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Got sick on the Splendor not fun!


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My husband and i were on the Splendor last week. It was a great cruise for the most part.

The food was good, the people were nice.. it was good except for 2 things . #1. the muster drill was HORRIBLE. 45 mins long!! Very unorganized and a total waste of 45 minutes.


And #2. my husband got a stomach virus on about the 4th day, got real bad on the 5th day. He went to medical and they treated him for free, which was my first clue that they knew something was going on. Then I got it and our friends wife got it. We then heard that the waiters roommate had it, and a singer in the shows had it and a few other people on the cruise that we knew of got it.


I'm happy that they treated him but they quarantined him in his room but didn't quarantine me which made no sense..


I got home yesterday and had to work today and it was not plesant because my stomach is still cramping up.


I'm thinking I should call carnival and express my dissatisfaction with what happened but I'm not sure what to do?

Edited by dogchopper
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You can certainly express your feelings via the online survey too. I personally think comments and complaints are sometimes given more thought via writing rather than someone on the phone that is just looking to end the call. I doubt you are going to have access to anyone of true importance anyway. Hope you are feeling better.

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You can call and complain but I'm sure all that will happen is they will simply say in sorry. IMO best to just let it go.


Muster drills can take longer when people don't show up and they wait for them. Nothing can be done about that.


As far as the stomach issues, I doubt they will say anything other than sorry you had issues. Even if there was a virus on this ship at that time they aren't going to tell you. It doesn't benefit them to say multiple people were sick. And again a stomach issue could come from anywhere. Could be another passenger brought it on board or picked it up st a port. Could be from something eaten while in port. They won't admit any kind of fault if that's what you are looking for.

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The same thing happened to my wife and I on the Dream last year. My wife got sick first and then I followed about two days later. She was restricted to the cabin for a day as I was when I got sick. Free medical care and they gave us free on-demand movies while we were restricted. The cost of our excursions (privately arranged) we missed while sick were reimbursed by our travel insurance without any problem. Fun times? Nope but I can't expect anything more from Carnival because who knows where it came from. As someone else pointed out...with 3,000 passengers in close proximity your chances of getting sick increase greatly. The only thing you can do is religious washing of hands and trying to avoid touching things others did.

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I don't know what you expect Carnival to do. Sorry you got sick on your cruise but you have no idea where you picked up the germs. Who do you call when you get sick at home? Illness happens, all you can do to try to avoid them is wash your hands often and don't touch your face.

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My husband and i were on the Splendor last week. It was a great cruise for the most part.

The food was good, the people were nice.. it was good except for 2 things . #1. the muster drill was HORRIBLE. 45 mins long!! Very unorganized and a total waste of 45 minutes.


And #2. my husband got a stomach virus on about the 4th day, got real bad on the 5th day. He went to medical and they treated him for free, which was my first clue that they knew something was going on. Then I got it and our friends wife got it. We then heard that the waiters roommate had it, and a singer in the shows had it and a few other people on the cruise that we knew of got it.


I'm happy that they treated him but they quarantined him in his room but didn't quarantine me which made no sense..


I got home yesterday and had to work today and it was not plesant because my stomach is still cramping up.


I'm thinking I should call carnival and express my dissatisfaction with what happened but I'm not sure what to do?


So sorry you were sick during your cruise. Not a fun vacation when you are sick.


Muster drill - I was on splendor several weeks ago and it was also unorganized. A total pain and they had to wait for everyone to show up and scan their cards, then call out those names who weren't there. Took forever. But it is not a waste of time, this must be done. I agree it could be better organized, but for the most part its the ones who do not show up that cause the delays.


Stomach virus - again, sorry and it is not fun. But this can happen anywhere and is no one's fault. My dad was sick and in and out of hospitals and other long-care facilities before his death, and I became ill with a stomach virus at least three times during that time frame. Same with my mother-in-law, was sick when she was in nursing home also. This is just something that happens and cannot be controlled, it is extremely contagious. You can call and they may give you some sort of compensation, but do realize that it is just one of those bummer things in life, people get sick.


Hope you are feeling better very soon.

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I think that the muster drill was the worst I've ever had to endure. It started 30 mins late and then went on forever. It was just the worst one ever. None of them are fun but usually they start close to on time. They didn't even announce the start of it on time. They need to work on that some.


As far as the virus goes. It seems to me that they need to be more cautious on the viruses. If our waiters roommate had it of course the waiter either had it already or will have it shortly.

And they told my husband he was to quarantine himself but they did not tell my room steward. He would of just come in and done a basic cleaning if I had not stopped him. He didn't know my husband was even sick. I told him not to clean the room until we left because he was in bed sick.


And I wonder of they 'sanitized ' the room after we left or just did a basic job the too, which makes me think that the next group in my room will be getting good sick too.

I would think they would notify housekeeping of the people who are quarantined at the very least.

I think that again was very unorganized and not how to contain the spread over the virus.


I will definitely send an email and make a call. They need to know how things were dealt with.

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Got food poisoning on the Conquest, was also treated for free at medical. They were very nice and checked in via phone the next morning to see how I was doing. I missed Puerto Rico and didn't even get my port charges back. I didn't expect them and certainly didn't ask for any type of compensation although it was clearly their fault that I got food poisoning. I didn't eat or drink anything off the ship so there was no question where it came from.


I didn't feel the need to complain or escalate it any further. They were professional and that was that.


Chalk it up to ship happens and put it behind you.

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Shoulder to shoulder, people in front of you, people behind you for 45 minutes for the muster drill, many people shuffling along past you, then the slow creep back into the ship when it is over. The muster drill IS a prime place to pass on viruses and other germs. I am relieved when my muster is in the theater...

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Got food poisoning on the Conquest, was also treated for free at medical. They were very nice and checked in via phone the next morning to see how I was doing. I missed Puerto Rico and didn't even get my port charges back. I didn't expect them and certainly didn't ask for any type of compensation although it was clearly their fault that I got food poisoning. I didn't eat or drink anything off the ship so there was no question where it came from.


I didn't feel the need to complain or escalate it any further. They were professional and that was that.


Chalk it up to ship happens and put it behind you.


I am glad they took care of you so well. I don't expect or even want anything from them but I do think they need to know what happened so they can learn from it. If they don't follow proper safety protocols when dealing with a virus that spreads so quickly they could have real problems on their hands in the near future.

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Wonder if people rip their bosses a new one when they get sick because a fellow employee came to work sick, wonder if parents raise a ruckus with a principal when their kid gets sick because another student wasn't quarantined, wonder if people who go to concerts, sporting events, parades or any other group outing want an apology from the organizer if they get sick after the event.


Can't understand why people think a cruise line can be any more effective in controlling health issues than any other entity dealing with people in close confines. Sheesh!

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Wonder if people rip their bosses a new one when they get sick because a fellow employee came to work sick, wonder if parents raise a ruckus with a principal when their kid gets sick because another student wasn't quarantined, wonder if people who go to concerts, sporting events, parades or any other group outing want an apology from the organizer if they get sick after the event.


Can't understand why people think a cruise line can be any more effective in controlling health issues than any other entity dealing with people in close confines. Sheesh!


Ok, maybe it's because I'm not quite feeling well yet but usually I let snide remarks just go but dang,

I'm not complaining, I love carnival. I'm not trying to get anything from them I just think they need to know when they mess up on something important like this that can cause the company to lose money when the headlines of another norovirus spreads thru one of their ships.


So, being rude to me about asking what and if I should mention this to them is just plain wrong,

Edited by dogchopper
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I am glad they took care of you so well. I don't expect or even want anything from them but I do think they need to know what happened so they can learn from it. If they don't follow proper safety protocols when dealing with a virus that spreads so quickly they could have real problems on their hands in the near future.



They have been doing this for a long time and I feel confident they know how to handle it properly. Just because you didn't see things happening firsthand doesn't mean they weren't taking precautions. Of course they want to contain it. Could you imagine if half their crew were out because of it?


I don't think complaining will make any difference, but if you think so then do what you feel you need to.

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Ok, maybe it's because I'm not quite feeling well yet but usually I let snide remarks just go but dang,

I'm not complaining, I love carnival. I'm not trying to get anything from them I just think they need to know when they mess up on something important like this that can cause the company to lose money when the headlines of another norovirus spreads thru one of their ships.


So, being rude to me about asking what and if I should mention this to them is just plain wrong,


You do know that not all stomach upsets are norovirus...With between 3to4k passengers plus 1k crew on a ship a handfull of stomach issues would be the norm not the other way round. To insinuate that your experience was an outbreak of norovirus without proof is really unconscionable and just continues the myth that cruises are little more than petri dishes for health issues.

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Sorry to hear of your situation. Getting sick on your cruise sucks for sure. I have read that one of the prime places to contract Noro is a hospital so I have to wonder, if hospitals have challenges controlling it then it must be a real tough one for cruise lines. Unfortunately it has happened on most of them, not just Carnival. Call or write if you wish but as has already been said, I doubt there is anything they will do except apologize.


As for the muster drill, I'm not sure they have to start at set time. People not showing up in a timely manner is often the reason they can take so long. We've sailed on various lines and delays can happen on any of them when passengers don't follow instructions or show up when they are supposed to. Not any lines fault and won't blame them for something out of their control.

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My husband and i were on the Splendor last week. It was a great cruise for the most part.

The food was good, the people were nice.. it was good except for 2 things . #1. the muster drill was HORRIBLE. 45 mins long!! Very unorganized and a total waste of 45 minutes.


And #2. my husband got a stomach virus on about the 4th day, got real bad on the 5th day. He went to medical and they treated him for free, which was my first clue that they knew something was going on. Then I got it and our friends wife got it. We then heard that the waiters roommate had it, and a singer in the shows had it and a few other people on the cruise that we knew of got it.


I'm happy that they treated him but they quarantined him in his room but didn't quarantine me which made no sense..


I got home yesterday and had to work today and it was not plesant because my stomach is still cramping up.


I'm thinking I should call carnival and express my dissatisfaction with what happened but I'm not sure what to do?


I'm sorry you got sick.

I'm curious as to what you hope to accomplish by "expressing your dissatisfaction with what happened." People get sick when in close quarters. It happens in schools, in malls, everywhere where ill people touch surfaces, then other people touch the same surfaces. Don't even think about what we catch from shopping carts! :eek:


We sailed the Vista TA. On the third day of the cruise I developed a terrible sore throat. (First time in 23 cruises that I got sick.) It lasted for two days then developed into a terrible cough, which was around for the remaining 10 days of the cruise. As we talked with people, we realized that so many people were in some stage of the same bug. It was coined the "Vista Crud." While no where nearly as bad a noro, it was miserable. Friends with whom we traveled ended up at their doctors upon returning home because their coughs were so bad. Not one of us ever considered contacting Carnival about being sick.

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My husband and i were on the Splendor last week. It was a great cruise for the most part.

The food was good, the people were nice.. it was good except for 2 things . #1. the muster drill was HORRIBLE. 45 mins long!! Very unorganized and a total waste of 45 minutes.


And #2. my husband got a stomach virus on about the 4th day, got real bad on the 5th day. He went to medical and they treated him for free, which was my first clue that they knew something was going on. Then I got it and our friends wife got it. We then heard that the waiters roommate had it, and a singer in the shows had it and a few other people on the cruise that we knew of got it.


We just got off the same cruise. THREE of us sick with the same symptoms. Mine started on Tuesday. Stayed on the 8th deck. Starts out with a cold sweat, then the real "fun" begins. The common denominator for us was that we all ate at the deli. I noticed that the cabins weren't up to cleanliness standards either. For the entire week, our toilet had a black stains and what appeared to be black flecks floating around the bowl. Mirror in the washroom was never cleaned, and our (dirty) glasses were never replaced with fresh ones. As a matter of fact, there seemed to be an appalling lack of service everywhere. Housekeeping seemed short-staffed and overwhelmed. We didn't (or rather couldn't I should say) go on any excursions because of the need to be near the washroom at all times. It was THREE days before I started getting my appetite back.


This is why I dislike self-serve buffets in general. And yes, the muster drill was the most asinine thing I ever witnessed in 8 cruises. We literally sat there and did NOTHING. No demonstration on how to use a lifejacket, zilch. Most of us seated around the table merely stared around the room in wry amusement.


This was perhaps one of the most disappointing cruises I've been on...

Edited by Chathamite
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Well I just think that regardless of if it was the flu or norovirus doesn't really matter. And I cannot believe people get so nasty about my wanting to let carnival know what happened.


Again I think they didn't follow proper protocol and that to not one mention it to anyone will not allow them to know they are doing something wrong. Or maybe not even 'wrong' but maybe they just need improvement. .


I have another cruise booked with them in May and will continue to book with them but loyalty doesn't mean you cannot suggest improvements if you see the need.


But like usual cruise critic while helpful can also be quite rude to people just wanting simple advice.


Some people say inform them, some say don't waste time time, that is the kind of advice I am looking for and I appreciate that advice from the people who gave it.


Snide remarks are not what someone who is miserable wants or needs to read.

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We just got off the same cruise. THREE of us sick with the same symptoms. Mine started on Tuesday. Stayed on the 8th deck. Starts out with a cold sweat, then the real "fun" begins. The common denominator for us was that we all ate at the deli. I noticed that the cabins weren't up to cleanliness standards either. For the entire week, our toilet had a black stains and what appeared to be black flecks floating around the bowl. Mirror in the washroom was never cleaned, and our (dirty) glasses were never replaced with fresh ones. As a matter of fact, there seemed to be an appalling lack of service everywhere. Housekeeping seemed short-staffed and overwhelmed. We didn't (or rather couldn't I should say) go on any excursions because of the need to be near the washroom at all times. It was THREE days before I started getting my appetite back.


This is why I dislike self-serve buffets in general. And yes, the muster drill was the most asinine thing I ever witnessed in 8 cruises. We literally sat there and did NOTHING. No demonstration on how to use a lifejacket, zilch. Most of us seated around the table merely stared around the room in wry amusement.


This was perhaps one of the most disappointing cruises I've been on...


I'm glad to hear I am not the only one who thought that muster drill was terrible. No words to describe it!!


I never ate at the deli, my husband did though and he got much sicker that I did.

I am working wondering if more of the staff was sick than we realized and that is why everything was in disarray.

We were on the 10th in a spa balcony.

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Well I just think that regardless of if it was the flu or norovirus doesn't really matter. And I cannot believe people get so nasty about my wanting to let carnival know what happened. .


Snide remarks are not what someone who is miserable wants or needs to read.


You are presenting an opinion and a topic on a public forum to people with a myriad of different opinions and, maybe, personal agendas.


This is not a one on one forum with all responses directed directly at the OP. And many posters, "moi" included, tend to broaden their responses to encompass others who read the forum.


Many seem to take online forums and postings very personally, (I am even guilty of that when it strikes a chord) even though we do not know any of the posters nor do they know us. If someone is going to post and/or respond they are opening themselves to a multitude of varying messages that may/may not support the initial post. Don't want to really know how other people feel...just don't post on a public forum.

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Call if you want but nothing will come of it. The person on the other end will simply be a call center employee with a scripted apology. They already have strict cleaning and sanitizing practices in place. They clean the rooms thoroughly between guests. I hope you feel better soon but I recommend putting it behind you and moving on.



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