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Rudeness and bad attitudes of cruisers


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From my Carnival cruises I have only one vivid memory of a really rude fellow cruiser.


I vaguely remember being slightly annoyed, or perhaps surprised is a better word, very few times.


Rather than comparing Carnival to Wal Mart, I think of it more like visiting our public square during a community celebration. The vast majority are having a great time, but there maybe one I would prefer to avoid.

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Unfortunately with so many berths to fill and mass market prices low, you are going to get a fair amount of IDGOM's ("I Don't Get Out Much") on board.



I love the IDGOM explanation of rude behavior, it makes so much common sense.


I've seen this at my former church's annual picnic -- all-you-can-eat. I know I believe, "My God will supply all my needs ..." but right now I need to eat everything I see here 'cause I might not eat tomorrow. :evilsmile: I see it when parents/caregivers take their charges to Disney after scrimping and saving for years and threaten their crying hot kids with, "You're going to have a good time if you like it or not," :eek:


The rudeness comes from I've-spent-a-lot-of-money-and-I'm-going-to-make-sure-I-get-every-penny-back," even if run over everyone in my way to get it.



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Many folks with scooters onboard don't drive them at home, so they are not really aware of how to handle them. Same thing happens in grocery stores when folks decide they need a scooter and don't know how to drive it. Scary to be in proximity to them!


OH, now I get it. I assumed they had them for home too!

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I have been on 9 carnival cruises and 1 RCI (allure) I don't recall even 1 instance of bad behavior, but then again, I don't go looking for it either.


I don't need to "prove" a point to anyone nor feel I need to respond to people that aren't kind. Easy enough to enjoy my vacation and ignore anything I don't enjoy.


A lot of life is a matter of perspective, if there is a situation I am uncomfortable with, I simply move along and ignore whatever. I don't let things bother me. Makes life a whole lot easier...and happier.


We have found the worst behaving people of all ages tend to be on the shorter cruises. Not sure if there is a correlation between cheaper cruises and more rude people, just our observation.


I have been on my fair share of cruises and alot of them being shorter cruises and have not witnessed horrible behavior - I think its just the luck of the draw

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Just a kindly suggestion for those who take it on themselves to point out perceived rude behavior to others (and risk something ugly happening}.Make sure you know that you know someone is being purposely rude before getting in their face about it. Sometimes, what appears to be rudeness can be someone making a mistake. For example, on our very first cruise my wife wanted an omelet. There was a long line to the left of the omelet station, a long line to the right, and a very short line (2-3 people) right in front of the guy making omelets. We assumed the two long lines were people getting food from the buffet and got in the very short line. A guy near the front of the long line on the right came up to us and stated, neither harshly nor particularly kindly, that "the end of the line is way back there." Apparently what we thought was the line for the omelet station was just two or three folks standing around or they were breaking line as well. It was rather embarrassing to us. My point is, don't assume someone is being a jerk. Sometimes they are simply making a mistake. What if the guy who pointed out the end of the line had gotten hostile with me? I assure you I would not have taken kindly to it, especially since we didn't realize we were breaking line. Causing a scene is never a good first option. Use some good judgment when you feel someone needs to be "put in their place," for your sake as well as theirs.




Good point. On my first cruise I didn't realize I had to wait in the salad line if I didn't want salad so joined the buffet after that. I was nearly pushed to the side by one elderly guy. He was so rude. Could he not have just explained it to me. There were only 4 people plus himself there anyway.



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Just a kindly suggestion for those who take it on themselves to point out perceived rude behavior to others (and risk something ugly happening}.Make sure you know that you know someone is being purposely rude before getting in their face about it.


Exactly this.


A few years ago, we were on a cruise and it was debark day. We had (foolishly, for us anyway) decided to self disembark and thus had to drag our luggage with us EVERYWHERE. My son (who is autistic) had stayed up way too late the night before and insisted on getting up at an insanely early hour (just like he usually does at home. The getting up part, anyway. He doesn't usually stay up past 9) and was in a very cranky mood because we were stuck in the Lido buffet and it was more crowded than he wanted to deal with and he was mad that we had to take our own luggage off.


I was trying to finish eating my breakfast and my husband was outside watching us pull into port. Because of the crowds and being tired and a little anxious because he didn't know where my husband had wandered off to and a bunch of other things I'm sure, my son had an epic meltdown. There I was, trying to finish eating and drink a cup of coffee and he's having this huge meltdown that, to other people, just looks like he's throwing the world's biggest temper tantrum. I was trying to deal with it calmly and trying to de-escalate when this elderly couple comes up and starts yelling at my son about his behavior. It shut him up alright..probably because he was totally freaked out by this strange man coming up and yelling at him. I was so embarrassed I wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

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My wife and I were on the 4/29/18 Vista 6 day cruise. Last year we were on the 8 day eastern Caribbean sailing and didn't have any problems, but this cruise has convinced us to try another cruise line going forward. Overall we had a good time. None of the negative behavior we experienced ruined our cruise at all. But it's time for a change.


On debarkation day we were on the patio of our Havana cabin enjoying the view as we sailed out of Miami. Someone a few decks above us was on their balcony screaming obscenities at people in other balconies. It was actually a conversation, but every other word was "MF". This went on for a while, with several people obviously annoyed while others were joining in.


Then this guy ran his mouth so much that his teeth flew out. His partial (I think that's what it's called) flew out of his mouth and landed on the Havana area deck near our patio. Many people, ourselves included, thought this was hilarious. Even though the guy was being a jerk, my wife told him that she would return his teeth to him. Since he didn't have access to the Havana area, she picked them up (eww) and put them in a glass. The idea was that we would meet him and return his dental work. He left his balcony and we were laughing at the absurdity of the whole situation. His girlfriend/wife took offense and proceeded to threaten us, saying that we better leave his damn teeth alone, among other things. Seriously. So I grabbed the glass, threw the teeth back where they landed and told her he can figure it out himself. He came down and jumped over the security gate to the Havana area, picked up his teeth and jumped back over the security gate. I think he put them back in his mouth before his exit, but I'm not sure. When we saw him at the gate and realized he was climbing it, we tried to stop him, telling him we would give the partial back to him through the gate, but he kept going.


So we were threatened for laughing at what was just a damn funny situation while trying to help someone.


A couple of nights later after dinner, our group of 8 was standing outside the dining room entrance at near the Atrium bar. I heard an awful noise and turned around to see that a guy had just vomited all over himself and the floor. My father almost took some splash damage. I hope they didn't continue on to the dining room. I guess it's better for that to happen where it did rather than after being seated at their table.


Later in the week, my mother had trouble getting around a group of women who were preening in the reflection of the elevator doors. My mom got around them and glanced over to see what was going on. One of them gave her the finger.


We met a lot of really nice people and enjoyed getting to know some of our neighbors, people we met on excursions, etc. We even had interesting exchanges with people during elevator rides. The majority of the passengers were courteous, friendly, funny and a pleasure to deal with. But the obnoxious few can really make an impression.

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On debarkation day we were on the patio of our Havana cabin enjoying the view as we sailed out of Miami. Someone a few decks above us was on their balcony screaming obscenities at people in other balconies. It was actually a conversation, but every other word was "MF". This went on for a while, with several people obviously annoyed while others were joining in.


Then this guy ran his mouth so much that his teeth flew out....

Later in the week, my mother had trouble getting around a group of women who were preening in the reflection of the elevator doors. My mom got around them and glanced over to see what was going on. One of them gave her the finger.


We met a lot of really nice people and enjoyed getting to know some of our neighbors, people we met on excursions, etc. We even had interesting exchanges with people during elevator rides. The majority of the passengers were courteous, friendly, funny and a pleasure to deal with. But the obnoxious few can really make an impression.



O.K. that did it for me. I've been secretly envious of those who are able to have a balcony ...not any more:D I'm doing a 49 day S.A. Adventure in an inside cabin ...I'll take the cabin. Thank you very much. When I want scenery, going round the horn and surveying the glaciers ...I'll go on deck.



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On pur first ever cruise (with MSC), starting in Germany, was crowded with a lot of Italians. Now I know this is a generalisation, but boy, they were obnoxious.

Very loud, even wondered if most of them had a hearing disability. Almost none spoke English, well, not a real problem for us, but it struck us imediately as strange. The males were flamboyant to their female companians but in the process couldn't care less for their surroundings. Chair were taken without asking (my daughter almost fell because some italian jerk swiped it right from under her).

And their kids! The parents were all flirting, courting, showing off withe their stuff.. meanwhile their offspring terrorised the pools, scraming their heads of, eating limitless icecream in the pool..

But we learnde and adapted. We stopped eating in the main restaurants because of the huge crowds, some wouldn't follow dress code, some kept shouting... so we eat (a tad earlier) in the buffet restaurant.. with the crew. We leave them to it, they have their time off so it is ultra quiet, which is great for our kid and we eat early, like we are used to at home. We stroll around the ship in the early morning, when only the fit people are in the gym and few people are up and about. Once the italians show up, usualy around 12 o'clock, we get out of the sun and pool area and find a quiet place inside. Better than burning in the sun;)

Live and let live, avoid the crowds. Too easy to find something wrong with a crowd. As for us, they probably think we are weird. But at least we don't cause trouble .

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I just had to reply to your comments about scooter people. My hubby uses a scooter. He does not run into people but people cut in front of him constantly. They have actually cut in front of him as I was holding the elevator door for him & filled the elevator so we couldn't get in. There are 2 sides to every story, or in this case, 2 different type of people using scooters. We are all human. Good or bad.


I'm glad that you posted your experience and hubby's situation bcs I saw something this past Friday on our cruise that almost made me want to scream at a crowd of people....a 60ish man in a scooter was looking at tee shirts on a sale table. He got surrounded by a mob....a CRAZED mob I just have to say because most of them seemed to lose their minds over a sale that had been going on since day 1....and this poor guy sitting about waist high to everyone else in his scooter was trying to get free of the mob and couldn't. He was visibly upset and then getting angry. I wanted to help him but then I saw that another man had noticed the scooter guy's problem and was trying to clear a path for him to get out. It was just crazy and senseless. Unfortunately that example seems to define a lot of what we did not like at all about our last cruise, just way more cases of stupid thoughtless rudeness than I can ever remember happening on any other cruise. But I must say as well that we probably started noticing more of that about 2 cruises ago on Carnival and then even the same on Royal Oasis last year. And so I can only say that there seems to be an increasing trend of more and more crowd madness + me-me-me-get-out-of-my-way kind of mentality with each cruise that we take.

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The attitude of cruisers I meet reflects the same range as the general population as well as the posters here on CC. Some are angry, some bitter, some curious, some helpful, some ecstatic, and some are just lost.


Remember that a quick chance encounter with another person on a ship only reflects their mental/emotional state that they were in that moment. Maybe they were just having a good or a bad day untypical from their normal state of mind.


Seems the exceptions stand out, at least in my memory. I can interact with a dozen normal folk but the angry rude one or the gregariously happy one have a stronger impact on my recall facilities.

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I was on an elevator that was to capacity, the door opened and a very rude man was determined to push his wheelchair bound wife into the crowded elevator. A rather large man in front took his foot and shoved the woman, her wheelchair and her husband across the floor, the doors closed and we were on our way !!

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I was on an elevator that was to capacity, the door opened and a very rude man was determined to push his wheelchair bound wife into the crowded elevator. A rather large man in front took his foot and shoved the woman, her wheelchair and her husband across the floor, the doors closed and we were on our way !!


Do you know for sure they had not been waiting there before any one else and were just trying to get into the elevator? Have seen this happen quite a few times where evryone on legs just dashes in. He could have badly injured the husband by doing that so in my opinion his behavior was just as bad. Perhaps if he had just said there is no room you will have to wait till the next one, or if there was no room it would have been obvious to him any way.

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He could have badly injured the husband by doing that so in my opinion his behavior was just as bad. Perhaps if he had just said there is no room you will have to wait till the next one, or if there was no room it would have been obvious to him eventually anyway.

Edited by Johnny60
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Do you know for sure they had not been waiting there before any one else and were just trying to get into the elevator? Have seen this happen quite a few times where evryone on legs just dashes in. He could have badly injured the husband by doing that so in my opinion his behavior was just as bad. Perhaps if he had just said there is no room you will have to wait till the next one, or if there was no room it would have been obvious to him any way.

I see from re reading your post the elavator must have stopped at his floor so maybe he was not there before any one else.

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