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The Triumphs and Trials of the Getaway Baltic Cruise

Bella O

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Okie, so here goes my "informative" review on our 6/12 sailing. Sorry folks, no photos - I really meant to learn how to do this before the cruise and then just got too busy with life stuff, and now I'm too lazy and jet lagged. But I promise I have some good information here, and wanted to pay it forward to all those thinking about taking this ship on this itinerary.


Like the title says, there was triumph, and there were trials. But was our Epik Adventure an Epik fail? Nyet! (Only Russian word I have learned to spell by the way). No cruise is a bad cruise, and despite my being exasperated with the dingbats at the top of the NCL food chain, we had a glorious, wonderful, fabulous, and every good adjective you can think of, time.

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The Epik Adventure for our family of five began in Dallas with a flight to Newark with a long layover, made longer by a delayed flight. Which caused us to be late into Iceland (our "free" stopover on the way to Copenhagen - Lest you are uninitiated, please note that nothing is free in Iceland. In fact, I think this is the most expensive place to visit, and this from a former New Yorker. Not even Dubai and Hong King was this super duper expensive!)


So anyway, delayed flight = panic when we get off plane and are introduced to the first of a thousand lines we had the good fortune to be a part of on this trip. Mega passport control lines mean scary close to missing our entry time to Blue Lagoon. Thankfully, we had booked a super duper expensive private transport to Blue Lagoon and made it just in time (the transport was expensive, but

I kid you not, our lunch that we ate there was more expensive than the transport! Had not planned on eating $130 usd of sandwiches and pastry at super expensive Blue Lagoon cafe, but when you haven't eaten in like 12 hours, well, there you go. It's times like these at the Blue Lagoon that I do my best to turn off the money meter.


Blue Lagoon was restorative and beautiful and fun (and did I mention expensive?). But seriously, well worth it, and I reccomend doing this right off the plane despite the panic of missing our slot. It was blissfully quiet the first hour or so of our being there. By the time we left the hordes had arrived.


In the two nights we stayed in Iceland, we managed to ignore jet lag, and visited the Blue Lagoon, rode Icelandic horses through a volcanic field, took a "free"city tour, ate at way too expensive and very slow service restaurants, had ice cream at the best ice cream shop in Iceland, or so we were told, got followed by a creepy guy at said ice cream shop - was he just curious? attracted to our friendly Ameican faces? We gave him the slip so thankfully never found out his true motive. We spent a full, glorious, and bumpy, day on a Super Jeep Tour of the Southern Coast. This was the most expensive tour I booked (yup, this is Iceland) but really, worth every penny. We did stuff like hike to and touch a glacier, that we couldn't have done otherwise. Unfortunately, when we weren't off-roading, the hordes of people were everywhere we were. This is something to be expected on this trip in general, and specifically on the Getaway.

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Pre-Cruise Copenhagen:


We spent three wondrous days exploring this absolutely beautiful and charismatic city. We all fell in love with this charming Danish capital. We took a Segway tour which was one of my favorite things of the entire trip. Only bad thing was my husband let loose to see how fast the segway could go, and he fell pretty hard. His "I can't remember I hit my head" was a constant refrain/excuse for the rest of the cruise (he actually was unharmed thanks to the thick helmet and his thick head haha)Anyway the whole thing was a blast as was Copenhagen, now one of my favorite cities.


Thought I would share that we stayed at Skt Petri, not a top choice on Trip Advisor, but thought I would give it a try. It was only one of two hotels I could find in the inner city area that promised real air-conditioning - so it was either Skt Petri or the Marriott. We decided on this hotel as it is in the Latin Quarter in the midst of the University - an excellent location. Hotel was very Danish, air con worked fantastic, which by the way was needed. We were on the top floor so without air conditioning we would have had to have the window open and let me tell you, the Danes know how to party on a Friday night! It was fine with window closed and the air on, but without we would have had noisy singing and carousing till 2am when I heard the police siren and then all was quiet. I loved this hotel and felt we made the right choice. If you need air conditioning and want something a little less corporate and a better location than the Marriott, I highly recommend.



We just loved Copenhagen and a great beginning to our cruise!

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Getting On the Getaway:


We left city center about 1pm and got to the port without delay. I think this was the last time we did not have a delay:). We waited on line for over an hour - and that was because we were in the Haven. It would have been much longer without the priority lane - at least it looked that way. The Haven line was actually short - the problem was the computers kept crashing. This was because they did not expect 4,000 people to all arrive at the terminal at "one time" ie between the hours of 12 and 2, apparently.


After being escorted on board (this seems a little goofy to me but whatever) we were introduced to the Haven. This thing called the Haven is without exaggeration, a sanctuary, and a sanity - the absolute bestest thing ever invented on a cruise ship - especially on this cruise which had some real issues due to missing 2.5 ports. If you can afford this in anyway, or upgrade in anyway, DO IT! I thought maybe it wouldn't be worth the extra cost as this was such a port heavy itinerary, but then it turned out that it wasn't a port heavy itinerary after all, and the

Haven kept me from being in an alcohol induced daze for two days, which the vast majority of the rest of the ship was. For two days. More on this later.



Suffice to say the Haven is a dream, Hanno and Bowen were both conceirge extrodinaires, bar amazing, restuarant delicious, room comfortable and clean and just well, how will I ever cruise again without the


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Port Day: Warnemunde Germany


If the Haven was a triumph, this German port was a trial. The first night of cruise did see some strong winds - we were far foward and could hear the wind howling, but the ship had no real movement. We got up at 6 am as we were planning on a day in Berlin - I had hired a car and driver, and a tour guide in Berlin to maximize our long day.


Original docking time came and went. Captain came one to say that there were south-westerly winds and the ship could not enter the channel (on the way out I did see that the channel was narrow. Hmmmm, maybe not the best port to choose embark/dis-embark.


We knew immediately we would not make Berlin. I canceled the tour guide but kept the driver in hopes we might get in mid-day and could perhaps go to Schwerin Castle. As day dragged on, it became evident that that was not going to happen. I forget what time the captain abandoned making port that day, either 3 or 5pm


It was so hard to sit on board that day - not like a regular planned sea day. There was no real entertainment (as everyone was supposed to be off the ship the long day). The weather was beautifully sunny and it wasn't even really windy - my kids did the rope course that afternoon.


We ended up doing this holding loop over and over as the captain attempted to dock -we had to make port eventually - folks needed to get off and folks needed to get on. Everytime we looped back into port direction, the casino had to close. With no casino, no entertainemt, and not quite warm enough to sit outside, most everyone over the age of 5 (okay, over the age of 21) took ample advantage of the drinks package. NCL definitely lost money on the drinks that day for sure! Riding the elevator became a great source of entertainment for us as it seems drunk people really like to chat and say really funny things. This ended up being more fun than sitting (or standing I should say as there wasn't always a place to sit) with the hordes in the atrium. Which by the way, what is up with that? I'm an interior designer, and this to me, is not the best design, awkward and disturbs the flow if the ship. But i guess that's just my opinion.


This was the first time I was on the Getaway, and thought the ship was pretty cool. Except for the atrium, the ship is well laid out, and thought out....much more so for a Carribean cruise than a cool weather cruise. Usually only in port could most folks utilize the sun deck and waterfront area - in June it was too windy and a little cool. I did sit out the day we were supposed to be in Estonia and if you find a place to block the wind, it is warm enough.

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2nd Attempt: Warnemunde, Germany


We got in the next morning - have no idea what time as we slept in after the early morning getting up for no-go Berlin. All aboard was 1:30pm, so though it was a short day we didn't get off the ship till 10 or so, figuring there was no need to get off before the shops and restaurants were open and there was not enough time to visit anywhere but Warnemunde.


This German seaside town was charming and cute and sweet and lovely. We enjoyed wandering around the town and I found a couple of really unique and fun shops off the main streets. We walked back along the harbor and enjoyed a beer on the harbor front in the beautiful sunshine day. So nice!


What wasn't so nice was the surprise awaiting for us to re-board the ship. Apparently, NCL was not expecting that everyone trapped on the ship the day before would want to get off the ship and enjoy the beautiful day and come back till close to all aboard.


This is where I most wish I could post a photo. The line to get on the ship was like no line I had ever seen before in all my years of cruising, or anywhere! The locals biking by the port all stopped to take pictures - what a sight! And what a trial. "Expect the Un-expected" is not in NCL's venacular, that's for sure!


At first the lines were blamed on the Germans (whaaat?!). Then it came out it was because they thought one security line would be sufficient for 4,000 people. After about an hour of logger-jam lines that did not move, more security lines - 3 more I believe, the lines started moving. Sail away was at 2 which obviously couldn't happen as 2/3 the ship was still on the line at that point. I think it took us an hour and 1/2 to 2 hours to board. Not good planning is the best I can say about this!

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2nd Attempt: Warnemunde, Germany


We got in the next morning - have no idea what time as we slept in after the early morning getting up for no-go Berlin. All aboard was 1:30pm, so though it was a short day we didn't get off the ship till 10 or so, figuring there was no need to get off before the shops and restaurants were open and there was not enough time to visit anywhere but Warnemunde.


This German seaside town was charming and cute and sweet and lovely. We enjoyed wandering around the town and I found a couple of really unique and fun shops off the main streets. We walked back along the harbor and enjoyed a beer on the harbor front in the beautiful sunshine day. So nice!


What wasn't so nice was the surprise awaiting for us to re-board the ship. Apparently, NCL was not expecting that everyone trapped on the ship the day before would want to get off the ship and enjoy the beautiful day and come back till close to all aboard.


This is where I most wish I could post a photo. The line to get on the ship was like no line I had ever seen before in all my years of cruising, or anywhere! The locals biking by the port all stopped to take pictures - what a sight! And what a trial. "Expect the Un-expected" is not in NCL's venacular, that's for sure!


At first the lines were blamed on the Germans (whaaat?!). Then it came out it was because they thought one security line would be sufficient for 4,000 people. After about an hour of logger-jam lines that did not move, more security lines - 3 more I believe, the lines started moving. Sail away was at 2 which obviously couldn't happen as 2/3 the ship was still on the line at that point. I think it took us an hour and 1/2 to 2 hours to board. Not good planning is the best I can say about this!


The picture of the line made it into a local newspaper. Someone on your previous post about missing ports (I think) did post pictures of the lines. Just awful! I have to ask, were Haven guests given any kind of priority boarding or was it just one big ol' line? I also remember reading that there was some kind of a security issue. Did you hear that? Now that I think about it, if German port authorities were running the show, it was first come, first served so to speak.

Edited by Seminole1975
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The picture of the line made it into a local newspaper. Someone on your previous post about missing ports (I think) did post pictures of the lines. Just awful! I have to ask, were Haven guests given any kind of priority boarding or was it just one big ol' line? I also remember reading that there was some kind of a security issue. Did you hear that? Now that I think about it, if German port authorities were running the show, it was first come, first served so to speak.


So glad someone posted a photo! Havent had a chance to get back on my thread. Internet only worked about have the time on the ship - kept crashing.


Haven guests were not given any sort of priority boarding - although we did have priority disembarkation, a wonderful perk especially in Russia. And it would have helped in Germany if we had been wanting an early start for Berlin.


There was no security issue - It was just the normal security (going through the metal detector same old thing). It was the security to get back on the ship - nothing to do with Gernany.

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Port day: Estonia or Another day at Sea


I must say I was much more disappointed to miss Estonia than Berlin. There's a good chance I will get to see Berlin; very little chance of getting back to Talinn, Estonia.


We had good weather on the ship - I sat on the Haven sun deck for quite awhile - just need to find a spot that is a barricade against the wind.


I also had a great facial in the spa...only negative was the really hard sell at the end. Man, he would not let up and got rude when he realized I only wanted one item! Geesh! My massage later in the week was better and she did take no for an answer.


A good day because no day at sea is a bad day. But missing Estonia was a bitter pill to swallow.

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St. Petersburg, Russia


Ah, the port of all Balric Sea ports. SPB was everything I expected, and then some. A visual feast for the eyes everywhere we went. I had read a lot of Russian Imperial history before we went (because I'm a nerd that way) and it was so fun to have history come alive! We loved every minute!



We did a private two day tour with Insider Tours - ranked in the top 10 on Trip Advisor. We did the "forced march" version - we did 10 miles of walking the first day - I kid you not, my fitbit tells no lies! The second day was more relaxed, and though not leisurely, more "normal" speed. Our guide Natalia, was a font of knowledge, but sometimes a little quiet would have been good. She gave us a real window into the culture and personality of a Russian - she definitely saw the fact that we needed bathroom breaks and water as a sign of weakness haha. (I could almost "hear" her eyes roll when we requested finding a kiosk to buy water - lol!


We had beautiful weather both days - our guide said such sunshine was rare, but it was a joy to tour with the weather we had. We took a semi private boat tour which was great after all that walking. I would suggest having some rubles for kiosks and such. Russia is not a completely card centric place like the Scandinavian countries. We were also lucky in that we were the only ship in port that day, so places were not as crowded as they could have been.


I felt like everything we saw was a highlight, and it's hard to decide what to see and what to forego. I could easily have toured a third day and not been bored at all. I would go back in a heartbeat.

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Helsinki, Finland


What a great day we had here! We took a ship excursion (something I seldom do as I hate big bus tours) but this was a four hour excursion to Suomenlinna Island. I thought this would make transportation into town and the ferry easier and more efficient- and it really was seamless. We had a great guide who gave just the right amount of commentary and it was great to hear the history of what we were seeing, and see the highlights and best scenic views. Highly recommend!


We toured the city on our own after the tour and ate lunch in town (so Helsinki must have something for Mexican because we came across four Mexican restaurants looking for some place to eat - and coming from Texas we did not want Mexican!)


We found Helsinki delightful and laidback. It was a Sunday and I knew many of the design stores that I wanted to visit would be closed, but I was so happy to find plenty that were open. I just love Finnish design, furnishings and textiles, and I was in shoppers heaven! We had such a great time in this port - a great change after go go go Russia.

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Stockholm port which ended up Nynashamin:


Yet another trial. To be fair, I probably wouldn't have been as disappointed with not docking in Stockholm if everything else had gone right in previous ports. But it really bugged me that we paid more to dock in Stocholm and we purposely picked this week for this reason, only to find out after final payment that we would port in Nynashamin instead. Felt like a bit like bait and switch. I will be interested to see if the Getaway is ever to get into Stockholm. I would bet no.


Y'all, Nynashamin is in the middle of nowhere. Train station a good 10 minute uphill walk. We took a tour - which based on the chaos at the port, 99% of the people did. Most transport was not allowed in the port gates, which caused the traffic to line up outside the port, and the busses that were allowed in the gates couldn't get in. What a mess!


Anyway, With traffic, it took about an hour to get into Stockholm (less to get back). Turned out we found out the day before that all aboard was extended from 5pm till 6:30 - but by then we couln't change our tour...which was a real shame as I felt we didnt have enough time to properly see Stockholm. The city is spread out on different islands, and it takes time to get from one place to the next. I really missed having some time to just walk around the Old town. A beautiful city that I would love to have had more time with.

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The Triumphs:


Haven was fab in everyway. The conceirge was outstanding, having priority disembarkation was huge - it took us 10 minutes to get through passport control in Russia, which was amazing! Having snacks in room and room service was great, and restaurant and bar service amazing. Once having stayed in Haven, it will be hard to go back!


Food was best we ever had on any cruise. We had the SDP and added on a 5th restaurant- we loved every single specialty restaurant. All delicious!


Entertainment was very good - enjoyed Burn the Floor, and really loved MDQ. I liked the Cirque Steam show the best - so creative, and engaging! Highly recommend!



The Trials:



Obviously missing 2 ports and not sailing into Stockholm. The disorganization and poor communication. The not being transparent with your guests and customers. Not expecting the unexpected.



I cannot reccomend the Getaway for this itinerary unless you really don't care about the ports. Seeing the ports, I see how they really are not set up for these larger ships. Warnamunde should not be a port for embarkation and disembarkation.



Do go to the Baltic Seas!, it's a fabulous itinerary. My humble opinion is to choose a smaller ship. I'm hoping our cruise was an "outlier" and others this summer are more trial free - and our experience is not repeated.

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Thank you so much for your honest review! I fly out to Copenhagen in 18 hours (EEK) and our Baltic cruise on the Getaway sails Friday...sorry you had some trials, but it sounds like you did try to make the best of it all!

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Thank you for your review. We are taking this trip in September. I expect the weather will be cool again by then. I was hoping to get a little sunshine and be able to use the Haven pool and courtyard. I was there on the Escape and it was fabulous.

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Great review Bella! Thank you! I am booked on this cruise on the Breakaway for next summer. I have a few questions.


1. I am currently have an Aft Penthouse. Would you recommend being in the "Haven proper" or doesn't it really matter?

2. Would you recommend a port side cabin or a starboard side cabin for the best views, especially of the Archipelago?

3. Looking at the excursions that are offered on this years cruises, there is one exclusively for Haven guests that appears to go to all the ports. Do you have any information about this that I can research?

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Great review Bella! Thank you! I am booked on this cruise on the Breakaway for next summer. I have a few questions.


1. I am currently have an Aft Penthouse. Would you recommend being in the "Haven proper" or doesn't it really matter?

2. Would you recommend a port side cabin or a starboard side cabin for the best views, especially of the Archipelago?

3. Looking at the excursions that are offered on this years cruises, there is one exclusively for Haven guests that appears to go to all the ports. Do you have any information about this that I can research?




Not to hi-jack, but wanted to offer an opinion on your question. We were in an art penthouse on the same cruise. The balcony was great, but for this cruise it was so cool outside we didn't really take full advantage. It would have been more convenient to be in the haven 'proper'. The restaurant and bar staff, along with the concierge were great. And being aft we were a bit removed. We did have an excellent butler (Leo) aft.



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