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Tired of Carnival Getting Blamed for Things Beyond Their Control


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Got off a wonderful cruise on March 5th that went to Key West, Grand Cayman and Cozumel. This was our ninth cruise, all with Carnival. We have been on every other Conquest class ship, so now we can say we've seen them all. I'm just starting to get a bit fed up with over the top negative behavior and comments from people who apparently are mired in vats of pessimism. If you look to have fun, you will have it. Look for "life altering" negative experiences, and you will surely find nothing good to say.


As far as fellow passengers, 95% were fine. There was a large group of students from Ohio University on break. My wife and I are both alums, so it was nice talking with them, and I think they appreciated our OU stories from the prehistoric past. There were a few other schools on early break, but very few small children (maybe thirty or forty at most). It was also a Spring Break for us, in a way. My wife is a professor, so we cruise every year at this time of the year because her school is on break.


One of the reasons I like Carnival is that it draws an eclectic crowd, that for the most part wants to have fun. I view Carnival like the Dollar Car Rental brand of cruise lines. They won't pick you up like Enterprise, or reward you with upgrades like Hertz. They will give you a solid, clean vessel that you can have fun with, IF you decide to have fun. It is up to you, though.


While most everybody we met on deck, in port, or at dinner was genuinely friendly and having a good time, there is a small cadre of individuals who only found something to complain about. For the most part, the unhappy campers congregated near the comfortable chairs on the smoking side of the Panorama Deck (I know! It's a filthy habit and I need to stop! I will, I swear!). As the witches and warlocks gather, they each do a ritual preening of themselves and then proceed to one-up the horror stories of others.


Example conversation: Witch #1: "I've sailed on 20 Carnival cruises, and this is the worst. I only got ice once a day the last two days!" Warlock #1: "Oh, you think you have it bad. I'm Platinum on Carnival and Princess, and I'm Four-Star Mariner on HAL, and I've never been treated worse. My prime rib was tough, and all three lobster tails I ordered were mushy. I think we ought to take over the ship, hold the captain hostage until they cook lobster right." Witch #2: "Oh, I wish I had mushy lobster!" "I came up with Oceania, Crystal and Seabourn Cruise lines, and Carnival PAYS ME just to get me to sail on her, but this is the final straw. I didn't get much ice in my drink, and then a lady in a walker cut-me off and almost knocked me on the ground! I'm going to sue Carnival!" Me: "Are you saying Carnival is responsible for the actions of a woman and her walker? Witch #2: "Yeah, I am! They let her on board, didn't they? And what are you doing smiling??? You're not one of us, are you?" Me: "No, but I do have big hands!" Head Warlock: "Okay, let's all go down to Guest Services to complain. Hurry! If you can log your complaint before the half cruise mark, I hear that Carnival has to pay money, or credits for future cruises that we won't like either!"


We wouldn't let the harpies take us down to their level. We had some things go wrong, but they were minor in the whole.


If only they do develop a manual for walker users so they don't almost run down the professional keeners and moaners. Almost doesn't count. They should be able to easily take their target down quickly and quietly!

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I've come to accept every cruise every ship every week, there are those that have the best times of their lives, those that have the worst time of their lives, and everything else in between. Everyone experiences something different based on stimuli.


But I would hardly worry about the person that had the bad time, unless it happened to me. Look back in your own timeline, when the worst thing could have been happening to you, and there were probably others having a non eventful glorious time. And if you were moaning about your current situation, I would hope that there weren't others around just trying to tell you to dismiss it.

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If it makes you feel better, the behavior described is not at all limited to Carnival. We sail multiple lines and all have their whiners. Some of the worst entitlement behavior seems to come from those who think one of the perks of being ta a high loyalty level is the right to moan more than others.

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Agree. The Complainers feel that it is their life's duty to complain.

Myself, I understand that things happen. It just gives me another story to regale people with in the future.


On our last Carnival Cruise, I came back from the Gym and water was pouring out of the light in the hall outside of our room. Get in the room and tell the wife. She finds it interesting and we watch water start coming in under the door. About that time Guest Services shows up and decides to move us. So we get moved from an outside on 2 to a balcony on 6. Okay no problem. I did notice that it appears the Balcony that we were moved to was taken out of service for a few problems and that (maybe) some things were cannibalized for other rooms. (the cover for the Pullman to make the ceiling consistent was missing) But we were happy. Better than being in a room with two inches of water on the floor, even if the Balcony rooms are smaller than OV. (OV is 210 sq. ft., Balcony is 185 with a 15 sq ft balcony, so OV is larger)

But we ran into people that complained that the food on the Buffet was rubbery, that the comedy club was too crowded, that there were not enough waiters in the comedy club. Just complaining.


Carnival is the Fun Ship Line, but some people can't have fun even if they wanted to.

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To each his own, but it seems to me that being that way, the extreme complainers are missing out on life, much less the vacation... Must be a miserable life...


Issues are always going to come up in life, don't sweat the petty things, or pet the sweaty things...

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I never know if people who complain constantly are truly just unhappy people or whether they feel complaining makes them appear more sophisticated or knowledgeable.


Because of the true misery and heartbreak I see every day in my job, all of life's other irritation s really fade away. Well, except maybe for standing on long lines... and politicians... and bad wine or bad chocolates...People have told me I am naive because other things don't bother me enough.

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Example conversation: Witch #1: "I've sailed on 20 Carnival cruises, and this is the worst. I only got ice once a day the last two days!" Warlock #1: "Oh, you think you have it bad. I'm Platinum on Carnival and Princess, and I'm Four-Star Mariner on HAL, and I've never been treated worse. My prime rib was tough, and all three lobster tails I ordered were mushy. I think we ought to take over the ship, hold the captain hostage until they cook lobster right." Witch #2: "Oh, I wish I had mushy lobster!" "I came up with Oceania, Crystal and Seabourn Cruise lines, and Carnival PAYS ME just to get me to sail on her, but this is the final straw. I didn't get much ice in my drink, and then a lady in a walker cut-me off and almost knocked me on the ground! I'm going to sue Carnival!" Me: "Are you saying Carnival is responsible for the actions of a woman and her walker? Witch #2: "Yeah, I am! They let her on board, didn't they? And what are you doing smiling??? You're not one of us, are you?" Me: "No, but I do have big hands!" Head Warlock: "Okay, let's all go down to Guest Services to complain. Hurry! If you can log your complaint before the half cruise mark, I hear that Carnival has to pay money, or credits for future cruises that we won't like either!"


Too funny! Thanks for the laugh. I agree, it's not just one cruise line, it's ALL cruise lines. Some people just aren't happy. I once read a review that a family hated the cruise because the 16 year old daughter could find nothing all week that she liked to eat except hot dogs. My thought, she need a bit of an "attitude readjustment." :)

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I never know if people who complain constantly are truly just unhappy people or whether they feel complaining makes them appear more sophisticated or knowledgeable.




Because of the true misery and heartbreak I see every day in my job, all of life's other irritation s really fade away. Well, except maybe for standing on long lines... and politicians... and bad wine or bad chocolates...People have told me I am naive because other things don't bother me enough.



Constant complainers don't think of themselves as such. Called a few out for their complaining and they're completely taken aback by it.



Sent from my iPhone using Forums mobile app

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I noticed all this negativity on our re-routed Bermuda cruise last October, it seemed like everyone you got in a conversation with was complaining and so disappointed in the change of itinerary. My husband and I also were disappointed, however it was still a cruise and the changed ports had beautiful weather everyday. We made the most of it and knew we would have a good time regardless. Yes we had to make some changes on excursion choices and it was difficult to start fresh while onboard, but we did and enjoyed everyday. They did compensate us with % of future cruise to offset the higher price Bermuda itinerary, and we were happy to receive that. But it amazed me that everyone on the ship seemed to dwell on the fact that we didn't get to go to Bermuda. We try to look at the glass is always half-full, a concept I don't think some people even understand. It's sad to go through life with that mentality, because life is to short not to find some joy and happiness everyday we are on this earth, and especially while on a cruise ship.:D

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My best friend and his wife refuse to go on a Carnival Cruise with us. If I even start talking about them joining they scoff and start talking about only cruising on another line. Despite me telling them all about my previous cruises on Carnival and how much fun I've had at an affordable price, they put their noses up because they've "heard bad things" about Carnival. They trust strangers opinion more than mine...BTW, their only experience was a 4 day to the Bahamas on RCI.

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I think complaining is just human nature. I think the frequency and bravado in which you complain probably says something about you as a person. We all complain in our lives, I know I do. But again, its how you are complaining that really sets a tone. We often confuse venting with complaining too. Venting is actually really healthy. Getting things out of your head, and heart and out in the open helps relieve the stress.


I work with College students and often I get them coming to me with issues, that in my extra 12-15 years of experience I have on them seems very minor and trivial. But then I remember what its like being their age and your world revolving around your friends and school. The one thing I always repeat to them is, "Is this going to matter in a year?" Is this situation going to effect you enough it will still be causing you issues in a year or more time? If it isn't, chances are you should probably do your best to move on.


Same thing with getting run over by a woman with a walker. Even a broken toe would heal in a few months.

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If only they do develop a manual for walker users so they don't almost run down the professional keeners and moaners. Almost doesn't count. They should be able to easily take their target down quickly and quietly!


LOL gotta love it! Thanks for the laugh, I needed that today! It's 583 days before my next cruise, so I am living vicariously through others on the boards til then. I absolutely agree though. Your vacation is what you make of it!

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I agree that people complain about things out of Carnival's control. Most of the time people are complaining about the weather, rough seas, change of ports, ect.


But some of your examples didn't fit. How is not getting ice, tough prime rib and mushy lobster out of Carnival's control? Those are in their control. Of course quality of the prime rib and lobster might be all you can expect at Carnival's prices. But not getting ice is something definitely under their control. Some people do not care if there is ice in the cabin, but others do. I thought this was one of the amenities that your cabin steward can provide.


I'm am tired of hearing I'm on a cruise and that's all that counts. So far I am pretty happy with my Carnival cruises but they keep making small cutbacks. They add up. Just like a quarter more here and a quarter more there add up to $ after awhile. Of course the newer cruisers don't know what was before. You can't miss what you never had.

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I never know if people who complain constantly are truly just unhappy people or whether they feel complaining makes them appear more sophisticated or knowledgeable.


Because of the true misery and heartbreak I see every day in my job, all of life's other irritation s really fade away. Well, except maybe for standing on long lines... and politicians... and bad wine or bad chocolates...People have told me I am naive because other things don't bother me enough.


You are definitely right about politicians! As a rhetorician, my wife would argue (Politely!) that the phrase 'bad chocolate' is an oxymoron. Her reasoning is that all chocolate, by the nature of it being chocolate, is inherently good. Therefore, chocolate cannot be bad! I, on the other hand, agree with you. Unsweetened chocolate is a crime against nature!


As for not letting the little things bother you, that is in now way a sign of naivety! I'd call it an extraordinary ability to filter out depravity. You have a true gift and will have an ulcer-free long and happy life!

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I agree that people complain about things out of Carnival's control. Most of the time people are complaining about the weather, rough seas, change of ports, ect.


But some of your examples didn't fit. How is not getting ice, tough prime rib and mushy lobster out of Carnival's control? Those are in their control. Of course quality of the prime rib and lobster might be all you can expect at Carnival's prices. But not getting ice is something definitely under their control. Some people do not care if there is ice in the cabin, but others do. I thought this was one of the amenities that your cabin steward can provide.


I'm am tired of hearing I'm on a cruise and that's all that counts. So far I am pretty happy with my Carnival cruises but they keep making small cutbacks. They add up. Just like a quarter more here and a quarter more there add up to $ after awhile. Of course the newer cruisers don't know what was before. You can't miss what you never had.


I took a bit of poetic license, but you took it too far. Ice is not an assumption when you have a refrigerator. All you have to do is ask for it. You actually said it yourself, The steward can provide it, but he is not Kreskin! The fellow who got ice once admitted he never mentioned to his steward that he wanted ice. As for the glutton with sensitive taste buds, I did not mention that he was a virtual chain-smoking chimney. I doubt he had taste buds, and others mentioned they liked the prime rib and the lobster. And three tries on the lobster before you move onto to another entree (that you also didn't like!). Are you the kind of man that comes across a sign on a bench saying "Wet Paint. Do Not Touch," and you touch it to check? And then you come back five minutes to check it again? And then you dutifully come back minutes later to repeat it? I hope you are aren't a leader, unless you are lemming. But this guy could very well have been the king of lemmings.

Edited by JAGR
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What's interesting to me is that, out of all the cruises I've been on, I can't recall a single instance where I overheard people complaining in the hallways, casinos, lido deck, lounges, MDR, elevators, guest services line, etc. I only see people complaining behind the anonymity of the internet.

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Warlock #1: "Oh, you think you have it bad. I'm Platinum on Carnival and Princess, and I'm Four-Star Mariner on HAL, and I've never been treated worse. My prime rib was tough, and all three lobster tails I ordered were mushy. I think we ought to take over the ship, hold the captain hostage until they cook lobster right."



I have this image in my head now of nasty folks flying around on broomsticks taking officers hostage on the cruise ship :-) Thanks for the laugh!!!

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What's interesting to me is that, out of all the cruises I've been on, I can't recall a single instance where I overheard people complaining in the hallways, casinos, lido deck, lounges, MDR, elevators, guest services line, etc. I only see people complaining behind the anonymity of the internet.



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When we were on our Ruby Princess cruise and had to do the muster drill, there were a couple ladies sitting next to us who were saying how glad they were to be sailing Princess again and how awful there last cruise on Carnival was. The whole time we were waiting for the drill to start it was just one complaint after another about Carnival and how awful it was. DH and I, having enjoyed all of our Carnival cruises just looked at each other rolled our eyes as we ease dropped on them. Funny thing was when our Princess cruise was over I was more disappointed in it than I was any of our Carnival cruises. It just didn't live up to the expectations I had for it. Could be we set our expectations too high but I have to say we have enjoyed our Carnival Cruises much more than we did that one Princess cruise.

Edited by Warm Breezes
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When we were on our Ruby Princess cruise and had to do the muster drill, there were a couple ladies sitting next to us who were saying how glad they were to be sailing Princess again and how awful there last cruise on Carnival was. The whole time we were waiting for the drill to start it was just one complaint after another about Carnival and how awful it was. DH and I, having enjoyed all of our Carnival cruises just looked at each other rolled our eyes as we ease dropped on them. Funny thing was when our Princess cruise was over I was more disappointed in it than I was any of our Carnival cruises. It just didn't live up to the expectations I had for it. Could be we set our expectations too high but I have to say we have enjoyed our Carnival Cruises much more than we did that one Princess cruise.

Same type of people who let "no more chocolates on the pillow" ruin a cruise.... I just ignore them. I'm determined to have fun, i choose cruises by the ports they are going to, not what the cruise line can do for me... Haven't been disappointed yet...


Sent from my ONE A2005 using Tapatalk

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Some of these peopled just want their 15 seconds of fame on these boards. They are on EVERY cruise line. As far as the Lobster and prime rib, all he had to do was ask the waiter, and they would have gladly given you whatever you wanted. Blaming carnival for the woman in the walker is just plain stupid. I can't think of another verb for that. I doubt it took you 20 cruises to complain.

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