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JW and Jerome's Adventure on The Norwegian Escape

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"Hurry up Jerome!" I begged, "Can't you drive any faster?" I am pleading as we get closer to the tunnel to get to the Port of Miami. Jerome barks "JW, calm down, we will get there, I am driving as LEGALLY fast as I can go!"


"There it is!, there's the turn off to 395 and to the tunnel!" I shout, and Jerome replies, "I see it, JW, relax!" I am a kid in a candy store or at sunrise on Christmas Morning. I said "You know, had we left at 8 o'clock as I wanted to, we would be there by now". Jerome shoots a glare at me saying "Yeah? Whose fault is that?" Whoopsie, I got myself into that pickle. I had to say in a childlike tone "Mine?" and continued, "But only because I kept thinking that I had to Tinkle, I was too excited!" "I didn't Tinkle and now I really have to go!" "Plus", I wailed, "If we are any later we will not get into the queue for VIBE Tickets!" "Hurry Jerome!"


Ahh, the almighty VIBE tickets. I must be crazy. We have to hurry up and get to the ship by 10 AM, then check in, then get in one of the first numbered groups to board the ship, board the ship and run, knocking down everyone in your path to get somewhere to be one of the lucky 70 to get a number (from 1-70), to have the supreme honor of purchasing VIBE tickets for $99.00 each, to enjoy a semi-private area like Serenity on Carnival or The Sanctuary on Princess. I am truly nuts. $100 bucks????? A person????


So we finally arrive at the ship and the docks. Jerome is fed up with me already being the back seat driver, and it's only the morning of the first day..............geez. I unload my bags, look around, and say to myself, "looks pretty good, it's only 10:15am and most folks are still getting off the ship." While Jerome is behind the wheel, I remove our two large wheelies and garment bag that are to be checked and deliver them to the Porter at curbside. "Welcome sir, just three bags today?" I reply "Yes, just three being checked". I hand him a $20 dollar bill and say my usual line "Please take good care of these". The Porter, being gracious says "Oh, Yes Sir!" "We Will Sir!" "Have a Good Vacation!"

(Being in the service industry, I tip everyone. It is what I do, I am not saying anyone else should. I appreciate the job of the Tipped wage earner. I guess because I have been in the Tipped Service Industry Business for 35 years I understand the fine art of the gratuity. I am sometimes elaborate with my tips when deserved, and I am humbled when I am remembered for it. It's my money and I can do with it what I like with it.)


I unload the other bags from the back seat of the car, our carry-ons, and then tell Jerome that I will meet him in front of the Boarding Area C and point to it, which is right across from the parking garage and the ship itself.


Our boarding passes stated to go to Boarding Area C, this is in Bold Letters printed on the boarding pass. Jerome went to park the car in the hi-rise facility across from the ship, and I made my way over to the entrance at Boarding Area C. As I proceeded to the entrance to wait, I saw a constant parade of folks who had not looked at their boarding passes correctly and who had Boarding Area B and then Security made them walk, what looked like a quarter mile, down to the B Area.


While I am waiting for Jerome to return, this is a good time to tell you that after 45 cruises and this one being the 46th, we now always choose to park our car at the Terminal Parking Garages, whether it be in Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Tampa or Port Canaveral. I appreciate the cost savings of off-site parking companies, but, what I perceive to be a hassle for us doing so, has outweighed the savings. To start, by saving a buck for me to drive to an off site venue, parking in the open air, waiting for a shuttle van, boarding the shuttle, and driving to each ship in Port for folks to be dropped off at. Then, upon our return, literally fighting with other passengers with who was first in line, too many bags, people (Usually Me) left behind, the shuttle bus bypassing us because it's full with other ship's passengers, and waiting and waiting and waiting for another shuttle. We have done it. We have parked off site at each port many, many times and used to recommend doing so and which Lots to park at. For the savings of about $60 bucks, I prefer now to just park at the port. Since we do the "Walk Off" first thing at debarkation, we are off the ship at 8am, through Customs and in our car in minutes and on the road home, usually by 8:30am, for the two hour drive. It is so worth it to me.


"Where is Jerome?" "What is taking him so long?" But things are not so bad. I strike up a wonderful conversation with a very good looking, bordering on gorgeous, Argentinian Soccer Player, also waiting for his "Peoples" (his words, not mine). I do so love Soccer players. I have no idea how the game is played but I know that David Beckham is one of them, and all I say is Yum. "Are you sailing on this ship?" I ask, so sultry of me, sorta like like my favorite slot machine, The Black Widow. "Yes", and he smiles at me, gorgeous whiter than white teeth.....and his voice, just like a symphony in Italy with his Italian/Spanish Argentine accent. "You?" he replied. I got something caught in my throat, "uh, Yes, me too." So before I could Tinkle right there, don't you know that Jerome shows up, looks at my conversation companion, and my fantasy balloon over my head pops and he says to me, knowing me all to well and seeing the look on my face, whispers under his breath so I could hear, "Slut", and as he proceeded to take the rolling carry-on's from me, he turned and said "You are always getting into trouble, Trouble."


Trouble is my middle name. That goes way back to the old movie "Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows". Jerome nicknamed me Trouble eons ago, as, in his opinion, it fit me well and told me that I was probably like those girls in the movie back when I was there age in Catholic School. Yup, no disagreement there. Well, If you know me, you know that I am purely unadulterated, one hundred percent, Trouble. In a good way, mostly, ..............I assume.


So we go through Security. I am needing to Tinkle really bad by this time, and even more so, because no matter what, I always think I am going to DING like I am carrying contraband or something. NO DINGS! Oh Joy!


As we proceed there are many, many signs to many, many check-in lines. Okay, we are Casino Invited Guests, so we go to that line. We are gestured up, and all I can think about is "Can you please hurry, because one, I have to Tinkle and two, I want to get a low boarding number so I can run and get VIBE tickets. "Hello", I said, to the very handsome man from Spain. Out of nowhere I said, as I handed over my passport "Do you like soccer?" Jerome whispered, "Slut" as he handed over his passport. "Yes, I do" this handsome young man replied, "But we call it Football", "Just not American kind of football". Jerome, determined to not let me take up any more time says, "Do you think we have a chance at getting VIBE tickets?" The young man says "Oh yes, you are part of the first boarding groups, not very crowded yet."


"Whew" I sighed. All the check in procedures were completed and this handsome young man walked me, I said ME, with Jerome in toe all the while, shaking his head, to the escalator and once we got there he wished ME a wonderful vacation. Hmmmm. The Black Widow Trouble, though now a heavier, bald, 56 year old Queen, still has it!


We proceed to the seating area and are given boarding number 6. "SIX?????????" Oh no. We will never get VIBE. I have to Tinkle, but look Jerome, there is fresh coffee over there, let's get some!


Finally I was able to get to the little boys room and, well, you know, finally. I went up for some complimentary coffee, which was really good, came back to our seat, and started looking at apps on my phone when behind me, startling me, this gal sitting behind us lets out a big "Hi!" "How ya'all doing?" Oh Lordy, here we go. Is she talking to us? I turned around and Jerome and I struck up a conversation with some lovely ladies. I will call them The K Sisters, who were traveling together, left their husbands at home and one of them had just been on this ship a few weeks earlier. The one filled us in all about VIBE and what to do and how to make that mad dash, etc.


We talked about VIBE and then I asked "What group are YOU two in?" "Oh we are in Group Number TWO". Trouble starts the wheels in motion, You'll see. I am a bad boy.


Then, new ladies sitting right next to me started up a conversation with all of us too, saying that they wanted VIBE passes but their Boarding Number was Group 14!!!! The K sister said that on her last sailing, no worries, that folks got VIBE all the way up to Boarding Number 18. (This was also true on our sailing, so try not to sweat it). Well, then the one gal says to the K sister, I will give you $200 and for some reason I thought it was for their Group 2 Boarding Card, but it was actually her trying give her money to purchase additional Vibe tickets for her, but we found out that ALL persons wanting VIBE must be present and in line with a number, for the privilege of purchasing the passes for the week, so that did not work. I mean, I was going to sell her my Boarding Group 6 card for half that, but I misunderstood, I am a boob at times.


Crafty Black Widow Trouble that I am, I simply turned to the K Sisters and said "Girls, Jerome and I are your Husbands on this cruise, or at least until we get past the boarding guy taking the numbers." "Sure!" "Common, that will be fun!" they said. Just then, they called Boarding Group Two and off we went, arm in arm, "Come on Dear" I said with Jerome saying "Don't Dilly Dally Honey!" with our New "Wives", right through the boarding gate and onto the ship! Actually, these gals became our wonderful "surrogate" wives later on in the week at VIBE and we had a blast with them.


Once on the ship, I shout to all the staff I pass as I pick up the pace, and I start jogging like I am in a marathon to the entrance doors on board, "Where are they selling VIBE?" "Where are they selling VIBE?" The staff shouts back, "Welcome Aboard, Headliner's, one deck down!" Off I went. The rest hurried behind me.

Edited by cruiseguys2009
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Hi! and..we love to see old friends...............thanks for joining. JW


Yes, I remember you from the Bahamas Paradise Cruise Line board. Did you ever make it on it? I've been on it 4 times since 3/15. It is a great 2 day getaway for people like us who live close to the port.

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Can't wait to hear more! We cruise with CAS about 4 times a year now. Retirement is REALLY fun....less week-ends in Vegas and more week-longs with CAS. We especially love the Escape. Christina is the best! Came home from our January Escape and have booked three more on her in the next 13 months:D

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Great review, and really loving your video of the M6 mini suite. [emoji106]🏻


We are on the Escape and Getaway in feb. 2017 ( almost a B2B) and booked mini suites 8132 and 8124.


So thank you very much for posting this .

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“JW and Jerome’s Escapades on The Norwegian Escape Adventure!”


We laughed and had a blast with so many genuine Crew Members and Officers, that we came off the ship and immediately booked the August 20th, 2016, 8 Night Sailing, just to make sure that what I am about to reveal was not a fluke. It should be consistent, as the personnel will undoubtedly change and in sixty days and I promise I will also recap our follow up journey.


We'll see you onboard! Did you get a secret minisuite? we did! See ya there! (and loving your review so far!!)

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Oh my gosh, there are the stairs! I take them down two at a time, "Outta My Way!" "Mad Woman in a Man's Body coming through!" "Excuse Me", "Whoops!, Sorry!" That was my escapade down one level to floor 6.


Then I took off sprinting. Oh goodness, I am out of breath! I am briskly moving, moving, into the center atrium by Guest Relations, "Oh My Gosh how beautiful", Reminds me of The EPIC, yuck. I see a person with a name tag on. I screech "Quick! Where is Headliners?" He sees me out of breath and knows that I am running for VIBE tickets, and moves out of the way and just points to the right. "Got it!" "Move it folks, I am on a mission!" No time for niceties here. I need VIBE tickets.


I run past all these paintings on display from Park West Art Auctions, "Oh that one is nice, and it's a Peter Max!". I finally arrive at the atrium that has this clear staircase and Le Bistro. Wow, Gorrrrgeous! Faaaaabulous. I look up, beautiful! Where is Headliners? Oh there it is, under the staircase. Look at that staircase! Look at that Chandelier! Gorrrgeous!


I step through the entrance of Headliners and there are tables upon tables set up and a couple of lines and I blurt out "Which line is for VIBE?" Ten people shout in unison "This One!" Then, I was magically given a number by a crew member holding a stack of numbers, and when they are gone, they are gone. A cherished number, just for the opportunity to wait in line. I was honored with number 36. "Whew" I made it, the numbers distributed are just half way there, as they only allow 70 folks to have the honor of purchasing VIBE for the week. Heck, there are more people coming in. Where is Jerome? And where are our surrogate wives? More people, more people and no sight of Jerome! Most folks coming in are not for VIBE but for other reservations and packages.


Finally, make me Tinkle right there in place why don't you, Jerome makes an entrance to Headliners with the carry-on luggage, why not stop and smell the roses along the way too why don't you, Geez! "Where were you? What took you so long?" He shrugged at me. Jerome was handed number 39. Really?...and instead of getting in line next to me, he got in line behind me and other folks. Boob.


I turned to the absolutely gorgeous, long curly haired, buxom beauty behind me and asked ever so gayly, "Can he come up with me and cut the line?" She said, sure, of course (she was so nice and so pretty and the guy she was with was this little Furry Ginger Hair cutie. I found out later it's her husband and we hung out with them throughout the cruise and I nicknamed him Furbee as he was soooooo cute and furry). So, we exchanged numbers so that now Jerome and I were 36 and 37 and buxom and her Furbee were 38 and 39. Whew, let me catch my breath. Yikes, I am too old to run like that. Perhaps maybe I need to...., I have gained so much weight, I am not so 32 inch waist anymore, more like pushing 38 with expandable waistbands (for the food on the cruise, you know).... go on a diet. Oh Shut Up, JW! Not this week!


So here we are, and more and more folks are cascading in to Headliners to get a number for the privilege of waiting in line to spend $100 to get a VIBE pass. Is it worth it? Youbetcha. We loved it. More on that later. But it is definitely worth it, in our opinion. If only to avoid the "People Soup", lined up shoulder to shoulder, part of the huge crowds at the main pool and at also at the Children's Wee Wee Pool. With VIBE, it's all in a private setting on Deck 19, behind a moving "Alice In Wonderland" glass wall, with special relaxing water features, a private bar, service just for us, cushioned and towel lined chaise lounges, a veritable Oasis, yes, it is worth every single penny.


Chlorine by the way, is funny. The more you smell the aroma of it coming from a water feature, the more wee wee or acidic liquid is in the pool or hot tubs. Just a little tid bit I picked up from our pool service company. No pools for me on a ship. Schkeeves me to no end.


So back to where we were. In Headliners there are representatives at check in tables from all the restaurants with reservation terminals, restaurant menus, soda and beverage package tables, and wine selection tables. We booked so close to sailing that I was unable to get our Specialty Dining restaurant reservations. We wanted to enjoy Le Bistro, La Cuchina, and Moderno this trip and in Headliners, I was able to get my first choice in all those restaurants on the days I wanted. Apparently, they only sell about 65% of the reservations online prior to each sailing, reserving the remaining to be booked on board. Very nice. I am glad we booked the minute we got on board, as there was no stress in finding someplace to eat later.


Although, I kept seeing these signs all over the ship "All The Prime Rib You Can Eat" advertised at being at O'Sheehans that night. Hmmmmm:rolleyes:. I LOVE Prime Rib. Trust me, it was PACKED. PACKED TO THE RAFTERS. WALL TO WALL CARNIVORES. Needless to say, I did not get Prime Rib on Sail-a-way night. They offer it two more times on the sailing if you really want it. I passed. Too crowded.


We met a nice guy in front of me in line, traveling solo, and I just knew he was a "Friend of Dorothy's" and went to the same church as we did. So I, being so obnoxiously outgoing as I am, struck up a conversation. "Love Your Hat!" He turned, a little put off and said, "Why thank you". I could tell he was a bit uncomfortable, but I am used to that. Honey, when folks first meet me....I am sooooo "Out There" that most just don't know what to do with me. So, that being said, I come out with "I am so impressed how faaaaabulous your Hat, Shirt, Shorts, Shoes, Socks and Sunglasses all match flawlessly, so colorful", "Does Your Underwear Match too?". "It's sooo South Beachey". The guy turns to me like I am hitting on him, Jerome standing there staring at me thinking "Slut", and I just have to continue on and say, "I just know you are a Florida Boy", "Are you in a Solo Cabin?" The guy was so shy, I loved it. He spent a lot of time with us and really was fascinating, but so single and so shy, but available, and I really hopes he finds a wonderful guy. By the way, his underwear did match too, not that I found out personally mind you, I just took his word for it.


His name, of course, if you have read my reviews, was a Saint's Name. Why are all us gay men folk named after Saints? John, Jerome, William, Steven, Luke, James, Michael, Joseph, with nicknames of Mary and Margaret? So if you have read my previous reviews, you know that yes indeed, the guy in front of me was a Saint's name. It began with the letter "J" so just pick one and it would be appropriate, except he hates to be called "JJ" because both his first and middle began with J's. So for my review he is just "J".


Finally it was our turn in line and we received our bright orange wrist bands, and envelope explaining the VIBE concept and our special Key Cards, (great more key cards), that unlock the glass gates to the Kingdom. We signed for our $99 each charges and off we went.


Jerome and I were hungry and we wanted our first cocktail as well. We had the promotional Ultimate Beverage Package, and truly, it was like Gawd Saying Happy New Year. Virtually everything we drank was included. I usually drink Grey Goose Martini's and they were included. I was in Happy Happy Town for the week!


We decided not to brave the crowds at the Buffet, so we went to Taste and had a respectable, sit down luncheon, that I can only describe as like being at a private club for lunch. It was surreal that we were actually on a cruise ship.


We stopped at Mixx, the bar right outside Taste for our first drink. We ordered Absolut Bloody Mary's and we got two gorgeous, hand crafted, perfect Bloody Mary's with celery, olives, lemons and limes. Wonderful. Hello vacation! We have arrived.


In Taste, it was lovely. We were seated by a window. I had the soup and ordered a salad. Jerome ordered Leg of Lamb. Yes, Leg of Lamb. For Lunch. On Sail-a-way. Delicious!. Key Lime Pie for dessert.


"Oh look over there!" I said to Jerome. "There is Buxom and Furbee just six tables away at the window!" "Oh YOO HOO!" I have no manners. "Yoo Hoo, Hello!" I waved and screeched across the dining room and everyone looks at me, love it. They waved back and I proceed to feel the effects of the Bloody Mary already and ask across the room "How old are you?" Buxom replies "2*" "What????" I said "I thought you were both like 19!" Buxom says "And we have two kids!" Well drop my mouth and pick it up from the floor. These two, Buxom and Furbee, looked as if they just got out of high school. Wow. Well anyway, I continued my verbal assault of the Taste Dining room. "Yoo Hoo!" "Hello Over There!" More waves from across the room. Jerome is like "JW!" "What has gotten into you?" As if...... we have been together for over 20 years, get with the program.


"Who are you?" I said to the table next to us. There were two girls also in line for Vibe Tickets that were in front of Saint "J". I noticed them but did not talk to them at the time, but here they were sitting down next to us. Jerome is like, "JW will you please calm down, people want to enjoy their lunch!" I sent him the "Oh Shut Up!" look in my eyes. Ladies, you all know THAT look.


So, here were two ladies, fascinating women from the southwest USA. I loved them. Great conversation. One also was a Casino Invited Guest, so we got to talking about slot machines, gambling and such and then their food came and Jerome said "JW LET THEM EAT!" Whelll, Drop My Drawers. Whatabische Jerome can be sometimes. Jerome, just keep quiet and enjoy that unusual Key Lime Pie. (It was really small, and really rich and very culinary unusual but really good, two bites and it's gone). I shall call them Tricia and Anita. Tricia has some "Splainin'" to do later on in the cruise........whoa, there IS a story there.


The two "K" Sista's, our surrogate wives, came in to have lunch too, which made me bouncie bounce in my seat, waving and saying "Hellooooo Honey!" Boy, tell ya what, do I know how to give a Hello, How Do Ya Do, Welcome Aboard, Hoop De Doo Impression. Folks don't know whether to embrace me or run away in the other direction. Fortunately, it's the later.


"So, what should we do now?" I said to Jerome. He replied, "First, you need to let these people eat their lunch, and then I think we should leave and get another cocktail and see the ship". Moping like a child, I said "OhhKay" and said my tootles to everyone, with gigantic waves to all and we departed.


"Hey, I know!" I said, with Jerome not liking that sound of that, and by him saying "Oh Lord". "Let's sneak up to the room!" I said that so deviously, just like we were in high school and sneaking into the Principle's Office on a Saturday. "It's in a secret hallway, no one will know!" "JW," "We are not supposed to go to the rooms until they are ready." Jerome was emphatic, so disciplined, so Airline. "Oh Shut Up!" I said, then continued with "Oh Jerome, be adventurous for once, they are not going to kick us off the ship, Geez!"


So, of course I won, and we went two decks up to the 8th floor, trying to find the cabins, and found that they are located right next to the entrance hallway of The District (A Fabulous Draft Beer and Bar with awesome live hysterically filthy singing entertainment each night FOR ADULTS ONLY). Then we proceed down a hallway and beyond a series of doorways, three to be exact, and wow, a private hallway to the cabins. I am so excited, I really do have to Tinkle now.

Edited by cruiseguys2009
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You are cracking me up.



As always my dear!


And, yes we have been on The Celebration and it was pretty much okay. We were on it at the beginning, and had a marvelous time, but the second time, less staff, not as fun and the lavish entertainment had been scuttled. It was nice to reminisce, because we were on the Inaugural 26 years ago, when the ship was brand new and was called The Carnival Celebration. I liked it and the renovations were very cool.

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Unlike you, I'm very quiet and reserved. Do you think the Vibe pass would be necessary for me if, like you, I'm not going to use the pool/hot tub/whatever and we have a large balcony.


I'm really trying to strategize how to make this the best cruise ever. :D


I've already sent the link to your video and copied and pasted a bunch of your Escape posts to my traveling companion. Thanks for the time spent writing and all the detail.

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Unlike you, I'm very quiet and reserved. Do you think the Vibe pass would be necessary for me if, like you, I'm not going to use the pool/hot tub/whatever and we have a large balcony.


I'm really trying to strategize how to make this the best cruise ever. :D


I've already sent the link to your video and copied and pasted a bunch of your Escape posts to my traveling companion. Thanks for the time spent writing and all the detail.



VIBE has a great bar, great camaraderie and a special bonding with the other guest's, it can be quiet and reserved if you like or you can have fun and join in. Each cruise is different. There are many features to Vibe, but the best is that if I wanted, I could have curled up with a cocktail and a good book. The service is exceptional and I was brought fresh fruit, cold towels, ice water and cocktails round the clock. There is even a special menu to order food from if I wanted.


But if you have one of the Extra Large Balcony Mini Suites on Deck 8, then there is ample room to relax and enjoy the comfort and peace on the balcony instead.


I liked VIBE because we had the drink package, the folks we met were fun and outstanding, the service was wonderful and it was an exclusive enclave and I felt special. I certainly got my money's worth.

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Yes folks, Jerome and I are back from our Norwegian sailing and this time, we had an awesome experience on the brand new Norwegian Escape. Oh my gosh, here we are, once again, on the High Seas with a rip roaring, side splitting, fun and raucous, upcoming story of our Adventures. We Escape'd and we are back! So many new characters, so many hilarious situations.


To get everyone started, here is a small video of our "Secret" Mini Suite with Extra Large Balcony, cabin 8120:




Thanks for sharing your experiences on the Escape. I will be sailing on the Escape next May and will be only my second cruise; My first being over 25 years ago on the old Carnivale with Carnival Cruise. Next years cruise will be the first time in 10 years we did not go to Walt Disney World and we are looking forward to this cruise. I love that you were in cabin 8120 and shared it on You tube. We will be in the cabin right next to yours in cabin 8122 and you have given us the the best view of what we will be experiencing. Thank you. :)

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Thanks for sharing your experiences on the Escape. I will be sailing on the Escape next May and will be only my second cruise; My first being over 25 years ago on the old Carnivale with Carnival Cruise. Next years cruise will be the first time in 10 years we did not go to Walt Disney World and we are looking forward to this cruise. I love that you were in cabin 8120 and shared it on You tube. We will be in the cabin right next to yours in cabin 8122 and you have given us the the best view of what we will be experiencing. Thank you. :)



You will absolutely love 8122. The Port side is much easier to get to than on the Starboard side on deck 8. We are in 8122 on the August 20, 2016 sailing. Looking forward to letting you know that experience on our recap of that sailing.

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One thing these Boys of VIBE did the very best, was heap loads of attention onto us, their Guests. Plus, to all future VIBE Guests, ya'all need to be present for Shot O'Clock everyday at 4pm. That's when the action at VIBE really takes place.


Thank you Suresh, Rommel, Roberto and Reinzi, our very special VIBE Beach Club Team. There were others who were great too, but these are our boys! Love My Little "Minion" too!



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Oh man, how I wish I hadn't seen this yet!!!

It's so hard reading "as it comes out, post by post".... Now I have to WAIT.

And I don't wait very well :(


So I will go watch your video 5 more times :)

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Oh man, how I wish I hadn't seen this yet!!!

It's so hard reading "as it comes out, post by post".... Now I have to WAIT.

And I don't wait very well :(


So I will go watch your video 5 more times :)



Nice hearing from you again. We go way back to the old Bahamas Celebration days, years and years ago.

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