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Anyone here about Little French key being raided (MERGED THREADS)


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There's a lot going on with this story (I've been keeping up with it since the raid on Friday). The love and outpour for the owners and the animals at LFK is amazing. They have a lot of people from all over the world in their corner. If you have HOURS...I mean hours, to read everything, you would get a lot of answers about what's going on. Almost everything is located on the owners page, not the business page. You will find postings for thousands on the owners page, the save LFK animals page, the government page, the "new roatan" page, maya key's page, the marine parks page and tons more. There are petitions going on as well.


Owner states his permits are good until February of next year. They were held at gunpoint and raided. Speculation about competitors...but NOT BFK, Maya Key/Anthony Key, which is who was there to help with the transport of the animals to their facility. Speculation about $$ of people in power trying to put them out of business because of competition. No reason was given to the owners and no legal documents...only something hand written, but yet Maya Key somehow has a stamped legal document they claimed they knew nothing about until less than 24 hours before it happened...to assist in the evacuation of over 100 animals.


Only giving a bit of what has been reported/said by several parties. Don't shoot the messenger. Go read for yourselves and form your own opinion. ;)

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Thanks Guest 2000! I've been looking for clarification as to why Maya Kay is being so badly bashed online, and this helped. I've been to Maya Kay twice and would be surprised if they were the puppetmasters behind a government animal seizure of another facility, although I seem to be in the minority opinion.

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JawjaFatBoy. I am with you in that we do not know all the truth going on. If we take a long look at a lot of resorts that cruise ships go to, I am sure there is speculation of mistreatment with marine life and animals everywhere. I was looking forward to going to LFK very much in 4 weeks. I am scared that they will be closed and we have nothing in Mohogany Bay scheduled. Guess we will just have to wait and see.

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There is a letter posted on the Roatan Marine Park Facebook page that threatens anyone saying anything against RMP or Maya Key with a Lawsuit unless they formally Apologize! Don't know about you, but I wouldn't set foot on that corrupt island! Not the first time they have pulled underhanded unethical tricks. There are far too many other beautiful places to visit without supporting those that say "we don't want your tourist dollars if you don't agree with us."

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Scheduled to visit on the Dream first week of November. Was so looking forward to going back to LFK. Beautiful place even without the animals but now I'm concerned and unsure of what we'll do for the day. With only 3 ports in a weeklong cruise, hate to not do something that day.

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Scheduled to visit on the Dream first week of November. Was so looking forward to going back to LFK. Beautiful place even without the animals but now I'm concerned and unsure of what we'll do for the day. With only 3 ports in a weeklong cruise, hate to not do something that day.


We were scheduled on Magic the week after Thanksgiving but changed today to the other itinerary Grand Cayman, Jamaica, Cozumel for the week before. Had been looking forward to returning to LFK but now I don't want to go to Roatan ever again...don't feel safe frankly.

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We were going to book the Dream for a second year in a row. We loved LFK last year. Now, I think we will just wait. No need to go back to Roatan with all the drama.

Edited by nydney1
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With or without the animals, I'm still looking forward to my visit to LFK. I'm not going to let the unethical actions of a (possibly corrupt) government, take away my enjoyment of LFK.


My gut is saying this is all about competition as LFK seems to have a good chunk of cruise pax business. LFK has been around for years. If they truly were wanting to rescue abused animals, the government would have removed the animals from Maya Key as well. Oh wait, Maya Key has a contract with the cruise lines. LFK stopped allowing cruise lines to come there. Hmmm.


It had to have taken more than a few individual complaints to get the government to do this. Like, a corporation sized complaint (and "donation"). It's really sad to see this crap happen to decent folks, all in the name of $$$


MHO, of course.

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Do not let one incident over the animals ruin your trip to Roatan. The island itself is amazing. Spring Break 2014 we spent 10 days on the island. I honestly felt safe while we were at the beach the entire time. We had a condo and walked everywhere around West Bay and West End. Yes, We had our daughter with us. She has been going to Roatan on cruises since she was 4. I've never felt unsafe. (Well minus that time I got lost from our group and had to take a taxi back to our resort..that was my fault) Jamaica scares me way more than Roatan. Go try something else on the island. It is a great place.

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now I don't want to go to Roatan ever again...don't feel safe frankly.


Why on Earth would this story make you feel unsafe and want to boycott the whole island? Maybe I could understand if you were a petting zoo animal, or some other form of competition for the corporate powers that be... but, you are a tourist! These people want to make you happy. You are the prized resource they're fighting about! This wrongdoing is an attempt to make your tourist dollars go elsewhere... and you're letting the bad guys win!


If you really care about LFK, and enjoy those animals, returning there to support them is the right thing to do. Your actions, on the other hand, seem to twist the knife that was stuck in their back!

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I personally go to LFK for the beauty of the island, the awesome fun we have when there, the friendly staff and owners, and a relaxing day in the water. I never once based my decision off whether or not they have animals, but having the animals was just an added touch of something to do and observe.


They do still have some of the animals and Lawrence the Lion is still there that I know of. However Simba the jaguar and Lisa the monkey are gone, among a bunch of birds and other animals. (There's a list online)


I will still go there with or without animals... once things settle down. Although I fully support this place and it's probably one of my favorites in the Caribbean, there is some corruption going on here, battling over tourist and who gets all the business, and I want to keep my family safe and not be in the middle of it.


There's just too many weird things about what happened...(hearsay reported online)


*Previous mayor of Roatan happens to also own Anthony Key and Maya Key (where a lot of the animals went and who had their boat there during the raid for transport), and are big competitors of LFK because LFK is also rated #1 attraction, in which the owner of MK is a real powerful person in Roatan with a lot of $$.

*An employee overhead (hearsay) the owner of MK state that something was about to happen within the week (even though they claim they knew nothing of the raid until the day before) and he would put him (LFK) out of business.

*Also the owner of the conservation program there had filed a statement with his "expert" opinion on having the birds at LFK and how the birds should not reside there, but in his sanctuary instead. Another twist...he's business partners with the owner of Maya Key AND the owner of LFK purchased his beach home on West Bay when they first moved from California to Roatan (then later purchased LFK as a vacation home). But yet, this owners birds at the time resided with him in this beach home there at West Bay. Weird coincidence?

*The Director of the Marine Park, who was also at the raid, just happens to also be on the board of directors at Maya Key.

*A vet has made a public announcement stating that he thought the animals were not at prime health...another tie, he's a personal vet to Maya Key and the owner. But think about it, of course they're not in perfect health when they come there, they are rescue animals!


There's a lot more "ties" than this, but is this all a coincidence? Or is there more to this story? It sure sounds like a lot of conflict of interest with these directors of places there that have ties together. :cool:


No reasons were given to the owners at the time of the raid. Days passed by before they were given information about why the animals were taken. However, another twist, the story has changed 3 times. :confused:

*They have stated that LFK did not have permits for the animals and that is why they were taken. Then when this was provided...The story changed and they publicly stated that there wasn't any problems with the permit or animals (but yet WHY did they take the animals if that's not the case?)


*They also stated at one point that LFK was operating as a zoo without them knowing...but yet how could they not have "known" since they've been there for years, everyone goes there to see them and the animals, it's advertised on their site, everyone on the island knows about the animals. Their permit was provided and valid. (Along with a statement saying LFK was a hotel...which they are not and you can not stay on the island).


Then they stated a previous worker from LFK stating the animals were not taken care of. Anyone that has been there can see the love and devotion to these animals and the clean cages and food. They have spent a lot of money on the huge enclosures for these animals, then thousands that were spent to better their lives, especially the pour abused lion from the circus, with the vet care, surgeries to correct all the problems.


*Next they stated it was an environmental issue with the mangroves and surrounding areas being cleared. If that's the case, what does this have to do with taking the animals? Wouldn't you get a fine for this? People have ask, why do places like Anthony Keys have their area cleared except a few mangroves, perfectly lined as if they just happen to grow exactly where they want them to? How did BFK manage to clear out their new beach area for the cruisers to come without doing any sandbagging or removal of the flora/mangroves in the area? (Not saying it's ok at all, but it's ok for one but not the other?)


I don't even remember what the next thing they came up with. It all just seems to be story changing after story changing excuses and very confusing.


They also raided the bird sanctuary that is located next door to Frenchy's 44, which happens to be owned by Edgar Bodden, who is Victor Boddens brother. It is reported (hearsay) that they thought this bird sanctuary was a part of LFK.


Owners have reported that they are still open for business as usual. Owners also reported that their legal team has uncovered there was no search warrant, no siege warrant, no confiscation order by any court for the location at Little French Key and for any animal at the approved Zoo. That must have been why they felt the need to raid their island, at gunpoint, in the wee early morning hours and was only presented a hand written list of animals they wanted. :cool: (Yes, this hand written list has been shared with the public) The owners report they have all the paperwork on all the animals they had. They have also provided (posted) a copy of their permit to have them, as a zoological place, that was renewed in February of this year and not due to renew until next February.


So many twist and turns to this story. I personally feel this is a corrupt government and things just do not add up and the tourist money seem to be the evil root of it all. It almost appears as a personal vendetta against these non-citizens of Roatan (LFK owners). Until they sort this out, as much as I love Roatan, I probably will think twice about returning to Roatan. Just my opinion. :)

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OMG....people,people. Honduras local and central (mainland) government is and always has been very corrupt. The acquisition and accumulation of tourist dollars is and always has been a very competitive enterprise amoungst government entities. Don't punish the locals.

Now whether the cruise lines are involved.....who knows?

I don't believe any sort of boycott activities will do any good. Just my opinion. I love Isla Roatan.

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LFK is the only reason to return to Mahogany Bay, I will not return until this issue is resolved and in the meantime I will contribute to their Go Fund Me page. Everyone can draw their own conclusions to what is going on but for me it stinks of government corruption and other local resorts facilitating the corruption. I urge everyone to support LFK as their love and care for the animals on that island is 100% genuine!



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That's quite a narrow minded view. How many spots on Roatan have you been to? It's my favorite port and I've never even been to LFK!



I have been all over the Island thank you! For me, LFK will be the only reason to return. Narrow minded? Not even close! When the crew from the cruise ships spend their limited time at LFK rather than the other options provided on the island it says something, something very substantial even though the company that employs them tries to throw money at a garbage resort across a 100 ft stretch of water to put LFK out of business.

Visit LFK, I dare you :) you will see why I'm so passionate about LFK!



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Well I've been to LFK and was looking forward to going back on upcoming cruise but now have concerns about going again and on a non ship sponsored excursion. Any suggestions? Was thinking about the Tabyana Beach and Gunbalimba tour offered thru Carnival. I realize we'll pay more than doing it on our own but in this case, I think we'll feel better. Also considering the catamaran sail and snorkel but not sure my friend will want to snorkel. Any suggestions from anyone? I've been there once and have only been to LFK.

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I'm scheduled there for my anniversary next year LFK was what I wanted to do above all else, without even counting the animals. I sure hope it all settles down before then. mitsugirly, your reviews helped sell the place to me. Hopefully, we can still go there. If not, I guess we'll stay at Mohagony Bay.

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We have been to Roatan twice. Once on a Carnival cruise (went to Maya Key where we fell in love with the snorkeling!), and then we flew there and stayed a week at West Bay in a Bed and Breakfast.

We loved our visit both times, but got a taste of the island by staying there a week. We met some of the locals, and they were very nice, hard-working people. We had friends coming in on a Carnival cruise that week, who brought their Funtimes with them (this was in 2014), and it had that same warning to not leave the safety of the port, & be safe by taking a cruise ship excursion! They showed this to our taxi driver who we had used multiple times that week, and he was so disappointed to see that their island was being depicted as "dangerous" by the cruise lines.

So much of what is told by the cruise lines is not always the whole truth. For instance: not long before our trip, it was reported that a cruise line employee was murdered at Roatan just for his cell phone. Our driver said that wasn't true, and told us the real story. He said that cruise member was having an affair with a married woman on the island, and would see her every time his ship docked. The husband found out, and killed him. It had nothing to do with a phone being seen and stolen, but that is how the cruise line reported it to the public. And, it wasn't Carnival.

So.....the same kind of things happen in the U.S. Corruption is everywhere. Does it mean all of the residents of Roatan are evil? Certainly not.

The island is beautiful, and to not enjoy it's beauty, would be sad. To not leave the PORT would be sad!

We have a cruise in December, and plan to go to West Bay and enjoy the beautiful water, and all it has to offer.

I don't know what happened at LFK, if it's corruption in the government or what, but I see no reason not to enjoy this beautiful island.

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I agree with 2Okies.


To punish the wonderful, warm, island people because some oddness, we will never truly know the truth of, happened at LFK is very sad indeed.


While the cruise line maybe trying to warn their guests, there also may be a hint of "we make more money of you stay at Mahogany Bay." There is also the possibility the average cruise type person needs to be reminded they are no longer in the western world.


People often ask the safety question, my firm beliefs is, if you do your homework, if you remember you are a guest in someone else's country and you behave accordingly there is a good chance all will be well.


I am a solo female traveler, I have spend up to three months at a time on the island, I have never felt unsafe. If one behaves in a safe manner, chances are one will be safe.


With all that said, if one has any fear of a place they have no business stepping off the boat. If one behaves like prey, good chance is they will become prey. :0)

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I agree with 2Okies.


To punish the wonderful, warm, island people because some oddness, we will never truly know the truth of, happened at LFK is very sad indeed.


While the cruise line maybe trying to warn their guests, there also may be a hint of "we make more money of you stay at Mahogany Bay." There is also the possibility the average cruise type person needs to be reminded they are no longer in the western world.


People often ask the safety question, my firm beliefs is, if you do your homework, if you remember you are a guest in someone else's country and you behave accordingly there is a good chance all will be well.


I am a solo female traveler, I have spend up to three months at a time on the island, I have never felt unsafe. If one behaves in a safe manner, chances are one will be safe.


With all that said, if one has any fear of a place they have no business stepping off the boat. If one behaves like prey, good chance is they will become prey. :0)


Well said Guest!

We can't live in fear, or we never get to experience the great things this world has to offer. The cab driver I spoke of in my comment has become a good friend. The day he took us back to the airport, he asked us if he could take us to meet a man that had been like a father to him, and was an elder at the church he attended. He said he was a master wood carver, and he wanted us to see his work. We agreed that would be okay. He took us to this man's humble home - to US citizens it would be a very poor existence, but we could see he was so proud of it. He had built it himself. He had put a front door on that house that he had carved that was unbelievably beautiful!! Inside, he was carving a dining room table and chairs. They were absolutely gorgeous. We were honored that our friend, George, the cab driver, had shared this man and his talents with us.

If we lived in fear - we would never have met this artist, whose talents will probably never be known to anyone outside the island. He and his large family lived in what we would consider no more than a shack, but he had decorated it with handmade carvings that should be in a palace. It was a humbling experience. He welcomed us into his home as a friend.

There are GOOD people on that beautiful island!

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