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furious w/ RCCL...and cozumel....


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There are so many times that we never find out how these things END. I appreciate the fact that she came back and let us know how the onboard and wedding thing went. It's over and done with, nice to have a resolution, without attacking the OP.:)


Based on how the OP started it was obvious what her opinion was going to be.

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I just spent 1-1/2 hours reading this whole thread and there is one thing that the OP said that I just can't believe:


So.....now that I see things more clearly....and as I said for many of you... this will probably send you over the edge...I will do it for you....yes...I am selfish....materalistic....I am a "control hound"....that always goes over the edge....and while I am very sorry for their devistation in cozumel....and their loss of bussiness....while I think it is horrible tradgidy, just like the sunami...Katrina....rita....and who knows what greek lady will bring as we have 5 weeks left.....this is not about them....it is about my daughters wedding.....and all of the planning for it


If in fact you were looking for suggestions from the people here, maybe your original post should have said, "having a problem, need some suggestions. . ." It's all in how you say it.


I also have to wonder, although most customer service people are not very nice anymore, how "polite" and nice was the OP to them? She sounds like such a demanding spoiled brat that if I was on the other end of the phone and was getting reamed, I would probably not go out of my way to help.


I hope the bride and groom are happy in Atlanta and that Mom isn't meddling too much. And Mom, remember one important thing (and I told my MIL this): when your daughter and SIL have their first child, do not tell them how to raise the child, as I'm sure they won't ask for help in conceiving -- stay out of it, unless asked.


And one other thing, don't know who said this, but "you get more flies with honey."

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I also have to wonder, although most customer service people are not very nice anymore, how "polite" and nice was the OP to them? She sounds like such a demanding spoiled brat that if I was on the other end of the phone and was getting reamed, I would probably not go out of my way to help.


I hope the bride and groom are happy in Atlanta and that Mom isn't meddling too much. And Mom, remember one important thing (and I told my MIL this): when your daughter and SIL have their first child, do not tell them how to raise the child, as I'm sure they won't ask for help in conceiving -- stay out of it, unless asked.


And one other thing, don't know who said this, but "you get more flies with honey."


I agree completely, I wish the bride and groom the very best!

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With regard to the seating arrangements and the TA and RCCL matre'd, etc., I have a comment. Thanksgiving week we traveled Legend of the Seas with 14 people. We knew up front that RCCL doesn't have any tables to accomodate all of us and that there would be two tables next to each other for us. First of all, upon embarkation, I went almost directly to the dining room to make sure things were all right, as I was told by both the TA and RCCL that RCCL would make the decision on the seating arrangements. Unlike the OP, we had planned on switching it up each night throughout the week so that we all could enjoy each other's company at dinner. I learned immediately that we had two different waiters/waitresses and there was "no way" they could change that. Well, years and years ago, I too was a waitress, and that's patent BS. Well, they didn't change it and we moved around all week anyway. We had hoped for the same person waiting our two tables so it wouldn't be an issue come tipping time. In the end, we each tipped our original waiter/ess. I found RCCL to be very UNaccomodating in this regard. Also, even though all our cabins were linked and one pair of cabins were adjoining and clearly shared by parents and children, the children were placed at one table and the parents at another! I find that to be ludicrous.


Anyway, just thought I'd add my 2cents of how unconcerned some of RCCL staff can be. :cool:

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Best. Complaint. Thread. Ever. A+++ Would recommend to friends!!


I'm glad the wedding worked out, as it seems. If I ever get married, it will probably take place on land, after reading about this and other things. I'll save the cruise for the honeymoon, sans relatives.

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I just spent 1-1/2 hours reading this whole thread and there is one thing that the OP said that I just can't believe:




If in fact you were looking for suggestions from the people here, maybe your original post should have said, "having a problem, need some suggestions. . ." It's all in how you say it.


I also have to wonder, although most customer service people are not very nice anymore, how "polite" and nice was the OP to them? She sounds like such a demanding spoiled brat that if I was on the other end of the phone and was getting reamed, I would probably not go out of my way to help.


I hope the bride and groom are happy in Atlanta and that Mom isn't meddling too much. And Mom, remember one important thing (and I told my MIL this): when your daughter and SIL have their first child, do not tell them how to raise the child, as I'm sure they won't ask for help in conceiving -- stay out of it, unless asked.


And one other thing, don't know who said this, but "you get more flies with honey."


Well said. I have followed this thread from day one. First the OP called RCI just a day after Wilma struck Cozumel and wanted to know the status of the cruise.:rolleyes: Like they are going to know since all communications to the island have been knocked down. Second, Wilma was now set on a course for Miami and people were starting to evacuate that area and this woman wanted answers.:rolleyes: No compassion at all for what some just went through with a storm and what others were preparing to go through.:rolleyes: She has admitted that she is a control freak and believe me it has shown throughout this ordeal. She admitted that it was all about her daughter. I for one hope that she does indeed take her business down the road. I doubt as a customer service agent that I would have put up with much of her bull*hit and told her to take a flying leap. I feel sorry for her daughter and especially the son in law if the daughter takes after the mother.

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Wow! What a thread! Since we just got off a cruise that was supposed to be a family vacation and ended up being our daughter's honeymoon, I was very interested in all of the comments posted. We originally booked our family vacation cruise back in February. After listening to my husband and me telling them that they ought to stop complaining about the people they were dating and start dating each other, my daughter and her best friend finally took our advice, and by summer, Jessica and Adam were in love. Adam decided to join us on our vacation, and they decided that the romance of a cruise would be best spent in a cabin together. When my husband said "not unless you're married," the date of the wedding got moved up several months. They thought at first that they'd try to get married in San Juan, our port of debarkation. The logistics of this proved to be too "iffy" - they'd only have a three hour window to get the legal papers, and if the plane was even 30 minutes behind schedule, that would mess it all up. So, they decided to get married the week before our cruise, and we had three months from engagement to wedding day to get everything together. I had always planned to help my daughter with her wedding, but that was not to be. Because my parents planned my wedding, I wanted Jessica to have the wedding SHE wanted, rather than what I wanted. Well, she and Adam planned everything, and we just wrote the checks. Yes, I did go with her while she tried on every dress in Atlanta (whew!), and that was fun! But it really was a blessing for her to be able to plan out everything with her groom-to-be. The wedding was memorable, both for its sentimentality and for all the little things that went wrong - as they do in all weddings. In fact, it's those little things that really make for the biggest smiles when we recall our daughter's wedding day and our own wedding day. Because they got married the week before the cruise, all their friends were able to be there. The cruise afterward was great - they had their honeymoon, and we had a much-needed vacation. We did see them a couple of times onboard, but for the most part, we really had two separate cruises! We only saw them twice in port - once in St. John when Jessica heard her dad's laughter and had to come over to say hello, and once at Carlos and Charlie's in Aruba where we had planned to meet to celebrate Adam's birthday. In all, things worked out so wonderfully. Yes, the ship we were on had several mechanical problems, and the service on the ship was far from the best, but just the whole wedding/cruise experience was terrific. I really hope the OP has some good memories when she looks back on this experience, but most of all, I wish the new bride and groom a wonderful future together. As several people have said (and as all of us married folk know), it's the marriage that's important, not the wedding.

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I'll tell you what, Clarkk, it wasn't easy! But in the end, it made for a lot less hassles, and when things didn't go just the way she wanted, at least she couldn't blame me! We all have wonderful memories of the day, and thankfully, Jessica really did appreciate the advice my husband and I gave her, because we only offered advice when she asked for it. (It really made it a lot less aggravating for us, too, because we didn't have to worry about any of the details!)

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I'm surprised someone didn't end up "missing" on that cruise.


What? Darn, I lost fifty bucks on that...


....w/ 9 huge suitcases, a huge box...and some carry-ons full of decorations.... flowers....and yes I admit I took some booze


That made this whole thread worth reading.


Hall of Fame material right there.

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....w/ 9 huge suitcases, a huge box...and some carry-ons full of decorations.... flowers....and yes I admit I took some booze


Wonder what all . . . the screeners were thinking . . . when they saw all this luggage for . . . a 4-day cruise . . . I don't know why I . . . have the sudden urge to add elipses (the added dots) . . . in this thread . . . it's strange . . . you know . . .?


I'm not surprised, however, that the OP hasn't been back to defend herself since the "here's how it all turned out" post. Maybe she's in therapy now? Or moved to Atlanta to be closer to daughter & SIL, I mean, they all :rolleyes: just got married didn't they?


Oh well - just glad she's not my mother.

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Best. Complaint. Thread. Ever. A+++ Would recommend to friends!!


I'm glad the wedding worked out, as it seems. If I ever get married, it will probably take place on land, after reading about this and other things. I'll save the cruise for the honeymoon, sans relatives.


I laughed :p, I cried :(, it became a part of me :D:D:D. Two thumbs up!

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Wonder what all . . . the screeners were thinking . . . when they saw all this luggage for . . . a 4-day cruise . . . I don't know why I . . . have the sudden urge to add elipses (the added dots) . . . in this thread . . . it's strange . . . you know . . .?


I'm not surprised, however, that the OP hasn't been back to defend herself since the "here's how it all turned out" post. Maybe she's in therapy now? Or moved to Atlanta to be closer to daughter & SIL, I mean, they all :rolleyes: just got married didn't they?


Oh well - just glad she's not my mother.


Just think what that Son-in-law has to look forward to:D :D :D :D

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I'm not surprised, however, that the OP hasn't been back to defend herself since the "here's how it all turned out" post. Maybe she's in therapy now? Or moved to Atlanta to be closer to daughter & SIL, I mean, they all :rolleyes: just got married didn't they?


Oh well - just glad she's not my mother.


She has not had time to come back as she is starting a new business as a Wedding Planner. Based on the success of this event she is turning it into a new profession.

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I always find it interesting the different trails a thread will lead to ..... the different takes folks have on things and direction things go....


There are those of you that actually read the thread and understood what the point was....RCCL needs to work on training and has really lost the handle on customer service. That whether it is the folks that answer the huge phone bank, their supervisors, the group dept, their supervisors and various other levels of the RCCL ladder...non of which are high enough to make a difference...at least the ones that are acessable to the general public and TAs, most of the ones that we delt with need to attend a new course on customer service.....and just general policy and perhaps a geograhy class.


I welcomed the advise and new ideas on what some of you thought we could do to resolve this problem...after all that is what I thought this board was all about...former cruisers exchanging ideas to make a cruise better... secrets uncovered on ports of call...the myths and the truths


Some of you feel that I was way out of line...."demanding answers" right after a hurrican....no demands....just what I felt would be simple answers to policy....after all these folks are in the business of dealing with natural disasters and silly me for thinking that there would be some policies in place that they could implement.


Again I will remind all of you, I did not demand to know where this cruise would go as soon as Wilma had moved on...all I wantd to know was if their policy was to cancel cruises....and what the alternate ports could be!!!! Not WOULD be...but could.....I beleive we have been over this point before.


I was shocked at the responce i got from so many levels of RCCL on this point....everyting from "we are still sailing to cozumel"...to "any port in the caribbean can be subbed"...and my favorite...."Tampa..will probably be the port that will be subbed" and I felt that this board was the perfect forum to let folks know what they could.....(not would, but that there was a chance they could )..receive as customer service.


There are those of you who focussed on the fact that we should never have planned this for a cruise....after all something could happen... last time I looked, having it on land does not solve this problem. Lets see, shoud we stop all weddings in the "square" states after all a tornado is possible to tear down the church, or a spring wedding in the states along the mississippi....could be a flood, how bout if we wait till we get some rain in texas and oklahoma...lets cancel all wedings till then....because the chirch could go up in smoke! A natural disaster is just that.... natural... and the last time I looked not a single person on this board could predict one.


Then there are the observations from some of you that just do not add up. One of my favorites is the short exchange about the liquor we took on board and the conclusion that we were not interested in a cocktail party just set ups for our own booze. Nothing could be farther from the truth. RCCL had a policy that you could purchase bottles on board and take them to your cabin...they changed this policy in aug or sept. We inquired as to our options....even suggesting that we purchase bottles from room service (knowing that this would mean huge $$$$) we explained that when folks can to our room we wanted to be able to offer them a drink, like you would in your home. We knew our cabin would be the center for activitiy and planned on folks dropping by as they got on board and we sailed away. RCCL told us our only option was if someone wanted a drink they would need to go to the bar and bring it back. They never mentioned the coktail party option. Do any of you actually think that after paying for 12 cabins on the 3rd floor, a balcony on the 6th and our OS that bringing our own liquor on board to save money was a concern.....


I really tryed to make an effort to get on the ship and not let the events of dealing with the land folks have an effect on my outlook of the crew. What I found was that there were only 2 kinds of folks on this ship... the ones we expected, those folks that obviously love what they do and enjoy being nice. These are the folks that will go out of their way to try to make your cruise a memorable experience. ALL of the cabin stewards that this group had... and we had cabins on every floor and in every $ catagory were wonderful... and went way beyond the "call of duty". And then there were those that went to the same training class that "bingo bob" the bingo **** attended...."I must call the numbers every 15 seconds".... hey its a game....we all paid to have fun!!!!!! And there was no one in between.


It is easy to blame the TA for no resolution on the $300 cabin difference and for the table assignments....she did not do her job......perhaps, but she did cover her a**....because she copied me on all correspondence and replies. As for the conclusion that she was tired of dealing with me and my "demands", I seriously doubt it....she was shocked at RCCLs way they handled this entire trip and has a huge file with everything documented ( most things not addressed on this board) and is putting it together to send out. And by the way, we have known each other since we were little girls. So again, many of your conclusions are incorrect.


I supose the part of this thread that surprised me the most was the fact that of the 11 pages of posts so many were spent on passing judgement on our lifestyle, the fact that my x usband and I do not get along, my involvement in planning this wedding, sentement for the "poor groom" and unfair snipes as to why I did not respond and defend myself. Am I on trial...


I am sure that each and every poster on these boards comes from a different economic background, a different educational background, has a different family make-up, lives in a different part of the country or part of the world, belongs to a different religion and race and for all of you who want to judge others based on your own beleifs then I might suggest you look for a different set of boards....the last time I looked these boards were to exchange cruise discussions....not pass judgement on folks and get way off topic speculating on things that have nothing to do with the origanal post.


If I had actually demanded that RCCL tell me where this ship was headed the day after wilma had left cozumel as some of you think I did...then you woud have every right to tell me to back off .... but that is not what I did and not why this thread was started.


Can't imagine why you would cruise with people you do not like.....can't beleive someone was not missing off of this cruise.... these remarks are really not helpful and again, have nothing to do with RCCL and the lack of concern in their minimal customer service by some folks.


Am I disappointed with RCCL....yes I am....will I cruise the line again, since this is sooooo completly different an experiance from our former one on the Navigator....I might...but RCCL will not be my 1st choice.


Would I advocate that others plan a wedding on a cruise....I would, dispite all of the negatives, we had a good time. It was the perfect solution for the marraige of 2 people that live half way accross the country from their parents who live 1000s of miles apart from each other. There was no place that the wedding could be held, that the majority of the guests would not have to travel a good distance to. So this was a good idea.... and those that attended really had a good time. Dispite what many of you think....and have concluded from a limited knowledge of the actual events.


Again, I thank all of you, that wanted to help, for your suggestions.


and really think this thread needs to be retired.



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O no! But Can't I just say one more thing? I just spent an hour reading all this and for anyone else who may be reading here is my take...O.K. so you don't care what that is! I have learned one new thing...I was considering planning a family (for 16) cruise to celebrate my SIL's 40th Bday. No longer!! We may consider going on the same cruise but everyone will be in charge of their own booking. If we see each other so much the better, but if not.... and the other thing has been confirmed...some people are half full and some are half empty. I am now determined to be half full. THanks very much for the entertainment and please don't plan such an important event in the middle or end of the hurricane season!! I think therein lies the underlying problem. Try to remember too, we haven't walked in their moccasins have we...

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