building, they have to ACCOMPANY them into the theater. The same rules apply here. If as a parent you want to allow your teen to take advantage of the shipboard amenities, as in many cases, you must ACCOMPANY them. Just because you're on the same ship or within 100 yards is not the same. It means "keep an eye on them". The locker room facilities are not within eyeshot of the main gym floor.


No one is suggesting they shower together, there are separate shower stalls as in any locker room but I'm also not quite sure why showering together is "suspect" but being naked together in the steam room would be okay and yes, most men use the sauna and steam in only their towels or less.

Edited by Cruisegoer
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Seems that most posters in this thread are overlooking the word "allegedly" in the article and are ready to crucify the crew member. As far as I can tell, the only proof is the word of a teenage boy. For all we know, his story could be an exaggeration of the truth or completely false. Just sayin'...


I've thought the same, but didn't dare post it in fear of being crucified. We don't know what was being said to each other in that sauna. If per chance the subject was a bit referring to sex, that boy might not have realized how talking with his friends was not the same as with an adult and he got in deeper than he thought. I'm not excusing the assaulter, just giving a viewpoint.


There was just another now deleted thread about a 16 y.o. who claimed to look 21, so that in itself can become an unexpected problem.


Our local news just reported the man is still in jail as no one has bonded him out. The report said the boy's father was in the gym, which sounds like it was quite nearby when the son alerted him and the dad chased after the guy.

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Sorry but I don't understand what's so difficult to understand here. Based on "the rules" a child can't go into an R-rated move just because their parent is also in the same building, they have to ACCOMPANY them into the theater. The same rules apply here. If as a parent you want to allow your teen to take advantage of the shipboard amenities, as in many cases, you must ACCOMPANY them. Just because you're on the same ship or within 100 yards is not the same. It means "keep an eye on them". The locker room facilities are not within eyeshot of the main gym floor.


I'm not one to have ever involved myself in any kind of debate on these boards before, but in this scenario, "accompany" means "in the same theatre" not necessarily "sitting immediately next to". My kids are far too young to be accompanied to an R rated movie, but I'm guessing if I go into the theater & sit a couple rows back I'm still following the technical rules. Does my mere presence in the room guarantee my child's safety? I think at best, i could simply react faster...


In this unfortunate story, are we really to know the father wasn't a few shower stalls down? If he was, how does that stop a predator in a split second? Or maybe in the stall next door & the son finished first & stepped out?


We can argue the definition of "accompany" all we want. The truth is this poor young man is at an age where most likely he won't have a parent present 24/7. That does not make it his fault of his parents. He & his loved ones were (allegedly) victims. I have experiences in my life that sadly show as a young adult & a parent you can "follow all the rules" & still have bad things happen. For that reason, I wish we could just all hope this family & this potential criminal all get the help they need. Placing blame only brings us a sense of security that reality doesn't.

Edited by Drose716
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I wish I could have seen the bond hearing for him. A judge usually will set the bond by what the facts of the case are. I saw a few bond hearings for others on lines for embezzlement , 2 workers worked in the accounting office on the ship, won't name the line.


So if they have what they call Proof evident , presumption great the bond will be high. They may have proof that the incident happened.

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I understand playing Devil's Advocate and yes everyone is "innocent until proven guilty" but most children would not make up a story like this. I'm sure the details will come out and the guilty parties will be held accountable.
yep your right, no need for a costly trial.......30 yrs solitary or the wood chipper, your choice Cruisegoer?.


To quote the wonderful right wing Judge Judy, "how do you know a teenagers lying?"........answers to

Edited by Keel Haul
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yep your right, no need for a costly trial.......30 yrs solitary or the wood chipper, your choice Cruisegoer?.


To quote the wonderful right wing Judge Judy, "how do you know a teenagers lying?"........answers to


Sorry that's just reactionary. While I don't believe a child would make up a story like this I do realize that not all "children" are completely innocent in moral character by that age. None of us know what the situation was. We can all imagine that it was very predatory and most likely was but until there have been background checks and collaborating evidence brought to light I'm not going to condone premature execution, sorry.

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Just read this:




Boy's father in the gym while the son was in the locker room (not part of Carnival locker room usage by minors policy) and what's more bizarre is the police report says the teen is "mentally defective". Who knows in 2015 what that could be but it makes the father seem even more irresponsible. What if this boy would have burned himself on the heating devices used in the facilities, then they would be suing the pants off of Carnival I'm sure.

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Why not just leave it alone till after the trial, nothing can be achieved by speculation.


Isn't cruise critic a blog of speculation and opinion? Everyone has their own viewpoints and makes a discussion of it. Why must I leave it alone?

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In Florida -state of Florida, sexual assault is legally referred to as sexual battery. Florida State Statute 794.011 defines sexual battery as:

“Any oral, anal, or vaginal penetration by, or union with, the sexual organ of another or the anal or vaginal penetration of another by any other object” performed without consent and not for a bona fide medical purpose.

But it was never said any of this ever happened, to allege that it happened is hurting the boy involved.


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But it was never said any of this ever happened, to allege that it happened is hurting the boy involved.



OMG, someone did say that he was raped - as evidence by the criminal charges that were filed...see this link for the exact charge:




and here is the definition of sexual battery in FL (again) - which says that to be charged with this offense the person is accused of oral, anal or vaginal penetration (aka "rape," as per the FBI's definition)




And MORE importantly, why do you believe we are hurting this young boy by pointing this out?! I don't stigmatize survivors of sexual abuse/assault, do you?

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Isn't cruise critic a blog of speculation and opinion? Everyone has their own viewpoints and makes a discussion of it. Why must I leave it alone?
To quote you<None of us know what the situation was.> so you wish to speculate about an unknown situation like this. What about choosing a hobby to keep you occupied.
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Why not just leave it alone till after the trial, nothing can be achieved by speculation.


I totally agree. This is America where you are innocent until proven guilty.


I'm terribly sorry for whatever may have happened to this young boy. I have a DS (now 20) and I would be devastated if anything like this should have happened to him. But he's been cruising with us every year since he was 9 and thank goodness has never been exposed to anything like this and no, we were not with him every moment of the day.


As far as blaming the parents...that's just ridiculous! Whether they were as far away as China while the kid was where he was...there is never a reason for anyone to harm another person in any way, shape, or form. The only blame should be on the perpetrator of a crime and not on anyone else for any reason.


These kind of occurrences are why we gave our son karate lessons so that by the time he was 9 he had his black belt (not a junior black belt but an adult one). I pity the fool that tries something like that with my DS as he's quite capable of defending himself. He's had to do it twice since he started college. Nothing to do with sexual assault but with older drunk students thinking they could take advantage of a younger one. Much to their surprise...they were on the losing end. Three against one and he got the best of them. I hate violence of any kind except for self-defense and then only when you can't verbally escape a bad situation. Karate students are taught to never start a fight but if necessary...to finish it and survive the incident. The money we spent on his karate lessons was money well spent.


I pray for this young boy and his family that they will, in spite of this awful experience, have a happy life and that they will be able to move on from this terrible event.

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OMG' date=' someone did say that he was raped - as evidence by the criminal charges that were filed...see this link for the exact charge:




and here is the definition of sexual battery in FL (again) - which says that to be charged with this offense the person is accused of oral, anal or vaginal penetration (aka "rape," as per the FBI's definition)




And MORE importantly, why do you believe we are hurting this young boy by pointing this out?! I don't stigmatize survivors of sexual abuse/assault, do you?[/quote']

Again, sexually molested does not always mean rape, if he fondled or touched the boy inappropriately in anyway is sexual molestation. You are missing my point about how this kind of talk can do the child harm, to blatantly call it rape without the facts is insuating something that might not have happened. That's called spreading rumors that may not be true.


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Again, sexually molested does not always mean rape, if he fondled or touched the boy inappropriately in anyway is sexual molestation. You are missing my point about how this kind of talk can do the child harm, to blatantly call it rape without the facts is insuating something that might not have happened. That's called spreading rumors that may not be true.



I am fully aware that sexually molested doesn't always mean rape, but if you had read my post and the links you would see that this man is in fact charged with "rape" - the charges say he penetrated that boy, penetration = "rape".


I have not spread any rumor, I don't even know who this boy is. I also promise you that "this kind of talk" is not harmful to him (I am a psychotherapist who specializes in the treatment of trauma, I know a little bit about this subject), all of my comments have been validating and supportive. I can't say the same for many other posts in this forum that have blamed him and his parents.


I do sense that you believe if he has been raped he is somehow permanently damaged and that you are vehemently trying to protect his "reputation" - to me that's a problem, it's a mindset that is stigmatizing.

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I am fully aware that sexually molested doesn't always mean rape' date=' but if you had read my post and the links you would see that this man is in fact charged with "rape" - the charges say he penetrated that boy, penetration = "rape".


I have not spread any rumor, I don't even know who this boy is. I also promise you that "this kind of talk" is not harmful to him (I am a psychotherapist who specializes in the treatment of trauma, I know a little bit about this subject), all of my comments have been validating and supportive. I can't say the same for many other posts in this forum that have blamed him and his parents.


I do sense that you believe if he has been raped he is somehow permanently damaged and that you are vehemently trying to protect his "reputation" - to me that's a problem, it's a mindset that is stigmatizing.[/quote']

I do not believe if he has been raped he is permanently damaged, never once did I allude to this fact. I do believe to specuulate what could have happened is idle gossip that is not necessary. this is a private matter between him and his family and our speculations are not needed. the last I am saying on the subject.


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