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MITSUGIRLY BREAKAWAY's 1 last time for the year-review/pictorial


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At this point I'm frustrated that Kendra is still walking toward Baby Bay and I screamed to her "You might want to stop and find your son!" She turned around to look and finally noticed he was gone. I knew exactly where he was because I had been keeping my eye on him. He was still ALL THE WAY BACK AT THE BEGINNING of the beach! ...where he was busy playing in the sand and running back and forth. She started screaming for him to come on. He played like he didn't hear her and this is normal for him. I don't know what makes her think that she's going to walk away and he's just going to follow her. He will never follow her and the split second you're not looking, he takes the opportunity to wonder off.


Since he was acting as if he didn't hear her, this now forced her to walk all the way back down the beach to get him. HAHAHAHAHA...that's what you get! Anyone who's been to Horseshoe Beach knows it's not the smallest beach to begin with and quite the haul to get from one end to the other...especially carrying beach bags and towels.


The kids decided they were going to go exploring while some of us decided to locate what ever remains of beach front real estate we could find at Baby Bay.


Up the rocks they went for the spectacular view that I got when I was here a few months ago. Since I had already done it, I knew I was not going to go up this time around. I was going to sit back and relax on the beach and watch them emerge up at the top.












Kendra finally drug Brayden down the beach and dumped him at our beach-front property and headed off to catch up with her brothers. She finally made it up there as well.






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Kendra was up there doing all kinds of hand signals down to me and Courtney joined in at some point. They acted as if I knew what they were talking about. They did it over and over and then would turn to each other and laugh then continue with the charades. I would later find that they were trying to tell me there were turtles on the other side...only to find out they were kidding and were trying to entice me to climb up there. But since I suck at charades, I didn't move and they didn't accomplish their goal.





I told the kids to take lots of pictures for me when they were up there and this is what they brought me back...


Kenny standing someplace that looked like he probably shouldn't be standing at...too close to the edge.












Yes, she just had a baby 4 1/2 months ago. I hate her and her skinny body. (j/k)




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The girls come back complaining about how the boys were scaring them by getting so close to the edges. Michelle said she was about to have heart failure because of Kenny and I'm glad I didn't go up there. They would have for sure had to carry me down and call the squad.





Monkey see, monkey do. Kolin joined in on the fun just to get Courtney going as well. They totally convinced them they were going to jump into the water.





Since they didn't jump, they decided to climb down there. I didn't even realize you could find a place to do that. But, of course my boys did.





Looking back at Baby Bay




After their adventures, they all headed down to me to let me know how bad the boys were and I breathed a sigh of relief that they had all safely made it back and none of them decided to jump.


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Meanwhile, Baby Bay looked a little different this time. The water was up higher than last time and there was less beach front property to claim so late in the day. Where we sat last time was actually under water this time. We are definitely the kind of people that can lay a towel or blanket down and be perfectly happy without lounge chairs and that's exactly what we did.





I don't know what it is about this hill but all the kids like to climb on it.










We tried to snorkel, but there really wasn't much to see. All the parrot fish were gone and there were only a few fish over in the small drop off in the area above by the rocks. Maybe the hurricane whisk them all away? Or do they migrate somewhere else during the winter season? I was real disappointed and was hoping that tomorrow would bring a better snorkeling day.


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You could tell the ocean was still a little upset from the hurricane a few days earlier. It was really churning still, but it made for some awesome waterfall pictures of the waves crashing over top of the rocks and pouring into Baby Bay.








All over the rocks there were snails and crabs crawling. We found 1 snail last time we were there and they were just all over the place here this time.









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Everyone decided they wanted a bite to eat so the boys headed up to the snack shack and brought us food back. I did notice that the prices had changed since the last time we were there. They had actually went UP instead of down. You would think with it being the end of the season and not as many ships coming in that it would go down? Or do they still have the same amount of ships coming in at this point?


The fries were tasty just like last time and still for $4.50 for a basket of them I thought they were a good deal. They loaded the basket up and there were plenty to share. The hubby came back with a cheeseburger and said it was good. Kendra came back with chicken fingers and they did look yummy. I ended up sending the hubby back to get me some. However, I ended up with 1 less chicken finger than they come with. Oh well, I guess I would deal with it and eat when we get back to the ship (which I would do anyhow whether I got another chicken finger or not...just saying).


While we sat around and ate, Sakari decided the birds were hungry too and she was on a mission to get them to eat out of her hands.





Obviously these birds are use to being fed because they are not afraid of you at all. They will come right up to you. She accomplished getting them to eat out of her hand and she was so excited.




Then Brayden happened....he came along and scared them away.




Once our bellies were full, the family decided they wanted to do some exploring again...on the other side by Baby Bay and off they went.


I handed the hubby one of my cameras and told him to get me some good pictures and off they all went.




It looked like they found some pretty neat places.





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The hubs taking a picture of Kenny & Michelle and Kenny taking a picture of the hubs sitting on a rock.





Although Kennys picture didn't turn out the greatest, it still showed the hubby sitting out on this ledge, which I'm glad I didn't have to witness.





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I can't believe these guys were climbing all these rocks without shoes on. I at least had my shoes on when I did it.




You could tell it was getting later in the day and the sun was going down.





Meanwhile, I'm down below taking pictures of it getting darker and trying out different settings on my camera.





I think I had it on the Sunset setting. I like this one.







He must really like to climb...



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I thought the hubby did a pretty good job taking pictures up there, other than the water spot which happens to me all the time. I may have to hire him.


It was getting late and we wanted to make sure we had enough time to walk up the hill and catch the bus, so we started packing up and getting ready to leave this paradise for the day.


The "newbies" wanted to go in the cave that we went to a few months ago over by Horseshoe Bay and Kendra led the way to show them.


They all came back saying the water was too high and with the slippery rocks, there was no way they were going to try to make it in there.


You could tell by this picture, the water was really up to the entrance, which is around on the other side of this huge rock.



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At 5:05pm we headed up to the restrooms to shower, get dried off and change into dry clothes.








When we got there, the mens restroom was closed. The girls went in to shower and get the sand off and the guys were pretty much forced to use some water at the foot wash station outside if they wanted to wash any sand off.


At 5:25pm, we started ascending up the hill toward the bus stop.


I did not see any of the $2.00 buses to take you up the hill, but everyone wanted to walk for some reason, so I guess that was ok. There were very limited taxi's sitting in the parking lot as well. Maybe because it was so late. I'm not sure.


Ok, this walk was long and strenuous for a fat girl like me. I was huffing and puffing and stopping along the way to "smell the flowers" or at least that was my excuse. It's quite the climb...meanwhile a jogger is jogging by me like this was a marathon. I hated him. Just saying...


I turned around to take a picture (just another excuse to stop for a minute) to show how far we had walked already. All the way down and around the corner is the parking lot. Beyond that was the restrooms. Whew!




Only a little ways to go still and I think I can hear the cars up on the street going by.




WHEW...we made it to the bus stop and were about the 3rd family in line at the front.


Later people would join us to wait. I'm just glad it was a little more civilized and people were actually forming a line instead of the chaos at the bus stop to get here.





The bus stop across the street from us. This is where we waited and waited for a bus the last time we were here...the bus that was supposed to be here in a few minutes and never showed up, which is why we didn't make it to Warwick to do the walk. Today would be the day that it seemed like that was the only way the buses were running. Bus after bus came going that direction, which is why you don't see anyone over there.






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I need to get to Bermuda one of these days!! Looks so gorgeous, but living in FL there aren't really any cruises that go there from here... but we are on Escape next month and I know breakaway is a similar ship so I'm enjoying your review and your fun family adventures! Question... what size do you make your pictures to fit perfectly in each post? I'm going to do a review and trying to figure out how to do this now..

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There was a little stand across the street in case you needed drinks. The guy closed up within minutes of our bus showing up.





Bus rules for dummies:

1) No eating on the bus

2) No drinking on the bus

3) No smoking on the bus

4) No bathing suits on the bus

5) No sweaty elephant toes on the bus





The plus side=we got on the bus. The negative side=there was no place to sit. We all had to stand. We were on the bus and moving at 6:17pm




It was a crazy ride back and very hard for me to hang on to the hand rope above while still trying to hang on to Sakari, who couldn't touch the ropes of course. I tried to do a stance with my legs far apart so that I wouldn't fall onto anyone when the driver slammed on his breaks. The thing I didn't understand was everyone that had seats had their hands right on the edges of the chair handle in front of them. This could have been a more appropriate place for us that were standing to hold onto. But no, they all had their hands on them. WHY???? You have a SEAT!!! It made it real rough I tell ya.


I felt so bad for Sakari, who was so tired and falling asleep standing up. At one point I put my beach bag down on the floor and told her to sit on it, which meant after awhile she was balled up and sliding onto the floor trying to sleep. Which also meant every time we stopped and there was anyone located behind us, I would have to wake her up to move. Poor baby. I felt so bad for her.


Little by little, people started to get off at various stops, but a majority of them were headed back to the dockyard.


I did manage to snag a seat after a guy sitting in it got up and said he wanted to stand. He stood up and held onto the hand ropes and I continued to look at him. The bus stopped, he didn't move. The bus stopped again, he was still standing. At that point I ask if he was going to sit back down or what and that's when he told me he "wanted" to stand. :eek: I guess he was looking for a little adventure to end his day. Well...then I'm taking that seat and putting my baby in my lap to sleep...and that's what I did.


At some point Michelle managed to snag a seat as well and she sat down by a local. They struck up a conversation and talked all the way until she got off. She said they had a good conversation about Bermuda and she loved talking to the locals. It's so great most of them are willing to talk about life there in Bermuda and giving us an insight to their little community. I enjoy things like this so much.


We made it back to the bus stop and headed to the ship. It was dark out now of course (the sunset was a lot earlier than the last time we were here, which makes me not want to come back during this time of year) and it was 6:48pm when we made to the pier and I snapped this picture:




Our intentions were to go back to our rooms, shower, get changed, eat some dinner and head back out to the dockyard to take pictures and possibly go over and play putt putt or just hang out.

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I just came across your review and I'm loving it!! I flash read as much as I could, so I hope I don't ask questions that you already covered. I'm going on the Breakaway in June 2016. This will be my 2nd Norwegian cruise, first one was back in 1994. :eek: I have been on many cruises between these two, just not Norwegian. I loved my first cruise and that started me with my obsession to sail!!! The thing I noticed most with Norwegian is there a lot of things that are extra charges. That's fine but I guess it will take a little time to find out whats free and what's not.

I am cruising with my sister and 2 girlfriends. We have a larger balcony on deck 9. I can't imagine getting ready for dinner with only one bathroom, my question is.....can you shower at the gym or spa? And is it free or a charge?

The snorkel park, last time I was there it was 5.00 to get in. I don't need a chair or an umbrella and I have my own snorkel gear. Do you know how much it costs now?

Can't wait to see the rest of your pictures!! Last year in Bermuda we went to Warwick Long Bay and we liked it better than Horseshoe Bay, not looking forward to the crowds on the bus though. I love St. George and I am looking forward to your pictures.

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We showered and got ready for dinner and headed up to the buffet to see what was available. It looked like it was Asian night and that was good enough for me. We could eat really quick and run and get back off the ship, which is what we were looking for.


They had it decorated with umbrellas and lanterns.










Our bellies were full and we headed out to the deck to grab a drink first. Sakari had a dirty banana monkey and she got wasted.




Just kidding, but she thought she was a big girl with her drink in hand.


The one thing I noticed about this cruise was that the bar tenders where amazing with the kids. When you went up to get yourself a drink, they would ask if you wanted one to match for the munchkin. I thought that was so thoughtful and they weren't stingy at all with the drinks like I expected them to be. (Meaning only allowing you to order 1 at a time, or only order for yourself and the other person had to be present and so on). This UBP was pretty awesome this time around if I say so myself.


It was getting late and once all the kids had finished eating and met us on deck, we started making plans. But Kenny has disappeared. We went back to the room to find him there and he said he was tired and really didn't want to get back off the ship tonight. We tried to entice him with things to do while off the ship and he just wasn't interested. He just wanted to relax the rest of the night and relax he did.


We also decided that relaxing wasn't a bad option either. We had done a lot of walking today and would do even more tomorrow, so we just decided to hang out in the rooms and enjoy each others company.


Sakari decided to do some drawings before drifting off to sleep. Since she was feeding the birds, it was going to be a "bird" night.







The hubby watched tv and I planned for tomorrow, set the alarm, put the cameras on charge and to bed we went.



~~~~~~~~~~~~end of Day 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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We made it back to the bus stop and headed to the ship. It was dark out now of course (the sunset was a lot earlier than the last time we were here, which makes me not want to come back during this time of year) and it was 6:48pm when we made to the pier and I snapped this picture:


Exactly why will never go back in the fall. Early to mid June is perfect!!!


Love your review Kim!

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Thanks for posting!! We are heading to Bermuda on the Dawn next October and I cant wait!!


Thanks for your comments and glad to have you here. We were just on the Dawn in June and had a great time. :)


I need to get to Bermuda one of these days!! Looks so gorgeous, but living in FL there aren't really any cruises that go there from here... but we are on Escape next month and I know breakaway is a similar ship so I'm enjoying your review and your fun family adventures! Question... what size do you make your pictures to fit perfectly in each post? I'm going to do a review and trying to figure out how to do this now..


Yea, it's definitely one of those "must do" (Bermuda) type of cruises. It's so gorgeous there.


I honestly don't make my pictures any size. I upload them to my host and you have many choices to pick from (small, medium, large, large x1 and on up). I just always pick the same size (large) and insert it into my review. I'll have to see if it actually tells me the size of it.


***When I'm on my host, it says: 1,280px × 960px (scaled to 1,012px × 759px).


If I click on the picture within this review it says: 800px × 600px so maybe these boards reduces the size, I'm not sure.


Hopefully that will help some. :)

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I just came across your review and I'm loving it!! I flash read as much as I could, so I hope I don't ask questions that you already covered. I'm going on the Breakaway in June 2016. This will be my 2nd Norwegian cruise, first one was back in 1994. :eek: I have been on many cruises between these two, just not Norwegian. I loved my first cruise and that started me with my obsession to sail!!! The thing I noticed most with Norwegian is there a lot of things that are extra charges. That's fine but I guess it will take a little time to find out whats free and what's not.

I am cruising with my sister and 2 girlfriends. We have a larger balcony on deck 9. I can't imagine getting ready for dinner with only one bathroom, my question is.....can you shower at the gym or spa? And is it free or a charge?

The snorkel park, last time I was there it was 5.00 to get in. I don't need a chair or an umbrella and I have my own snorkel gear. Do you know how much it costs now?

Can't wait to see the rest of your pictures!! Last year in Bermuda we went to Warwick Long Bay and we liked it better than Horseshoe Bay, not looking forward to the crowds on the bus though. I love St. George and I am looking forward to your pictures.


Thank you so much. Glad to have you here.


What are you referring to as far as free and not? The dining? If so, you can find a list on NCL that shows the different dining options on board each ship and what's complimentary and what's a fee and the amount.


Hopefully this link will work: DINING


There are various other things around the ship for charge like the Ice Bar, arcade games, and bowling. The ropes course, zip line, sports court are all free. If there's anything specific you'd like to know, just let me know. :)


I'm not sure about showering some place else. We always cruise with 3 in our room and don't have a problem and my daughter always has 3-5 in her room with only 1 shower. So i guess we like to rough it. LOL But we have never had a problem sharing.


Yes, snorkel park is still $5 to get in. :)

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I honestly don't make my pictures any size. I upload them to my host and you have many choices to pick from (small, medium, large, large x1 and on up). I just always pick the same size (large) and insert it into my review. I'll have to see if it actually tells me the size of it.


***When I'm on my host, it says: 1,280px × 960px (scaled to 1,012px × 759px).


If I click on the picture within this review it says: 800px × 600px so maybe these boards reduces the size, I'm not sure.


Hopefully that will help some. :)


Ok yes that helps, I have dropbox and I looked at some of the pics I have in there now and they are all pretty similar around 700x700, 800x600 etc. Maybe i'll do a test post and see how it works, THANKS!

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Ok, time to head to work for a few hours. It's going to be a short day for me with only 4 patients. So I'll return shortly and start working on Day 5 pictures. Maybe I'll be able to start tonight on that. :D


Really enjoying the review and great pictures, thanks for taking the time to write/post and taking us along!

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