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I Belize in MAGIC! MITSUGIRLY revisits the Western Route. My Novel.


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The hubbys meal came with toast, which he did not receive and had to ask for, and when it did come, one was not cooked and the other was burned. Yes, this was all brought up to the waitress when she asked "How were things" and once we told her she just said "oh" and shrugged it off.




Brayden said his food was not too good and for B to say that, there's gotta be something wrong. The kid loves his food as you can tell by his weight gain over the last year.


Sakari ordered scrambled eggs and said "They are burnt mommy, I can't eat these". There was absolutely nothing on them that appeared burnt. I tried them, they tasted burnt. Weird.

At some point drinks were forgotten and then somehow spilled and went all over the table, floor and Kendra. The older lady did not seemed pleased with this and had some more snide remarks as she had to mop up the floor.


Kendra and Billy ordered steak and eggs. Billy said it was probably the worse piece of steak he had ever tasted from any place ever. Kendra did not like hers either. But when they were bringing out their food, Kendra was still trying to clean up the wet table they didn't clean and she (the older lady) was holding their plates and asked who got what and Kendra was still trying to clean the table and make room and the lady said "Here, figure it out and I'll lay it here" and pretty much slammed the plate onto the table in a different area. Like really rude. I have no idea what her problem was. I do know I would never return there again if I stayed in the area. I can't believe this place was recommended.


Billy couldn't even finish his steak and eggs and he was ready to go. By the time we made it back to the hotel room, he was throwing up. He said it just made him so sick. He didn't even make it to the bathroom and ended up heading to the first place he could when he walked into the room...the sink in the kitchen area. Whoops. They had to call maintenance to come unclog it.


Kendra and I decided to walk over to the surf shop down the street beside the gas station to look for a pair of flip flops for Sakari. Her dinosaur feet have grown so much over the summer that she is down to only a pair of Nike Slides that fit. I managed to find her a pair of flip flops so at least she had 2 pairs of summer shoes to wear instead of tennis shoes the entire cruise.


We packed up our things and checked out of the hotel at noon. I had a 11am check in time I believe, but since Kendra is a late bloomer and didn't book until much later than I did, I think her only choice was around 1pm. So, it really didn't matter when I got there and had to go off her schedule.


I called Lyft for a ride to the cruise port with an estimate of around $6-7 total plus tip. I sent Kendra a code for being a "newbie" and her ride was free. It's a lot cheaper than using the hotel shuttle or a cab. We did go in 2 separate vans. Kendra's pulled up first and off they went...meanwhile, we watched ours pass the hotel and then turn around.


Our first glimpse of a ship in port:





There she is!!!! I always get this warm fuzzy feeling inside when I first spot our ship.




See that silver van up there in line? That is Kendra and family. That's how much quicker they got there before us.




It wouldn't be too long before her line came to an abrupt halt and they opened up another lane...that would be OUR lane. hehe


We zoomed around them, pulled up to the other side of the terminal, checked in our luggage, paid the porter, and was standing outside waiting on Kendra and family to meet up with us about 10 minutes later.













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I believe we actually headed into the terminal around 1pm. I don't remember because it was such a blur that I forgot to look...blur as in something going by really fast like a car. It.was.quick!


I think we checked in, did the security-I'm-not-smuggling-booze-in-my-bag check, to the line, take my picture for my "still gold status" S&S card and on the ship we went...20 minutes tops. It was amazing!


We did stop for some family pics though:












And...Kam didn't get the memo about smiling for this one. She was ready to go and darted out midway during the snap!





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Our hotel...


We originally booked the Country Inn there on Astronaut Blvd. However, Irma had other plans for some of the hotels in that area.


Someone on our roll call said that they received notification that their reservations had been cancelled. Hmmm, I had not received anything either by phone, email or text. Weird. So, I decided to call them and yep, our reservation had been cancelled. Nice of them to tell me about this. I'm now wondering how many people they didn't inform of the closure and showed up to a closed hotel.




We also had Country Inn booked for our pre-cruise stay, we did receive an email on my husbands work account about the cancellation and I called about it. I have to agree they didn't handle that whole situation very well and should have called everyone instead of relying on emails. But we also re-booked with the Radisson since they are both part of IHG - Carlson Rewards program. Actually we were really pleased with the Radisson this time and it was a better rate than Country Inn & Suites. Your room looks really nice and sounds like a great deal also. Curious, was that a pull-out couch to sleep on also? Have adult kids that travel with us sometimes and would be a great option for a room for us.

We did have a great day at LFK we stayed until about 3:00 when the rain poured down. But thanks to all of your tips and advice we knew what to do and where to go, lol. Thanks again!

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You know it's about time to have some fun when you are walking the blue halls. Kam and Sakari was in the lead and excited.




Kendra was giving duck lips to someone on the phone.




We couldn't wait to see Kam's reaction.








I attempted a "stepping foot on the ship" pic but it was a little too dark in there.





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We made it.






We headed straight to the bar to get our pop sticker. This would be the first time that I ordered this package prior to getting on the ship. You save a little bit of $$ and you can instantly start getting caffeined up. We normally do not drink alcohol when we cruise with Carnival. Maybe just a few here and there. I just can't justify spending that kind of money per drink. The drink package would never be worth it to us because we couldn't consume enough to make it worth the expensive price. So, we save our drinking for when we cruise with NCL and they are free.




However, Kendra didn't care what the price was and headed for her first alcoholic beverage.





This was her "birthday cruise" according to her fiance. He told her she could book this cruise as her bday gift from him (which her birthday is actually in September).


Daddy was chilling and oblivious to his background surroundings.




The girls decided to go out and dance on the dance floor in the atrium and were having a good time.







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I picked up one of these so that I could figure my way around...only never to pick it up again and look at it. This is the sister ship of the Dream and Breeze. Pshhh, I know my way around already.




Since we were getting on the ship fairly late, we were told at check-in that our rooms would be ready.


We headed to find our lovely interior rooms. I had a room on deck 8 and Kendra on deck 6 and opposite ends of the ship. One would think I planned it this way, but honestly I didn't. Kendra actually took the last available interior at the time she booked so she was stuck with what they gave her.


When we arrived, we found this surprise for the hubby! We always sail on his birthday (lucky dog) and this would be the first time he had decorations to prove it.





He also had a beach towel and a picture frame to go with the decorations.











We decided to find some food since we were really not too satisfied with our breakfast.


We all split up and headed different directions from pizza to burritos to buffet.


I ended up with a burrito.










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Brayden found a friend at the buffet. I have no idea where this came from or what they had to offer in there.




The hubby went to the bathroom and when he came out...everything was closed. Oops. He waited to long.


The safety drill was at 3:45pm and our meeting place was in one of the MDR. We sat down and was told to move that we were in the "special section". Wellllll excuuuuse me. I guess I'm not special after all.


The safety drill started and several voices gave us instructions on what to do in case we sunk, were attacked by pirates or any other odd things. This safety briefing was brought to you by Reverend Doctor E and he was HILARIOUS! So many voices and had people laughing during the entire drill. I love when they add a little bit of humor into it. I feel like it keeps people interested and listening and he definitely had the attention of all the guests. The drill started at 3:42 and ended at 3:45pm. Quickest, most entertaining drill ever!


After the drill we headed outside to watch the sailaway.




We met a couple and hung out with them for a little while as we pulled out. It was their first cruise and they were so excited asking all kinds of questions about the ports and such. She was a nurse...of course. I'm completely convinced that cruising is all nurses do. Every cruise there are so many of them. The weird thing is, we never seen this couple again during the cruise.









We headed down to the lido to dance all the cool dances they do at sailaway. It took awhile to locate Kendra. After the dancing was over, papaw Sam danced with Kam and she had a great time.




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I love Dr.Es muster drill. Best drill ever. Sailed the Magic last year and loved that ship. Also just returned from off the Vista were we went to Bonaire. I see you have not sailed there at least not listed in any of your reviews. Best snorkeling and such a nice island.

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The ship photographer caught up with us...of course after dancing the day away with our messy hair, don't care look.




The wind had really picked up outside. It was getting a little chilly. I was a hot mess and so was my hair. We came back inside and decided to head to the room to see if our luggage had arrived (and it had).


I tried to take a picture of just how tangled my hair was, but it just wasn't giving the effect I wanted. It was seriously so tangled that I couldn't even run my fingers through it. It took me forever to locate my packed brush. I was almost starting to lose hope that I had even packed it (this has happened to me once before).




I noticed that we didn't have an ice bucket. What is going on here. We started out with ice buckets full out ice in the room. Then another cruise we got an empty ice bucket and had to ask for ice. Now...no buckets? I immediately called to ask for a bucket and they said they would deliver it and ask if I wanted ice daily. Absolutely! I had to have something to make my pop cold because the fridge/cooler isn't going to cut it.


I had most of our clothes and items put away when my ice bucket arrived...





Seriously? I don't even get an ice bucket with a lid to keep it cool? They have resorted to just a plastic pail? I'm kinda shocked. Like what did they do with all the ice buckets that they used to have in the rooms? Where are the tongs to pick up the ice? I would have to resort to using my hands? This is super weird.


We also did not have 3 pool towels (and only had 2). I'm pretty sure they know how many people will be staying in the room for that week. Most of the other times we have the correct amount so that tells me they must know ahead of time. Right?



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So, since we are in the room, I might as well give you a tour of it. I hope you have enough time to stick with this part of the review...I mean this is a whopping 185 sq ft, so it may take awhile to show you around.


Our bedroom suite for the week.




Sakari's mini-suite bedroom for the week




Our suite living room for the week complete with loft over looking the room





The formal dressing room and hollywood movie star mirror and make up room







Our kitchen area with hidden refrigerator.









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Hidden non-walk-in safe that doesn't even fit an 8x10 sheet of paper.





Our cooler to keep that pop at a luke warm temp for your convenience.




It came completed with a broken door hinge that wobbled every time you opened it.




It also came with a custom broken door shelf that was thrown to the side and a filthy shelf loaded with dust bunnies for your viewing pleasure.





I believe someone threw in some pop stains on it for extra points.




Go me! Cleaned and ready to load 3 shelves full of pop! Now only if it would arrive already!





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I am following. I just returned today from the valor and will be doing a review shortly. These reviews give me life and I love sharing my knowledge with others. I really appreciate all of our details and honesty . Your family is so adorable.



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Step into my walk in closet where you will find 3 huge doors to keep all of your crap out of site.


Behind door number 1 we have...shelves! Yippee. Plenty of room to put clothes.





Behind door number 2 we have hangers for all of those fancy-schmancy outfits you brought for the formal night...only I don't do formal, so this area was somewhat useless to me. I would stack our snorkeling equipment, towels and hang a few of our dress clothes in there...which don't consist of much...maybe 2 outfits each.




And behind door number 3 you have...another open area with more hangers and life vests. I would use this area as a place to store our dirty clothes during the week.




Next up is another broken door that wobbled as if the wobble song has just came on. It was our nightstand. Although still attached, it was barely hanging on.




Next up is our master bath.


We have the shower and toilet area, designed and arranged perfectly so if you get the urge to tinkle while in the shower, you don't even have to step out of it. Now that is convenience folks.




Directly in front of that is the mirror and sink area. Notice the awesome mirror attached to the wall that swings out. It's great for checking out your back side before leaving the room. Do these jeans make my butt look big? Don't take the word of your husbands...check it out yourself.



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Loaded with those towels they keep reminding you of your duty to think long and hard about reusing the towels to save the world. I'm sorry but being in an interior room seems to have no way to dry a towel if you hang it up. It's not like at home where you can hang it up and there's a vent in there. It would take days to dry in the bathroom there and therefore, on the floor they go when I'm done with them. I usually take 2 showers a day and I'm not drying off with a wet towel.

My bathing suits take days to dry in there and although the whole pull out clothes line thingy across the shower is a great idea for dripping bathing suits, it gets really aggravating to constantly take the bathing suits off so that you can take a shower and then put them back up again...over and over and for 3 people ugh. I end up using every available area to hang them...towel racks, door knobs, whatever is available within my reach. They still don't dry so it's pointless. (Not to mention this shower had a constant drip and you could only use half of the line to begin with because it would keep your clothes wet).




So that completes our room tour. I hope you enjoyed your stay with us and please come again. Mi casa es tu casa. :D



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Hi Mitsugirly,

Thank you for your thorough reviews! Our family will be taking our two kids on their first cruise in just a few weeks, and we will be stopping in Costa Maya. We'll plan to go to Blue Kay at your recommendation. I'm looking forward to seeing your most recent photos of that particular port day. I had a few questions for you (or other seasoned cruisers) -- when you get the time.


Does the port at Costa Maya take USD or pesos? (taxi, Blue Kay, shopping, etc.) I'm wondering if we should take the time to get local currency or not...


Also, do you know if Blue Kay has the Hobie sailboat that they feature on the website? I've emailed them a horde of questions but have not heard back... I was wondering if they have sand toys for kids or if we should plan to bring our own. (We have a 10 year old and a 4 year old). Thank you!!



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Oh and btw, if any of you think I'm complaining about the little things in my room needing repaired, I'm not. I'm not much of a complainer. I could care less about the doors or whatever...maybe housekeeping didn't even know. Maybe someone on the last week broke it and didn't tell anyone. It's no big deal to me and that's why I never mentioned it to anyone (although I probably should have said something to maintenance so that it can get fixed for future resort guest in the room that just might have a relevance to making or breaking their Carnival experience. I mean little things like this can completely give them the "worst experience of their life" or in my terms, "on a scale of 1-10 how bad is the pain, I mean disgrace of the room?").


So how does everyone feel about a little tour of the ship about now? Yes? Yes! I see hands going up...especially from those that are getting ready to sail on the Magic.


Ok, majority wins and I over ruled. It's time for the ship tour.


I start from the lowest deck and work my way up to the top. Sometimes I do miss things or forget that I haven't taken a picture of a place and this time would not be an exception to that rule. Sorry.


DECK 3: Lobby


The atrium area. Probably the most photographed area of any ship and I would not be the exception to that rule.




















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