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Dress Code - Either Enforce it of Forget It


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I've never eaten at the Golden Corral and you guys are making me feel very left out lol...I don't think we have them in So Cal and if we do not near me...like Crackle Barrel...we don't have those either...but I guess maybe In N Out makes up for it...I couldn't say lol....


I doubt there has ever been a person reflect on their life and think dang I haven't ate at a Golden Corral. lol I don't think you're missing much;p

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My wife, son, and I were invited to a Naval Academy dinner a year ago when my son was trying to get in to the academy and I assure you that we dressed appropriately.


Yeah....that's a little different situation. Not a Carnival cruise.

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Let's see places I've worked Capital grille ocean aire. (Before it was owned by Tillman fertitta) Del frisco's a few local places you never heard of.


As for the dress code I don't know what's so hard about understanding that all rules don't have to be enforced 100% of time. It'a called managing in the gray. I do it everyday. Most great managers do it. Nobody's meal is being ruined by someone in a stylish pair of jeans on formal night, and if you're paying that much attention to somebody else you need to mind your own dang business.


As for folks that have ate in a fine dining establishment. I would bet it's less than ten percent of the population. There's very few true fine dining restaurants. i always chuckled when people think one of those great steakhouses I worked in was fine dining. Honestly Carnival's mdr is closer to Golden Corral than to a fine dining restaurant. Food and service is only a few notches above that found at Golden Corral.


Just curious, do you tell your own customers at the Outback to mind their own dang business if they have a complaint about another table?

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Really....so let me ask this....Guy rolls into the MDR in his tanktop and lo and behold he is seated at your table. He has been duly blessed with plenty of armpit hair and he likes to reach across the table for that breadbasket. It happens to be right over your water glass....we all good Dog? No effect on your cruise, right? :loudcry:


"Dog", I knew this thread would come to this, throwing out words my 11 year old uses.


My wife and I set with a large group, one couple were in a tux and gown. Guess what, they smelled horribly, while the couple both in jeans were extremely polite,funny and smelled good. Don't judge a book by it's cover.

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Just curious, do you tell your own customers at the Outback to mind their own dang business if they have a complaint about another table?


Well I don't work at outback, or anyplace of that caliber. I also don't have customers, I have guests. Being that the average guest spends over 100 dollars on dinner, we have very few issues.

On occasion I've had a comment made about an outfit. Usually by some uptight person that rarely visits our establishment, and when they do they spend very little money. I have pro football players come in wearing ball caps. Do I care no, because they are buying 500 dollar bottles of champagne, and the guy doing the complaining is sipping on a 10 dollar glass of wine. I normally inform the offended guest that the person they are complaining about is famous. At that point their tune changes, and they then beg for an autograph, and I reply mr so and so would rather not be bothered this evening.

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I doubt there has ever been a person reflect on their life and think dang I haven't ate at a Golden Corral. lol I don't think you're missing much;p


Correct, you're not missing much at the Golden Corral... except for the opportunity to engorge yourself for around $13 ;)

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This thread is just silly. Almost as silly as the tablecloth threads. Carnival should do away with dress codes. I've been in the restaurant business for 17 years, and just the other day I had a guy all angry over two men wearing a hat into the restaurant.(semi private club restaurant bar and grille feel) As the F&B manager I told him I didn't have a problem with them wearing a hat. I agreed that I was raised differently, and wouldn't do it, but I wouldn't risk two complaints just to push his values on someone else.




In the grand scheme of things that's what this boils down to. People not minding their own business. You have your views and values, and I have mind. When you let my views and values ruin your cruise or dinner, like this man did because they aren't the same of someone else's you are at fault. Mind your own business. Does a pair of shorts or a hat bother you that much. Again stay on your side of the fence and mind your business.




In closing I'll be 40 years old next month. Last cruise I took I didn't pack a suit or dress pants. I gotta laugh when someone says buy a pair of dockers. I wouldn't be caught dead in such rags. My jeans you snicker at cost as much as 10 pairs of dockers at kohl's and feel about 100 times better. I already know when I take my cruise in august I won't pack a suit. Even though I have several hanging in the closet. Why? I'm with my wife and kids, and I don't feel like dressing up. It's jeans and a button down shirt every night.(ok I may take the pink dress pants;) I'm sure you would snicker at that too) When I cruise for my parents 50th in 2019, I will pack a suit, heck I might pack my tux like I did when I went on the first ever journeys cruise carnival offered.




People go have a good time worry about yourselves and nobody else. You want X out of a cruise, and I want Y out of a cruise. I don't let you wearing an out of date Hideous JC penny's stafford suit ruin my cruise, so don't let me wearing a pair diesel jeans, with my robert graham shirt, and a pair of shoes from my collection that is worth more than all your clothes you carried on board ruin your cruise either.




I’ll start with I’ll be 41 this month so we are about that same age. I also have a daughter who used to exclusively wear Rocks. They are nicely made jeans. They look nice yes, they aren’t cheap, but they are still denim. Denim is considered casual. I didn’t have to tell her on elegant night to follow the dress code and put the jeans up. She put on a dress likely from Ross that may cost 15% of the cost of the jeans. The dress code isn’t by price of the clothing. Same as every job I’ve had has dress code by type of clothing not cost.


Now let me say personally I don’t care much about what someone wears to dinner. I would considerably care more about personal hygiene. One cruise our table was by a booth with a couple dressed appropriately but had a BO odor on couple evenings. That did affect my meal.


The dress code is part of the contract we agree to. Rules help to allow an enjoyable vacation for all. Personally I wish the rules that don’t negatively affect someone’s else were guidelines [emoji16]



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I'm beginning to think that I'm in the minority when it comes to NOT worrying about what others are wearing at dinner time. Hardly a week goes by without someone commenting on how others are dressed, and how that "ruined" their dining. Maybe the time is long over due to do away with Elegant Night and go with either "Business Casual" or "Cruise Casual". And, instead of coming on here and whining about how certain other passengers are dressed at dinner time, why not voice your complaint directly to the Maitre D?

You are not alone. I also don't get why people care what other people wear. It doesn't affect the taste of my food in any manner, shape or form. If I choose to wear a beautiful gown and the guy next to me is wearing blue jeans it doesn't change my experience in the least. People need to Live and let live. Quit worrying about what other people do.

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You are not alone. I also don't get why people care what other people wear. It doesn't affect the taste of my food in any manner, shape or form. If I choose to wear a beautiful gown and the guy next to me is wearing blue jeans it doesn't change my experience in the least. People need to Live and let live. Quit worrying about what other people do.
I agree I don't care what other people wear or do on their vacation. I like to dress up. That's what I do. Let others enjoy their vacation their way.


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So after just sitting back reading, i figure i would take a stab at this. Dress code threads always are very, “popular and passionate”. So the OPs original question was either enforce it or forget it. That seems to me anyway, directed at Carnival. Some people say they like it and defend it the way it currently is. There are plenty of people on here who say they dont care what people wear, but they still dress appropriately. I guess i am curious and direct my post to the people that want the DC abolished totally....Just asking, you want absolutely no decorum at all? That people can truly wear whatever they want? Right now that is the dress code for the Lido deck buffet, so are you asking that just be extended to the MDR? Lets really look at the Carnival DC. On both Casual and Elegant evenings i think we all can agree that its pretty lax as far as a dress code goes, agree? I am not looking at the website as i post this so apologies if i am wrong. I believe on Casual evenings they are asking for no gym shorts/bathing suits and t shirts....On Elegant evenings they are adding i believe no flip flops, shorts and jeans. Do people out there really find that oh so strict? Again, not looking to argue but rather understand your position, to the people who say “i dont care what anyone else wears”, do you want to totally do away with all rules pertaining to a dress code in the MDR? Lets be fair, you cant really debate and say something like “my t shirt/jeans are ok but not that other persons”....that is totally subjective and Carnival cant base rules off opinion. I think we can agree that if no jeans or t shirts it has to be a blanket rule, not pick and choose....so what is it, do you want to do away totally with any semblance of the DC and have people stroll in with whatever they feel like wearing? If so, thats fine, its your opinion. Just keep in mind, what each person feels is appropriate differs GREATLY from person to person....for the sake of transparency, i am in favor of the DC, my opinion for Elegant evenings, it should be a bit more stringent. I am fine with dress shorts and a collared shirt on casual evenings, pants on Elegant evenings (i would implement a jacket for Elegant evenings as a requirement, but just my opinion). I know this is a long post so my apologies, but one other thing i noticed is some people correlate cost of clothing with appropriateness. I find that ludicrous as a way of reasoning. As an example, you can spend $400 on a pair of sneakers....they are still sneakers. They are no more appropriate than a $20 pair of sneakers. Jeans are jeans, whether they cost $300 or $25....You cant base a dress code on something like “on Elegant evenings, no jeans....except if they cost over $150....expensive jeans are ok but cheaper jeans arent” that is crazy if that is your expectation

Edited by Lonely At The Top
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We cruise RCCL and Celebrity and enjoy and participate in the formal nights, which it sounds like are more formal than those on Carnival. Most of the cruisers make an effort to dress up but dressing up means something different to everyone. That being said, if you don’t own any dressy clothing, shame on you. Take pride in your appearance and make the effort. When everyone participates it makes it so much more fun for all.

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As an example, you can spend $400 on a pair of sneakers....they are still sneakers. They are no more appropriate than a $20 pair of sneakers. Jeans are jeans, whether they cost $300 or $25....You cant base a dress code on something like “on Elegant evenings, no jeans....except if they cost over $150....expensive jeans are ok but cheaper jeans arent” that is crazy if that is your expectation


Nice post. Thanks. Yes, I think everyone has had their shot in this thread (and the dozens that preceded it) to give their opinion on what constitutes "acceptable" dress, according to their own standards.


The cost issue really a moot point. Heck, those $400 sneakers could have only cost $10 to make in a Chinese factory somewhere but, because they're all the rage, they command $400. Same thing with jeans....has a designer label, so costs 10x as much as a pair of Levis.


This topic is prevalent on other cruise line forums as well. There's one on the Celebrity forum right now.


Someone mentioned this early on in the thread. There are really three camps of thinking in this, and a lot of other "rules" threads.


1. Individuals who try to respect and follow the rules.


2. Individuals who are apathetic (or give the impression) of these situations, until it affects them in a personal way.


3. Individuals who relish the opportunity to buck the system or feel that rules are made to be broken.


We could probably do some sort of psychological deep dive into the personality types of each of the aforementioned types, but it would prove nothing. Each of these types is going to continue to do and act the way they always have. Nobody in these threads is going to change anyone's mind.


Again, it comes down to Carnival and the choices people make. Carnival can choose to be consistent with the dress code, or not. I believe that they try to catch those extreme outliers if they can, but once they are at a table, I don't think there is much they are going to do. And folks can make a choice to attempt the minimum amount of dress required or not.


This discussion will go on and on and on.

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Lonely, I agree with much you said. As I eluded to before cost of the clothing isn’t part of the dress code on a cruise, job, or anywhere I’ve ever seen. Why someone correlates supposed quality by price as a valid excuse for the dress code not to apply to them is ostentatious and as you said ludicrous.


To answer your question about no dress code, that really wouldn’t be my preference because we will have people that show up in a wet bathing suit like they do in Lido deck even though that is supposedly against the dress code as well I believe. I do think the cruise casual would be fine. Maybe to add in what seems to be standard dress code for casual business settings as in no graphic T-shirts, clean, unwrinkled, and no holes or stains. Having to wear a jacket or a tux seems a bit much for the ambience of the MDR and the menu. You wouldn’t have to dress to this caliber to have a similar dining experience in the states. Personally I think the specialty restaurants may align more with that type of dress code.


In the end It doesn’t really affect my meal that greatly based on what someone else is wearing. I can however understand the frustration of those it does seem to really get under their skin. If there are rules in anything they need to be enforced with consequences or it loses value to have them.



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This may have been posted but at Carnivals website:


Most evenings we have a 'Cruise Casual' dress code but there are those 'Cruise Elegant'evenings one or two nights throughout the voyage where guests will have the opportunity to showcase their more elegant attire.

Lido Restaurant

For those who want casual attire for dinner, the Lido Restaurant is open nightly and has a more relaxed theme. Daytime Attire may be worn.

The Steakhouse

The dress requirements for the Steakhouse follows the dress code specified for the Main Dining Room(s); if the evening is specified as 'Cruise Casual', shorts are not permitted.

Main Dining Room(s)

Following is the dress code in the Main Dining Room(s) for both men and women and pertains to children as well:

Cruise Casual Dress Code

  • Men: sport slacks, khakis, Jeans (no cut-offs), dress shorts (long) and collared polo shirts
  • Women: summer dresses, casual skirts, pants, capris, dress shorts, Jeans (no cut-offs) blouses and tops
  • Not permitted: Cut-off Jeans, men’s sleeveless shirts, tee-shirts, gym or basketball shorts, baseball hats, flip-flops and bathing suit attire

Cruise Elegant Dress Code

  • Men: dress slacks, dress shirts, and we also suggest a sport coat; men may also wish to wear a suit and tie or tuxedo
  • Women: Cocktail dresses, pantsuits, elegant skirts and blouses; ladies may also wish to wear an evening gown
  • Not permitted: Jeans, men’s sleeveless shirts, shorts, tee-shirts, sportswear, gym or basketball shorts, baseball hats, flip-flops and bathing suit attire

Cruise Elegant Evenings / Formal Nights

The length of the cruise determines the number of 'Cruise Elegant' evenings in the Dining Room. The first 'Cruise Elegant' evening is scheduled for the second or third evening of the cruise and the second 'Cruise Elegant' evening is the second or third evening prior to the end of the cruise, itinerary schedule permitting.

  • 2-day to 5-day cruise: one Cruise Elegant evening
  • 6-day or longer cruise: two Cruise Elegant evenings

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This back and forth is just an example of why I've switched lines. Carnival is becoming the circus they're named after. I miss the old brand and the current re-branding the line is moving toward is not something I care for. We'll still cruise the line on occasion, but it won't be the 4 times a year it used to be.




Fyree, i think you come up with a good point. This perception out there, and some posters referred to it....”Its Carnival, doesnt matter what you wear”....where did this come from? What i mean is, take Azamara or Viking for example, hypothetically, lets say they had the same exact dress code. Is it more acceptable to ignore the rules on Carnival than it is a Viking cruise line? If so, why? If you pay $10000 for a cruise then its expected you follow rules and guidelines but if you pay $2000 you can do whatever you want? I just dont understand how that correlates

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Carnival ...people dress like slobs and yet they want a 4 star dining experience. Tired of hearing " but the air fare"....and yet want to know about Halloween Costumes. Stop dressing as if you are going to McDonald's. You are embarrassing. No wonder Carnival is labeled as the Walmart of cruise lines.

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I mean if you want to wear swim trunks, bikini, flip flops, tank tops, gym shorts . . . Stick to the buffet. Nothing wrong with that. Have no issues with dining room staff not allowing you in.


Have no issues with button shorts, t-shirts (nothing with offensive language or designs), jeans, etc. in the dining room.


While I personally would like everyone to attempt to at least wear long pants/dark jeans and at least a polo shirt/button up shirt on elegant nights, It doesn’t matter if they don’t and doesn’t affect me. However If you come in looking like a slob on elegant night don’t feel bad when people are obviously staring at you and you become a topic of conversation at their table.

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Carnival ...people dress like slobs and yet they want a 4 star dining experience. Tired of hearing " but the air fare"....and yet want to know about Halloween Costumes. Stop dressing as if you are going to McDonald's. You are embarrassing. No wonder Carnival is labeled as the Walmart of cruise lines.




Stop posting the same drizzle over many Carnival threads today. Take your own advice and show some class.



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This back and forth is just an example of why I've switched lines. Carnival is becoming the circus they're named after. I miss the old brand and the current re-branding the line is moving toward is not something I care for. We'll still cruise the line on occasion, but it won't be the 4 times a year it used to be.



That may be your opinion but that doesn't make it true.

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Carnival ...people dress like slobs and yet they want a 4 star dining experience. Tired of hearing " but the air fare"....and yet want to know about Halloween Costumes. Stop dressing as if you are going to McDonald's. You are embarrassing. No wonder Carnival is labeled as the Walmart of cruise lines.


It's only labelled the Walmart of cruise lines by people who feel they are superior to everyone else.

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I mean if you want to wear swim trunks, bikini, flip flops, tank tops, gym shorts . . . Stick to the buffet. Nothing wrong with that. Have no issues with dining room staff not allowing you in.


Have no issues with button shorts, t-shirts (nothing with offensive language or designs), jeans, etc. in the dining room.


While I personally would like everyone to attempt to at least wear long pants/dark jeans and at least a polo shirt/button up shirt on elegant nights, It doesn’t matter if they don’t and doesn’t affect me. However If you come in looking like a slob on elegant night don’t feel bad when people are obviously staring at you and you become a topic of conversation at their table.



Well said.


I don't care what people wear, but wouldn't be upset if the dress code was enforced and people were turned away.

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