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Presidents Cruise in September, C&A program changes?

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Here's an unpopular opinion. Royal created this overabundance themselves with their inheritance program. Giving the same status to spouses and children has created huge numbers which they can't seem to manage.


My own family is guilty of this. My husband is Diamond because of me. He's a few short of being Diamond himself at this point- not far off. My 3 year old is also Diamond (his actual points would make him Platinum). But my son will go on to get married one day and his wife will become auto-Diamond because of him. See how quickly the status can spread to people who haven't earned the actual amount of points??


I've always wondered "Why does my child need MY status?" They aren't going to make me leave my 3 year old in the regular line while I go in the priority line. He can come with me without being the same status.


I can understand the spouse thing. I want me husband to be able to accompany me in a D lounge or at other events onboard. But most other cruise lines don't even do this. Maybe this is why people like Royal, because they extend these benefits to others? I dont know.


I would not be heartbroken if they told me my son is now Platinum, as he should be. I wonder why they've never looked in to eliminating that part.


Please don't shoot me :o


Also pretty much agree

But don't tell my 14 year old DD who is on her way to pinnacle:)


IMO if a person has actually been on a cruise they get points regardless of age, whether they remember those cruises is another matter.

I know I am stating the obvious on this:)


For the married in and all that, it is what it is, would need a major overhaul and grandfathering to please the masses.


And there would always be the unhappy ones about the "they earnt their own points people" even though mummy and daddy were paying for their younger ones to cruise.


Not worth stressing about, so back to Grease, anyone going to start another thread on the content of Grease?;)


Happy Days!

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maybe I am reading this wrong, but it seems there are two schools of thought regarding a probable change:


1) The number of points necessary to become D, D+ and (possibly) Pinnacle will increase, easing the "demand" on the ships/crew.


2) The benefits associated with each level will change, easing the "demand" on the ships/crew.


It doesn't have to be either/or...it could be both. Especially if they think either will just provide short-term relief.


Also...having an effective date of any change be something like 6 months out may not happen. If the problem is large enough where the loyal cruisers are complaining they may make the change effective the first of the next month.

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Also pretty much agree

But don't tell my 14 year old DD who is on her way to pinnacle:)


IMO if a person has actually been on a cruise they get points regardless of age, whether they remember those cruises is another matter.

I know I am stating the obvious on this:)


For the married in and all that, it is what it is, would need a major overhaul and grandfathering to please the masses.


And there would always be the unhappy ones about the "they earnt their own points people" even though mummy and daddy were paying for their younger ones to cruise.


Not worth stressing about, so back to Grease, anyone going to start another thread on the content of Grease?;)


Happy Days!


Well even if the the child is being paid for by the parents, I do still think they deserve the points.


What I don't think they deserve is an inheritance of the parents status. For example, if the parents had been cruising for 15 years before their child was even born, the child should not be a D+ just because the parents are. The child should get the points for the cruises that they are on (no matter who is paying and no matter their age).

Edited by OfTheSeasCruiser
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Well even if the the child is being paid for by the parents, I do still think they deserve the points.


What I don't think they deserve is an inheritance of the parents status. For example, if the parents had been cruising for 15 years before their child was even born, the child should not be a D+ just because the parents are. The child should get the points for the cruises that they are on (no matter who is paying and no matter their age).





Yes agree with what you are saying 100%

Sorry if my comment came across a bit All over the place.;)

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Seems like all the speculation about program changes revolves around one perk, the lounge or should I say the lounges for those ships that no longer have a concierge lounge. I've only been on 2 cruises as Diamond and perhaps I was just lucky but I did not experience the overcrowding in the D lounge that so many have. Yes, the D lounge was very crowded if you went early but we quickly learned that if we showed up about the time folks were headed to the MDR for early seating, there was always a place to sit.

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No way. They aren't going to make some big flashy announcements for downgrades. And certainly not in that setting. I'm sure he'll be getting an earful daily anyways.


Come on Max, he'll spin them as upgrades. :D


Gotta earn those big bucks. ;)

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The point is that a program change that increases the number of nights to qualify for Diamond or D+ is GOOD for existing Crown & Anchor Ds and D+s! The biggest worry is that they don't change the program, and then there will not be enough room on board to continue the existing program with existing benefits!



I am not sure how raising the thresholds is "good" for current D's and D+'s if they just raise the levels:confused: if they raise levels and people not grandfathered in based on their points they are likely to have a lot of disgruntled guests. If they grandfather in then it achieves absolutely nothing to improve the current overcrowding because you still have the same numbers, albeit now increasing at a slower rate.??? I see no win win situation with either.


Here's an unpopular opinion. Royal created this overabundance themselves with their inheritance program. Giving the same status to spouses and children has created huge numbers which they can't seem to manage.


I've always wondered "Why does my child need MY status?" They aren't going to make me leave my 3 year old in the regular line while I go in the priority line. He can come with me without being the same status.


I can understand the spouse thing. I want me husband to be able to accompany me in a D lounge or at other events onboard. But most other cruise lines don't even do this. Maybe this is why people like Royal, because they extend these benefits to others? I dont know.



Please don't shoot me :o


I agree on not understanding why kids "need" their parents tier. They can't get into the DL on most ships. They also get no extra benefits on board if they are higher tiers as they only get the coupons for minors which are generic.


The only thing it does is it creates a generation where a large percentage (not all as I appreciate a lot of children do cruise a lot) of young adults, who are at inflated levels above their points and will take a considerable period of time to get caught up to their true level.

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I suspect that I could buy a lot of drinks for the cost of 28 days solo in a JS. And that doesn't even take into account income lost by not being at work. I'm not sure what economics course you took.


You'd be surprised how economical that can be. Laura's solo 16 night TA on Rhapsody was $3,300 with free grats and $250 OBC. 16 x 3 = 48 points :eek:


But it got cancelled. :(

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Seems unlikely to me that the President would plan to be stuck on a cruise with a bunch of disgruntled C&A members.


So True! I had heard from several staff members the president was on the Quantum's Inaugural cruise but hid in his suite until he could sneak off in Florida.

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So True! I had heard from several staff members the president was on the Quantum's Inaugural cruise but hid in his suite until he could sneak off in Florida.

Adam was on the Maiden Voyage from Southampton to Cape Liberty. He was not on the November 23, 2014 Inaugural cruise which was far from an inaugural cruise that it was advertised and sold as.

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Remember all the talk about projected program changes with a May 1 2016 target date, and none of them came to pass.


My prediction back then (chatting with some pinnacle friends whom thought the changes were going to occur), is the prediction I still have.


As we've all noticed as there are more and more of us in the higher tiers of the loyalty program, space to continue to provide us with benefits has been a continuing concern.


My prediction was that the program changes will come, and that the time they are going to be announced will be on the Presidents cruise.


Anyone else been thinking along the same lines?

You couldn't help yourself could you! And NO not thinking on those same lines!!!......:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:....K.O.....You gotta love someone's "PREDICTIONS" based on nothing.... Edited by Thetrail
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There seems to be some fundamental confusion here.


The point is that a program change that increases the number of nights to qualify for Diamond or D+ is GOOD for existing Crown & Anchor Ds and D+s! The biggest worry is that they don't change the program, and then there will not be enough room on board to continue the existing program with existing benefits!


Since it is in the interest of loyal C&A members to change the program, the Presidents Cruise seems the ideal time to announce the change.


C&A loyalty program is one of the best at sea. Anything that RCL does to help ensure its continuance is a very good thing!

You sir have apparently not thought this through, have you?...There is zero chance that any changes would be announced with Mr. Bayley onboard for a week. Your thought process makes me giggle, sorry.....:rolleyes:...K.O.
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You'd be surprised how economical that can be. Laura's solo 16 night TA on Rhapsody was $3,300 with free grats and $250 OBC. 16 x 3 = 48 points :eek:


But it got cancelled. :(

Nice way to move up the ranks without breaking the bank!.....K.O.:)
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You sir have apparently not thought this through, have you?...There is zero chance that any changes would be announced with Mr. Bayley onboard for a week. Your thought process makes me giggle, sorry.....:rolleyes:...K.O.


OK...so I am an idiot.....


If I was a consultant for RCL, here is my recommendation.


1) all existing loyalty members are grandfathered in


2) all changes are effective March 1, 2017


3) effective March 1

diamond is 100 nights

D+ is 200 nights

pre-pinnacle is 500 nights

pinnacle is 800 nights

4) effective March 1 the Concierge lounge is for Suite guests, Pinnacle, and pre-pinnacle members only

the Diamond lounge is now the D+ lounge


5) Diamond members now have 4 drinks per day programmed on their card



This is a total win-win-win-win call



For Suite guests , Pinnacle they now have a less crowded Concierge lounge

For pre-pinnacle they now have a new status and the Concierge lounge

For D+ they now have exclusively the Diamond Plus lounge

For diamonds they now have 4 drinks loaded on their cards


For RCL they have thousands of people scrambling to reach the next level before March 1.


People would be falling all over themselves to book cruises to qualify for the next level before program changes took effect. Fall and early winter are normally the "slow" season for cruising in North America, usually accompanied by lower fares.


RCL would bring in 10s of million in additional revenue with no increase to their costs! They'd make a ton of money!!


...and if I were their consultant, I would be set for life.....

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pre-pinnacle is 500 nights

pinnacle is 800 nights


So you'd have Pinnacles with 700-800 points grandfathered in, but "pre-pinnacles" with 700-800 points get less perks? Yeah, that'll fly...


What would you call Pre-Pinnacle? I assume that nomenclature is a place holder, it's a terrible name.

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OK...so I am an idiot.....


This is a total win-win-win-win call



For Suite guests , Pinnacle they now have a less crowded Concierge lounge

For pre-pinnacle they now have a new status and the Concierge lounge

For D+ they now have exclusively the Diamond Plus lounge

For diamonds they now have 4 drinks loaded on their cards


For RCL they have thousands of people scrambling to reach the next level before March 1.


People would be falling all over themselves to book cruises to qualify for the next level before program changes took effect. Fall and early winter are normally the "slow" season for cruising in North America, usually accompanied by lower fares.


RCL would bring in 10s of million in additional revenue with no increase to their costs! They'd make a ton of money!!


...and if I were their consultant, I would be set for life.....


All great ideas!! You're hired! :)

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For RCL they have thousands of people scrambling to reach the next level before March 1.


People would be falling all over themselves to book cruises to qualify for the next level before program changes took effect. Fall and early winter are normally the "slow" season for cruising in North America, usually accompanied by lower fares.


RCL would bring in 10s of million in additional revenue with no increase to their costs! They'd make a ton of money!!


...and if I were their consultant, I would be set for life.....

Did it ever occur to you that maybe instead of people going crazy booking cruises that they might get a bit tired of having the carrot moved further ahead and venture off to see what other cruise lines have to offer?


Maybe you should fold off on those pats on the back that you are giving to yourself.

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Ok, not trying to be difficult here, but why should the C&A members be disgruntled. If they are, that implies that they think have an "entitlement" to benefits.




I don't feel "entitled" to anything. It's RCL's to give or not. Why not increase the "entry level" to qualify for the different loyalty levels? They're supposed to be "elite" levels.




For example I am Diamond. If they raise the # of nights for D+, why not? I'll just have to sail a few more cruises. Plan on doing it anyway. If just may take me a little longer to get there. If they give me 6 months before the new levels are effective, I might even squeeze in a few more cruises before then if it's important enough to me.




In the end, the current structure of the program is not sustainable. There's just not sufficient space to keep expanding the cohort that qualifies. I don't think it's a question of whether they are going to do it, but when!




Right on point. It is not our product.. It is the cruise line's. As more people sail BECAUSE fares are low- then the D, D+ levels must change, or we'll all be in an Elite party with 2,000 other cruisers.


The product can't get watered down. RCCL are doing what they need to do.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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So you'd have Pinnacles with 700-800 points grandfathered in, but "pre-pinnacles" with 700-800 points get less perks? Yeah, that'll fly...


What would you call Pre-Pinnacle? I assume that nomenclature is a place holder, it's a terrible name.

PITS--"Pinnacles in training"


Term actually used last week on the Oasis by the C&A loyalty ambassador. Not sure what her definition of PITS was.


Sent from my SM-G920T using Tapatalk

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From a cruiser still working so challenged to take too many cruises, any change in the achievement of the initial Diamond level would be reason for me to switch to another cruise line.


First , because you cannot be continually adjusting these or it is a totally disingenuous process.


Royal Caribbean will immediately lose a younger clientele who are trying to be loyal to get the free drink perk that comes with Diamond. The lounge itself is insignificant - though nice perk it is the complimentary drink universe which is the domain that they must compete.


I am in disbelief that Status is granted to spouses and children. If they want to make a transparent and fair process. This is my suggestions for an immediate and fair process:


Immediately change policy that all levels must be earned by cruiser. No spouse or children being granted status. Don't grandfather that change.


Don't change the current levels for entry. If they do - don't grandfather those. Make everyone subject to the new requirements.


If basic level to Diamond moves up I won't be cruising again with Royal. I have turned down just as good deals with Celebrity (with free drinks) just to continue with my loyalty program.

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From a cruiser still working so challenged to take too many cruises, any change in the achievement of the initial Diamond level would be reason for me to switch to another cruise line.


First , because you cannot be continually adjusting these or it is a totally disingenuous process.


Royal Caribbean will immediately lose a younger clientele who are trying to be loyal to get the free drink perk that comes with Diamond. The lounge itself is insignificant - though nice perk it is the complimentary drink universe which is the domain that they must compete.


I am in disbelief that Status is granted to spouses and children. If they want to make a transparent and fair process. This is my suggestions for an immediate and fair process:


Immediately change policy that all levels must be earned by cruiser. No spouse or children being granted status. Don't grandfather that change.


Don't change the current levels for entry. If they do - don't grandfather those. Make everyone subject to the new requirements.


If basic level to Diamond moves up I won't be cruising again with Royal. I have turned down just as good deals with Celebrity (with free drinks) just to continue with my loyalty program.

So you are saying that if someone is presently Diamond, Diamond +, or Pinnacle and don't have enough points to meet the (possibly) new requirements that they should revert back to a lower level? I can't think of a better way to insight riots down in Miami.

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Based on past practice by Royal, there will be no changing of points required to reach any level and as such no grandfathering anyone in which is way to complicated.


Royal will just simply reduce the benefits associated with each level and possibly create a new level. Not really all that different that when D's were booted out of the CL lounge. Yes there will be some that are upset but most will soon get over it and life will continue on and Royal's ships will continue to sail full.


As far as giving status to children this is a brilliant Move by Royal's marketing department (one of a very few). This costs them nothing when the kids are young, as the kids go out on their own most do not have the money to cruise often but when they do get to a stage in life where they can afford to cruise where do they go...right back to Royal instead of potentially trying out a competitor.


Royal does not care that the lounges are full and some high level C&A member can't get a seat...they only care that you have paid your money and are on the ship.

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In the end, the current structure of the program is not sustainable. There's just not sufficient space to keep expanding the cohort that qualifies. I don't think it's a question of whether they are going to do it, but when!


Not another thread like this...


You failed to take into consideration that the space problem only occurs mostly in US and TA sailings. Perhaps you are only confined in the US or TA sailings where there is only DL and Suite lounge.


Have you ever sailed Asia? Australia? I've sailed in all continents from Alaska to Caribbean to Norway to Asia to New Zealand, except South America. Well, was supposed to sail that continent too but RCCL just pulled out from that market starting next year.


Europe, for example is not that bad as the lounge only gets full before the first seating, after that, there is a lot of room.


Australia, even less, it's very tolerable.. (I know the Aussies agree with me)


Asia.. heck!!! Have you been to sailing in a Voyager class where there are only 2 Diamonds from the entire 3,000? Many times they cannot even do a top tier party as there are not much platinums and up members.


So before you make a suggestion, broaden your horizon first. RCCL is a global international cruise line and not merely in Florida sailing to the Caribbean where you are in.


And one more thing, not all continents have a drinking culture... so even if you put thousands of non existent Chinese diamond members (as most of them are still gold)... you won't find them in the lounges drinking, they rather be in the casino or in the ship's shopping area snapping up goods.


Judging from you whining about capacity problems, looks like you are just thinking local, not global.

Edited by roquejo
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Not another thread like this...


You failed to take into consideration that the space problem only occurs mostly in US and TA sailings. Perhaps you are only confined in the US or TA sailings where there is only DL and Suite lounge.


Have you ever sailed Asia? Australia? I've sailed in all continents from Alaska to Caribbean to Norway to Asia to New Zealand, except South America. Well, was supposed to sail that continent too but RCCL just pulled out from that market starting next year.


Europe, for example is not that bad as the lounge only gets full before the first seating, after that, there is a lot of room.


Australia, even less, it's very tolerable.. (I know the Aussies agree with me)


Asia.. heck!!! Have you been to sailing in a Voyager class where there are only 2 Diamonds from the entire 3,000? Many times they cannot even do a top tier party as there are not much platinums and up members.


So before you make a suggestion, broaden your horizon first. RCCL is a global international cruise line and not merely in Florida sailing to the Caribbean where you are in.


And one more thing, not all continents have a drinking culture... so even if you put thousands of non existent Chinese diamond members (as most of them are still gold)... you won't find them in the lounges drinking, they rather be in the casino or in the ship's shopping area snapping up goods.


Judging from you whining about capacity problems, looks like you are just thinking local, not global.

This poster actually has no clue as to the numbers in any of the lounges apparently. TA and US sailings, are different, as are Caribbean and med sailings. The poster has this plan which is honestly guesswork and fantasy at best. Sail enough times each year to actually SEE how crowded or not the DL, CL, and now the SL on each class of ship. There are many nights when the CL is empty on certain sailings and crowded on others. DL is always the most crowded of all the lounges, plain and simple....K.O.
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Not another thread like this...


You failed to take into consideration that the space problem only occurs mostly in US and TA sailings. Perhaps you are only confined in the US or TA sailings where there is only DL and Suite lounge.


Have you ever sailed Asia? Australia? I've sailed in all continents from Alaska to Caribbean to Norway to Asia to New Zealand, except South America. Well, was supposed to sail that continent too but RCCL just pulled out from that market starting next year.


Europe, for example is not that bad as the lounge only gets full before the first seating, after that, there is a lot of room.


Australia, even less, it's very tolerable.. (I know the Aussies agree with me)


Asia.. heck!!! Have you been to sailing in a Voyager class where there are only 2 Diamonds from the entire 3,000? Many times they cannot even do a top tier party as there are not much platinums and up members.


So before you make a suggestion, broaden your horizon first. RCCL is a global international cruise line and not merely in Florida sailing to the Caribbean where you are in.


And one more thing, not all continents have a drinking culture... so even if you put thousands of non existent Chinese diamond members (as most of them are still gold)... you won't find them in the lounges drinking, they rather be in the casino or in the ship's shopping area snapping up goods.


Judging from you whining about capacity problems, looks like you are just thinking local, not global.

My last post was referring to peacebeautytruth's post....:) Edited by Thetrail
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