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Funniest Complaints Heard While Cruising


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The weather I am sure is one of the most common complaints. The weather is too hot, too cold, too sunny, too rainy, too windy, too calm, too whatever.


This was told to me by a guest services manager on the Majesty cruise I was on. They had a customer who did not know how to use their iPhone. They went to Guest Services because they knew that if they left it on that they would have large bills. Guest services held set her phone to airplane mode and told her to leave it in this mode during the cruise to not have phone calls, text, messages, and vampire data (updates, etc) being used.


Well, she left guest services and of course was unable to make a phone call, or send a text or update her facebook page or the like, so the set the phone back to normal, and then got a VERY large bill for all the data she used. She called RCCL corporate and complained that They should pay the bill because it was on the ship, etc. It made it back to the manager, and he remembered the woman and explained it to corporate what happened.


Some people never will listen to anyone.

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On the MSC Orchestra (Italian line) we were on a repositioning from Genoa to Ft. Lauderdale with many stops in the Med and Morocco. A good international mix of guests with the majority American. Fabulous meals with at least one dish a night representative of a country we visited that day.


Three or four days into the cruise, DH, being polite, asked an American couple if they were enjoying the cruise. The woman went ballistic and said her children were going to starve as their was no McDonalds or hot dogs on the ship:eek:


Some people should just never leave home:rolleyes:

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On the Carnival Paradise in October 2001 my father shared his cabin on the Riveria Deck with my aunt. During the night my aunt complained that she heard a dog barking that kept her up most of the night. Turns out it was her five year old granddaughter who was in the cabin next door who had a bad cough. My cousin had to take her to see the doctor in the middle of the night.

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On another Carnival cruise my mother in law met the Executive Chef who was from Austria. My mother in law who was born and raised in Germany started a conversation with him. He complained that only two other crew members spoke German and he missed speaking the language. He told her he would have one of the chefs cook any German speciality she wanted and they could spend a few hours together. Finally my mother in law suggested a special German cake that she enjoyed. A few hours later he had the pastry chef make the cake and she met him in the Captains Dining Room for coffee and cake. They met up numerous times during the seven day Caribbean cruise. She couldn't believe that the Indian chef could make such a tasty German cake.

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A couple of cruises ago on the first night our bed broke. Just plopped me on the floor. DH & I had a good laugh, pushed the bed back together & went back to sleep. Next morning we told the room steward (who was horrified that we hadn't called him at 2 am). He said the gentleman on the last cruise was rather substantial (what an understatement, the welds on the bed were broken, but couldn't be seen as broken - our room steward was not to blame).


We didn't think another thing about it until dinner when the hotel director came to our table (with a really nice bottle of wine) & asked if we were all right, we said oh we're fine. He looked perplexed & said, didn't your bed break last night? We said it had, but that after 45 years it was rather exciting...all cruise we kept getting gifts in our cabin. Our table mates were in hysterics.



This one made me laugh out loud.


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We where on Freedom almost 15 years ago. Eating dinner in Chops.


You know how close the tables are. Sitting next to us was a older couple. she received her steak and said it was wrong......I thought really you didn't even cut it. They took it away and brought her another one again she said its not right, its not cooked right. The waiter cut it open and showed her it was a perfect medium rare.


The lady refused and sent it back. 3rd steak came out again, it was wrong, again the waiter cut into it and it looked med rare to me.


On the 4th steak The lady shook her head and said its wrong and I can not eat it. The waiter in a sweet voice said "would you like me to feed it to you."



Our dinner was over by then so we don't know if she ever ate her steak. Her husband had finished his by the 2nd steak.


To this day when ever someone is complaining unrealistically we say "would you like me to feed it to you"

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I used to do customer service, so I can really empathize with what the customer service reps on board have to go trough for 8 hours a day.


Best complaints I have heard from cruise passengers came up right here on CC! The terms "aerosolized fecal matter" or "hookah herb" should bring back some memories to some! However a search on those terms didn't seem to turn up the original post.


I know this isn't cruise related, but this thread reminds me of an old Fawlty Towers episode where an older lady is complaining that she paid for a room with an ocean view. The hotel manager points her to the window and says "It's over there between the land and the sky".

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Standing in line for the tender and a female pushing her way to the front of the line.........stating she needed to get a shady place for her skin (We guessed it was the skin she was wearing, didn't see any other:D)


Same thing happened to us at Grand Cayman. We were on an excursion out to Stingray City, and a man demanded I get up and give him my seat because he had a sunburn. I had a little bit of a sunburn, and said I needed the shade too but he was welcome to sit next to me. He said he wanted my seat and I needed to move. He was pretty rude about it, so I did give him my seat, but I wondered why he had chosen an excursion where you stand out in the ocean.

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Some people should just never leave home:rolleyes:


You are so right. Some people shouldn't even leave their neighborhood.


My sister-in-law from a mid-Western state came to visit us in South Carolina. She complained about everything. That the eggs were from a different company, she couldn't find her normal brand of sausage, the bread was different.


I had been very accommodating to ask if the kids had allergies or she wanted any specific items. I went grocery shopping before she got into town and even went a town away hoping to find items that might be more familiar (we had a Kroger in the next town).


When we visited her in her hometown later that year, I remarked to my nephew that we had a fun time with them. He said "We had fun too, but Mommy said she would rather die than come back to your house ever again." You could see her ready to fade into the floor. She was apologizing profusely and saying she didn't know why her son said that. I told her "Kids just repeat what they hear."

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14 years ago we were on a Carnival cruise that docked in Roatan. The port was very new at the time. We took a ship's excursion to the beach on the north side of the island. We were taken to and from the beach in an old school bus. Upon boarding for the return, a lady demanded to have transport in a vehicle with seat belts. She stood there and argued that it wasn't safe to go back to port without seat belts. The driver waited a while then left without her. I'm not really sure how she managed to get back to the ship.


Our last cruise docked in Roatan. We had the Ben & Jerry's Sweet (our first inside room) and couldn't see what the weather was like. We had booked a ship's excursion to an island off of Roatan with an open bar. I got up to the pool deck to grab some towels and saw it was sprinkling and was overcast. Went back to the room and we decided to remain on board. At times, it was raining so hard we couldn't even see the island and the deck couldn't drain fast enough so there was literally 4 inches of water standing. But it was a warm rain and we parked our loungers under the track and stayed dry. DH later says he was going to go to GS to see if they would refund our money. I told him that I doubted they would because they can't control the weather. I was shocked that they did refund all of the money. Next morning at breakfast we were seated with a couple. He said they went on the tour but had a bad time because of all the rain. To top it off, they would only refund half of the price of the excursion! He became further upset when he heard we got a full refund. Apparently using the transportation to the boat, taking the boat to the island and back, and having free drinks all day he felt they didn't incur any costs. :rolleyes:

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I used to do customer service, so I can really empathize with what the customer service reps on board have to go trough for 8 hours a day.


Best complaints I have heard from cruise passengers came up right here on CC! The terms "aerosolized fecal matter" or "hookah herb" should bring back some memories to some! However a search on those terms didn't seem to turn up the original post.


I know this isn't cruise related, but this thread reminds me of an old Fawlty Towers episode where an older lady is complaining that she paid for a room with an ocean view. The hotel manager points her to the window and says "It's over there between the land and the sky".


Fawlty Towers - one of my favorite shows. On one cruise, we went to a TV tunes trivia. Instead of playing the tunes on a cd, the staff member running the trivia played the tunes on the piano. The last tune he played was the Fawlty Towers theme. Before he played, he pretty much said that most of us probably wouldn't know it. Our team was the only one who guessed correctly, and we won!.



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I live in Annapolis and have sailed the Chesapeake Bay for 35 years. Though this didn't happen on a cruise ship, it happened on my sailboat on a trip to St Michaels.


We arrived and tied up behind a fishing boat at the fuel dock to fill up on diesel fuel. The fishing boat ahead of us had also just arrived and was planning to gas up. Frank.., a transplanted New Yorker,, who managed the marina greeted the fisherman first. I listened to the conversation that went like this...


Frank said ..."Good Afternoon...do you need to fill up?"

The fisherman replied, " Looks like your pump price is $3.25 a gallon.., is that correct?"

Frank nodded his head with a "Yep".

The fisherman went on.." The marina over by the Crab Claw is only $3.05 a gallon"

Frank looked across the harbor first then replied; "Why don't you go over there and fill up?

The fisherman said; "They are out of fuel"

Frank smiled and said; "Oh..well when I'm out of fuel, my price is only $2.95 a gallon"


You gotta love New Yorkers :D:D

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We were on a Norwegian Fjords cruise and were at a Q&A with the officers and one lady complained to the Captain that the wardrobe (closet) doors opened outwards and took up space in the cabin. The same woman wanted to know why the kids club didn't cater for 6 month old babies. The cruise director politely told her that if the family did not want to care for the baby themselves then perhaps a cruise was not the right holiday for them.



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Like several of the previous posts mentioning MSC on this thread, we were on the MSC Divina. A woman was complaining loudly about the "bad" Italian food on the ship because she always ate in the Olive Garden and knew good Italian food. :rolleyes: She also didn't understand why the ship didn't have the "good" deep dish Chicago pizza instead of the stuff the Neapolitan head pizza chef was making.

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Same thing happened to us at Grand Cayman. We were on an excursion out to Stingray City, and a man demanded I get up and give him my seat because he had a sunburn. I had a little bit of a sunburn, and said I needed the shade too but he was welcome to sit next to me. He said he wanted my seat and I needed to move. He was pretty rude about it, so I did give him my seat, but I wondered why he had chosen an excursion where you stand out in the ocean.


WHAT?!?!?!?! :eek::mad:


I am truly baffled by this. How do you just demand someone else's seat?

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For our honeymoon, my wife and I sailed on the Brilliance of the Seas, when it was doing a 10 night "Circle the Caribbean" itinerary. It was a delayed honeymoon, as we were unable to travel right after our wedding due to work related issues. Overall we had a wonderful time, and it was the first of 10 cruises (to date) that we had taken.


One morning, we were having breakfast on our balcony and just enjoying catching up on events and things in the months since our wedding. From the balcony next door, an older couple started talking in German and it was apparent they were not happy -- we ignored them, but their voices kept getting louder, and then they banged their fist on the balcony dividers.


What this couple didn't know is that my wife is from Germany, and she of course understood everything the couple was saying ... and it was "how rude" WE Americans were for having the audacity to talk above a whisper at 9:30 in the morning. We smiled but let it go, as it wasn't worth the grief of pursuing.


The next morning, we again had breakfast on the balcony, talking in a normal tone of voice, and our new German "friends" again started complaining -- again IN GERMAN.


At this point my wife looked around the barrier, and in perfect Hochtdeutsch (with a Swabish accent), proceeded to tell them off, and advising them if they didn't stop complaining we'd make sure to raise our voices even louder.


From that point on, nary a peep of a complaint from our neighbors.



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Just read this in another (current) RC thread:


"It seams that all the Pepper Grinders have been taken off the Dinning Room Tables ... no Pepper Grinders ... Its driving others crazy as RCCL regular Pepper Shakers are useless." :eek:


It's a really sore topic with some of the posters. :D

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I recently got married to a lovely woman from Colombia. We are cruising this Sunday and it will be her first cruise. A couple of days ago she asked me will the ship stop at night? Answering no the ship sails constantly till we reach Bermuda, she gave me a startled look and said won't the Captain be tired after steering the ship for 2 days!

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A couple of years ago while sailing on Explorer, we were standing in line at Cafe Promenade waiting to be served. A very well dressed with massive amounts of jewelry lady came up to the counter. She started shouting her order for a drink, when the staff ignored her she pushed her way into the front of the line and repeated her order. The staff promptly asked her to go to the end of the line, to which she replied, "but I am a suite guest". The staff again told her that she had to wait her turn and to go to the end of the line.

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The (now no longer sister-in-law) asked that the poppy seeds be removed from the poppy seed dressing.


Sailing way back when - salad dressings were part of the salad, not brought around for one to choose. Come to think of it, think we're back to the dumped on the salad, oh well.


Can't help but remember this every time I see something with poppy seeds.


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WHAT?!?!?!?! :eek::mad:




I am truly baffled by this. How do you just demand someone else's seat?



I don't really know how a person of conscience does this, much less a man raised right. Although that explains a lot of it. Manners have gone by the wayside.



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This wasn't on a cruise, but at the airport on our way to the cruise.


We had just arrived at bag claim and people from an earlier flight were still waiting for their bags. Overheard a lady nearby loudly complaining that she had been waiting for over 30 minutes for her bags. Got a little nervous about a potential delay so prepared myself for a wait. Not long after, noticed that the lady had found an airport employee and was berating him about the '45 minute wait' she had to endure. I wasn't really paying attention to the time, but didn't think that 15 minutes had passed already.


Later she again caught my attention as she was telling some people near her about her 'hour wait' for bags. Not long after that, her bags arrived and off she went. The people standing next to me started to laugh, and when I gave them a questioning glance, they told me that they had only been there 20 minutes and had arrived with the lady. Her hour was apparently only about 20 minutes of regular people time! I guess time is relative. . .

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