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Did I miss the part where they said that in addition to making a costume for a genre film for a specific character in a specific role, they also had to include their personal style?


I loved Epperson's outfit big time. It's the second time I felt his was the best outfit but it didn't get the nod.


Agreed with the auf'd choice, mainly based on overall performance -- I didn't even like the outfit they gave him the win for.


But wouldn't this have been a fun challenge to design for? I don't know if I could have resisted creating a Jane Austin era/zombie combo. lol

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Again, I think Christopher was robbed!! I think he's one of the most talented designers there and the judges are trying to keep him from winning too many challenges.....gggrrrrrr!!!


Epperson was a close second to me. Nikolas's outfit was very well done, but not to the level of the two already mentioned. I wonder if they wanted to give Nikolas the "nod" due to his obvious experience with costume design? Whatever -- seems to me like the best outfit should win, but hey, it's Reality TV!!!


Gordana -- well, I do have to say that I'm beginning to see a LITTLE bit where the judges are coming from. She seems to be an excellent seamstress/craftsperson, but does she have a vision? Not sure....


I'm torn between thinking Ra'mon was the right person to auf, and thinking Louise should've gone. She didn't really have much of a "story" and her outfit was almost as much of a hot mess (to me) as Ra'mon's.


(Quote of the week: "I don't want it to look too costumey.....oh, who am I kidding, it IS a costume!")

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I'm ready for Nikolas to be gone for good. I don't care that he won this week and he probably deserved the win. He gives me the creeps :eek: I think it's his hair.


I think Louise has done well until this week, I wonder what happened, maybe the stress got to her. I'm glad she wasn't the one to go.

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Ok so I assume it's ok to talk about who has gone in this thread even before an official "synopsis"


I thought Louise should have gone home!!! No story and a completely boring outfit. There was no style at all in that outfit and it didn't fit well at all. Bleh.


I miss Michael Kors!!! I also miss having 3 consistant judges instead of only Heidi. I think if there was another consistant judge, they would see what the designers do each week and use previous weeks to help make the decisions (which in the past they have admitted using previous weeks to judge, and I think it's in the "small print" at the end of each episode.) I don't miss Nina as much because she seemed to pull things out of her rear end, lol. I do like Michael and miss him!


I liked Ra'Mon though. Even though this outfit was a little horrific, he fixed a worse mess in a short time and admitted he didn't do a great job. Louise thought her's was fine, which is worse I think.


I LOVED Christopher's, two weeks in a row he's been ROBBED! His was so intricate and perfectly constructed. That bustle was amazing, and the neck ruffle was to die for. I loved the vampire story too. Amazing!

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Ok so I assume it's ok to talk about who has gone in this thread even before an official "synopsis"



Curt has stated there is no reason to wait for him, he's too busy to have his opinions and pics done the next day. It's no big secret who has gone home on Friday.

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I'm another one who would have voted for Epperson's dress. The bodice was just amazing. And how he did that using heavy denim is beyond me.


Nikolas's dress just didn't go far enough. It seemed pretty modest for the evil Queen of the Universe. :-)


It's interesting that for two weeks in a row, the losers decided to redo their whole outfits with only a few hours to spare. I hope the remaining designers learn from this. As Tim's so fond of saying, they need to "make it work."

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Nikolas' dress was a direct rip off from Narnia. Only not as good.


Christopher's outfit was awesome, I just liked Epperson's a touch better.


Gordana does have a look to her other clothes -- macrame. Lots of weaving going on. But I guess she missed that "personal style" bit of the challenge instructions this time, too.


You guys aren't the only ones missing the other regular judges. I do love Dave White's commentary on this show:




Does anyone have favorites yet? I don't. Overall, the playing field is pretty even to me, except for Nikolas (lower). If, as Curt thinks, they're trying to hide the winners, they're also doing a good job of keeping me emotionally uninvolved. That's not so good.


Imagine what Chris March would have done with this last challenge. He would have won it in his sleep -- literally.

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oh oh .. I disagree with CJW ..

Make the trench coat out of a patent leather or oil cloth .. (shiny) and the newsprint and it is in my closet!! What a fun item that would be.

Hey KLlathy! We don't disagree that it was cool, I just don't think it should have won...

Had it been a different challenge, and she had actually made it out of newsprinted patent leather or newsprinted oil cloth - I agree it would have been a fun and inspired idea.

In the context of this challenge though, everyone was using newsprint, so she doesn't get brownie points from me for the "fabric" choice...;)


That being said...

I think she might be one of the "stealth" contestants here...

The judges like her designs more than I do, so that is sometimes a sign that they've already mentally got her in the Top Tier.

We'll see.:cool:


As opposite example, they are really harshing on Gordana - and I don't think that is deserved. But I think they've aready got it in their minds that Gordana is not in the Top Tier, so they're slowly taking her down a few pegs to jusitfy her eventual "auffing"...:(

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Project Runway Week Six!


We're starting to get down to the nitty gritty, as I think at this point all of the designers as a group are much stronger than all other seasons at this point...

(Previous seasons still had a lot of wickity wack designers left at this point in the show)...


So, they have a field trip to a Movie Studio, and they discover their challenge.

Now I'm really excited about this, but soon to be frustrated as well over a couple of things, so let me explain.


First of all - for the first time in quite a while, the actual challenge is not made clear.

Tim Gunn literally tells them that they have to Pick a Movie Genre, Design an outfit for a Character they create that "lives in that world".

Key importance here. As Tim Gunn tells it, they are literally then designing a film costume, to be in a film. So that challenge is costume design.

We know that this is what Tim has been told, as he reads and knows his lines (when he has them) perfectly - and when he is in the workroom later, he is telling them things to back up this costume design theme.

He tells them to go bigger and bolder, which is costume design.

He tells people that their clothing is not accurate to the time period, and they need to change that, which is costume design.


Then, when we go to the judges panel at the end of the show...

The print on the screen literally says "Design an Outift INSPIRED by a Film Genre".

Well, then that is a totally different challenge, and that is runway design.

These are two completely different things, and two completely different challenges.

It seems that the designers took different meanings as well, so half of them are on one challenge and half of them are on the other...


I just wanted to point this out so my comments will make sense with this contradiction in consideration.


Secondly, if they wanted to them to create Movie-like, fantastical creations - this was not a challenge to have them create in one day and for only $150. That was stupid on the producers part. If you wanted big, bold, and theatrical - then you needed to give them at least two days and a bigger budget. As it was, they had to reel in their creations for both budget and time constraints. Furstrating, because I wanted to see them have time, and be able to use all of the materials that they originally wanted.


I also need to point out that Film Noir is the absolute easiest of all the choices. It's basically anything glamorous or 40s or 50s. Such a wide range, and so close to modern. It was 10 times easier than all the rest.

That being said, let's get to the show:

Edited by Curt Jerome Wild
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In order of the Runway


Irina - Film Noir. Easy category. In the context of costume design, this was one of the best. This is an easy design, but difficult execution. But, this could easily appear in an actual Film Noir. If that was the challenge, I'd put her in the Top Three.




Carol Hannah - Action Adventure. Good for costume design. Decent for runway design.




Shirin - Western. Okay. If it's for actual costume design, it's a decent low budget level. Not great, but okay. For actual runway fashion, it's not. It's purely costume.




Christopher - Period Piece. One of my favorites. But here's the thing...

If the actual challenge is supposed to be Design an Outfit Inspired by a Film Genre; then this is amongst the top for actual Runway Fashion.

If the challenge is actually costume design, then it isn't good as it's far too modern and out of context for the period. He lucked out in the judges interpretation of the challenge. If she was a Victorian Vampire, who time traveled to the future/modern times; then it's perfect - but then it's not a Period Piece and become Science Fiction/Fantasy.




Nicholas - Science Fiction.

I'm ready for Nikolas to be gone for good. He gives me the creeps I think it's his hair.

I think it's his attitude.

I don't like his personality (too beotchy), but here's the thing about this particular dress...

It actually fits both challenge contexts. It is one of the only real and usuable costume designs. It could actually be used and filmed for a movie. But it could also be a Runway Fashion outfit. So he really straddled both interpretations here. Tim Gunn did also say that the syling would be an important part of the challenge, so he did that well. If you took away the crazy hair and makeup, then this could actually be a showstopping cruise formal dress.




Althea - Film Noir. Easy Choice. As far as actual costume design, it's a fail. It is far too racy and lowcut for an actual Film Noir. If the top is higher, it could work, so it's a fail that is close to working with some alterations. As far as Runway Fashion inspired by A Film Genre, it's much closer to the top. It's 1950s, taken to modern fashion sensibilities.




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Ra'Mon - Science Fiction. Oh no. This was a hot mess. Or as Christian used to say a "Hot Tranny Mess". He had so much thought, yet his first design and this one did not work as ether costume design or runway design.




Louise - Fim Noir. It's pretty. But in the context of this challenge, it's boring. Now, she is the one who's whole identity and inspiration comes out of this time period. So she should have hit this out of the ballpark. Instead she strikes out. As costume design, it fails, as it's neither 1920s or 1940s (and Film Noir doesn't exist in the 1920s anyway), so it's unusable as a costume. As runway fashion, it fails, as it's totally boring and flat on the runway. It's apparent with her design, and pitiful "story" that she didn't even really have a character, movie, or thought in her head when doing this. That also is a big fail in this challenge.




Epperson - Western. Another one of my favorites. In the context of costume design though, this falls short. It's a big stretch that this could work in the context of his time period. But, I give him points on his story being strong and good, so if Scarlett O'Hara can make a dress out of curtains; maybe this strong western woman figuerd out how to make herself a denim outfit before denim was invented.

But, in the context of Runway Fashion, it's one of the best. It is definitely a great modern design, inspired by a Western. So he did that fantastically.




Gordana - Period Piece. In the context of costume design, this is actually in the top half of the designs. It's beautifully made, and could actually be worn in a film. The extra low back is enough extra, to give it specialness.

In the context of runway design, the extra low back gives it a more modern twist on a 1920s design. I could actually see this being a great cruise dress.




Logan - Action Adventure. One of my overlooked favorites. If the actual challenge was usable costume design, this is my winner. It looks real, but has original twists. The leather ruffles make it tough but feminine. The printed feminine fabric that is peeking out of the slashes, make great subtle touches. The character is a swashbuckling sword fighter, so you can see those being part of a battle. The entire thing would film beautifully, and you could easily see Jennifer Garner, Catherine Zeta Jones, or one of the female X-Men battling the bad guys in this outfit. It's also a good runway design, as it's got a bit of a modern twist on a jumpsuit.




So, they call out as safe:

Irina, Carol Hannah, Shirin, Althea, Logan.

I'm confused, as I can't tell what they're judging on now.


Top Three are:

Christopher, Nicholas, and Epperson.

Nicholas wins, maybe because he has managed to straddle both costume design and runway design. It's not undeserving, it's just confused judging.

If this was actual Runway Design Inspired by a Film Genre, then I would have Epperson or Christopher win.

I might also put Logan or Althea in the Top Three instead of Nicholas.


The Bottom Three are:

Ra'Mon, Louise, and Gordana!

Again, the judges are confusing criteria. Regardless, as much as I like her, I would have put Shirin in the bottom there. Gordana made a period costume that is beautifully made, and could actually be worn out and on a runway as well as in a film. Shirin made a western saloon girl costume that is $10 costume in a bag from Target or Walkmart quality, and couldn't be worn out in the world as fashion either. Gordana did better on both counts, so why do they keep picking on her?

She is safe though, so it leaves Louise an Ra'Mon.

Boring idea/story/creativity but well executed verses Good idea/story/creativity but really bad execution.

In the past, they've kept creativity over boring. But this time, Ra'Mon's is really and truly such a mess on so many levels, he is out!


I'm okay with that, as I don't think either Ra'Mon or Louise were going to be lasting much longer anyway.

And really, Ra'Mon's looked like Hedda Lettuce from past season's Drag Queen Challenge...



Perhaps if his story was about a drag queen who was attacked by aliens and his/her dress was ripped to shreds?


So, I really liked the initial idea of this challenge. I really liked some of the results. I really wish that they had given them more time and more budget, in order to do better and take it even further. And I really wish that between the producers, Tim Gunn, the contestants, and the judges they could have clarified what was the actual point of the challenge.

Then it would have been one of my favorite episodes.


Until next time, if you had to have an outfit inspired by a film genre, what would it be - and where would you wear it on the cruise?

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Curt, have to disagree with you about the easiest category. Period piece gave you a whole world of options, from Grecian draping to simple Napoleanic styles to cave girl to Medieval garb to Geisha. You could pick whatever suited your ability and personal preferences. A dream category.


I would have done something Medieval. I love the shapes of clothes from that era -- say the 1300s. In fact my fantasy fashion designs are all variations on that time -- particularly transforming the men's clothes for women.

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It was good to have Michael Kors back, if only for the phrase "disco pumpkin."


I hate Nicholas. What a jerk.


How many of those collar ruffs are we going to have to see from Christopher?


Ha! Michael made poor Christopher cry!


Heidi needs a new stylist.....I haven't liked her last few outfits.


I so agree -- please don't let success be going to her head on this show; the world doesn't need another Tyra.

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Do you think that since Christopher cried it kept him on? Remember that Heidi said that one or more could be going home.


I think that was just a tease to keep us worried....


Christopher's creation was a disappointment, but I think he's shown a lot of talent to this point and I'd be surprised if they had let him go. Then again, Curt did say we might have some surprises in store.


I can't decide if Nikolas is just bitchy or positively Machiavellian. Do you think he purposely sabotaged Louise?


I'm also noticing that Logan hasn't really been called out in a positive or negative way. Is he one of the contestants that -- as Curt likes to say -- is being hidden in the middle of the pack? I can't say I've really liked or disliked most of his stuff....

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Project Runway Show Seven!


Well, this was a bit of a wacky and wonky one for me.

There are 10 designers left.

They are first told that they have to design something Blue.

Okay, pretty easy.

But then, it has to be specifically for Macy's I.N.C. brand, which is inexpensive but cool designs. Okay, so we get more specifics for the challenge.

Then they will each present their design drawings and pitch their ideas to Martine from Macy's.

The top 5 designs that she chooses will be Team Leaders.

This is Irina, Carol Hannah, Christopher, Louise, and Althea.


They have to choose their team partners, from the remainder. Their names are chosen randomly and in order:

Althea chooses Logan, Louise chooses Nicholas, Christopher chooses Epperson, Irina chooses Gordana, and Carol Hannah chooses Shirin who is the only one left.

What I don't understand is why Louise chooses Nicholas. He's only won one challenge. Shirin is last choice standing?

And hasn't she ever seen the show? For multiple reasons don't ever choose the person with immunity!

At any rate, Shirin is very hyper and spunky, so I think that's why people didn't choose her - but I think that Carol Hannah ended up the best here in the team combinations.

It also ends up that they have to design two looks that kind of go together, in a Macy's I.N.C. kind of way - so that adds to the importance of the partner/team choices.


In the workroom, Irina treats Gordana like her special needs sewing slave; Nicholas absolutely HATES ruffles and all of Louise's ideas but never tells her directly; and Christopher and Epperson form a mutual admiration society.


So, the first problem is that Nicholas is totally and completely aware of passive agressively sabotaging Louise. He is just keeping quiet and letting her hang herself with her own ruffles.

The second problem is that Christopher and Epperson each love everything they are doing so much, they don't do any objective thinking.

And what makes that worse, is that Tim Gunn loves their ideas! And even goes so far as to tell them that they have the potential to "reinvent the shirtdress".


Now, as I was watching this I thought to myself "Well, I can't really see what is going on with that shirtdress at this time, so there must be some design thing on paper there that leads to reinvention".

Then I thought, "Really though, Angel from The Fashion Show really and truly reinvented the shirtdress earlier this year. And those idiot judges at The Fashion Show still didn't even give her the win for that original, wearable design"!


Check out Angel's truly reinvented shirtdress here:


Her "Siamese Twin Shirtdress" can be worn three ways.

As a dress. Upside down/reversed as a different shirtdress. As two layered shirts. That's reinvention.

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On to the Runway:


Irina & Gordana:



While the first dress is very well done, the second outfit is merely "meh". It's okay, but not great.


Althea & Logan:



While the concepts are good, the fit is too tight on the skirt for the particular material - so it self-hikes up the model's bootie during the catwalk. I like the design and execution of Logan's portion much better here than Althea's skirt/suit, even though the fit is off in the trousers.


Louies & Nicholas:



This is just bad all around. The ruffles don't even blend with the dresses. They look like two bad versions of the exact same bad idea. And they would never be in Macy's I.N.C. in a million years.

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Carol Hannah & Shirin:



Carol Hannah and Shirin have created what are unquestionably the best two looks of the entire Runway for Macy's I.N.C.

They fit the brand, they fit the ideal, and they both look well made. I also give them points for not using the basically almost colorless gray/blues that other designers chose as a safe option. The necklines on both are interesting and very well executed. And they look like they are cohesive together, like an evening and day look from the same collection.


Christopher & Epperson:




I'm so disappointed after all of Tim Gunn's reinvention talk. I'm underwhelmed, but it's not terrible either. The shirtdress is not exactly reinvented at all, and really needed either a far, far, tighter and sexier silhouette to reinvent it; or completely different and more expensive looking material.

The other thing I'm not sure. On other seasons, I could see the judges falling in love with this, but not today. The bib thing would have been helped tremendously by being in the same color as the top, so it was more about the texture than the color.

The two blues don't even really cohere together as a mini-collection, and the shirtdress is the only one that could conceivably belong in Macy's I.N.C.


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So, Althea & Logan are deemed "safe" again, and leave the stage.


The Top Teams are:

Carol Hannah & Shirin, and Irina & Gordana.

This leaves me in a slight shock, as Christopher & Epperson's jaws hit the floor! They are in the Bottom Two with Louise & Nicholas!


Carol Hannah & Shirin have the two best looks, that are the most cohesive, and easily the most Macy's I.N.C. appropriate - so I am hugely shocked that they aren't the winners.

Irina is chosen as the winner (with Gordana at teammate status only).

Now, Irina's dress is very good, but here is where I'm shocked. The judges all slobber over it. Slobber. They basically ignore the other Gordana/Irina dress in the collection that looks okay, but flimsy and poorly executed.

They just ignore that as part of their judging. They ignore the fact that Carol Hannah (with Shirin as her teammate) has designed two well done looks, that both are cohesive, and both are very, very Macy's I.N.C.


If you were only judging on one design, then why did they make them do two? Isn't that not a really fair way to judge this context?

Then I thought, well maybe the prize of having the winning design actually manufactured for Macy's has something to do with the final decision.

They really, really wanted that Irina dress in the store so much that they'd ignore the Gordana one.

But then, no, stupid contest actually has nothing to do with these dresses actually making it into Macy's. The winner is going to design an entirely new dress for Macy's separate from the contest! So why not give the win to Carol Hannah & Shirin who clearly deserved it?


Methinks after the way the judges have been slobbering over Irina in the past few weeks, and the editing - that we might have a Dark Horse Judge's Favorite here. Very interesting if that comes true. If she really shows me something to absolutely "wow" me, then I can get onboard with that...

So far, nothing "wow" yet.


So, that leaves Louise & Nicholas and Christopher & Epperson.

Christopher breaks down in tears, and it's half because of being in the bottom two; but moreso that after Tim Gunn's comments he was sure they were in the top two. Now bear in mind, Tim Gunn made the comments, then then Christopher & Epperson didn't follow through on reinventing the shirtdress. He was trying to hint them in that direction, and they just missed the point.


Nicholas on the other hand, revels Louise being in the bottom for her ruffle dresses, which he hates. Way to help your teammate, give her a critical eye, and lead her in a better direction Nicholas!


Louise is out! And Christopher is in!


So, what was supposed to happen here...

They were going to eliminate "one or two designers" as a team. They didn't want to tell them this beforehand, as part of the challenge was how well you could work together and help your partner (if you weren't the team leader).

If Nicholas didn't have immunity, then he would have been eliminated along with Louise - and it would have been the dramatic double shocker for the show. Louise deserved to go for a few weeks now, and especially after those bad ruffle designs; but even moreso, Nicholas deserved to go for his sabotage and terrible teamwork. His immunity from last week's win is the only thing that changed this.


They kept Christopher around to suffer, as they had no other way to justify the drama of the "one or two designers eliminated" announcement.


The other thing in general that is stupid about these kind of challenges that I'm frustrated with...

The Macy's lady (Martine) chose her 5 favorites. The other 5 weren't as good, but 9 times out of 10 - the team leaders whose design concepts are chosen are the ones eliminated.

This is why Louise should never have chosen Nicholas in the first place. She's automatically out if they're in the bottom. He has nothing to lose for being lazy, passive agressive, or sabotaging. Dur!


But then, the Martine/Macy's lady saw all of Louise's ruffle designs and said they were her choise for Macy's, as well as Christopher and his Disco Pumpkin dress. The designs aren't that completely different from drawing to runway that she took absolutely no resposibility for choosing those in the first place! I hate that.

At least Sarah Jessica Parker took resposibility for that when she was in a similar situation "Oooh. I'm sorry. I really thought those pants would be less like jodpur's from the sketch" or something to that effect.



At any rate, a frustrating show for me this week - even though I love it.

I'm sure that Irina's dress would make a great cruise dress actually (too bad that's not the actual dress that they're selling at Macy's).

Any other's that you really liked or would wear?


Have fun!

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