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Sony A6700?


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May as well start this now.


This is the first semi-credible spec list from SonyAlphaRumors.com


I thought it might be fun to post it and compare when the real thing hit's the fan later this year.


The next A6X00 High-end Camera Specs

-New Sensor With better low light (Still 24MP) - Stacked like A9? Faster readout?

-Huge improvements to IBIS - Didn't know I missed it in A6300 until I got the A7M3

-Slight improvements to AF+Eye AF - A hint that the sensor is stacked/faster

-New “Better AA Filter” - Similar to new AA filter on FF cameras?

-New SONY Color Science applied - JPEGs in A7M3 are pretty spectacular with this.

-Full Articulating screen - Loved it on my A77. Haven't missed it badly but will cheer the return if it doesn't add too much bulk.

-4K 60FPS With Crop|4K 30FPS No Crop|No overheat - "Meh", says the still shooter.

-Big Improvement to Rolling shutter - See above

-UHS II Card - Yay! Investment in A7M3 cards will have dual use!

-Faster startup/less lag, it will be faster overall - Shocking! What would we expect after 2 years?

-Better UI+Touchscreen - UI = yay! Touchscreen = We'll see. Not important to me yet. If it's good, I may convert.

-Uncompressed Raw - Woo hoo….?

-20FPS (Yes 20) - No surprise. Probably indicates stacked sensor design a la A9

-1/8000 Shutter - Hummingbird shooters rejoice!

-Viewfinder size Got smaller/Resolution is the same - Not a likely spec IMHO. Wait and see.

-USB 3.1 - :)

-NO Dual Cards - Not a big deal since size will remain the same

-NO Z Battery - Boooo!

-NO Extra Dial - meh...

-NO Joystick - Not a deal breaker with usable touch screen for focus point

-NO Removal of AA Filter - Improved AA on other new cameras is just fine

-NO 10Bit Video - Couldn't care less


Will be Priced 1399$ - *sigh*, though probably worth it.

The Camera Design/Specs already Complete, Expected release date is 3 Months from now - Matches earlier rumors regarding release of new APS-C camera.





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The next A6X00 High-end Camera Specs


-New Sensor With better low light (Still 24MP) - Stacked like A9? Faster readout? Sounds good.

-Huge improvements to IBIS - Didn't know I missed it in A6300 until I got the A7M3 Sounds good.

-Slight improvements to AF+Eye AF - A hint that the sensor is stacked/faster Sounds good

-New “Better AA Filter” - Similar to new AA filter on FF cameras? I'll judge it when I see it

-New SONY Color Science applied - JPEGs in A7M3 are pretty spectacular with this. OK - I was pretty happy with the A6300's changes over the A6000

-Full Articulating screen - Loved it on my A77. Haven't missed it badly but will cheer the return if it doesn't add too much bulk. Don't care, but very important that it does NOT change the bulk or thickness of the camera, and does NOT require flipping the screen out to the side in order to tilt up or down - must stay in line with the body and tilt

-4K 60FPS With Crop|4K 30FPS No Crop|No overheat - "Meh", says the still shooter. Don't care, will never use

-Big Improvement to Rolling shutter - See above Would be fantastic to have that A9 processing speed for full electronic shutter if this applies to stills, but don't care in regards to video

-UHS II Card - Yay! Investment in A7M3 cards will have dual use! OK.

-Faster startup/less lag, it will be faster overall - Shocking! What would we expect after 2 years? OK/

-Better UI+Touchscreen - UI = yay! Touchscreen = We'll see. Not important to me yet. If it's good, I may convert. Don't care, won't use. As long as there's a setting to turn off touchscreen, and NO physical buttons have been lost, then I'm OK with it

-Uncompressed Raw - Woo hoo….? Don't care.

-20FPS (Yes 20) - No surprise. Probably indicates stacked sensor design a la A9 Sounds good for the fact it may have some A9 goodness inside, but I'll likely never use 20fps. I don't even use 11fps now - 8fps is perfect for my birding needs.

-1/8000 Shutter - Hummingbird shooters rejoice! Nice.

-Viewfinder size Got smaller/Resolution is the same - Not a likely spec IMHO. Wait and see. Agreed - don't like smaller, so I'll wait to see.

-USB 3.1 - :)OK.

-NO Dual Cards - Not a big deal since size will remain the same I can live with that.

-NO Z Battery - Boooo! Good for compatibility with my current 4 batteries, but would like to see the Z batteries for the better capacity.

-NO Extra Dial - meh... Would have taken one if it had it, can live without it

-NO Joystick - Not a deal breaker with usable touch screen for focus point Not a problem for me.

-NO Removal of AA Filter - Improved AA on other new cameras is just fine Preferred - I like AA filters, though mild ones...bird feathers go nuts with moire without an AA.

-NO 10Bit Video - Couldn't care less I couldn't care even less than you couldn't.


Will be Priced 1399$ - *sigh*, though probably worth it. Fine for me.


The Camera Design/Specs already Complete, Expected release date is 3 Months from now - Matches earlier rumors regarding release of new APS-C camera. Timing would be great for me if true.

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-Big Improvement to Rolling shutter - See above Would be fantastic to have that A9 processing speed for full electronic shutter if this applies to stills, but don't care in regards to video



Good point. It hasn't bothered me yet but faster readout improves silent shutter so, yay!




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  • 3 weeks later...

New rumblings about an APS-C camera appearing at Photokina in September that will not be called A6700. Rumor sources refer to it a the "mini A9". Since I'm still committed to the APS-C body as an alternate body, this is sort of exciting.


Timing isn't great. Still recovering from the A7M3 purchase...


Hope Santa has been watching. I've been really good this year!


A couple of new GM primes rumored as well. 135mm f/1.8 and 24mm f/1.4.


Looks like Sigma has committed to the E-mount an will release a native 70-200 f/2.8.




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I'd obviously be in for whatever they end up calling it. I've been tempted by the A7III just on price alone, but if I even start to think about picking up a full-frame camera, the A9 keeps poking into my thoughts. Even at twice the price, I know its performance would be far more useful for much of my shooting. If an advanced APS-C with A9-like performance comes out, that would be my next pick, and then I might consider picking up an A7III sale sometime down the road as a landscape/travel/scenic type camera. If the next APS-C isn't impressive, or one doesn't come, then the A9 as pricy as it is would probably start to rise on my must-have list.

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I'd obviously be in for whatever they end up calling it. I've been tempted by the A7III just on price alone, but if I even start to think about picking up a full-frame camera, the A9 keeps poking into my thoughts. Even at twice the price, I know its performance would be far more useful for much of my shooting. If an advanced APS-C with A9-like performance comes out, that would be my next pick, and then I might consider picking up an A7III sale sometime down the road as a landscape/travel/scenic type camera. If the next APS-C isn't impressive, or one doesn't come, then the A9 as pricy as it is would probably start to rise on my must-have list.


I got the A7M3 for the reason you stated. My shooting is mostly scenic, travel and family stuff where the improved high-ISO and focusing would pay off. I didn't go for the A9 for the same reasons. I just don't do enough wildlife or sports to require the additional speed or justify the additional cost of the A9. If the "mini A9" shows up with great sensor specs, minimal size increase and speed, it will likely replace my A6300 in the travel kit for second body alternate lens duty. Like the A6300, it would also be the primary body for the FE 70-300 due to the 1.5x crop bonus for the long lens.


I have to say that having both FF and APS-C cameras with the same mount is the perfect two-body kit for me so far. The A7M3 is still pretty compact but if I need something jacket-pocketable, only in very poor light do I give up IQ with the A6300.


Now, if the rumored 60MP sensor shows up in something less expensive than a small car....






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That's all very well and good for a new camera. But I'm very happy with my 6300 - what I want is more lens choice, specifically something to replace my ff 24-240. When will THAT happen!! ( A good problem to have).




I don't see a new replacement for the 24-240 any time soon. That is an FE lens and already fills a space for FF cameras as a budget all-in-one. The 18-135 seems to be very successful as well as optically excellent for a wide range zoom but also is pushing the zoom range you can reasonably expect great image quality from one end to the other. You might see a 16-50 f/2.8 G or something like that for the new body but probably no a superzoom. Sigma or Tamron might turn out a native E-mount APS-C superzoom sometime but both seem to be targeting FE releases for now.


If you are looking for a good long lens to compliment the 18-135 and may bend the bank but not actually break it, the FE 70-300 G is a good option. Only an inch longer than the 24-240 and less than three ounces heavier, it balances very nicely on my A6300 and the equivalent 450mm reach, focus speed and sharpness are welcome upgrades from my old 70-210 kit tele. It is also a newer G design with the nearly silent linear motors optimized for cameras with the hybrid AF that the A6x00 and FF bodies use.


Granted, it is not cheap but it is only a couple hundred more than the 24-240 and a lot of lens for the money.


My 2¢ is based on the big smile I got from using it on my A6300. Vacation photos to come in the near future.



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I'd consider the 70-300mm a BIG step up from the 24-240mm. It is a little bigger, but not that much - it still packs nicely in my medium shoulder bag with other e-mount lenses and my A6300 body. It's actually why I kept the FE70-300mm lens despite having and using the FE100-400mm extensively...when it comes time to travel, the 100-400mm would be something I'd take if my trip was going to involve lots of wildlife shooting...but for a standard trip, the 70-300mm generally covers all long lens needs because it's much more convenient to fit in a small travel bag.

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Vic: In case you're wondering, Justin's images shot with the 70-300 were the tipping factor when I was deciding between it and the 100-400. I didn't want the size because my travel shooting is a far higher percentage than wildlife or action, but I also didn't want to give away too much IQ.


Turns out there wasn't as much of a sacrifice as you would expect for less than half the price. The 70-300 is really quite good. My pic of the week a couple back was taken from about four feet away at 300mm, handheld.




I really can't wait until our upcoming trip!




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  • 3 weeks later...

Not saying it's possible for the A6700 or A7000 (or whatever), but Sony just announced an APS-C sized sensor with a global shutter and 30-ish megapixels. A 35 fps frame rate is sort of impressive as well. The 4:3 aspect ratio is unusual, but what the heck. They also announced a 20MP MFT unit.


This may be for a cinema or security camera but knowing that global shutter is working at this level is encouraging.



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For those of you who don't drool over every technical article regarding cameras. Global shutter is the technology that allows every pixel on a CMOS sensor to be read out simultaneously instead of line by line as is currently the case. It is possible that this could completely eliminate the need for a mechanical shutter in many future cameras.



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Not saying it's possible for the A6700 or A7000 (or whatever), but Sony just announced an APS-C sized sensor with a global shutter and 30-ish megapixels. A 35 fps frame rate is sort of impressive as well. The 4:3 aspect ratio is unusual, but what the heck. They also announced a 20MP MFT unit.


This may be for a cinema or security camera but knowing that global shutter is working at this level is encouraging.




Definitely progressing towards global shutter for regular photography but read the fine print: these sensors are for industrial applications. Security cameras, factory assembly robotics, etc.


If the a7000 has a global shutter, that isn’t it.

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  • 5 months later...

From an interview with Masaaki Oshima (Sony's director of Imaging Division) at DCwatch :


– Sony once more confirms APS-C line will be continually developed further
– The A6400 is not the A6500 replacement
– And while he cannot talk about the plans of an A6500 successor their goal is to “exceed customers” requests
– There is little demand for low-end APS-C cameras but the demand for higher end models is still strong
– In 2019 we plan to strengthen both our APS-C and Full Frame portfolio


My take:  A6500 successor will attempt to dwarf all offerings in the APS-C high end. "Mini A9" has been rumored strongly, so I think this is where they will go. Personally, based on earlier discussions here, I think it will be an APS-C sensor in an A7/A9(-ish?) body with specifications up the wazoo. I'd love a shiny new 1.5x teleconverter for my FE 70-300!


"strengthen both our APS-C and Full Frame portfolio"? Very likely the long-anticipated A7sIII. Since it is video-centric, I can't speculate much.


"Clink" …"Clink" …"Clink" (a few more coins in the camera fund jar)



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Fortunately my camera fund jar is full, and just waiting to be emptied on something.  I've held off on the A6500 and the A6400, and still using my 3-year-old A6300 which still does the job...in anticipation that there will be a top o' the line APS-C super body coming.  Sure do hope it's essentially a mini APS-C A9, with 24-32MP and the new Z battery - not only with the A9's full tracking, buffer, processor, and silent shutter readout speed, but the black-out-free EVF too.

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On 2/22/2019 at 8:50 AM, zackiedawg said:

 I've held off on the A6500 and the A6400, and still using my 3-year-old A6300 which still does the job...in anticipation that there will be a top o' the line APS-C super body coming. 


Looking at the possible price for the (?) A7000, would you consider the A6400 instead?  Quiz: compare and contrast!

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51 minutes ago, tommui987 said:


Looking at the possible price for the (?) A7000, would you consider the A6400 instead?  Quiz: compare and contrast!


The A6400 is a great camera with some excellent innovations such as the improved autofocus added. For me, it is not enough of an upgrade from my A6300 since I have the A7III and don't really care about the selfie screen. If I had an A6000 and didn't need in-body stabilization, I would likely get one since there are a lot of generational improvements.


The A7000 (or whatever) will need to have the larger Z battery, stabilization and autofocus at least as effective as the A7III, if not better. If it truly is a mini-A9, I will likely pull the trigger right away.



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Pretty much the same opinion from me as Dave - the 6400 is what I'd buy if I needed to replace my A6300 today because it broke...but it's not enough of an update compared to the 6300 for my needs - the autofocus is likely improved, and eye tracking and tracking modes in general likely better, but continuous AF is probably pretty close and I can already focus on darn near any moving thing I want.  I'd regret losing the MR1 and MR2 positions on the dial as well, which I really rely on...and selfie screen flipping and video spec do nothing for me.  The A7xxx rumor would be a fitting upgrade for me if it adds not only the autofocus improvements of the 6400 - but the full power of the A9 with black-out-free viewfinder and fast-readout silent shutter, larger buffer, and larger battery...plus possibly stabilization in body...that would be enough to make me pre-order immediately.

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Agree with Dave and Zackie...


The A6400 is a very nice upgrade for A6000 owners, those who were on the fence about the A6300... this can tip it.

And I'd definitely buy the A6400 over the currently discounted A6300.


But if you already own an A6300, doesn't really have enough to justify upgrading. If you were really into the selfie screen for vlogging....  Or if you were shooting events and really wanted the improved silent shutter and AF tracking... I'd consider it. But apart from those specific types of uses, not enough of a reason to upgrade. 

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