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Why do you think it is ok to let your children run down hallways?


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We we just off a ship RC on the weekend and had to tell numerous kids to stop running, parents not in site.

Same goes for the entertainment were a family let there 3 small kids run around their seating area and up and down the steps of balcony as if to say "aren't they cute"

Parents need to stop thinking that cruise ships are NOT a free baby sitting service.


This was on an 11 day cruise and was surprised to see so many young families, mostly European.


We had this during "Rock of Ages" on the BA. The mother tried to get the toddler to sit, but she wouldn't. Also, in the atrium area, kids running, dancing and jumping while the singers were performing. I told that mom her kids were "distracting" and she told me "they were having fun".


The truth is, it's hard to contain a toddler if the toddler wants to move around. It's easier to stay home. Which, is why I never traveled with my now grown son. When he was "of that age", I would get annoyed when others told me "to contain him" in areas that were not "adult only" (not talking about ships) because he would end up crying. And really, he had just as much right to fun as anyone else...although different fun than the adults. So, I would end up "avoiding the area" because everyone was unhappy.

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People wonder why we don't have kids that are responsible adults. Maybe it's because no one ever blames them for their poor behavior. For instance, this thread title isn't, "Why is it okay for kids to run down hallways", but rather, "Why do you think it is ok to let your children run down hallways?" See the difference? Did it ever enter anyone's mind that perhaps the parents would beat their asses if they knew the kids were running down hallways? Sometimes kids misbehave and sometimes that's the kids' fault. Just because a kid runs doesn't mean the parent is okay with it. We live in a society where people want to always blame others for poor behavior, and then turn around and wonder why no one learns.

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I find it funny that the people on this thread are complaining about disrespectful kids and how they never let their kids act a certain way.... I guarantee that your kids were at some point in their life disrespectful, loud, inconsiderate, and everything you are complaining about.


I hate the loud drunks at 2am. but you know. stones and glass houses.


If you hate kids, and cruising with kids, cruise on a line that doesnt encourage families. Problem solved. Until then, I wont complain about you, if you dont complain about my kids.

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I may get flamed for this, especially since I can't imagine that the parents who allow this don't have a clue at how intrusive and annoying it is. But, just in case parents really have no idea, I am putting this out there. I am clueless as to why any parent thinks it is ever okay to let their children run up and down the hallways on a cruise ship. I know they are kids, and we should let them be kids...But, isn't it more important we teach them to be humans first? It is just not appropriate or considerate at any time of day to be running down a hallway outside of other people's cabins. Do you not realize how loud and annoying the constant thumping of feet running past someone's cabin door must be. And, it doesn't matter what time of day either. If someone is trying to relax in their cabin in the middle of the day or early evening, that is their right, and there is absolutely no reason for anyone to be running around in the hallways ever.

They should send them up to the track. Maybe I'm old fashioned but running inside was always a no no for my kids.


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We had this during "Rock of Ages" on the BA. The mother tried to get the toddler to sit, but she wouldn't. Also, in the atrium area, kids running, dancing and jumping while the singers were performing. I told that mom her kids were "distracting" and she told me "they were having fun".


The truth is, it's hard to contain a toddler if the toddler wants to move around. It's easier to stay home. Which, is why I never traveled with my now grown son. When he was "of that age", I would get annoyed when others told me "to contain him" in areas that were not "adult only" (not talking about ships) because he would end up crying. And really, he had just as much right to fun as anyone else...although different fun than the adults. So, I would end up "avoiding the area" because everyone was unhappy.


The horrors, kids dancing and jumping while acts were performing in the atrium. My last cruise I saw all people dancing in the atrium to the music, I guess that's not allowed. I no longer have young children but I have never seen these things happen on my cruises. When my boys were younger I saw it during hockey tournaments in the hotels but not on the cruises I have taken. I think if people don't want to be bothered by children they should re evaluate their choice of cruise lines.

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I guarantee that your kids were at some point in their life disrespectful, loud, inconsiderate, and everything you are complaining about.

I don't think that anyone is claiming that their child is perfect 100% of the time.

There is a difference between a child misbehaving and the parents are nowhere to be found vs. a child misbehaving and the parents being there to stop the behavior.

There is a difference between the parents being there to stop the behavior vs the parents being there and thinking "awww....that's cute..." when the child is disturbing others.




If you hate kids, and cruising with kids, cruise on a line that doesnt encourage families. Problem solved. Until then, I wont complain about you, if you dont complain about my kids.

Very few people in this thread (if any) "hate kids". Most people in this thread are parents (myself included) and see that there are certain parents who feel that their child should have free reign on a cruise ship and feel that nothing is off limits.



An unattended child running through the halls at ANY TIME is unacceptable. If a family is walking towards the elevator and the child runs 20 feet ahead so they can "press the button", that is not a problem if there are no other guests there. Unsupervised teens that are causing a disturbance at night is unacceptable. An unsupervised teen who is going from a kids' club to the buffet to get a bite and then returning to their stateroom is not a problem if the teen is acting like a "normal" person. If the teen is running around, knocking on doors, pressing all the buttons on the elevator, etc., the behavior is unacceptable.



This thread is directed towards the parents who don't seen to be concerned that their child is disturbing others.

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Nope. Do not have any kids. I am just an "Aunt". In my umteen cruises I have only seen unruly kids once. They took over the diner on the Dawn as their hangout. So, I went to the other several places and avoided that place. No big deal.


And, I have cruised Spring Break too. I remember seeing kids and teens enjoying themselves. Just like me.


Have I just been lucky?



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I agree with a whole lot of what's being said. My children are simply not allowed to act that way, now they are hitting puberty, but when they were little we held them or their hands. We knew where they were, at which was for the most part with us. Children will do exactly what they are allowed to, period. I, also, agree that often grown ups are awful role models. They really expect their children to act decent when they are sloppy drunk or just plain rude...yet on the other side I know children are not Angels and will get in trouble that is why they have parents to watch them, correct them and protect them. Yet I love to see children having fun, I just don't like to see them infringing on other people, that is it not cute.



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This happened in a hotel, not a cruise, but I almost tripped over a young kid fooling around in a very crowded hallway and told her to "behave yourself." Only thing I said and I walked into the restroom.


When I came out of the stall, the kid and her grandmother were standing there, waiting for me. The grandmother started yelling at me for what I did to her granddaughter. Um, I tried to prevent an accident? If I had tripped and fallen on the kid, whose fault would that have been?!?

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Woah, scopewest that's another thing I taught my kids to allow others to correct them. I very rarely backed them over other grownups, and would have never yelled at another grownup for correcting my child in fact, I would have been embarrassing and aggravated that they had to be corrected by another grownup...you were right to say something.



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This happened in a hotel, not a cruise, but I almost tripped over a young kid fooling around in a very crowded hallway and told her to "behave yourself." Only thing I said and I walked into the restroom.


When I came out of the stall, the kid and her grandmother were standing there, waiting for me. The grandmother started yelling at me for what I did to her granddaughter. Um, I tried to prevent an accident? If I had tripped and fallen on the kid, whose fault would that have been?!?


You should have given grandma a smack and set her straight.

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The horrors, kids dancing and jumping while acts were performing in the atrium. My last cruise I saw all people dancing in the atrium to the music, I guess that's not allowed. I no longer have young children but I have never seen these things happen on my cruises. When my boys were younger I saw it during hockey tournaments in the hotels but not on the cruises I have taken. I think if people don't want to be bothered by children they should re evaluate their choice of cruise lines.


The talent was not performing "dancing music" and people wanted to focus on the talent, not toddlers.

Again...I said when my son was "a toddler" I wouldn't have taken him on a cruise. Telling him "No, you have to sit still" would have been a tantrum provoking decision...because children like to move around. My point is more that people should not bring the kids to adult venues. The child ends up being inhibited and/or frustrated, the parent ends up looking like a bad parent....and the other adults end up annoyed (as I was at that time in the atrium).

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That is one great benefit of the Studio Cabins...NO KIDS. Since children can't be in a cabin by themselves, everyone in the Studios is an ADULT. No kids in the rooms, no kids in the hallways.






Even the Haven doesn't have that benefit.



I'm smiling, didn't stop the adults running down the corridors when I used a studio.



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The horrors, kids dancing and jumping while acts were performing in the atrium. My last cruise I saw all people dancing in the atrium to the music, I guess that's not allowed. I no longer have young children but I have never seen these things happen on my cruises. When my boys were younger I saw it during hockey tournaments in the hotels but not on the cruises I have taken. I think if people don't want to be bothered by children they should re evaluate their choice of cruise lines.



Maybe adults only and family only cruises is the answer.

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Woah, scopewest that's another thing I taught my kids to allow others to correct them. I very rarely backed them over other grownups, and would have never yelled at another grownup for correcting my child in fact, I would have been embarrassing and aggravated that they had to be corrected by another grownup...you were right to say something.


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I'm not a parent, so maybe others can correct me if I'm wrong, but as tense and combative and selfish as modern society is--America, anyway--I think even looking at another person's kids sideways is risking a major confrontation these days, much less telling those kids what to do. When I saw unattended kids in the Studio lounge taking food from the snack bar with bare hands and then putting it back, I spoke up and told them not to do that and that it was how people got sick, and then I immediately felt a sense of apprehension. I never talk to strangers' kids, seems too risky. Maybe it would be different if I had kids of my own, but like I said, I feel like these days everyone is just looking for a fight.

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I agree that it's best to encourage children to behave politely. I also think that people need to realize that children under 3 can be pretty unreasonable. If you insist on carrying them through the hallway, you may have a toddler screaming at the top of their lungs to get down. If you put them down, they like being able to run ahead. Which is worse, the screaming, or the thudding feet? In my opinion, I'd rather the running - they get past my cabin faster.


People can be truly awful about expecting perfect behavior from a toddler. They give you the evil eye and make nasty comments about controlling the child. Don't any of them remember what it was like when their own children were 2 and 3? We always tried to go to early dinners when we took the kids out to avoid bothering people - but there was no way we were going to stay home cloistered for 5 years.


Feel free to bitch and whine about tweens and teens behaving badly - if you remember being a perfect angel at that age yourself.



If the parents have lost control of the kid before it's 3rd birthday, there is no hope after that :(

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If the parents have lost control of the kid before it's 3rd birthday, there is no hope after that :(



False. Thank goodness most people don't give up on kids at age 3. Good grief.



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I may get flamed for this, especially since I can't imagine that the parents who allow this don't have a clue at how intrusive and annoying it is. But, just in case parents really have no idea, I am putting this out there. I am clueless as to why any parent thinks it is ever okay to let their children run up and down the hallways on a cruise ship. I know they are kids, and we should let them be kids...But, isn't it more important we teach them to be humans first? It is just not appropriate or considerate at any time of day to be running down a hallway outside of other people's cabins. Do you not realize how loud and annoying the constant thumping of feet running past someone's cabin door must be. And, it doesn't matter what time of day either. If someone is trying to relax in their cabin in the middle of the day or early evening, that is their right, and there is absolutely no reason for anyone to be running around in the hallways ever.


Definitely won't get flamed by me! I have a hard time with parents who let their kids run wild. It's beyond annoying, and detrimental to the kid as well. Equally annoying are those who let their kids talk during shows and crawl on the floor during dinner,.

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If the parents have lost control of the kid before it's 3rd birthday, there is no hope after that :(

Do you have kids? There is a reason most preschools start at 3, kids under 3 really do need one on one attention. At one point I had 3 under 2, and it was tough!

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Definitely won't get flamed by me! I have a hard time with parents who let their kids run wild. It's beyond annoying, and detrimental to the kid as well. Equally annoying are those who let their kids talk during shows and crawl on the floor during dinner,.

OMG! The crawling on the floor during dinner, or wandering around the table, etc. THAT is my biggest pet peeve!! I always taught my son that if we can see his bottom during dinner, that means we can spank it. He needed to sit on his butt during meals so that we couldn't see it.

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I may get flamed for this, especially since I can't imagine that the parents who allow this don't have a clue at how intrusive and annoying it is. But, just in case parents really have no idea, I am putting this out there. I am clueless as to why any parent thinks it is ever okay to let their children run up and down the hallways on a cruise ship. I know they are kids, and we should let them be kids...But, isn't it more important we teach them to be humans first? It is just not appropriate or considerate at any time of day to be running down a hallway outside of other people's cabins. Do you not realize how loud and annoying the constant thumping of feet running past someone's cabin door must be. And, it doesn't matter what time of day either. If someone is trying to relax in their cabin in the middle of the day or early evening, that is their right, and there is absolutely no reason for anyone to be running around in the hallways ever.


Thanks God I'll be in a studio cabin in NCL ESCAPE, there won't be any children running.

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OMG! The crawling on the floor during dinner, or wandering around the table, etc. THAT is my biggest pet peeve!! I always taught my son that if we can see his bottom during dinner, that means we can spank it. He needed to sit on his butt during meals so that we couldn't see it.
This is the main reason I don't eat in the MDRs. On my first couple of tries, there were very young children walking and running around the dining room screaming and the poor servers had to run an obstacle course to avoid them. Now, we all know that if something were to happen, like the server stepping on them or spilling food on them, it would be the servers fault, not the parents.
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along with the couples who fight and scream at night time, along with the unnecessary loud moaning at 3 am from next door, along with the drunks knocking on your door at 4 am because they think is their stateroom, i can go on and on...Yes, parents should pay attention to their children but adults "SOME" adults need to start paying attention to their own behavior...:cool::evilsmile:

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OMG! The crawling on the floor during dinner, or wandering around the table, etc. THAT is my biggest pet peeve!! I always taught my son that if we can see his bottom during dinner, that means we can spank it. He needed to sit on his butt during meals so that we couldn't see it.

LOL That's great! My husband told his young son that he couldn't play under the table because of the Table Monsters.

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