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What % of people on the ship have drink packages?


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I realize it will be impossible to know (outside of a RCI data center), but I'm curious if frequent cruisers on recent cruises have a sense of what % of people have drink packages? Especially the premium or ultimate?


Is it fairly rare? Or is it a significant percentage?


Take a WAG if you have experiences.


It may also be self-biased, I suspect people who enjoy more of the drink packages naturally see others who have the same and vice versa, so it might be interesting to know where you lie on the spectrum, too.


The majority of people I saw seemed to NOT have beverage packages. Frankly, IMO, RCI doesn't do a good job of telling people about them, where to sign up, etc.


Yes, it is pretty obvious to those of us that research and are "in the know" -- but I can see where someone like my husband -- too busy to go online and research, too overwhelmed on embarkation day to process the purpose of the tables set up for it, just relies on a TA or a wife (*ahem*) to worry about this stuff, etc.


IMO, common sense seems to say that this lack of communication may be intentional, when you consider the high price of drinks. Clearly, alcohol is a huge profit booster. And without the drink package -- 2 or three weak drinks a day can add up to more than the package if you add to it, sodas, a latte, etc.


That being said: We had the Royal Refreshment package -- which for us was worth it. We drink Red Bull and love Starbucks and sparkling water. So, if you tally a few sparkling waters, a couple of lattes, and a red bull -- it is a good value.


We are not regular alcohol drinkers -- so we didn't see the need to buy a package for cocktails. I just thought we'd pay a la carte if we felt like having a cocktail.


In retrospect -- I think this was a mistake. Like others have said, the cost of cocktails is ridiculously high. Honestly, I saw quite a few people clutching their statements on disembarkation day, grumbling about this.


Yes, you sign the receipt, you should know better. But we are talking about alcohol, and when you are having fun, and kind of tipsy, it's easy to not inspect the bill -- particularly when there's an open tab.


Case in point: At the Schooner Bar, I ordered one Mojito and one Appletini. The bill? $37.76. That's insane right? Keep in mind -- I didn't ask for special, high end liquor either -- in other words, I didn't ask for a call cocktail, just well. Nearly $40, and I didn't add a special tip either. (BTW -- the Appletini was awful. I honestly don't understand why everyone says that they are so amazing. Green tree sap! lol)


One Pina Colada is $8.26 at the Solarium bar -- and it was barely alcoholic. One glass of wine was $11.80.


And we could NOT resist the special pina coladas served in fresh coconuts that they serve by the pool. For two it was $22.42. (Again -- barely alcoholic as well).


So, let's assume I wanted to relax and actually feel like I had a drink -- I'd have to have at least 2 or 3. If you figure in my latte for breakfast, the two red bulls, 3 sparkling waters -- well, the a la carte cost would exceed the cost of the beverage package.


So, given these prices -- I could easily rack up $800 in beverages -- EASY having 2-4 cocktails a day (which again -- are poured so weak you have to have multiple to feel anything) I am no lush. Heck, before this cruise, I hadn't consumed alcohol in years.


So next time -- I may get the beverage package that includes alcohol, and just be realistic knowing that there's nothing quite like the taste of Myer's Rum and pineapple after spending the day on a gorgeous beach. It is hard to resist!


Or I'll smuggle a bottle of rum on board, (do I have to smuggle? hmmm) get the Royal Refreshment package that includes virgin cocktails, and add my own booze. (That seems a bit, I don't know, like what I did in high school at football games and dances!.)

Edited by Mitzyscorner
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I think a bar tab in excess of 800 dollars for my wife and I for a week would make me throw up. If that seems like a normal amount to spend for drinks in a week regardless of location, then I think you place a very high priority on drinking.


Honestly, I agree about the insane cost. $800 on booze alone in my own house, or in my hometown at some bar -- as someone that normally doesn't really enjoy alcohol -- well, I'd be upset. Actually, I think I'd have a mini-stroke. I don't like to spend money on alcohol -- b/c it isn't something I normally enjoy.


But on vacation -- I do like to try some of those amazing looking frozen cocktails, or toast to a great vacay. I don't go crazy, and haven't been drunk in over a decade -- but sometimes it just too hard not to have a pina colada served in a fancy coconut shell. lol


I think what you are overlooking is that a bar tab on a cruise doesn't reflect the "real world" cost for the consumption of the same amount of alcohol. $800 in my local bar would buy me, and several of my closest friends, a blackout, and a week long hangover -- but on a cruise? RCI's prices are so high -- one can be a moderate or occasional drinker and end up spending $800 or close to it.


Think about this: Two cocktails at Schooner Bar cost us $37.76. If we ordered one more round - which is reasonable since nobody is driving and the drinks are weak, and mojitos are so refreshing -- so that's another $37.76.


Add a couple of diet cokes, some sparkling water, and then two red bulls to the bar tab, a late night latte and it could all add up to $100 or more a day. Do it every day -- and by the end of the week, we'd be looking at around $800.

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Because he thinks the prices of the drinks are too high. Which he can do...

so in other words, he'd be a 'lush' it he wasn't 'cheap'.


Not at all, and I've not called anyone names, although I can think of a few for you. Being unwilling to pay 12 dollars for a dollar drink doesn't mean I'm cheap, it means I'm not stupid.

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Not at all, and I've not called anyone names, although I can think of a few for you. Being unwilling to pay 12 dollars for a dollar drink doesn't mean I'm cheap, it means I'm not stupid.


COME ON!!!! You're going to tell me that you're not calling names - and then you say that?? Justified or not - you're saying that anyone that pays $12 for a drink is stupid. Just wondering what would you call that?


Granted - you clearly don't drink enough to buy a drink package. SO DON'T BUY ONE!! You live in an area where the drinks are much cheaper than they are in a major metropolis, thus making a $12 an outrageous price. SO DON'T BUY ONE!!


We've ALL gotten away from the OP's original question (myself included) but the question wasn't "What's YOUR OPINION of drink packages." It wasn't even "Hey - I'm deciding between getting one or not." It was "What % of people on the ship have drink packages." A question that NONE of us can answer with any reliable certainty.




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Right? And they said they were weak drinks at that. Put that on the brochure and see if it sells.


The kicker? When I studied the final statement I noted that they charged us $37.76 twice, and then another $14.16 twice. I am assuming that each cocktail was $14.16?


In any case, including the obvious errors, that was $103.84 for two weakly poured, well drinks.




(FTR - Customer service corrected the duplicative charges. I had to call though. And the rep kind of implied that this happens all the time. So study those statements! I found double charges from the spa too and another bar).

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Not at all, and I've not called anyone names, although I can think of a few for you. Being unwilling to pay 12 dollars for a dollar drink doesn't mean I'm cheap, it means I'm not stupid.


Hmmmm! Ummm! Nah! Id say Goodtime Cruizin had it right.... I took it as meaning Cheap....

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Hmmmm! Ummm! Nah! Id say Goodtime Cruizin had it right.... I took it as meaning Cheap....


I don't consider myself cheap; I'll drop many coins if the value is there, but I wouldn't be buying $12 drinks, let alone $37 for two cocktails.

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COME ON!!!! You're going to tell me that you're not calling names - and then you say that?? Justified or not - you're saying that anyone that pays $12 for a drink is stupid. Just wondering what would you call that?


Granted - you clearly don't drink enough to buy a drink package. SO DON'T BUY ONE!! You live in an area where the drinks are much cheaper than they are in a major metropolis, thus making a $12 an outrageous price. SO DON'T BUY ONE!!


We've ALL gotten away from the OP's original question (myself included) but the question wasn't "What's YOUR OPINION of drink packages." It wasn't even "Hey - I'm deciding between getting one or not." It was "What % of people on the ship have drink packages." A question that NONE of us can answer with any reliable certainty.





i did not say "anyone that pays $12 dollars for a drink is stupid" you inferred that. I have no intention of buying a beverage package and I don't care a bit what you think.


I really don't understand your agitation. You seem to need some kind of validation.

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Not at all, and I've not called anyone names, although I can think of a few for you. Being unwilling to pay 12 dollars for a dollar drink doesn't mean I'm cheap, it means I'm not stupid.


Dude. I'm not stupid.


I just don't make it a habit to ask "how much is a Mojito" at a crowded bar. And it is hard to take the drinks, study the bill, and then say "oh, here, take these back, they are crazy overpriced." Particularly hard after you already took a sip b/c you were dying standing there 10 minutes waiting for said beverage.


And yes, Schooner Bar had menus -- but I'll be honest -- I'm 45, and it was dimly lit in there. I couldn't find my reading glasses. And in all honestly, the granny with-her-reading-glasses-on-her-nose-look at the bar clashed with my overall attempt for the classy sophisticate look. Besides, nobody likes the cheap buzz kill that groans over every dime. (Guilty BTW. I'm trying to control my inner cheapskate)


So, I may be nearly blind, but not even close to stupid.

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COME ON!!!! You're going to tell me that you're not calling names - and then you say that?? Justified or not - you're saying that anyone that pays $12 for a drink is stupid. Just wondering what would you call that?


Granted - you clearly don't drink enough to buy a drink package. SO DON'T BUY ONE!! You live in an area where the drinks are much cheaper than they are in a major metropolis, thus making a $12 an outrageous price. SO DON'T BUY ONE!!


We've ALL gotten away from the OP's original question (myself included) but the question wasn't "What's YOUR OPINION of drink packages." It wasn't even "Hey - I'm deciding between getting one or not." It was "What % of people on the ship have drink packages." A question that NONE of us can answer with any reliable certainty.





Exactly and well put..... On my upcoming cruise I will be buying the Premium Beverage package just based on the pricing listed above as the drink package will be well worth it , To me anyway....

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Case in point: At the Schooner Bar, I ordered one Mojito and one Appletini. The bill? $37.76. That's insane right? Keep in mind -- I didn't ask for special, high end liquor either -- in other words, I didn't ask for a call cocktail, just well. Nearly $40, and I didn't add a special tip either. (BTW -- the Appletini was awful. I honestly don't understand why everyone says that they are so amazing. Green tree sap! lol)


One Pina Colada is $8.26 at the Solarium bar -- and it was barely alcoholic. One glass of wine was $11.80.


And we could NOT resist the special pina coladas served in fresh coconuts that they serve by the pool. For two it was $22.42. (Again -- barely alcoholic as well).


That Schooner Bar total does sound insane. That would equate to $16 per drink plus the 18%. My only explanation there is that you were overcharged. The drinks are high, but not that high.

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"What % of people on the ship have drink packages." A question that NONE of us can answer with any reliable certainty.



I believe I have come up with a formula to answer the original question. It is based on common topics and complaints here on Cruise Critic. See if this makes sense, of course these are on average and results may vary.


33% - Underage cruisers. This is based on the number of posts regarding teen age curfews, children in the Solarium, my child is 17 can they go to an adult only excursion, does the formal night dress code include toddlers, etc.


15% - Smugglers. Enough said.


2% - Crown and Anchor high level members and Suite guests that get by on 2 bottles of wine, 3 vouchers a night, and other beverage perks,


5% - Tea Toddlers. The average for US is like 30%, but this is cruising.


15% - Get by on 2 bottles of wine and 1 or 2 drinks a day.


5% - People who wear shorts to the dining room on formal night and/or hats indoors at any time. These reprobates are not going to spring for a beverage package. (this is adjusted to account for crossover with smugglers)


3% - People on medication who can not drink.


This leaves 22% of cruisers that could be purchasers of Premium or Ultimate packages. Based on this thread and the "Has the cost gone up on beverage packages" we can estimate a 2 out of 3 rate of purchase.


Viola 15% of cruisers purchase the premium or ultimate package.


You can not argue with math.

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Not at all, and I've not called anyone names, although I can think of a few for you. Being unwilling to pay 12 dollars for a dollar drink doesn't mean I'm cheap, it means I'm not stupid.


Let's agree to disagree...


When I go vacation, I'm a lush, when you go on vacation, you're cheap.


I'm good with that.

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That Schooner Bar total does sound insane. That would equate to $16 per drink plus the 18%. My only explanation there is that you were overcharged. The drinks are high, but not that high.


I wouldn't believe it unless I had been staring at the actual receipts and my invoice for days due to the double-billing issue. I wasn't "overcharged" to the extent that that is the price for those two cocktails.


$37.76 for a mojito and an appletini. That includes the gratuity that they add in automatically. And I think they have a drink menu that correlates with those prices. (As said -- I couldn't read it due to the dimly lit bar and my vision. ;))


I imagine that if I had ordered a simple vodka tonic, the price would not have been that high. Please know, I'm not blaming RCI or claiming an overcharge (other than the errors )-- I should have been informed, they do have a menu, and I could have asked.


But the fact is that their cocktails -- particularly the specialty ones - are crazy expensive.

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I wouldn't believe it unless I had been staring at the actual receipts and my invoice for days due to the double-billing issue. I wasn't "overcharged" to the extent that that is the price for those two cocktails.


$37.76 for a mojito and an appletini. That includes the gratuity that they add in automatically. And I think they have a drink menu that correlates with those prices. (As said -- I couldn't read it due to the dimly lit bar and my vision. ;))


I imagine that if I had ordered a simple vodka tonic, the price would not have been that high. Please know, I'm not blaming RCI or claiming an overcharge (other than the errors )-- I should have been informed, they do have a menu, and I could have asked.


But the fact is that their cocktails -- particularly the specialty ones - are crazy expensive.


I don't think that's fact, though. I'm not saying you didn't pay that much, but I think you may have seriously been overcharged. Unless it's just that much more expensive on certain ships. What I've seen personally, and seen reported by others, is that their specialty cocktails tend to be $12 each, which comes to a little over $14 after gratuity. That's still fairly pricey, but not quite as far out of line.

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I don't think that's fact, though. I'm not saying you didn't pay that much, but I think you may have seriously been overcharged. Unless it's just that much more expensive on certain ships. What I've seen personally, and seen reported by others, is that their specialty cocktails tend to be $12 each, which comes to a little over $14 after gratuity. That's still fairly pricey, but not quite as far out of line.




All I know is what my receipt says and what the statement says. If I was charged an unauthorized price -- it really doesn't matter to me. I paid what I was charged -- and if they charge it -- then that's the price. Legally and logically. If they saw me as a mark and overcharged me -- I hardly think I am the only one this happens to. And the fact that the charge was entered twice, and two additional $14 charges on top of it appeared inexplicably -- I really doubt the "entered the wrong price" theory. But who knows.


And it wasn't just a $37 mojito and appletini that was expensive relative to prices charged on land at even high end bars and clubs. $11 for a glass of red wine. $22 for two specialty pina coladas. $3 or more for bottled water? How much for a red bull?



My point was that given the prices -- including "accidental" or some would say intentional-profit-seeking-strategic double-charges and overcharges -- whatever the intent or reason -- it is not logical or fair to label someone a "lush" a.k.a. a substance abuser due to an $800 bar tab on an RCI vessel given the relatively inflated and unreasonable prices they charge for cocktails and other beverages.

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I don't drink anything but water (tap on ship is fine) and black coffee. But your point is right on as far as I can see. What do I care what you do with your money, and unless you are taking a turn at the helm (is it still called helm or is it joystick), what do I care how much you drink. Not my business. Enjoy yourselves it's vacation.


While I don't care if people want to buy the package or not, there is another concern as to how much people drink. Such as the time I was waiting in the FC lounge on Voyager, when two women both proceeded to throw up over the sofa and carpets, for an extended period.


The whole area reeked after that effort, and I sympathised with the stuff who had to to do the clean-up work, as well as the impact on where they did it.

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