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Tipping for Children


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Interesting thread. First of all, I read that childern under the age of 12 were expected to tip 50%. Seems that age has since dropped to under the age of two. I see the logic - on both sides.

Tipping with children instead of money? Well, I guess I would want to meet the kids before passing judgement on that.

Personally I have had really good luck on my cruises. In fact one time my cabin steward won an award for her high rated reviews. What I do is ask to have the standard tip billed to my room (so I don't have to carry around 50 $5.00 bills). Then I give those who I believe are deserving an additional amount in cash. I always make sure they understand the cash is in addition to the normal tip. I have never felt the need to reduce the standard tip on a cruise (I can not say the same for land based restaurants - my highest tip was 33% and my lowest was zero).

Personally I don't believe we should have to tip ANYONE just for doing their job. However, I am likely a few hundred years too late to do anything about that. So, I tip when it is expected to those who are deserving. I also agree that tips should be optional and that the cruise lines should pay a living wage. I don't mind tipping for good service. But tip the taxi driver. Why, because he got me from point A to point B faster than a jet could, and by some miracle all my body parts are still attached? I drive people around sometimes, I never received (or expect) more than a thank you. Now if someone does something special, then yes, I tip is a nice way of saying thank you.

But lets us look at who we don't tip. We tip the taxi driver, but not the airline pilot. Why? What would happen if you told the ship captain, "Great job - here is an extra $20 for you"? The captain would be insulted! The bell hop gets a $1.00 per bag. How much should my brother-in-law and sister tip the guy who is delivering a 40+ pound package of presents? The only reason we deserve good service is so we will leave a big tip? Try tipping the local police for doing a good job and see what kind of thank you that gets you.

The luxury lines (Seabourne, Radision, Crystal ...) discourge tipping and they are known for their good service. Why? Can't be the tips. And how about the maitre d'? The CD always says the Maitre d? trained all the wait staff, so the maitre d' deserves a tip. So how much? 25¢ per person per day? On a ship with 2000 people that works out to $3,500 per week or $182,000 per year. Okay, so they don't work 52 weeks per year. Okay, how about 39 weeks per year (take 3 months off). That still works out to $136,500. Does anyone know where I can pick up an application? If the maitre d' does something for you, and you want to tip him/her - great. Otherwise, why should we tip the maitre d'? For me, the maitre d' from any of my cruises could come up to me right now and I would have no clue who (s)he is.

A non-optional tip is not a tip, it is a fee and should be billed as such. A tip should be voluntary and should be given for service above and beyond (which admittedly describes my typical experience on a cruise ship). That is why I have never asked to reduce the standard tip and why I usually give a little extra - to those that deserve a little extra.
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Thank you Cuizer2, I was begin to feel just wretched in my stomach because I was certain I had read in cruise docs or maybe even on this board that tipping for children under 12 was half the adult amount. My daughter has been on 4 cruises with us (she is currently 6) and while I am certain we have never stiffed anyone because we usually tip more than customary amount, we always leave for the trip factoring in cash for the basic per person rate, with a 50% rate for Hannah.

Is it all cruise lines that have the new age break or just Carnival?
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[quote name='TXParrothead']I agree with Pickle on this. I have a 2 yo and a 9 month old. The 9 mo isn't going to use much at all. The 2 yo will, so I will tip accordingly. I went on NCL where they do the auto tip. We had bad dining room service so I adjusted that down to 0 and paid the helpful staff cash.[/QUOTE]
The following is from the FAQ on the Carnival web site:

Note: Guests under two years of age are not required to extend gratuities.

The line clearly recognizes that infants as opposed to children are different.
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[quote name='picklebongo']On the seven day cruise we only ate in the formal dining area the first night and we ate at the buffet the remainder of the cruise. I just didn't feel it was necessary to tip for services we didn't receive. We tipped the room steward the full amount. As a matter of fact, my son purchased a wooden carved figure from one of the locals. Somehow it fell and the tip broke off its ear. We looked and tried to find it, but were not successful. When we returned back to the cabin after dinner, our steward was observant enough to realize it was broken, which was quite startling because it wasn't a major piece missing. Well, he had somehow found the missing piece and glued it back together. Talk about diligence![/QUOTE]
All this OP does is complain and whine. I don't believe a word that she says.
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[quote name='picklebongo']Interesting that you should note smuggling booze is a "hot button issue" because I was thinking that I am being slammed for not leaving a tip for services not rendered and being called cheap, whereas some of the big spenders perhaps violate shipboard policy to save a few pennies and bring onboard water, soda and alcohol. The same goes here too, if you can't afford these items mayhaps one should do a condo vacation.

I must say though that the worst service I have ever received was when the tip was included prior to sailing. It's a darn good job when the workers can earn almost $1000.00 a week, pay no taxes and I don't begrudge them a penny, but I do feel I should be able to tip based on the service rendered and the quality of the service.[/QUOTE]
What world are you in to think that the wait staff is earning $1000 per week. You are just WRONG .

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It seems to me that one of the problems with tipping on Carnival is that Carnival does not make it plain that the waiters in the buffet area are the same waiters working the dining room at night. Hence it seems perfectly reasonable to people to not tip if they only avail themselves of the buffet area of the ship. As well, I don't believe Carnival is forth coming enough in explaining to people that the tip left by passengers is basically the wage earned by the staff. Passengers are still in many ways given the impression that tipping is for above board service and not simply for doing the job. As well, I don't buy the idea that the tips are too costly. An additional $70.00 per person (actually about half that if you are omitting just the dining staff) is not an amount that couldn't be taken care of with just a little more saving before one's trip. I am also curious when I read posts such as this one as to whether people who tip less for children do the same at the restaurants in their home towns.

Finally I would say that it's unfair to use what these people would be making in their home countries as a comparison. Remember they are not in their home countries. They have had to leave home (their families and often their children behind) for months at a time in work seven days a week, sixteen hours a day. That can't be easy and does deserve some compensation.
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Some cruise lines DO have a policy of tipping 50% for kids under 12 - I don't understand why they have that policy, but they apparently do indeed have it. Carnival, on the other hand, does NOT have that policy. If you choose to cruise on Carnival, you should be prepared to pay the full tip amount for all children 2 and up. If you think that's too much, if you can't afford it, or if you simply don't want to do it, you should look into NCL, Princess, or one of the other lines that recommends 50% tipping for kids.

We have two kids and have been cruising with them since they were 2 and 4. We pay the full tip amount and also tip the Camp Carnival staff. It's STILL a great deal when all is said and done. It's $70 a week per person - it's just not that much!

Some people like to gripe about having to pay "full fare" and "full tips" for kids, but I guess I see it from the other side. Kids do not drink alcohol, do not gamble, do not bid at the art auction, and do not purchase expensive spa treatments - so the only money the ship and its staff get from your kids are the fare and the tips. And compared to a trip to Disney World, that's a bargain!

Sorry to rant, I'm just tired of hearing/reading people who feel entitled to stiff the employees because they feel they should pay almost nothing for their kids' share of the cruise.
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Cruiser2 says the it was once children under 12. I have no recollection of that ever being the case, but then I have no recollection of more and more things every day.:mad:
Also said tips for above and beyond service, no it is "To Insure Prompt service".
Are most aware that in much of Europe [the world for that matter] that 15% is added to all restaurant checks? Tips are part of the bill period, not voluntary.
Are most aware that the United States minimum wage laws do not apply to many restaurant workers? And some other service personell as well?
That many waiters make $2.XX per hr. plus tips and its legal and has been accepted practice for more that 40 years that I know of.
That some restaurants CHARGE their "employees" a weekly FEE to work there?
Or that the parking attendants at many of our best hotels are paid NOTHING? They rely on tips alone.
Tipping is and always been part of our modern US lifestyle. So if you [whoever you are] do not tip for normal service then you ARE a cheap screw. And there is/are no explainations, excuses, or rationalizations.
It is what it is and that's all that it is..
Wiggle around that.

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[quote name='picklebongo']Several years ago my sister and I took a total of four children on a cruise, well-behaved between the ages of 6-11. Some people feel that the standard tip should be given per person and children are no exception. [B][COLOR=blue]How do others feel regarding this?[/COLOR][COLOR=red] I must admit we did not tip the full amount for our children because it was simply too costly[/COLOR][/B].[/quote]
Pickle, I don't get what you are upset about. You come to the board and start a thread asking people for their opinion on tipping kids then admit you did not tip the full amount because you were too cheap?

You don't have to backpeddle your stance. At least have a conviction.
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[quote name='dan40']
Also said tips for above and beyond service, no it is "To Insure Prompt service".

Urban myth,

Common usage of acronyms in the english language didn't really take effect until after WWII. The use of the word tip far outdates this.

The word insure is used improperly in this case the proper word is ensure.

Tips is the plural of tip that would be To Insure Prompt, which doesn't make any sense.
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I too have read the recent writings of good old "picklebongo". It's my opinion that she should change her user name to "Lightening Rod". She certainly has a way to bring out opinions.
Pickle, it isn't that you don't have a right to post, you do as much as anybody. It is just that your stories have gone thru some telling changes and people pick up on those changes and therefore change thier opinions of you (since that is all they know of you) or they are impressed to disregard everything that comes after the change. Reread what you have written and if there is additional information you want us to know, bring it up as additional information not as a storyline change. IMO. CRUISE ON!!!!!!!!
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I am more than happy to tip the required amount and more for my 4 kids. The CM go out of their way to make the kids happy. On Disney they cut their meat, played games at dinner.

They do more work for the kids than they do for adults.

I am sorry, but if you cannot afford to pay the tips - you should not have gone on that vacation.
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I feel that anyone with children should not have to tip until the salon starts carrying hair care products that cater to African-American hair styles.

That is unless the waiters dance on the tables during the formal dinners wearing missing VS underwear while trying to smuggle bootleged, high value makeup. Or unless they make a suggestion to unscrew a light that won't dim or turn off in an overpriced Cat 11 mini-suite.
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[quote name='bellera']I am more than happy to tip the required amount and more for my 4 kids. The CM go out of their way to make the kids happy. On Disney they cut their meat, played games at dinner.

They do more work for the kids than they do for adults.


I would hope the Disney folks cut the kid's meat... for the prices they charge. Top notch outfit, but expensive as double hockey sticks.
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My theory is you get what you pay for. And it is not that outrageously priced.

6 of us sailed for $3400 last January. Dh and I are travelling alone this January and for the same class of stateroom it is $1200.

So not much difference and the pop is free~ ;)
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And why weren't the kids in school in January... :mad:

January is a cheepie month to travel on almost all cruise lines. And I bet they were still way more expensive for same class of stateroom on other lines.

I don't think you provided enough information for comparison. Disney's prices are outrageous, IMHO.
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Deb thanks for your reasoned response to my initial post and I must agree, I inadvertently made a "pickle" of things again. Having only sailed about 4-5 times, I didn't realized that the waitstaff in the formal dining area actually worked the lido deck also. I never saw them serve in that role. I must say that I can view things from a different perspective than when I initally posted. Thanks for sharing your divergent views in a reasonable polite manner.
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Repeat after me: I will hereafter tip the recommended amount for ALL members of my party (including children) exceptions being for substandard service in which case I shall reduce the tip amount at my discretion, and for exceptional service in which case I shall increase the tip amount also at my discretion.

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I think this subject is a hot topic because it is very personal. It really isn't anyone's business who and what you tip. I just got back from a Glory cruise with two preschoolers and I'm not going to tell you all what I tipped. But let me just say that parents also have to tip Camp Carnival & have many issues and dollars going out of their pockets that others don't. I followed my own feelings of services rendered. And since all tips are pooled and then divided the only real way to give your own team a little bonus is to slip them cash that they won't have to report & share. Everyone has a right to do as they feel best. I took a set budgetted amount for tips and I divided it for services rendered. I feel very good about who and what I left and it wasn't to Carnival's recommendations.
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[quote name='estherhead']I think this subject is a hot topic because it is very personal. It really isn't anyone's business who and what you tip. I just got back from a Glory cruise with two preschoolers and I'm not going to tell you all what I tipped. But let me just say that parents also have to tip Camp Carnival & have many issues and dollars going out of their pockets that others don't. I followed my own feelings of services rendered. And since all tips are pooled and then divided the only real way to give your own team a little bonus is to slip them cash that they won't have to report & share. Everyone has a right to do as they feel best. I took a set budgetted amount for tips and I divided it for services rendered. I feel very good about who and what I left and it wasn't to Carnival's recommendations.[/QUOTE]

There is NO requirement to tip Camp Carnival staff and they are paid way better then the Waiters and Stewards.

If you couldn't afford to tip the required amount maybe you should have skipped Disney pre-cruise.
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[quote name='big_duck']There is NO requirement to tip Camp Carnival staff and they are paid way better then the Waiters and Stewards.

If you couldn't afford to tip the required amount maybe you should have skipped Disney pre-cruise.[/QUOTE]
Where did he say that he reduced any tips below the recommended amount?

FYI: There Is [B][U]NO required gratuity[/U][/B] for anyone on Carnival.
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[quote name='zqvol']Where did he say that he reduced any tips below the recommended amount?

FYI: There Is [B][U]NO required gratuity[/U][/B] for anyone on Carnival.[/quote]

I think it was pretty obvious... generally when someone starts out with excuses, well.. doesn't take a genius ;)

Only thing I'd prefer is that people stop using excuses for being cheap! Seriously... just admit you are cheap, and don't want to spend the money... but you want to be treated like queens and kings, you want to be pampered, with perfect food and a perfect cruise... you just don't want to pay the people that help to make it that way... if it walks like a duck :p The gratuities average out to be roughly 10% (sometimes much less)... if you don't want to pay it, there are lines out there that include gratuities... I'll never understand why people try to justify it. If you get bad service, adjust them down... otherwise, there is no excuse. IMHO.
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[quote name='zqvol']Where did he say that he reduced any tips below the recommended amount?

FYI: There Is [B][U]NO required gratuity[/U][/B] for anyone on Carnival.[/QUOTE]

That was the whole implication of the post, unless someone is being deliberatly obtuse. Misstyped meant recommended.
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