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Mitsugirlys FASCINATION with San Juan-review & pictorial


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Complaining or just being honest? I've been on several cruises now but still look to other reviews for ideas for our next, whenever that may be. I prefer honesty in reviews so I have a better idea of what to expect. I'd especially hate to be a new cruiser getting my first experience and having it be a let down because every review I read was by someone who had the "perfect cruise". As for the reviews where everything was terrible? No interest because I find them hard to believe. Have you ever taken the time to write a review? They take a lot of time, time that those writing could be spending time on other things, and for others to criticize is just rude.


Mitsugirly, thank you for all of your time and effort. I know you've got your family, your job, and school - I still don't know how you have the time to do these awesome reviews, but I sure enjoy them and the ideas I get for "next time".


Thank you for your thoughts.


This is exactly why I put my "disclaimer" in the beginning of all of my reviews:

I tell my story through my eyes and my take on things. Everyone may not agree or have the same opinion, and that's ok, but I'm honest with the way "I" see things.

I do my reviews as honest as I can and I know everyone has a different expectation during a cruise and will have a different experience, even when on the same cruise.



Another enjoyable review



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Thank you. :)

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Is that a typo or do they seriously have candy that costs $125.99 a pound ???




:p Not a typo, just an exaggeration because when you walk out of there with everything you want, it feels like that's how much they charge. :D




If you're ever in Oahu, Hawaii, then you should take her to Kualoa Ranch. They also filmed Jurassic park there, I believe the 1st one and the last time I was there (about 5 years ago) they still had the huge foot imprint from one of the dinosaurs in the movie. It was really cool to see. They also took you to other spots where the movie was filmed. Actually a really cool experience and the ranch was unbelievably beautiful.


Oooooo, thanks for the info. Is this a place the cruise line goes to? It might happen if we ever get to do a Hawaii cruise. :)



Edited because I just checked out that link.... LOST areas, like Hurley’s golf course! Now I must go. Lost was my all time favorite show!!!

Edited by mitsugirly
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Oooooo, thanks for the info. Is this a place the cruise line goes to? It might happen if we ever get to do a Hawaii cruise. :)



Edited because I just checked out that link.... LOST areas, like Hurley’s golf course! Now I must go. Lost was my all time favorite show!!!


Yes! A lot of great shows and movies were filmed there. It was a fun tour.


I really don't know it the cruise offers this tour. I haven't been on a Hawaii Cruise but NCL's itinerary is on my list. We did a land vacation when we visited Hawaii and stayed at the Turtle Bay Resort. It was great but expensive (thankfully hubby got a great discount due to his job). We rented a car and drove everywhere. The north shore (where the ranch is) of Oahu is amazing. I think the drive to the ranch from the Honolulu port would be less than an hour and you can still hit the beach after. Hope you get to go one day! I know I keep adding places to my list. :D

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Not sure if anyone has ask this question, but where did you find the Mermaid swimsuit. I just love it. I would like to get one for my friends little girl. If you could provide the website that would be great...Loving your review.



Finfunmermaid dot com


We got ours there years ago and I

Passed on the info. My girls are 13, 12, and 12 and still use them in the pool.



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10 minutes of sitting there and I'm bored. Ok, time to head back out in the water. I seriously can not sit still for a minute. I hate it. I'm on the go constantly on cruises. So much to see and do and I'm afraid I'll miss something.





The official term for your condition is FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). LOL. I suffer from it myself. I'm glad I found your review, better late than never, I knew you were going somewhere, had been looking on NCL boards, but hadn't popped over to Carnival for awhile. Really enjoying your review.

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Yes! A lot of great shows and movies were filmed there. It was a fun tour.


I really don't know it the cruise offers this tour. I haven't been on a Hawaii Cruise but NCL's itinerary is on my list. We did a land vacation when we visited Hawaii and stayed at the Turtle Bay Resort. It was great but expensive (thankfully hubby got a great discount due to his job). We rented a car and drove everywhere. The north shore (where the ranch is) of Oahu is amazing. I think the drive to the ranch from the Honolulu port would be less than an hour and you can still hit the beach after. Hope you get to go one day! I know I keep adding places to my list. :D


I was reading the link and seen all the shows that were filmed there. Pretty neat.




Not sure if anyone has ask this question, but where did you find the Mermaid swimsuit. I just love it. I would like to get one for my friends little girl. If you could provide the website that would be great...Loving your review.


Sakari found it (commercials are doing their thing). :p It's a place called fin fun mermaid tail . com They have tons of different colors and styles. She has been begging for the "nemo" and "dori" one lately. She says her goal is to collect all of them. :eek:

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I've also loved reading your review! Thank you so much for all the in depth photos and reviews. So helpful! And inspiring!


I would also love to know where you purchased the mermaid tail swimsuit? TIA!


Thank you so much. I appreciate it.


Fin fun mermaid tail . com


Patiently waiting for Barbados:p:D;)


Coming right up :D

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Finfunmermaid dot com


We got ours there years ago and I

Passed on the info. My girls are 13, 12, and 12 and still use them in the pool.



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:D Whoops, didn't realize you had answered.


The official term for your condition is FOMO (Fear of Missing Out). LOL. I suffer from it myself. I'm glad I found your review, better late than never, I knew you were going somewhere, had been looking on NCL boards, but hadn't popped over to Carnival for awhile. Really enjoying your review.



I like that. I'm sticking with that from now on. Thanks! :p


Yep, I like to mix things up a little. That way people have to really work for it to find them. :p It's back to NCL for me next.

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DAY 4-BARBADOS!!!!!! Woo hoo!










So this is (was) my first time here and I was super excited. Even though I had never been here before, I knew that one thing that Barbados is known for is turtles. We seen turtles for the first time in Bermuda last year and we were so excited. However, as soon as they seen you, they were "outta here". They would never let us get close. I've tried going several places before where they say you're sure to see some, but with no luck. So I knew for sure I wanted to see me some turtles!


I searched the boards and a lot of people suggested The Boatyard. I did find other places that looked appealing as well...and I only looked elsewhere because I know that the Boatyard is close to the port and figured it would be crowded because that's where most would head.


However, what sealed the deal for me was when The Boatyard emailed me back saying that it was $20 to get in and INCLUDED a free drink for everyone, 2 chairs and 1 umbrella AND MOST OF ALL....IT INCLUDED A BOAT TRIP TO SWIM WITH THE TURTLES!!! At no added cost! Yep, that did it for me! We were going to The boatyard! Others had said that you can find vendors along the beaches that would take you out to the turtles for $20pp. I'm paying $20 pp and I get everything else too.


So...from the beginning...


I set my alarm for 6:45am and we headed up to the buffet grill outside by the pool again.


Like always, there wasn't many out and about and there was no line. I just can't believe this! I feel like I'm the only one on the ship most of the time. But I thought it was so nice for Carnival to throw me this exclusive cruise.





First day eggs, second day eggs and croissant then you combine the eggs on the croissant to make a breakfast sandwich. Just mix it up a little each morning.





This is obviously the hubbys or Sakari's plate because I don't eat ham nor is my name Sam.







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The windows they open up on the pool deck. They kinda scared me because it gave B access to sticking his head out at any given moment or body parts depending on his mood.





It was 8am and I knew we could get off around then. Beepppshhhhbooommmm went the intercom sound on the pool deck and everyone jumped. What the heck is that??? I took it as a sign and we all headed to our rooms to get our beach bags, have my cooler bag filled with ice for drinks, and off the ship we went at 8:10am.





Once we were off, we really wasn't sure which way to go.






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The paparazzi was waiting for us to exit and they managed to get a picture out of us.





We had to ask which way to go and they pointed "that way" and off we went.


They had a neat sign and we had to stop for pictures.











There was a really nice lady (couple) that was standing behind us waiting to get their pictures done. She ask if I'd like her to take a picture of all of us. "Why yes, thank you".


We all did a funny pose and she snapped the picture. She said "Let me get a few more" and took 2 more pictures and handed me the camera back. These are the pictures she took:









Then she ask if I would take a picture of her and her husband. So I did and we were on our way.

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We entered a building and it had a lot of stores. However, there wasn't anyone open, which I found that strange. I mean I'm sure they know what time the ship is in port. Although it didn't matter to me because we always do our shopping after we return.















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Of course several people approached us and ask where we planned on going and tried to get us to go some place else. We told them "no, we are going to The Boatyard". Several tried to talk us out of it and I walked away and on to the next.




Another guy said "I'll take you there" and we followed him.





He said follow me and we walked down past the taxis. Um....ok.





We passed up all of the taxis. Now I'm feeling a little uneasy.


I look back:





Then all of a sudden he takes off running! :eek: We were just left standing there and confused. We started to walk back and another driver approached us and ask us where we were going and he would take us. He told us to walk outside the gates with him.




The family did not look too thrilled so I ask him why we had to walk outside. He told us in order to take a private taxi and not have to wait on a taxi to fill up, we would have to go outside. If we caught the taxis inside, they would not leave until they were full. Ok, good enough for me.



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Once we got in the van, the driver told us "You know they charge you to get in to The Boatyard"? "Yep, I'm well aware of that, but thanks for letting me know."














Sorry, it wasn't a very interesting ride there. It was a short ride. I think it took 10 minutes to get there.



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The driver stops in the middle of the road and then does this huge U turn and pulls in.










I like this place already...






We checked in and paid our fee's of $20 pp. They put wrist bands on us and ask us about the boat trip out to the turtles. They said their first one would probably be around 9am and they would have them throughout the day. I told him we wanted to be first on the list. He added our names and said when it was time, we'd hear them call for us.


About that time we heard a noise...it was a familiar noise. It was a noise I had hoped we wouldn't hear the entire cruise. It was POURING! The sky turned dark and opened up. (Look closely at the pictures, you can see the rain drops in the blue sky part, which I thought was pretty cool).





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I took this picture and posted it for all to see back home. Everyone was sad that we were not having good weather. However, look at the picture closely. You see the dark angry clouds, but if you look at the sand, the sun is shining on it. Yep, the sun was over us with 10 minutes and we would have the most beautiful sunny day there.





We headed out and to the left and picked a spot in the first row. I wanted to be able to see the munkin(s) from my chair if needed (well you know, with my FOMO disorder, I would only be in the chair no more than 10 minutes tops anyhow). See the hubby is leaving me already (picture below).




They put the umbrella up for us and they had the huge, thick cushions up at the building. The hubby went up and grabbed one (and by grabbed one, I meant came back dragging it because it was heavier than dragging an 8 year old mermaid kicking and screaming). Then he would do this x2 in order to put one in the chair I wouldn't be occupying during the day and all. Actually I would spend so little time there that I didn't even get a picture of it. LOL





The kids were the first to hit the water of course.





I have to admit, this place was GORGEOUS! The sand was beautiful and soft and the color of it was amazing. The water was clear and blue and just so pretty.





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OMG I'm so glad you got to Barbados before I left!! I was hoping you guys went to the Boatyard, it's such an awesome place. I hope the rest of your day went well. I'm assuming your boat trip was with Nevile? Never mind, I'll wait (somewhat) patiently.


I can't quote multi posts on here, but thank you for your well wishes, sounds like you have taken on the superstitious "days" and been fine LOL. I'm just glad I'm not flying out on 9/11.


I hear you about the girls cruise idea, I can kind of see your daughters point and yours-maybe when Sakari is older and you can categorize her less as a kid(which might be how Kendra is seeing it) and more of a cohort? Or if the guys in your family do a "guys trip" with your grandson?


Anyway I look forward to reading more next week! When are you guys off to the Epic?


Thanks again for writing this and all of your reviews, in light of some of the less positive comments you receive...you definitely inspire me to try my hand at it and get to your level one day!







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It was hot out and I hit the water too.








We decided to swim out to the water toys...I made it out there first. I may be 50, but I hauled my fat butt up that ladder like I was superwoman. I might have been huffing and puffing after I got up there, as I tucked away the big "S" on my chest, but hey, I wasn't about to let anyone else know that.


Kendra was struggling for some reason. She was way behind.




She comes up and yells "mom, look what I found". I had no idea what it was. I had just put my "S" away and my x-ray vision was not working now.





She made it!





Now show me what you got! She placed this in my hand:






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So I'm going to share a "smaller" picture of a "bigger" Kendra now. This was what was holding her back. She's never had these before and well, this was her first experience in buoyancy. :p




You see she got new tata's when I was on my last cruise on the Breeze (which is one that she has been wanting to go on FOREVER) and at the last moment, she decided to buy some tata's. I hated that she was having surgery while I was on the ship and told her I was upset that I was not going to be around to take care of her. Like a stubborn child, she did it anyhow.


She struggled for awhile with swimming and jumping on the trampoline...I don't think was her forte either. (See my daughters matching tat on her foot too).





Sakari made it too and up the ladder she came.





Sakari was having a blast jumping








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