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Silversea Water Cooler: Welcome! Part Two

CC Help Michell

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Welcome back Sophia - have a lovely cruise and let us know how it was later.


Frances de la Tour is great - ditto Celia Imrie; cut from rather similar cloth.


jp - I think if I were your age and with your get-up-and-go I too would probably do more active land based things than cruising; the latter is ideal travelling for when you are a bit 'past it', and love to be just taken around effortlessly, being active only when you feel like it. (Rather like our goodselves).


Re favourite lines; luckily we all have slightly different priorities: for us it is being on board with not too many more people, preferably under 500; wonderful friendly and intelligent staff, not too much dressing up in the evening, and food and drink that are at least very good. Not forgetting not having to sign for drinks or pay automatic tips. Included excursions are a definite no-no. I know you don't have to do them, but you have paid for them. I was sorry to see that Silversea seem to be going down that route.


Big rugby match tonight - if England lose they will be out!!! Awful thought. I am sure the Aussies would be delighted - huge sporting rivalry between us, though otherwise we all love each other. Mostly.



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Re your camera. Learning the M3 will be easier for you than me because you are more experienced at setting controls on a camera. But by far the most important thing you can do next with your Sony is that once you're happy you've got the basics which I think you have is to customise and programme those functions keys. That will make the world of difference.


Today wifey abandoned me for a shopping expedition with daughter and an onward trip to see the grandchildren. So I was able to eat men things, like some jacket (baked) potato with chicken korma and some cake and a bottle of Primitivo. We don't do seperations well and she has been calling me very often and I am sitting by the window like a dog staring out and waiting for her to come back. She has just called ... and she is on her way. :)





Jeff, that is going to be my next experimentation with Frances. I have scanned the book section on setting up the functions. A lot to digest. I agree that it will make photo options easier to access.


And I absolutely understand about not doing separations well. Myster is leaving tomorrow for Luton and will return on Friday. He deals with separations much better than I do. I'm not a fan of rumbling around the empty house. Daughter wants me to visit but we're watching our shekels right now so return train fare is not a go.

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J... with respect to your quest for aurora borealis viewing I respectfully submit the following article from today's newspaper. Bottom line....Northwest Territories. The particular lodge mentioned here was visited by a couple of your famous countrymen/women. :)



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When we used to make ice cream we earned it. Steel container, inside a wooden ice and salt filled bucket, and a hand crank. Definitely better than any you could buy, especially with fresh picked strawberries and cream straight from my uncle's dairy farm.



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Thanks for the welcome back....it's been so frustrating!! Loving all the food pics and the usual banter.

Thanks Jeff for helping this damsel in distress....sterling job!


It's been a busy day packing but I'm almost there...just the housework to look forward to tomorrow...😳



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Thanks for the welcome back....it's been so frustrating!! Loving all the food pics and the usual banter.

Thanks Jeff for helping this damsel in distress....sterling job!


It's been a busy day packing but I'm almost there...just the housework to look forward to tomorrow...😳





That's no probs ... Soapy Gal.


Sadly the fact is now out that I am your secret part time toy boy. By the way, where is this month's postal order?






ps ... enjoy all the packing.

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That's no probs ... Soapy Gal.


Sadly the fact is now out that I am your secret part time toy boy. By the way, where is this month's postal order?






ps ... enjoy all the packing.


Hehe....I'll do a bank transfer later ;)


Packing is a chore and I'm always relieved when it's done!!



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Send the address ... I'll send some over! It is still very autumnal here ..









Will you do a breakfast delivery ;) I've just woken up and that has made my stomach rumble! Sunday.... fry up or ice cream????:rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Packing is a chore and I'm always relieved when it's done!!




We are getting pretty facile at it...lots of practice!


The secret: no more than two color schemes. Everything has to match black or khaki pants. Not only does that limit what you can bring, so you're packing a smaller amount, but it simplifies your shoe packing as well. We have it down to a science now. I often pack only one pair of shoes besides what I wear on the plane, even if we're away for 2 weeks.


And as a third bonus, you look slimmer while wearing black, so your vacation pictures look better! Even after all of those high-calorie meals aboard Silversea, or all the Bratwurst with pommes, etc...


We can do 10 days away with a single carry-on, plus a backpack each. It's so much easier that way. It just took about a decade of practice to accomplish...

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We are getting pretty facile at it...lots of practice!


The secret: no more than two color schemes. Everything has to match black or khaki pants.


And as a third bonus, you look slimmer while wearing black, so your vacation pictures look better! Even after all of those high-calorie meals aboard Silversea, or all the Bratwurst with pommes, etc...



Only problem for me is that black is way to hot in the sun, even in pants, although thankfully this summer (well our summer) wide legged loose fit pants are in fashion so these are much cooler... and I have bought a pair of very light weight cotton.


JP were you snooping over my shoulder yesterday when I was playing with my future cruise wardrobe? My 2 pair of pants are black and creamy linen.... I am adding some "long shorts" as well

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It is probably a very bad sign ..... but I find myself thinking about those two pizzas you made last night. You did a fine job. They were vibrant and fresh tasting. Do you find yourself thinking of previous meals .... or even worst and sadder ... someone else's meals .... and yearning for them? :eek:


Later today, slow roasted shoulder of lamb with slow roasted potato, loads of red braised onion, mixed peppers and courgettes. Eaten hopefully in Nico's Taverna if it's not to cool.





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Today was a bonus day off, and a lazy day around the house. We did get a few things done like changing the water in the aquarium, and we got a walk in even though it was cloudy, cool, and breezy out.


Chris and I were both convinced that she was on call this (past) week, and therefore working this weekend...but she checked the schedule yesterday and found out that she wasn't! Glad that she checked, and we were off!


JP were you snooping over my shoulder yesterday when I was playing with my future cruise wardrobe? My 2 pair of pants are black and creamy linen.... I am adding some "long shorts" as well


You never know what happens, or who's looking, when you leave your Skype on! ;)




It is probably a very bad sign ..... but I find myself thinking about those two pizzas you made last night. You did a fine job. They were vibrant and fresh tasting. Do you find yourself thinking of previous meals .... or even worst and sadder ... someone else's meals .... and yearning for them?


Later today, slow roasted shoulder of lamb with slow roasted potato, loads of red braised onion, mixed peppers and courgettes. Eaten hopefully in Nico's Taverna if it's not to cool.






So since we were home and had time, we cooked a few more treats today. Breakfast was French toast, dipped into chopped almonds before frying for an extra treat! So delicious.




For dinner, we dug through some recipes that we've collected and found one for "Belgian beef stew" that sounded nice. We had some boneless short ribs in the freezer that worked well; salt, pepper, flour, then browned in a Dutch oven. Sautéed onions and garlic, then add beer, beef broth, and the meat back to the pot.


It cooked in the oven for almost 2 hours while we were out walking, and the smell was incredible when we got back out of the cool weather. At that point we added some baby Yukon Gold potatoes, carrots and let them cook a bit. The stew was finished with Dijon mustard and chopped parsley. It was hard to get this picture without drooling on the camera!




With a little salad, and some California Petit Syrah, it made for a great cool weather meal. Fall may be coming, but at least the Fall menu can be nice!




Jeff, looking forward to your Fall offering tomorrow - sounds great! And to answer your question - the pizzas made us very happy. No time to think of past meals, just enjoying the one in front of us! Tomorrow, we may get to eat the rest - or maybe it will be Monday's lunch. We will see.

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Lovely food JP ..... and lucky you. Unexpected time is sweet time. :)


Thanks for the link M.


Todays very simple Greek Cypriot Lamb Kleftiko lunch has been placed in the oven to cook gently for a few hours. How on earth could it be simpler, quicker and more skill-free and it looks like we may be eating in Nico's today if it doesn't get any cooler :D


Happy Sunday all.







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It's a big football weekend here...


We had afl yesterday, kicked butt with the Brits yesterday and tonight is the rugby league :eek:


In deference I cooked a steak and fries


You thoroughly deserved to beat the English - we were rubbish!:(

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We are getting pretty facile at it...lots of practice!




The secret: no more than two color schemes. Everything has to match black or khaki pants. Not only does that limit what you can bring, so you're packing a smaller amount, but it simplifies your shoe packing as well. We have it down to a science now. I often pack only one pair of shoes besides what I wear on the plane, even if we're away for 2 weeks.




And as a third bonus, you look slimmer while wearing black, so your vacation pictures look better! Even after all of those high-calorie meals aboard Silversea, or all the Bratwurst with pommes, etc...




We can do 10 days away with a single carry-on, plus a backpack each. It's so much easier that way. It just took about a decade of practice to accomplish...



Two suitcases, one for each of us, a garment bag for formal wear, and a smaller suitcase for shoes, etc. is what we typically pack. Sometimes I think we should try to pack lighter, but it never happens.


Part of it is I don't like dealing with carry on bags, so it would get checked anyway.

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Two suitcases, one for each of us, a garment bag for formal wear, and a smaller suitcase for shoes, etc. is what we typically pack. Sometimes I think we should try to pack lighter, but it never happens.


Part of it is I don't like dealing with carry on bags, so it would get checked anyway.



Please reconsider. One case for each of you is inviting fate to not go your way. It is too tempting for the airline case God. ;)


Please split each of your clothes equally between both cases ie half your formal, and half your casual .... underpants ..... trousers .... ties etc in each case the other in the other case. So each of you share both cases. In this situation if the airline loses a case - which on a cruise means reconnecting with it is more challenging and traumatic ... you can actually survive without too much time focussing on re-acquiring emergency clothing. You can lose a lot of cruise fretting about a missing case if one of them goes awol. This simple small thoughtful adjustment to packing procedure can save much of a cruise and it has been known to save a marriage .....


And don't forget to buy some hand air expelled vacu bags for making case space go further. We use these for pillows and stuff like socks and underwear etc and saves up to 70% of case space.


Just suggesting .....:)





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Please reconsider. One case for each of you is inviting fate to not go your way. It is too tempting for the airline case God. ;)


Please split each of your clothes equally between both cases ie half your formal, and half your casual .... underpants ..... trousers .... ties etc in each case the other in the other case. So each of you share both cases. In this situation if the airline loses a case - which on a cruise means reconnecting with it is more challenging and traumatic ... you can actually survive without too much time focussing on re-acquiring emergency clothing. You can lose a lot of cruise fretting about a missing case if one of them goes awol.


Just suggesting .....:)







Having lost 2 out of three cruise in 2013 We were very thankful we'd packed across, especially as it took 2 weeks to be reunited


Henceforth my carry on has always had one very dressy outfit (for antarctica... the snow gear)


Notsobad for Miss W and Ias we can share a bit, but poor W jar was in real trouble after 2 days... and no jacket (he's learned since)

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Having lost 2 out of three cruise in 2013 We were very thankful we'd packed across, especially as it took 2 weeks to be reunited


Henceforth my carry on has always had one very dressy outfit (for antarctica... the snow gear)


Notsobad for Miss W and Ias we can share a bit, but poor W jar was in real trouble after 2 days... and no jacket (he's learned since)



The toughest lessons are often learned the hardest way.


On our lengthy Oz and Singapore trips, I take a roll-on carry on with 24 hours+ clothing in it packed into the vacu bags. It is a habit I have got into and whilst it seems daft to many, if everything gets lost we have enough for a day or so after we arrive if everything gets lost. All my packing procedures have come about simply because I don't do suprises or bad news well and wifey knows that if it is taking the carry on as insurance and relaxing all the way and avoiding the small chance of terminal grumpiness .... then this level of "insurance" is well worthg while.


This means that in the evnet of our luggage going missing I serenely delegate the tracking and retrieving of it to staff and get on with eating drinking and enjoying myself. Correction: Ourselves.



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Morning Coolers! Furnace is on and I am defrosting. I will definitely be following the packing gospel according to J on our big adventure. We have had luggage delayed a number of times and each time it was going from home through Toronto. We are jinxed by that airport. And lucky us, we get to fly through it again for our big adventure. Some bags will be shipped ahead and those are the ones that worry me most. I may have to make a human sacrifice to the Airline Case God and his/her colleague Fedex Delivery God.

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It's not anywhere close to 50%, but we do try to put a little something in the other person's suitcase. We also fly in a day or two (or three) pre-cruise, so there's some time for any lost baggage to find us.


I am kind of worried now, though, that you've jinxed us by bringing it up. ;)



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Everyone does what they want and at some point either regret not doing something they could have done or never think of it again. You learn from other peoples adverse experience and suggestions - or not - and wait for your own lessons to educate you. That is what being intelligent and avoiding avoidable issues and insuring against such tings is about! Two tribes. People avoid avoidable issues or learn after something bad happens and they feel pain, because they have trusted to the lottery of good luck, or not. Often a very small inconvenience procedure avoids a lot of pain. We all choose which tribe. Just don't come back here and start complain' ..... that's what I say. Jeffers hath spoketh. :)


The Kleftiko was good .... and there were juices that couldn't avoid being morphed into a Martini Rosso reduced sauce. I know it isn't rustic but I don't bleedin' care. My gaff. My rules. And the Primitivo is becoming better in the glass.



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Yum! Darn these time differences... Haven't even thought about breakfast yet and Jeff is tempting me with lunch.


Mark, I should have elaborated more... Even if we use only carry-on sized luggage for a trip, we often check bags for convenience. For instance, when we did our trip last October which included a 9-day SS Cruise, with our own independent car trip through Cappadocia pre-cruise, we got everything into two carry-on sized rollaboard suitcases. But, we checked them (yes, we cross-pack).


The amount of luggage mattered a lot because we had smaller rental cars, moved hotels frequently, and took public transport in places so having less luggage to lug was a big plus. But checking them was more convenient.


There are times when we do go only carry-on though. When we went to Germany last month and wanted to hit the ground running, without waiting to claim bags, we packed a rollaboard and carried on. And the ultimate convenience is returning through JFK with carry-ons only. Between the speed of Global Entry, and not waiting for bags, it takes about 10 minutes to get from the gate to the Air Train, and you're in your car 15 minutes later, and on the road.


So, carry-on size is handy for portability. Whether we check or carry-on depends on whether we want/need to make good time in airports, or whether we have time to wait for bags.

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