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Room Service!


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YUP... +++ and no cheers...Vista Havana Aft Wrap.


That's what I wanted for our 25th.

I am not ashamed to admit...

What I have planned will probably be 7k or more..

Door to door.


But I chose to spend that.


And WILL order room service whenever we want !!!!!!

Exactly, we all choose to spend the money and i would never allow something as small as charged room service during overnight hours get me upset. 9 days and counting untill Dream


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While I don't agree that it is about waste (see above), I do agree that just because they don't eliminate all waste doesn't mean that they wouldn't aim to eliminate some waste. There's a danger of falling into the False Dilemma fallacy when looking at things like this, presuming that things must necessarily be one thing or the other, when the reality is that very little is binary like that.


I might feel the same way if I hadn’t seen the trays in the hallway in the morning full of food so many times with my own eyes. And they had to be from late night/early morning orders as they go through and collect discarded trays periodically.


I can also agree that there’s no reason why it needs to be an all or nothing type of thing as in reducing waste. If they want to take small steps vs the blanket approach then that’s fine. Every little bit helps.


Either way it’s what Carnival has decided. Room service is still an option and no one is forced to partake.

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It’s a sad fact that many people that cruise Carnival just don’t care enough to respect property.


I was reading through this thread and came across this comment. As a new cruiser who will take her 1st cruise on Carnival in July, I must say that this comment bothers me. It sounds elitist and seems to be intended to stereotype the type of person who cruises on Carnival.


Regarding the new changes to room service...I understand why those who have cruised Carnival before feel some type of way. And when combining this change with the increased beverage pkg prices and then adding a 15% surcharge on fun store purchases, it’s no surprise people feel nickel & dimed. From a newbie’s perspective, these changes won’t interfere with us having a good time on our vacay but this has more to do with our everyday lifestyle. We don’t eat past 10 and we weren’t buying the drink package. But based on the comments I’m seeing on various boards, we are in the minority and people are overwhelmingly pissed.

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People are really passionate about this subject. Out of 9 cruises, I have never ordered room service other than morning coffee. I had no idea it was such a big deal, apparently I was wrong. I wonder what percentage of cruisers this will actually affect.


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This has NOTHING to do with waste or cleanliness. Want less waste? Limit your late night offerings. Want more cleanliness? Use your employed staff to check hallways on a tighter schedule. This is purely a revenue source, nothing else. Not saying that in a good or bad way, just it is what it is. You won't see anything any cleaner and your fare prices won't go down.

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I was reading through this thread and came across this comment. As a new cruiser who will take her 1st cruise on Carnival in July, I must say that this comment bothers me. It sounds elitist and seems to be intended to stereotype the type of person who cruises on Carnival.


Don’t read too much into it. Not everything has to be about stereotypes and singling people out. It’s just the truth. They removed to the sheer curtains because their guests were DESTROYING them on a regular basis. They had to enact age restrictions on who can book because their guests were doing the same throughout the ship and getting wasted. The truth may hurt and some might not like it but there’s no denying it. And before you try and label me or my comments as “elitist” you may want to check my cruising history.


It’s a simple fact that you will find a totally different atmosphere on other cruise lines such as Celebrity. While you can’t weed the riff raft from all of them, you don’t typically see people getting in fights throwing down in front of the burger joint (just to name one) or a girl laying on a lounger peeing herself because she’s extremely intoxicated. Search YouTube for yourself. You’ll see.

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Don’t read too much into it. Not everything has to be about stereotypes and singling people out. It’s just the truth. They removed to the sheer curtains because their guests were DESTROYING them on a regular basis. They had to enact age restrictions on who can book because their guests were doing the same throughout the ship and getting wasted. The truth may hurt and some might not like it but there’s no denying it. And before you try and label me or my comments as “elitist” you may want to check my cruising history.


It’s a simple fact that you will find a totally different atmosphere on other cruise lines such as Celebrity. While you can’t weed the riff raft from all of them, you don’t typically see people getting in fights throwing down in front of the burger joint (just to name one) or a girl laying on a lounger peeing herself because she’s extremely intoxicated. Search YouTube for yourself. You’ll see.


Whatever your subsequent justification, I still feel the same about your comment. It was elitist and stereotypical. And while you BELIEVE your comments are facts based on your prior experiences...they are actually simply your opinions. Anyhooo...just my 2 cents for all that it’s worth.

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Whatever your subsequent justification, I still feel the same about your comment. It was elitist and stereotypical. And while you BELIEVE your comments are facts based on your prior experiences...they are actually simply your opinions. Anyhooo...just my 2 cents for all that it’s worth.


FMBW's comments are not elitist (such an odd choice of words for this conversation, seems completely wrong word to select) and you are associating a negative connotation to stereotypical, which simply means something you can expect based on past behavior and experience. I can't identify anything in their comments to signal elitism. And yes, stereotypically, Carnival has been a lower priced party ship and it is what they have marketed themselves as for years.


Why do so many people get a chip on their shoulder when rowdy behavior is pointed out? The lower the price point, the more accessible a product is. Therefore you get a wider pool of people and you'll see all types of behaviors. Not everyone, but a handful; but it is that handful that are not going on the higher priced lines generally. Then again some people with lots of money don't know how to behave, and some people without two dimes can be the most pleasant and well mannered you'll ever meet.

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Whatever your subsequent justification, I still feel the same about your comment. It was elitist and stereotypical. And while you BELIEVE your comments are facts based on your prior experiences...they are actually simply your opinions. Anyhooo...just my 2 cents for all that it’s worth.


Sorry you feel that way. I’ll see later on if I can find where John Heald said they removed the curtains because they were having to constantly replace them due to guests damaging them. And as far as being opinions, they’re not. Search for yourself. Do I think all people who sail Carnival are bad? Heck no! Or I wouldn’t do it myself.


But there is an obvious difference in clientele and atmosphere on other lines. And that is FACT. You mean to tell me a cruise line that is comprised of mostly retired folks is going to be exactly the same as one where families and young college kids are? When’s the last time they had a hairy chest contest on Holland America or Cunard? Sometimes the truth and facts are hard to accept for some. Enjoy your cruise and I will as well.

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I was reading through this thread and came across this comment. As a new cruiser who will take her 1st cruise on Carnival in July, I must say that this comment bothers me. It sounds elitist and seems to be intended to stereotype the type of person who cruises on Carnival.


Regarding the new changes to room service...I understand why those who have cruised Carnival before feel some type of way. And when combining this change with the increased beverage pkg prices and then adding a 15% surcharge on fun store purchases, it’s no surprise people feel nickel & dimed. From a newbie’s perspective, these changes won’t interfere with us having a good time on our vacay but this has more to do with our everyday lifestyle. We don’t eat past 10 and we weren’t buying the drink package. But based on the comments I’m seeing on various boards, we are in the minority and people are overwhelmingly pissed.


I agree. That comment is uncalled for. You'll find no one on this planet more respectful than me, a frequent Carnival cruiser, so don't stereotype like that. I clean up after myself and am careful on what I order. When we leave our room, the only thing they need to do is change the sheets. It's probably cleaner after we leave.

Not cool to make that statement

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People are really passionate about this subject. Out of 9 cruises, I have never ordered room service other than morning coffee. I had no idea it was such a big deal, apparently I was wrong. I wonder what percentage of cruisers this will actually affect.


Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-T377A using Forums mobile app


See you just said "morning coffee". Hubby and I do not drink coffee at all, anywhere, ever, period. We don't like it. Now I know lots of folks do and their big thing is getting up early to drink said coffee. Well our big thing is staying up way late closing down all the entertainment options and then ordering room service when we get to our room. Many times we've left the dining room at 8 pm and got to our room at 3 am so guess what? We are hungry then and it was a nice little luxury to be able to order a sandwich and milk (I love milk, more than any adult on this planet probably and it's not easy to get after breakfast.)


That's the thing about cruising - you can tailor it to the things you like. And for some of us, we really like that late night room service.

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I agree. That comment is uncalled for. You'll find no one on this planet more respectful than me, a frequent Carnival cruiser, so don't stereotype like that. I clean up after myself and am careful on what I order. When we leave our room, the only thing they need to do is change the sheets. It's probably cleaner after we leave.


Not cool to make that statement


So if I was making such a statement about Carnival cruisers don’t you think I wouldn’t be one? I’ve cruised on them 15 soon to be 16 times. Don’t be so sensitive.

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See you just said "morning coffee". Hubby and I do not drink coffee at all, anywhere, ever, period. We don't like it. Now I know lots of folks do and their big thing is getting up early to drink said coffee. Well our big thing is staying up way late closing down all the entertainment options and then ordering room service when we get to our room. Many times we've left the dining room at 8 pm and got to our room at 3 am so guess what? We are hungry then and it was a nice little luxury to be able to order a sandwich and milk (I love milk, more than any adult on this planet probably and it's not easy to get after breakfast.)


That's the thing about cruising - you can tailor it to the things you like. And for some of us, we really like that late night room service.


Well put, but hey, now we get to see some washed up NBA player who isn't even funny or entertaining in commercials! You call it cutbacks but I call it upgrades!

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Geez... It amazes me how upset this is making people. Its not that you can't still get free food!! Get off your butts and head up to Lido and grab some pizza, ice cream, or sandwiches from deli area. You do have a choice. And if you want to be lazy after 10 pm.... its your choice and you'll pay. By the way.... They do charge for Room Service in a Hotel!!


Wait a minute - it's not about being lazy. I am far from it. Thank you very much.


At 9 pm I am in the piano bar having a blast. So let me leave my seat (that I won't get back) and lose my momentum with my friends and walk to the lido and take that food back to my room. Or go back to my room and order, wait for it and then leave. Oh sure I'll have it when I get back at 2 am or 3 am but I lost some of my "fun time" on the ship doing something I didn't have to do before. It's vacation. I don't want to be looking at my watch to see what I time I need to leave one activity so I can plan for when I will eat later.


I think those of you who are not upset are stuffy old boring people who are in bed at 9 pm on your vacation anyway. Gotcha didn't I? See....didn't that feel nice for me to stereotype ya'll like that. No....what's going on here is too many people thinking that the way you cruise is the way the rest of us cruise - and it's not. We don't come back to our cabin drunk and order 25 things. We come back to our cabin at 2 or 3 am and order A sandwich. Guess I'll pack my peanut butter and loaf bread......

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So if I was making such a statement about Carnival cruisers don’t you think I wouldn’t be one? I’ve cruised on them 15 soon to be 16 times. Don’t be so sensitive.


don't be so quick to call people names.

oh and don't tell me what to do.:')

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I think those of you who are not upset are stuffy old boring people who are in bed at 9 pm on your vacation anyway. Gotcha didn't I? See....didn't that feel nice for me to stereotype ya'll like that. No....what's going on here is too many people thinking that the way you cruise is the way the rest of us cruise - and it's not. We don't come back to our cabin drunk and order 25 things. We come back to our cabin at 2 or 3 am and order A sandwich. Guess I'll pack my peanut butter and loaf bread......


Since I know it’s not true, it doesn’t bother me one bit. See how that works? No coloring books or therapy dogs needed.


While sometimes I do go to bed early usually because I’ve been outside all day and am tired, when I’m hungry I’ll go get pizza. No big deal.

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I might feel the same way if I hadn’t seen the trays in the hallway in the morning full of food so many times with my own eyes. And they had to be from late night/early morning orders as they go through and collect discarded trays periodically.
I've seen them; I am not convinced that the cruise line specifically would care about food waste if by through that waste customer perception of value was fostered.


There used to be a small chain of restaurants in Massachusetts called Vinny T's. What I remember about that chain is that their portions were the pinnacle of excess; especially how they filled a single plate of ribs with enough french fries for a whole family. A good portion of those french fries were wasted, but the overabundance of such a large plate, full to overflowing with food, struck enough patrons as justification for the ridiculously high prices they charged. Some might say that the take-home aspect mattered, but I don't think it mattered much given that warmed-over french fries from last night are not better than the fries you could make yourself from the $1.49 bag you could get out of the freezer case at the supermarket. Either way, in Vinny T's case, the waste projected into perceived value by consumers, justifying the waste in their minds.


More recently, such excessively large portions have received a lot of media scrutiny, and I think that has changed consumer sentiment so much that Vinny T's tactic wouldn't fly these days, and certainly wouldn't work on cruise ships, at least not anymore.


So I don't think they're getting rid of waste for the sake of getting rid of waste. I think they're getting rid of waste because it no longer translates into customer-perceived value.

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But there is an obvious difference in clientele and atmosphere on other lines.
I have to agree with this comment. What has struck me so significantly about the differences is how much more friendly and convivial Carnival (and Disney) cruisers are, in general, as compared to cruisers who regularly cruise other cruise lines that we've cruised on.


Does that translate into other patterns that differentiate the regular cruisers of one cruise line from the regular cruisers of another cruise line? (Without commenting on what those differences might be, I think we have to admit that...) logically, it would.


That very well could be. I still think that reducing waste for whatever reason is a good thing.
Definitely. Edited by bUU
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You know it may be JH delivering the message, problem people take it out on him. It could be someone else in his place doing it. No one knows how he feels having to deliver this stuff. He is getting paid to say it, instead of the cowards who make these rules come out to make the company more money to say and take the heat for it.

The way I see it Carnival is not appreciative to the customers who keep paying for all the things they keep charging for and making them so much in bonuses.

They would not be making this without the people being on board and paying for these things.

I only use the room service for my coffee in the morning. I go to the buffet and get my breakfast.

Some people who are loyal on here get onto people just posting their views about the new charge.

For some people it may seem like Carnival may be a cheaper line. But for some people who like to travel and can not afford a lot have to pay for other things that was a nice offering now have to pay for.

I am sure I will get flamed. I am not loyal to any one cruise line.

Most people could think about the next thing to cut back on. I looked at the facebook page and notice so many polls and see what the company is thinking about to charge for next. I am not bashing anyone on here. Just putting my 2 cents into the mix. Lets hope that Carnival starts looking at the customers they have that have paid their wages and bonuses. And not just wanting to think about how to get the next cutback to their favor , and think about the customers a little more.

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Wait a minute - it's not about being lazy. I am far from it. Thank you very much.


At 9 pm I am in the piano bar having a blast. So let me leave my seat (that I won't get back) and lose my momentum with my friends and walk to the lido and take that food back to my room. Or go back to my room and order, wait for it and then leave. Oh sure I'll have it when I get back at 2 am or 3 am but I lost some of my "fun time" on the ship doing something I didn't have to do before. It's vacation. I don't want to be looking at my watch to see what I time I need to leave one activity so I can plan for when I will eat later.


I think those of you who are not upset are stuffy old boring people who are in bed at 9 pm on your vacation anyway. Gotcha didn't I? See....didn't that feel nice for me to stereotype ya'll like that. No....what's going on here is too many people thinking that the way you cruise is the way the rest of us cruise - and it's not. We don't come back to our cabin drunk and order 25 things. We come back to our cabin at 2 or 3 am and order A sandwich. Guess I'll pack my peanut butter and loaf bread......



Or - if you want to eat at 2 or 3 a.m. after having fun around the ship and you don't want to take advantage of the free option (pizza), you will have to be willing to pay out $2 - $5.


I don't think that everyone ordering after 10:00 p.m. are a bunch of drunks - I've ordered a sandwich numerous times after midnight - but I know that in my experience, the few times I cruised with family and there were teenage boys along - OMG, they ordered Room Service every night & ordered many items each just because it was free. Considering there are many teenagers on every cruise - I guarantee you my experience wasn't unusual. Hell, if I were a teenager, I would be doing the same thing.


So, will charging a fee mean less waste - probably. Is this the reason behind the decision - I doubt that it was the main reason. BUT, I also don't think this decision is going to stop very many people, if any, from sailing on CCL ships.


Personally, if it will make room service between 10 p.m. - 6 a.m. faster because the staff is not running around all over the ship schlepping out free food - I don't mind paying extra and the expanded menu looks pretty good.

We all have to make decisions as to what is important to each of us and if a company is not providing what is important to you, choose another company. But to expect everything to stay the same is a little unrealistic. All businesses will do what they need to do to better their profits - prices go up or services go down at times to meet this need.

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You know it may be JH delivering the message, problem people take it out on him.


I read some of the comments on his Facebook site. Talk about shooting the messenger! I feel really bad for him. While it may be his job to relay info to the public, he doesn’t deserve to be disrespected. Some people could really benefit from a Netiquette class.

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