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Divide the ship in two on formal night

Areas for the formal dressed passengers, areas for the causal dressers.

Anyone caught in an area wearing the incorrect attire to spend a night in the ships cell and be named and shamed in the platter the next day.

Or their picture on the 'Cruise Sinners' channel on our interative stateroom TV, along with all the sun lounger hoggers that walked the plank the previous day.

I personally think every night should be formal night :D
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Improvements that would make my cruise better:
[*]Full breakfast room service, including eggs. We enjoy breakfast in our room and a continental b/fast menu just doesn't do.
[*]More opportunities for large table traditional dining. Doesn't having a wait list of over 275 pairs of pax tell them something?
[*]Offer to take our pictures, don't demand that everyone stop on the gangplank while they take pictures. (BTW, they actually turned away when they saw I was taking THEIR picture :rolleyes: )
[*]Roll back picture sizes and stop artifically escalating prices. Its not like film costs more.
[*]Install outside small balcony speakers with volume control for those who want to hear the commentary in Glacier Bay or Panama Canal.
[*]Set up tipping system so we can really reward the outstanding individual for their service.
[*]Continue the band for dancing in the Wheelhouse until about 1 am.
[*]Keep those discounts and upgrades coming.
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[QUOTE] [font=Comic Sans MS]My comments about handicapped cabins were in no way meant to deny anyone their due. If a passenger is handicapped, they certainly deserve to use one of those cabins[/font][/QUOTE] [color=black][font=Comic Sans MS]I guess my question is whether it would be more practical from a business and equitability standpoint to build more cabins or to better administer the booking of the existing handicapped cabins?[/font][/color]
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Hello bdjam,
The administration of the H/C cabins does need to be improved.
Improvement of administration will not add balcony cabins where there are not any, nor mini suites where there are not any. Sun, Dawn, and Sea do not have any handicapped balcony cabins. They do have a handicapped mini suite, which is about triple the cost of a balcony cabin. The Grand class ships do not have handicapped mini suites, therefore, a handicapped person that needs a wide door for their mobility device, be it wheelchair or scooter, or both, cannot get into a non handicapped cabin. If they are not able to stand, or to transfer, they do not have enough room to turn around, or get to the side of the bed in a non handicapped cabin. They cannot get their chair up over the lip leading into the bathroom, or the shower, so cannot use same. I know you probably know all that, but some may not. If, on the Sun Class ships they were to retrofit a few balcony cabins, they could use three adjoining cabins on the Riviera Deck and turn them into two handicapped cabins, thereby losing one cabin for revenue. I'm not sure how they would retrofit on the Grand Class mini suites. They probably could do the same, using three minis in a row, and turn them into two h/c minis. We would love to have had a mini on our Island cruise to Hawaii, but there were none to be had. I would like to book a balcony h/c cabin on the Sun, but there aren't any, and we can't afford the Sun minis.
Anyway, it just would be nice to have the same choice as any other passenger has. :)
I enjoy reading your well thought out postings.
I love the idea of splitting the ship in half on formal nights.........everyone would be happy!
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Originally posted by sradogna:Clarify once and for all a position on formal attire aboard ship, make it consistent and mean it and then publicize it accurately.


Right now there is a policy that there is formal dining and a casual alternative for those who don't wish to dress. Perfect! ! However, there is also a statement on some patters that says 'Please respect the dress code for the entire evening'. Offering a casual dining alternative AND asking that the dress code be respected for the entire evening is inconsistent, not enforced and just plain wrong. They don't really mean 'Please dress casually, enjoy your meal and now go scurry back to your room or hide on Lido deck' so why do they pretend to.


In practice, Princess offers me a casual dining alternative AND welcomes me with a smile into the casino, any bar, any show and gladly takes my money regardless of my attire so why do they pretend to support an entire formal evening when in reality, they barely support a formal 'dinner'.


Princess needs to take a clear consistent position on the issue and mean it. If they truly mean dress formally all night or sit on Lido Deck they need to say it, enforce it and suffer the consequences of the lost revenue from that decision. But to say it only in a half-hearted attempt to please the 'formal' camp in words only is annoying and creates problems between passengers.

Well thought out and clearly stated - I could not agree more! Their inconsistent position not only creates problems between passengers - it makes for problems between posters here on the CC Princess board. Perhaps for some this ongoing discussion is not a problem but a pleasure.


On a recent port intensive Med cruise (12 day with only 1 day at sea) we decided not to pack along formal wear. After dinner at the buffet, we spent the evening at MUTS so as not to offend the sensibilities of those passengers who chose to dress formally for the evening. As reported by new CC friends, MANY others who were not in formal wear felt free to enjoy the shows and other entertainment venues.

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I love the idea of splitting the ship in half on formal nights.........everyone would be happy!
Sorry to be a rebel, but I wouldn’t. In effect Princess already has split up the ship for formal nights by offering casual alternatives. That’s why there’s so much controversy about formal nights – if the ship were all formal, no question about it there wouldn’t be the controversy.

I don't understand why some want to make Princess like other more casual cruise lines. There are comments made that all of the mass market lines are becoming alike - isn't this the reason, because we're asking them to be alike?

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Going off on another tack, I would like to hope that Princess never again does something like change a confirmed stateroom that was booked 15 months previously as they did in the "Nightmare" thread on this board. That really turns me off. Also, I would like to see the Princess Brochures correctly updated to reflect conditions as they ARE not as they WERE. One of the main reasons we booked was on the premise of 4 different "any time dining rooms." Now we discover that while there are still 4, they all have the same menu, plus "any time," is definitely NOT anytime. I'd like to think that what we bought is what we get. Maybe I'm old-fashioned, but I certainly don't do business that way & I expect the same courtesies from those I deal with.

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As for changing the way Captain Circle tiers are designated, I’m all for changing from number of cruises to number of days – with the caveat that those of us who have already reached one level or another (in my case Elite after my next cruise) aren’t pulled back to something less.

I would agree to Grandfathering in those who have already reached a Platinum or Elite status. My next cruise is #13 (Uh Oh:eek: ) but they have been almost all 10 night cruises.

As far as dining goes, I have been waitlisted on the Sea Princess for early dining and stuck at #15 on the waitlist for 10 months and I booked a year in advance! I think Princess should at least take part of the anytime dining room and make it traditional to accommodate the waitlisted diners.

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I would love to see another ship built in the Coral/Island class. I've sailed on a number of Princess but Coral was my all time favorite. There never seemed to be crowds and the ship just flowed nicely. I would also love to see Tortola put back on Star's itinerary. I don't understand why it was taken off. We loved it when we cruised on Star last February. :o

We sailed on the Star last April and had to go to Montego Bay instead of Tortola. What a travesty!!! That is the worst port of call and I don't know why Princess chooses to stop there. I wold rather have a sea day.

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I will second (or is it now up to tenth?) the idea that platinum and elite should be based on the number of days and not the number of cruises, all they are doing it penalizing people who like to take one long cruise a year.


One thing that Princess should consider is the idea of having a means of calling the Purser's desk from the balcony. Our room steward inadvertently locked us out there, but for the fact we spotted someone on the deck above us looking at the view and asked him to let the desk know we were locked out there - we could still have been there!

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I don't want to start a fight with bdjam but some of us don't want to be walking around in heels all night (and that includes many of us women;) ). We always get late seating traditional but on formal nights often don't change until 7-ish or later (we skip the Captain's party on the first formal night). If we're coming in from swimming or sunning and many people are already in their fancy duds (because they have early or PC dining), we shouldn't be looked askanced. And after dinner, if I want to change into something more comfortable to hang out on the deck, that should be my choice.

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I don't want to start a fight with bdjam but some of us don't want to be walking around in heels all night (and that includes many of us women;) ).


This always amazes me when I see this, why does formal mean high heels?


Last cruise I wore a full length ballgown, I had flat shoes on underneath.


For my next cruise I have got the most gorgeous jewelled shoes for formal night they have a quarter inch heel.


In fact non of the heels on my 'cruise' shoes are over 1 inch high because I like to be able to walk round in comfort, they are all however, gorgeous shoes and I am often asked where I got them from. Comfortable shoes dont have to be frumpy and you can get comfortable flat shoes that are more than suitable for formal night.


I love formal night, and I am as comfortable in my formal clothes as I am in my casual night clothes. This is down to 2 main factors, I buy clothes that fit me properly and I buy shoes that fit me properly and I can walk in them.


On a previous note I was actually joking when I said split the ship in half, I personally dont see what the huge problem is with formal night, they are only clothes, if they fit you, you will be comfortable, it adds to the sense of occasion, makes the nights more special and everyone looks fantastic. I say make it compulsory :D


In fact on our last cruise the dress code was awful and some people in the evening looked like they were going the beach. Bring the class back to cruising, enforce smart dress, if you want to wear beach clothes go on a beach holiday!!


PLEASE NOTE - this is just my opinion and most said in jest, please dont attack me for my opinion, not that I would care much Im having too much fun attending functions and parties in my ballgowns and diamonds to enter discussions with those who want to live in their jeans and trainers ;)


Oh just thought of another improvement get rid of the photographers on formal night, the queues and waiting round just spoil it. We all have cameras, we can take our own pictures, we can take each others pictures and get talking to each other and make friends. Down with the photo queues!!


On a serious note I agree with previous posts that Princess seriously need to sort out their booking and communication procedures especially in cases like the 'nightmare' thread.


The Casino should have a players club like the casinos in vegas do..


Clocks in the cabins


Something like a fixed laundry basket or some kind of shelving or storage above or near the dryers and washers in the laundry room so if someone does take your dry or washed laundry out of the machine because your not back in time there is somewhere to put it rather than on the floor or ironing board

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When traveling in the Caribbean, more choices for rum. Not just Bacardi and Myers. There are many great tasting rums available and cruisers can discover something new to buy.

Better furniture on the balconies, not just for the large suites.

A Concierge Class service and amenities like Celebrity- hors' D in cabins, quality bathroom supplies in bottles.

Less obstructions in the walkway from the "art?" auctions.

A quiet or piano bar for those who don't want to dance or lose their hearing.

When offering sushi, have some real fish ones.

Publish on the tv or Patters the next days menus for lunch and dinner so you can decide where you want to book.

Real brewed coffee.

Sell the logo items that can be pre ordered in the gift shop.

Set aside one dining room at earl and late seating on formal nights for the passengers who wish to go formal.


I was disappointed on my first Princess cruise (SUN) and hope the Diamond will be better.

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About the accessible cabins, there actually have been a few threads here over the past year or so about the lack of availability of accessible cabins for those who actually need them. Many people with disabilities who need these cabins are unable to get them unless they book much further in advance than the rest of us. I think part of the problem is that there really aren't very many accessible cabins, but also that travel agents often market these cabins to people who they know are not disabled, saying things like, "You should book a handicapped cabin, they're so much roomier than the regular cabins and they're the same price!" Many consumers without disabilities have no idea that they're potentially making it impossible for a person with a disability to choose a particular sailing by taking an accessible cabin that they don't need.


I do think that in each cabin type, there should be at least a couple of accessible cabins, so that people with disabilities will have the same choices that I do. On ships where that isn't the case (not sure which these are, but those with disabilities probably know better than me), then I think structural changes should be made. But regardless of whether or not the physical changes happen, the problem of selling accessible cabins to people who don't need them should be addressed immediately. As a start, Princess should ask for documentation of need for these cabins (a note from a doctor would do), so that people without disabilities won't be able to book these cabins quite as easily. Sure, some unscrupulous people will get fake doctor's notes so they can have a slightly bigger cabin, but at least the honest people whose TAs are selling them these cabins wouldn't be unwittingly harming people with disabilities.


OK, back to the topic at hand...my #1 wish for Princess is for them to serve food in the bars in the atrium and on the promenade deck. I would buy a lot more drinks if I didn't have to run up to the buffet to get some food in between my martinis. The pub food that's supposed to be served in the Wheelhouse Bar on the new Crown is exactly what I have in mind, not a full meal, but snacky finger foods more substantial than the little jugs of bar mix they serve now. This would be especially nice on the cool-weather cruises (Alaska, northern Europe, coastal cruises), where sitting near the grill and having a drink isn't as nice because it's cold.


I also think that the pizza places on the ship should be like on the Sun-class ships instead of like on the Grand-class ships. It's a better venue than Sabatini's, in my opinion.


Even though I'm someone who takes a lot of the short coastal cruises, I do think it's pretty unfair that I'm platinum with the few days on the ship that I've had, while other folks who may have twice as much time on the ship as me are still gold. But I think they'd have even fewer people on those coastal cruises than they do now if they don't make them count so much towards Captain's Circle status, so I don't think they'll change the system. My proposed solution is this: I think they should have a dual system, so you have two ways of gaining status. One way would be the current system, and the other would be the number of days at sea (maybe 40 days at sea for Platinum, and 120 days at sea for elite?). Then everyone wins. :D


I think Club Fusion is the ugliest room I've ever had the misfortune to sit in. That design should be completely scrapped and something new (or the old Vista Lounge design) should be substituted on future ships.


I love the size of the Sun-class ships. I think there should be more ships that size. They're plenty big enough to offer all the amenities one could possibly need, and small enough that you don't have to walk so far to get to everything.

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Make available more than one beach towel per day. I begged my cabin steward for one extra one (I hate when my towel gets wet by the pool, and I have to use the same one all day). He said that was impossible. He told me to check with the deck attendants. Also told not possible. That really irked me. I can understand not giving out extras because limiting them does seem to avoid the infamous chair hogging, but why can't you turn in your wet one midday and get a dry towel?

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I don't want to start a fight with bdjam but some of us don't want to be walking around in heels all night (and that includes many of us women;) ). We always get late seating traditional but on formal nights often don't change until 7-ish or later (we skip the Captain's party on the first formal night). If we're coming in from swimming or sunning and many people are already in their fancy duds (because they have early or PC dining)' date=' we shouldn't be looked askanced. And after dinner, if I want to change into something more comfortable to hang out on the deck, that should be my choice.[/quote'] This isn’t a formal night/attire thread. It is a thread to put forth suggestions as to where we feel Princess can improve. My suggestion would be that formal attire be required. It used to be that from 6:00 onward, you were not to be on deck unless you were formally attired on formal nights. I think Princess can improve by going back to that practice and enforcing it properly so there is no confusion. On the other hand, if Princess wants to continue with the casual alternatives, I think that’s fine – but then there are boundaries that need to be defined.
I love formal night, and I am as comfortable in my formal clothes as I am in my casual night clothes. This is down to 2 main factors, I buy clothes that fit me properly and I buy shoes that fit me properly and I can walk in them.
Or there’s this option…
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I REALLY have to second redoing the bedding and mattresses on all the princess ships. Falling in between two beds pushed together isn't fun. (It's not like I 'cuddle' all night, but I do roll in my sleep sometimes toward my husband and inevitably I get stuck between the beds.)


I also agree with one constant decision/rule on formal night.


Another second: One HUGE thing for me is the excursions. For some reason, in some ports, there are much better excursions in other lines than princess. They need more options and more exotic excursions.


On-board account available on the cabin TV

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DR. PEPPER (& Mountain Dew) for cruises out of Texas!


Skip the line dancing & get some normal country music entertainment for cruises out of TEXAS. (We like to dance WITH someone, not by ourselves.)


Private Balconies instead of the staggered arrangement.


Towel exchange poolside for dirties. This cuts down on chair hogging since the pool attendants will have to collect those left on chairs.

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The below four all have to do with television programming:


1. Better television programming, especially ESPN in English. The Caribbean Princess had very limited television for those nights we just wanted to chill out. They only had ESPN in Spanish so we got to watch a lot of Soccer in Spanish. There is no network programming. Carnival has major network programming which includes local channels (a New York station for the Carnival Valor and a Nashville station for the Conquest). Also, 24-hour music channels and pay-per-view movies on the television like Carnival.


2. They need to have a television channel where you can access your shipboard account to check on your daily charges, etc. This is so nice on Carnival and since they are owned by the same company, you would think it would be easy for them to incorporate.


3. They need to have a television channel that includes the menus for the day. We love this about Carnival. You can check all of the menus including the specialty restaurant's.


4. They also need to have a channel that you can book your shore excursions on. Again, Carnival has this.


5. Their coffee. They need to use coffee grounds instead of their pre-mix.


6. The Patters does not include enough information about which restaurants are open at which times. They had small cards at the information desk for us to carry around, but it would also be nice for this to be included in the daily newspaper.


7. We are ice cream lovers and Carnival offers free soft-serve ice cream 24 hours a day on their ships. The Caribbean Princess offered hard ice cream in the buffet area for an hour or so in the afternoon, but it was not mentioned anywhere in the Patters and it was kind of a hit or miss thing.


8. On the Caribbean Princess, there is no drink station by the Trident Grill or Pizza. You have to walk back by the pool and into the buffet if you want iced tea. They do have a pitcher of water. Also, with Carnival, they offer lemonade and punch along with iced tea at all of their drink stations throughout the ships. I guess Princess is just wanting to sell more soda cards by offering less choices of their complimentary drinks.


9. Anytime dining is wonderful, but the shows fill up fast since people are dining at all times. A few times we were unable to find a seat and just gave up.


10. When we were at MUTS it stated in the Patters that they offered free popcorn and candy during the movie. I have a sweet tooth and wanted some candy but they never offered us any. I asked for some and they just acted like they didn't understand me.


11. There is no chocolate milk at the buffet. My DH loves chocolate milk and had to ask for chocolate syrup to put in his milk. Carnival offers cartons of chocolate milk at the buffet.


12. Carnival offers a player's club in their casino. You use your shipboard card when playing the slots. You do have to be careful that you don't leave it in a machine though.


13. Digital clocks in the cabins so we don't have to bring our own.


14. I think Princess needs to change how they award status with their Captain's Circle since a trip to nowhere or a short cruise is equivalent to a 15-day cruise in their eyes. I like the idea of using the number of days at sea or maybe have a point system vs. their current system.


15. They should offer free use of their non-motorized equipment at Princess Cays. We recently went to an all-inclusive resort where there were quite a few people. They just have a sign-up sheet for this type of thing. I think it is ridiculous that they charge people to use the water bikes, kayak's, etc. I was not impressed with Princess Cays. Basically, you are at their mercy. You have such a limited number of drinks to choose from, items to buy, etc.


16. I know this has already been tried, unsuccessfully, with Carnival's Paradise. But, we would love it if all ships were non-smoking, especially in the casino. I know this is a very heated topic so I won't say anything else, but this is just my opinion.


There are also many things we loved about Princess. Many of which we wish Carnival would adopt since they are owned by the same company.


Thanks for asking for everyone's input on this. It is very interesting reading and I hope that Princess pays attention to what their customer's are saying.

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Princess will need to build more ships of the Coral/Island class. They are big enough to go through the Panama Canal. Or some of the Sun class.


Princess will need to make it available for those whose want the TRADITIONAL DINING. On every ship and every sailing the waiting list always is very long. It should tell Princess something but they choose to ignore. We mentioned on our comment card many times. It is getting harder and harder to switch to the Traditional Dining when on board.


We don't mind if Princess keeps the Anytime Dining for those wishes to use this dining but stop to force us to use this option.


Traditional Dining, we must show up at certain time but at Anytime Dining, it confuses and chaos. Maitre D' looks like he will get a nervous break down at any moment for trying to sit many people showing up at the same time.


We will be on the Caribbean Princess less then 2 weeks. Eventhough we booked this cruise nearly 6 months ago our current waitlist number is #280. This ship has 3 dinning rooms and 2 are designed for Anytime. No double we will end up with Anytine Dining again.


Well Princess you will hear from us again.

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I've only been on one cruise, but I would like to see these improvements:


1. Pepsi products, possibly included in the price of your ticket.

2. Interactive tv to see your onboard account on the tv.

3. Digital pictures on the tv. What a waste printing out all those pictures. Not everyone buys every single picture they are printing out.


5. Getting parents to control their children from playing in the elevators.

6. Earlier shows. Alot of things didnt start until 10:30 or 11:00 pm. Some people are not used to being up that late. We still work, so we are up early and to bed early.

7. Spending more days at an island such as St.Thomas, stay overnight, cut out something else.

Overall, we had an awesome time, and cant wait to go again.

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1. More drink selections at the buffet. Add fruit punch and lemonade for those of us who don't like coffee/ice tea/water.


2. Overnight stays(2-3 days) in some ports in order to experience the nightlife


3. Optional formal nights: one main dining room for casual, another for formal attire. Some of us don't want to go to the buffet on those nights.


4. Excursion prices within reason: We(two of us) are spending over $700 just for two all day excursions in the Panama Canal/Cosat Rica area.


5. Free shuttle buses to/from the major town/city if it is less than 20 miles away.

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