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December WB TA log


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You get what you pay for, and you have to pay for what you want to get. I moved to PG for this WB segment. Did I ever miss the closet and bathroom space – and the restaurant service. BC is an excellent value for the money. One is paying for assigned seating and open dining times but the food is all coming from the main Britannia galley. The move went seamlessly as I had my new stateroom card before leaving the ship and my belongings had been moved by housekeeping while I was away.




I had opted for the Windsor Castle tour. The round-trip takes almost as much time as the tour itself, but I’m very risk adversive when it comes to a TA. That, plus there is a rail strike in Britain right now. And a major fire overnight on highway M3 which is our main route.

I read some comments on my EB log about the casino. There are notations in the program that slot players get complimentary drinks. (Not “complimentary” when the slots pay off zip, zero, nada.) 1000 points = $10 in the player bank. Have fun but don’t forget that the house always wins.



For those interested, there is a five –day Wine Academy course by the Wind & Spirit Education Trust. $295 to get a Level I certificate.

We were delayed in leaving Southampton due to low tide. Captain Oprey was waiting until there was 80 meters of water under the keel.




During the preparation for departure I hear some whirring within the ship – her mooring lines retracting? I don’t know if I’m at a resonance point or it it’s me who is more aware of it. As we pass the QEII terminal it looks like it’s currently out of commission as some excavators and a pile driver are doing some work to the pier but it’s too dark to see exactly what is going on.



During dinner we have some vibrations as the ship makes a sharp turn westward. The pods seem to be noisier after the refit than I remember, but again it may be my recollection that is off. My table mates are all veterans of the ship and it’s nicely placed at the aft end.




I meet a group in the elevators who are on for the first time – they are just awestruck by the ship. It reminds me of the time I first boarded her in November of 2004. Twelve years later she’s still appreciated by those who are not QM2 obsessed as some of us are, yet recognize the she is special and unique.

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Thanks for the live reviews!! It is so wonderful to read as I prepare for my own crossing that is coming up soon. Have a wonderful trip back to the states!


P.S. How do you find the roundtrip crossings? I'm so intrigued by the idea of going to Europe without flying, however only 8 hours in England is so short. I wish they would do some 6 night crossings with two nights in Southampton in between so one can still do a two week trip but actually spend some more time in England. Wishful thinking I know LOL.

Edited by Bostonjetset
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...How do you find the roundtrip crossings? I'm so intrigued by the idea of going to Europe without flying, however only 8 hours in England is so short. I wish they would do some 6 night crossings with two nights in Southampton in between so one can still do a two week trip but actually spend some more time in England. Wishful thinking I know LOL.


In 2015 I spend 4 days in London while QM2 was making run to Hamburg and back. It's not possible to do this for 2017 as a call at Hamburg is linked to a longer voyage.

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First sea day

Rough seas, swells



What happened to stairway C? Right behind the fire door that closed when the ship was rocking.



About 3AM on our first night out of Southampton the ship started to rock. Most noticed it when books fell from the shelf. During the day water was sloshing out of hot tubs and it was a challenge to walk down halls and stairs. It wasn’t as bad as I recall on my first ever TA when the props sometimes cavitated. For a brief period in the afternoon the sun came out but the swells continued. I was in the spa and at times the ship really smacked down.




Due to the ship pitching, the Planetarium shows were cancelled due to “safety concerns” with the dome. They were probably worried that it could get stuck in the down position and they’d be really screwed without Illuminations. Unrelated to the pitching, scheduled West End performer Phillip Browne didn’t board the ship and a production show had to be substituted. It’s my guess that unless Mr. Browne is in a hospital bed he’s not getting any more ship contracts.



Tonight was the Captain’s Cocktail party for the Grills. Captain Oprey mentioned that the bow was ballasted to minimize pitching and he took the ship further away from the storm system and the re-route added 200 miles to our course. Tomorrow things should improve but there may be another storm system on the 18th.




At the reception it was delightful to also meet tv24 and Francophile. (I had not signed up for the roll call after observing that it was being actively managed by a Madame Superorganizer. Better to let the people who enjoy cabin crawls and slot pulls to enjoy themselves rather than be the party pooper.)



As I write this late at night the wind is down to force 4, moderate sea state while the pitching is still there it’s much less pronounced.

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Hi BR.


Sorry I missed you at last nights Grills CTP which was remarkably poorly attended- no boubt due to the weather. I've never seen the ballroom floor so empty.


Still, the waiters were plentiful and chatting to Arun and Kirsty, the HR and Captain's Secretary was enlightening.


I'm pleased to report that in Queens Grill that the full A la Carte menu is available every night - even last night after the CTP.


Fingers crossed for good reception today as the Daily Programme is promising the Chelsea match in the Golden Lion.


Do come and join me for a beer if you read this before midday.

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Saturday, 2nd sea day

Heavy fog, wind force 4



We are enveloped in heavy fog where form mid-ship the bridge is even partly obscured. Since the wind is coming from the south only the starboard side of deck 7 is open. At mid-afternoon we are doing about 21 knots.



One lecture day was on the art of the original Queen Mary. The presenter showed early interior design proposals (c. mid 1920s) that were more Art Nuevo than Art Deco. There was also art made for a first class lounge that was never installed but replaced with the peach-colored mirrors that remain there to this day. (The chairman of Cunard thought it so bad that it should be donated to a School of the Blind.)




My table has unfortunately taken a bad turn as the subject of US politics was brought up and I disclosed a position contrary to that of my table mates. We’re not really clicking with camaraderie as was my group in BC.

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I'm hoping American politics doesn't come up on my voyage. It's too likely that there will be differences of strongly-held opinion. And it's too likely that I'd be unable to sit quietly in the face of it.

Edited by Underwatr
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Question: How is the book shop? Have they reinstated any of the nice "Ocean Books" products? I would dearly love to have one of their journals for this trip. A friend told me the closest thing she saw this summer were spiral notebooks with QM2 on the front. Her description of the book shop was disappointing!

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Saturday night, 2nd sea day

Rough seas, gale force winds



With the wind a force 8 (gale force) all of the outdoor decks are closed. We’re down to 17 knots. The ship has some pitching but not as pronounced as Friday. It’s still enough to cause the C stair doors to close. Captain Oprey had mentioned there would be a storm tomorrow, so we’ll have to see if it gets worse than this.



I've not checked out the book shop yet as I was so disappointed this summer. I'll give it a look.

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Good afternoon from a still choppy Atlantic as we continue our crossing to New York.


Due to the sea state I regrettably had to cancel my early morning pre-breakfast swim, probably understandable…








Days are still hectic with much juggling of events to fit programmed events in. Fortunately yesterday’s trivia quiz in the Golden Lion finished on time for the scheduled Chelsea Premiership match to be screened. Needless to say I was not alone at the bar with fellow Stamford Bridge supporters and we enjoyed full coverage.


Meanwhile my wife chose to attend the Insights lecture by the broadcaster and Music PR guru, Nicki Chapman and reported back that it was excellent. I think that had been anticipated as the venue was the Royal Court Theatre.


We indulged ourselves for lunch with a Maitre d’ table side prepared Steak Tartare and an excellent bottle of Malbec which just happened to be on the ‘Commodore’s’ wine package that we pre purchased.


Part of the afternoon we ventured out on deck and while a little blowey the temperature was quite good. We discovered the enhanced area for the kennels - they are currently full and I noted that since our last time on board the railings around that area, overlooking the Grills Deck, have had canvas screens added as well as a gate.


As it was the Britannia Cocktail Parties last night our pre dinner venue of choice was the Commodore Club. Post dinner we watched the Royal Cunard Singers and Dancers perform ‘Apassionata’.


While we have seen this show on a number of previous occasions this new performance was most entertaining and the team did well considering that there was still some ship’s movement.


Post show was the Queens Room and a couple of Quicksteps before heading into G32 for a nightcap and bop with Vibz…




This morning we attended an Insights lecture on how Special Branch tracked down the IRA Brighton bomber. Some very interesting material shown some 30 years on.

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Saturday, 2nd sea day

Heavy fog, wind force 4



We are enveloped in heavy fog where form mid-ship the bridge is even partly obscured. Since the wind is coming from the south only the starboard side of deck 7 is open. At mid-afternoon we are doing about 21 knots.



One lecture day was on the art of the original Queen Mary. The presenter showed early interior design proposals (c. mid 1920s) that were more Art Nuevo than Art Deco. There was also art made for a first class lounge that was never installed but replaced with the peach-colored mirrors that remain there to this day. (The chairman of Cunard thought it so bad that it should be donated to a School of the Blind.)




My table has unfortunately taken a bad turn as the subject of US politics was brought up and I disclosed a position contrary to that of my table mates. We’re not really clicking with camaraderie as was my group in BC.


Hi BR.


Sorry to hear about your table. We would normally prefer Princess Grill as we generally find our table companions more to our social style.


Having said that we have been blessed with great company in the QG table: my favourite table for 6. Indeed, one couple are occupying one of the Duplexes and we have just had a lunch session as their guests.


Great folk: salt of the earth types and the best QG table we have ever had...



Edited by Solent Richard
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Night, 3rd sea day

Rough seas, wind force 5



Today we had a lot of pitching and occasional prop cavitation. At one point in the morning the ship slightly listed a few degrees. If one doesn’t believe the alignment of the horizon with the railing believe the way the water runs to that side. In the morning we were at wind force 8 with gusts of 9/10. From the library window, one could see the bow heaving in the swells although none got up anywhere near the Normandie breakwater. Planetarium shows were again cancelled due to the pitching. At one point our speed was down to 15/16 knots. About 4PM the pitching was more pronounced. My waiter mentioned that he went to lie down between lunch and dinner service and was almost thrown out of his berth.



This evening the pitching settled down but I noticed that the restaurant had placed the wine ice buckets on the floor. We are however back up to 21 knots.



I took a look at the bookshop. Cunard-themed books, and paperback best sellers are there but the selection is pretty thing compared to what it was pre-refit. One cabinet is entirely empty and a trompe l’oeil of books was pasted over it.

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We came over to the US in November and are booked to return on 3rd January. I do remember that our voyage this week five years ago was similarly rough for the first half of the journey.


We didn't bring up the T word on the way over, neither did anyone else except a Scotsman one morning at breakfast. Thankfully, on this occasion the table was all in agreement and he "got away with it".


Politics has become very confrontational. As a politician myself, it used to be the case that a reasonable conversation could be had between people representing different points of view. No longer! Brexit and Trump mean that the subject is fraught with danger and if anyone asks, I work in Local Government!


On the remastering, the food and the service, our expectations were high and they were either met or exceeded. The Kings Court food especially seemed to be much better than we remembered.


It really is so much better than flying.

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Are any of you on this forum following this crossing on Marine Traffic or Sea-scanner websites? They don't seem to have got very far since Thursday. Not far past the Scilly Isles. Shouldn't they be about mid-Atlantic by now?

I realise they've had to slow down because of bad weather.



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Marine Traffic's reported positions are only valid when the ship is within range of shore-based receivers. You're probably seeing the last reported position before it went out of range.


Okay, but when I've looked at sea-scanner on other occasions while crossing the Atlantic, it has shown the QM2 in the correct place each day.

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Have you received an advanced word from the Captain about whether this weather has compromised the ships ability to make an on-time arrival in NYC? Just curious, as we are boarding on 12/22 for the Christmas / New Year cruise.


If you have not heard anything yet (one way or the other), please let us know if it is mentioned throughout the balance of your journey.





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Have you received an advanced word from the Captain about whether this weather has compromised the ships ability to make an on-time arrival in NYC? Just curious, as we are boarding on 12/22 for the Christmas / New Year cruise.


If you have not heard anything yet (one way or the other), please let us know if it is mentioned throughout the balance of your journey.






Good afternoon Henry.


Fear not. I noticed this morning that those disembarking have on Thursday have received their departure leaflets.


Other than that we speeded up during the night to compensate for the southerly drift.

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Question: How is the book shop? Have they reinstated any of the nice "Ocean Books" products? I would dearly love to have one of their journals for this trip. A friend told me the closest thing she saw this summer were spiral notebooks with QM2 on the front. Her description of the book shop was disappointing!


Its not just the 'Ocean Book' products that are missing.




I usually like to buy one or two of the Computer and Photoshop tutorial books: all these have gone too.


I asked the girl in the shop about availability and was told very simply that it was not the 'New' Company's policy to stock these items any more.

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