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Knee Replacement & Security Checkpoint Requirement


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You have the right to opt out of the nude-o-scope and have a hand putdown. Just politely tell the clerk you are opting out of the scanner. You know you're going to alert, so opting out just eliminates the theatre of going through, beeping and getting wanded. Just watch out for the crotch grope - some can be annoyingly hard - felt like she should have bought me a drink beforehand :eek:


I've got a 6 inch plate and 13 screws in one of my legs; sometimes it would alert, sometimes it wouldn't.

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Along these lines...want to feel less safe in today's world?


Years ago I had a pacemaker/defibrillator put in. I cannot go through the magnetometer nor have the wand near it. I just tell them at all security checkpoints about it and expect to get the glorious pat-down (you get comfortable with it quickly). I would estimate that 75-80% of the time security just waves me through and does absolutely nothing. Well, that's not a fair assessment...sometimes they smile and tell me to have a good day.

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I have had both knees and both hips replaced as well as having a 8 inch metal rod in my back for the fusion.Going through airports you will have to be scanned ,but it doesn't take that long .When you go of the ship at ports most times you will be scanned again [i just tell them what I have and it doesn't take long]a lot of the time after the first day getting back on the ship even when the metal detector goes of I tell them what I have and they wave you on through [they have a lot of old people on these ships].I have a card from the doctor ,but have never been asked for it.We have been on Carnival,Celebrity,and Royal and had no problem with any of them.

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It pains me to see the misinformation sometimes presented on theses forums. Let me first identify myself as a retired physician. Let me also point out that I have had a pacemaker for over 10 years during the last 8 years specifically a Medtronic ICD. You will not have any issues with the airport scanning devices. With respect to archway metal detectors at airports or on cruise ships, if you simply walk though them you will not have any problems with your device. This is well noted in the published literature as well as the manufacturers printouts. No One should obviously stand inside a metal detector and that is not how they function. Whether or not you may trigger them depends on sensitivity. In 19 cruises with countless port days I have never triggered a ships device. Airports are variable with my usual experience being that Heathrow has alarmed more than once. As to wands, again one should not hold it continuously over the device but a quick pass is not risky.


The one issue that does come into play is large magnets or electromagnetic fields. That is because a magnet deactivates the ICD function which is why one places a magnet over the device during surgery so that the electrocautery does not trigger it.


If you feel more comfortable avoiding security devices that is fine but you do not have to because of your ICD. I have discussed this issue at length with cardiologists, electrophysiologists and Medtronic personnel.

The reason knee replacements in particular usually trigger metal detectors is the relatively large amount of metal in them.

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It pains me to see the misinformation sometimes presented on theses forums. Let me first identify myself as a retired physician. Let me also point out that I have had a pacemaker for over 10 years during the last 8 years specifically a Medtronic ICD. You will not have any issues with the airport scanning devices. With respect to archway metal detectors at airports or on cruise ships, if you simply walk though them you will not have any problems with your device. This is well noted in the published literature as well as the manufacturers printouts. No One should obviously stand inside a metal detector and that is not how they function. Whether or not you may trigger them depends on sensitivity. In 19 cruises with countless port days I have never triggered a ships device. Airports are variable with my usual experience being that Heathrow has alarmed more than once. As to wands, again one should not hold it continuously over the device but a quick pass is not risky.


The one issue that does come into play is large magnets or electromagnetic fields. That is because a magnet deactivates the ICD function which is why one places a magnet over the device during surgery so that the electrocautery does not trigger it.


If you feel more comfortable avoiding security devices that is fine but you do not have to because of your ICD. I have discussed this issue at length with cardiologists, electrophysiologists and Medtronic personnel.

The reason knee replacements in particular usually trigger metal detectors is the relatively large amount of metal in them.


With all due respect...since I don't know you from Adam and there is no way to prove what you say is true, I think I wii go with what my EP, cardiologist and the device tech advised. You can tell your patients what you wish. You see, if someone who you know nothing abourt their medical history, current condition, etc. follows your advice and something happens...well, it's not your heart and life.

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I've had a TKR for two years and never carried a letter. As others have said, a letter is useless as it would be so easy to produce a fake one. I have a neurostimulator implant that has leads in my spine and don't go through the metal detector because of that. At the airport, I go through the scanner and my knee and implant always light up yellow. They just hand check it and I go on my way. If the scanner isn't being used then I bypass the metal detector and they give me a hand check. Trust me, you haven't been patted down until you've been patted down in Paris! I needed a cigarette after. LOL.



By showing them the letter, you by-pass the magnetic scanner. In my case, I have an ICD (implanted cardiac device). I can't go through the scanner as it will change the settings in the ICD. I show them my card and they have me walk around it, then hand scan me. It eliminates going through the scanner and setting it off.


That's a completely different situation than a joint replacement.


Along these lines...want to feel less safe in today's world?


Years ago I had a pacemaker/defibrillator put in. I cannot go through the magnetometer nor have the wand near it. I just tell them at all security checkpoints about it and expect to get the glorious pat-down (you get comfortable with it quickly). I would estimate that 75-80% of the time security just waves me through and does absolutely nothing. Well, that's not a fair assessment...sometimes they smile and tell me to have a good day.


I've experience the same thing quite often. Whether on a cruise ship or on my last trip to Disneyland a few weeks ago, I tell them I can't go through the metal detector and most times they just say no problem and have me go around it. I guess I don't look dangerous. :D

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Hi all,


I'm hoping someone has the answer to this question.


I had a total knee replacement 2 years ago and this is the first cruise I've been on since then. My husband I are sailing on the Vista next month and it occurred to me today that I had better check to see if I need some kind of paperwork for security checkpoint purposes. I know years ago when my mother had knee replacement surgery the doctors office provided her with an ID card, but I never received anything like that, perhaps times have changed. I've got a call into my ortho's office and am waiting to hear back from them and want to make sure I provide them with the information I will need. Do I need a letter or ID card, is this going to be an issue when I go to check in for our cruise?


Thanks in advance for the help to this question.


My husband had knee replacement in February, cruised in April. We'd asked Dr about card and he said those are no longer necessary. At any rate, no problems at airport security or any other security for April cruise or October cruise. He didn't mention the knee and he didn't set off any detectors.

Edited by NMLady
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I have a bunch of wires and a device in my chest. Each time I board the ship There is a pat down. No big deal.


I have never had them "wave me through" like no big deal. If they did that for me, what else might get through?

Edited by SPacificbound
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I have had both knees replaced and the alarm always sounds when I go through security screening. They just ask me to stand to one side, while a security guard pats me down and runs the wand over me. The wand beeps at each knee. I tell them before I go through the screening arch that I have artificial knees, so they're expecting it.


It does no good at all to have letter or a certificate, because those are so easy to forge and security would not be doing their job properly if they failed to check you.


As at the airport, just expect to spend extra time being screened. Ask your spouse or partner to keep an eye on your possessions while you're being checked.


On my last cruise, by the time I had been screened at several ports, the female security guard greeted me with "Ah, here comes the lady with the expensive knees!" But she still checked me each time.

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I've had a TKR for two years and never carried a letter. As others have said, a letter is useless as it would be so easy to produce a fake one. I have a neurostimulator implant that has leads in my spine and don't go through the metal detector because of that. :D


I also have a stimulator implant. I read the booklet. I listened to my Medtronic guy. I listened to my doctor. They can hand wand me or I will go through the body scan thing at the airport. I have documentation to prove it but have never been asked. If I'm really in a fun mood I'll tell them they can touch my butt and feel it for themselves. :rolleyes: I refuse to walk through the metal detector.

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I also have a stimulator implant. I read the booklet. I listened to my Medtronic guy. I listened to my doctor. They can hand wand me or I will go through the body scan thing at the airport. I have documentation to prove it but have never been asked. If I'm really in a fun mood I'll tell them they can touch my butt and feel it for themselves. :rolleyes: I refuse to walk through the metal detector.



I'll have to remember that if there's ever a really good looking TSA guy. LOL. ;) Haven't been through a metal detector in almost 10 years.

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I also have a stimulator implant. I read the booklet. I listened to my Medtronic guy. I listened to my doctor. They can hand wand me or I will go through the body scan thing at the airport. I have documentation to prove it but have never been asked. If I'm really in a fun mood I'll tell them they can touch my butt and feel it for themselves. :rolleyes: I refuse to walk through the metal detector.

The OP asked about going through security getting onto the cruise ship with a knee replacement.


You can't go through a body scan machine on a ship, because they don't have them. All they have is the metal detector archway, and you can't refuse to go through that.

You will be wanded and have a gentle pat down - no crotch groping.

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The OP asked about going through security getting onto the cruise ship with a knee replacement.


You can't go through a body scan machine on a ship, because they don't have them. All they have is the metal detector archway, and you can't refuse to go through that.

You will be wanded and have a gentle pat down - no crotch groping.


He was responding to me not the OP. And, you absolutely can bypass the metal detector getting on a cruise ship. Some of us can't go through a metal detector with out negative consequences. I simply tell them I can't go through it. They've never wanded me and about 90% of the time they don't even do a pat down, they just wave me around the metal detector and tell me to go on.

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All they have is the metal detector archway, and you can't refuse to go through that.


You will be wanded and have a gentle pat down - no crotch groping.


You are absolutely incorrect.


We have been on two cruises since my device was implanted. I have NEVER walked through one of the "archway" detectors and have NEVER been wanded. They occasionally perform a pat down...if you want to call it that using the looses of definitions. Most of the time they just wave and smile.

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You are absolutely incorrect.


We have been on two cruises since my device was implanted. I have NEVER walked through one of the "archway" detectors and have NEVER been wanded. They occasionally perform a pat down...if you want to call it that using the looses of definitions. Most of the time they just wave and smile.


If you don't go through the metal detector, don't get wanted, and don't get a pat down, then there is no security.

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He was responding to me not the OP. And, you absolutely can bypass the metal detector getting on a cruise ship. Some of us can't go through a metal detector with out negative consequences. I simply tell them I can't go through it. They've never wanded me and about 90% of the time they don't even do a pat down, they just wave me around the metal detector and tell me to go on.


Under no circumstances can I go through the metal detectors. Can't ever have an MRI again either. They take me aside and wand me and/or gently pat me down, sometimes both. I always volunteer to let them feel my butt if they so desire proof. :D

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Under no circumstances can I go through the metal detectors. Can't ever have an MRI again either. They take me aside and wand me and/or gently pat me down, sometimes both. I always volunteer to let them feel my butt if they so desire proof. :D


I'm in the same boat. No more MRIs and no metal detectors. They haven't grabbed my butt though. LOL. :D

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If you don't go through the metal detector, don't get wanted, and don't get a pat down, then there is no security.


Exactly. I think that every time they wave be by the machine and tell me to go on my way.


About 12 years ago, my family and I were waiting to board the ship in St. Maartin. I was carrying our beach towels and the head of security for the ship came up to me and told me he wanted to test his staff and asked if I would help him. He pulled out a very large knife with about a 15" blade and asked me to wrap it in the towels and go through security like normal. First I asked to see his identification and my husband and I both checked it decided to go ahead and help. He was also in uniform. I told him that I needed him to stay within my line of sight at all times and he agreed. So, I went past two men with wands on the gangway who were wanding passengers before they got to the metal detector and they didn't find the knife. I put my pile of towels on the belt to go through the scanner and went through the metal detector. Picked up my towels and pulled out the knife and handed it to the head of Security. I said, "They didn't do so well." He didn't look like a very happy man. My point? Don't be thinking there's actually security on a cruise ship! :rolleyes:

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If you don't go through the metal detector, don't get wanted, and don't get a pat down, then there is no security.


TSA security is merely theater to make people feel good. I would say the same is true for the checkpoints for cruise ships.

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