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CAS bait and switch. Ticked OFF!


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By the way, there we some who wondered how we would know what comp we were qualified for, and argued that maybe we were not qualified for the Penthouse.


In point of fact, the CAS rep who called to downgrade us (and said it was her mistake, btw), said flat out that we DID qualify for the Penthouse suite based on our past play history with CAS.


She went on to say that the problem was that the cruise was a Christmas cruise, and therefore more expensive than normal.


Two points here: 1. We are being asked to accept that CAS somehow "overlooked" the fact that the cruise was a Christmas cruise when they made the original offer. Funny, they confirmed the cruise as Dec 19 to Dec 26. I think it would have been obvious to ANYONE that this was a Christmas Cruise.


2. CAS agrees that we qualify for the level of comp they offered, but they are downgrading us to something much, much less. And yet they would still expect us to spend in the casino at our normal play levels.


Well, we're moving on with other plans for Christmas. Thanks again to all for your support, even those who didn't agree with our position on the matter.

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I'm sorry that this happened to you. But to cancel a comp cruise in a mini suite????!!! I know some people will disagree. But any comp cruise (in any category) is better than NO cruise at all.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Yes I do agree, I'd rather be on a cruise than anywhere else!! BUT, it is totally wrong of CAS to do this, and we would probably cancel too.

Could this be next?--even if you are comped an inside cabin, CAS can call/email you that you were over comp'ed, and cancel your cruise?? Or say sorry no BA for you, only the Star??

CAS has been changing, and not for the better. Comps ALWAYS do vary depending on ship, itinerary, length of cruise, and time of year.

Hope CAS reinstates your initial offer

Safe sailing

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Thank you Pokerpro, Rochelle and others who have agreed with our position. For those that don't agree, of course that is your right.


At this point there has been no offer to make anything good from CAS or NCL. Given their silence on the matter, we doubt anything will happen. We are going to make one more attempt to reach someone higher in the food chain at CAS, but if that does not work, we will cancel the cruise, and dispute the port fees and taxes already paid.


It's a shame that customer good will seems to mean little to CAS and NCL anymore.


Don't wait for them to call you.


Aggressively call them and demand the manager of CAS (not the supervisor on duty, but the manager of the department).


If the manager isn't there, find out when they will be and call then.


Explain everything nicely but firmly.


If you are still denied, threaten to make this public all over the internet.


But you really do need to reach the manager.


I have a feeling that the person who downgraded you is just trying to stay out of trouble at your expense.


I have almost 100% success rate in resolving problems like these with big corporations, so I know what I'm talking about.


Good luck.

Edited by pokerpro5
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You may know this, but there are many "free" cruises available to decent players through junket type operators. It's a good way to start a relationship with another line like Celebrity or RCCL. They will want references but likely your CET rep can assist with that.


Good luck and, although NCL hasn't downgraded my suites-yet, there are definitely changes I don't like. I am giving another line a try in the future.



By the way, there we some who wondered how we would know what comp we were qualified for, and argued that maybe we were not qualified for the Penthouse.


In point of fact, the CAS rep who called to downgrade us (and said it was her mistake, btw), said flat out that we DID qualify for the Penthouse suite based on our past play history with CAS.


She went on to say that the problem was that the cruise was a Christmas cruise, and therefore more expensive than normal.


Two points here: 1. We are being asked to accept that CAS somehow "overlooked" the fact that the cruise was a Christmas cruise when they made the original offer. Funny, they confirmed the cruise as Dec 19 to Dec 26. I think it would have been obvious to ANYONE that this was a Christmas Cruise.


2. CAS agrees that we qualify for the level of comp they offered, but they are downgrading us to something much, much less. And yet they would still expect us to spend in the casino at our normal play levels.


Well, we're moving on with other plans for Christmas. Thanks again to all for your support, even those who didn't agree with our position on the matter.

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I have read where port fees and taxes have been refunded even close to sailing. Now the NCF portion, who knows!



Thank you Pokerpro, Rochelle and others who have agreed with our position. For those that don't agree, of course that is your right.


At this point there has been no offer to make anything good from CAS or NCL. Given their silence on the matter, we doubt anything will happen. We are going to make one more attempt to reach someone higher in the food chain at CAS, but if that does not work, we will cancel the cruise, and dispute the port fees and taxes already paid.


It's a shame that customer good will seems to mean little to CAS and NCL anymore.

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Don't wait for them to call you.


Aggressively call them and demand the manager of CAS (not the supervisor on duty, but the manager of the department).


If the manager isn't there, find out when they will be and call then.


Explain everything nicely but firmly.


If you are still denied, threaten to make this public all over the internet.


But you really do need to reach the manager.


I have a feeling that the person who downgraded you is just trying to stay out of trouble at your expense.


I have almost 100% success rate in resolving problems like these with big corporations, so I know what I'm talking about.


Good luck.


Thanks PokerPro. We are doing as you suggest - up until now we were waiting to give our Rep & CAS a chance to settle things. This morning I fired off an email about the situation to CAS, and will follow that up with calls, requesting to speak with a Manager.

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Also, if you end up unsuccessful, just take the cruise anyway and spend exactly $0 in the casino.


That's one way you can easily punish them for their behavior.


We have thought of that, but the whole thing leaves such a bad taste that we'd rather just find something else to do with our holidays.

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You may know this, but there are many "free" cruises available to decent players through junket type operators. It's a good way to start a relationship with another line like Celebrity or RCCL. They will want references but likely your CET rep can assist with that.


Good luck and, although NCL hasn't downgraded my suites-yet, there are definitely changes I don't like. I am giving another line a try in the future.


Thanks Asubaru. We have looked at some alternate cruises for the same time period, on much the same itinerary. We're waiting for the outcome of this matter before deciding if we want to shift our cruising and casino dollars to another company.

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I'm sorry that this happened to you. But to cancel a comp cruise in a mini suite????!!! I know some people will disagree. But any comp cruise (in any category) is better than NO cruise at all.



Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Ctrinh225: I understand that many will feel as you do. But the issue here, for us, is not the cruise itself. The issue is extremely poor customer service on the part of CAS and NCL, and their apparent lack of concern for how they treat a longtime and loyal customer.

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I understand why you want to throw up your hands and give up if you can't resolve this. It is hard to show up for that minisuite when you know you were guaranteed much better.


However, you should keep in mind that you are NOT giving them business. Instead, you will make them LOSE money if you don't play in the casino and avoid spending any $ onboard. (The specialty restaurants are fine, btw, as they make very little money on those.)


By canceling, you actually will generate more money for CAS, as they will give your minisuite to some other couple who WILL gamble heavily in their terrible-odds casino.


Anyway, that aside, your e-mail will likely be useless. I have told people time and time again that e-mailing and/or writing NCL is typically useless. The turnaround time is VERY slow, you are often completely ignored, and when you get a response, it is typically a form letter.


Aggressively calling and reaching the department (CAS) manager is the ONLY viable way to have a good chance at resolving this.


The squeaky wheel gets the grease in these situations -- at NCL and elsewhere.


Human beings are, in general, lazy and non-confrontational. When "cornered" (even over the phone), they are much more likely to back down and give you what you want. If you instead wait for them to make contact with you, they will just avoid you. If you write to them, they will either ignore it or write back a quick rejection. As I always like to say, "You can't argue with a rejection letter."


Take it from a guy who has a stellar record at resolving customer service and dispute type issues with large companies -- so much that I am in the process of writing a book on how to deal with things like this.


You need the CAS manager on the phone, you need to be polite-but-stubborn, and you need to project the general image of someone who will not go away until this wrong is righted.


Good luck. I really want to see you succeed here, because I feel for your situation, and I would be beyond frustrated if this happened to me.

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You may know this, but there are many "free" cruises available to decent players through junket type operators. It's a good way to start a relationship with another line like Celebrity or RCCL. They will want references but likely your CET rep can assist with that.


Good luck and, although NCL hasn't downgraded my suites-yet, there are definitely changes I don't like. I am giving another line a try in the future.


CET has a longstanding relationship with NCL, so I doubt their hosts will cooperate with other lines to refer gamblers.


Furthermore, player records are company private, so I doubt CET hosts would ever release/verify your play data to outside companies, without a marketing agreement in place.


If you really want to start a relationship with a different line, I think it's just best to call the casino department, tell them how much you expect to play, and ask what they can do for you if you live up to your promise to play that much.


It's not too different from showing up in a new land based casino where they don't know you. You're not going to get comped right off the bat, but you can approach a host beforehand and ask, "If I play this much, what can you give me?", and you will usually be given a general idea and then will get these things when you actually play what you claimed.

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CET has a longstanding relationship with NCL, so I doubt their hosts will cooperate with other lines to refer gamblers.


Furthermore, player records are company private, so I doubt CET hosts would ever release/verify your play data to outside companies, without a marketing agreement in place.


If you really want to start a relationship with a different line, I think it's just best to call the casino department, tell them how much you expect to play, and ask what they can do for you if you live up to your promise to play that much.


It's not too different from showing up in a new land based casino where they don't know you. You're not going to get comped right off the bat, but you can approach a host beforehand and ask, "If I play this much, what can you give me?", and you will usually be given a general idea and then will get these things when you actually play what you claimed.


There are plenty of junket companies out there that can get access to your information with your permission to see if you "rate a junket comp" with them.

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I understand why you want to throw up your hands and give up if you can't resolve this. It is hard to show up for that minisuite when you know you were guaranteed much better.



Understand about the squeaky wheel, but in this case NCL did not act as most companies might have.


My email this morning did have a result. Charles Poakeart from CAS called my DW, within a few hours. Bottom line, they basically refuse to honor their original offer, and he tried very hard to convince my wife that their replacement offer was "a very nice cabin." Nope. Not even close.


His attitude was that this was "just business" and that if it had been "any other week besides Christmas" there would have been no problem with the comp they offered us. He simply refused to accept the argument that it was not our fault that an employee didn't know that December 19 to 26 included Christmas, and said that this had been "escalated all the way to the top at CAS". Not too sure about that.


He did agree to refund our entire payment, so at least we don't have to fight them over that.


Interestingly, he gave my wife a dollar figure that he said represented our average in the casinos on the cruises we've taken. This figure was not, IMO, insignificant. But I guess it is to them. When my wife told him that their actions had just lost them two loyal customers, and that revenue stream, he didn't seem to be bothered by that.


It all just goes to show how little customer service means to most companies any more. Sad.


So, we're putting this behind us and moving on. We'll repurpose the airline tickets for a different kind of vacation. Thanks again to everyone for their support and suggestions. This is one reason why CC works so well..it's nice to have the opinions of other experienced cruisers!

Edited by VideoTech
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There are plenty of junket companies out there that can get access to your information with your permission to see if you "rate a junket comp" with them.


There is no master database of player data that can be accessed from the outside.


It is possible they might be bribing hosts within casino groups to get unauthorized access, but beyond that, they don't have access without a marketing agreement.


It is my understanding that the junket companies simply match casino players with possible offers for existing marketing partnerships. So for CET casino play, they would match you with NCL anyway.

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There is no master database of player data that can be accessed from the outside.


It is possible they might be bribing hosts within casino groups to get unauthorized access, but beyond that, they don't have access without a marketing agreement.


It is my understanding that the junket companies simply match casino players with possible offers for existing marketing partnerships. So for CET casino play, they would match you with NCL anyway.


All you have to do is scan your current players card or give them your players card number. You obviously know not what you speak.

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Understand about the squeaky wheel, but in this case NCL did not act as most companies might have.


My email this morning did have a result. Charles Poakeart from CAS called my DW, within a few hours. Bottom line, they basically refuse to honor their original offer, and he tried very hard to convince my wife that their replacement offer was "a very nice cabin." Nope. Not even close.


His attitude was that this was "just business" and that if it had been "any other week besides Christmas" there would have been no problem with the comp they offered us. He simply refused to accept the argument that it was not our fault that an employee didn't know that December 19 to 26 included Christmas, and said that this had been "escalated all the way to the top at CAS". Not too sure about that.


He did agree to refund our entire payment, so at least we don't have to fight them over that.


Interestingly, he gave my wife a dollar figure that he said represented our average in the casinos on the cruises we've taken. This figure was not, IMO, insignificant. But I guess it is to them. When my wife told him that their actions had just lost them two loyal customers, and that revenue stream, he didn't seem to be bothered by that.


It all just goes to show how little customer service means to most companies any more. Sad.


So, we're putting this behind us and moving on. We'll repurpose the airline tickets for a different kind of vacation. Thanks again to everyone for their support and suggestions. This is one reason why CC works so well..it's nice to have the opinions of other experienced cruisers!


Was Charles the manager of CAS, or was he just the designated "no man" sent to call and deny you?


Did you ask for the CAS manager? If not, why?

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You're wrong and I'm not going to debate particulars. I've had enough experience with land and sea based casinos/comps that I stand by my suggestion(s). My experience is not limited to CET and NCL casinos.







CET has a longstanding relationship with NCL, so I doubt their hosts will cooperate with other lines to refer gamblers.


Furthermore, player records are company private, so I doubt CET hosts would ever release/verify your play data to outside companies, without a marketing agreement in place.


If you really want to start a relationship with a different line, I think it's just best to call the casino department, tell them how much you expect to play, and ask what they can do for you if you live up to your promise to play that much.


It's not too different from showing up in a new land based casino where they don't know you. You're not going to get comped right off the bat, but you can approach a host beforehand and ask, "If I play this much, what can you give me?", and you will usually be given a general idea and then will get these things when you actually play what you claimed.

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Cash is different because no contract is involved. If I buy a car under contract and go and find it cheaper the next day I can't cancel the contract bc I've signed a binding document. OP signed a contract and in good faith provided a payment. Good customer service would dictate that he would get what he paid for, even if most of it was comped. He may not have signed up if the mini-suite was initially offered. A vacation is booked based on individual preferences.


A similar situation happened to me at a poor customer service furniture store. They sold me the furniture I wanted and kept pushing out the promised delivery date. After 2-3 months over the summer passed, the store finally told me my furniture was indefinitely backordered and I would have to take what they had available at the time. They did not want to give me my money back. I disputed through my credit card company bc I paid for specific pieces which fit in my decor not what they had excess inventory of. In the end, I received my money back bc they didn't deliver what I signed up for under contract. This scenario is more similar... It's a veritable bait and switch. Who knows if the salesman quoted me the correct delivery date. It could have been an error (unintentionally or purposely) and the store wanted me to eat that error instead of making me whole.



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But now your talking about furniture. I would not have paid either. So is op supposed to get his money back I thought we were talking about a comped room.

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