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A brief review for the nonagenarian demographic


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22 hours ago, sunsetsoon said:

Done! Consider me your surrogate Mum. It's perfectly fine that you are from the UK.

Oh thanks very much Mum. I think I will bring the rest of the relatives over from the UK for a short holiday with you x

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I've had a busy morning but ready to get back to the good stuff.


Michael, our cabin attendant, came in next. He looked scared and I had to wonder if Yogi had told him not to mention water. I asked him for a bath bench and he literally ran out of the room to get one.


We chose to have lunch in the Haven Restaurant rather than Margaritaville and for the first and last time we had to wait for a table. It wasn't a big deal at all. I was still looking around and getting oriented and enjoyed chatting with another lady that was waiting for a table too. It's funny how easy it is to visit with people and tell them personal stuff - it just seems like the thing to do. I told her about Glenn and how he wouldn't go cruising until Disney built a cruise ship and stuff like that. Somehow she knew that my kids were sitting in a different place than me and it seemed to bother her. She and her husband were called to go in the restaurant and as she passed by Aprille she stopped and said something. What she said was "your mother-in-law is sitting over there by herself". I'm curious as to why she thought I was Aprille's MIL. Evidently, she didn't see that we look like sisters. I will get around to telling you about the sister thing sometime before it's over. 


I was looking forward to roasted beets w/arugula and that's all I remember about that meal. I loved that Haven Restaurant and we had the best servers ever.


We went to bed soon after dining and I was super tired. So I slept through an exciting event. There was a helicopter evacuation just a few hours after we left NO. Marty and Aprille heard it and Marty saw it landing. The ship stopped of course. And I just lay there sleeping. We presume it was a medical thing but never heard anymore about it.


The next night we were invited to the Captain's Cocktail party in the Haven Lounge. Marty loves those events - Aprille and I not so much. But we all went, got there early and sat in a prime spot. Many folding chairs were brought in and arranged wherever there was an empty spot. Two guys came in and sat up a keyboard - one of them stayed and started playing the keyboard - softly. Then the captain and his whole crew came in and stood all around us. It was pretty crowded in that small room. And then "naked guy" came through on his way to the swimming pool. He wasn't really naked but pretty darned close. He had a towel wrapped around a very low cut swim suit beneath a very large tummy. To his credit he was walking pretty fast but he didn't seem embarrassed at all. The room got very quiet, there were lots of mouths hanging open but the keyboard player just kept playing - softly. I swear I'm not making this stuff up.

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I must have run out of room or something. I was almost finished but not quite. One of the cocktail servers had been our server in the restaurant the night before. She knew I didn't drink alcohol so she brought me a glass of pretty pink punch. Those folks serve you one time and they remember your name and what you drink - or don't drink. I was impressed.


Marty went around shaking hands with each crew member. He asked the captain if that helicopter woke him up too. The captain said "no, I woke that helicopter pilot up." Good one!


Let's take a break. I'm going to get the detailed itinerary Aprille carefully and thoughtfully put together and use it to jog my memory.

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I have been thoroughly enjoying the tales of your adventures!  Along with you, I am often amazed at some of the insignificant things that people have decided to complain about and let "ruin their vacation". I once read 3 paragraphs about someone complaining about 2 ply toilet paper in her 5 star hotel in Las Vegas. In our family and circle of friends, we would call that a first world problem. This essentially means that there are people in the world with actual problems, like where their next meal is coming from, but this lady is worried about the thickness of her bathroom tissue and ignoring that she is blessed enough to be staying in a 5 star resort in the first place! I love your attitude and can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip and how you don't let the little things ruin your vacation either.

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13 minutes ago, Glitterbutton said:

I have been thoroughly enjoying the tales of your adventures!  Along with you, I am often amazed at some of the insignificant things that people have decided to complain about and let "ruin their vacation". I once read 3 paragraphs about someone complaining about 2 ply toilet paper in her 5 star hotel in Las Vegas. In our family and circle of friends, we would call that a first world problem. This essentially means that there are people in the world with actual problems, like where their next meal is coming from, but this lady is worried about the thickness of her bathroom tissue and ignoring that she is blessed enough to be staying in a 5 star resort in the first place! I love your attitude and can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip and how you don't let the little things ruin your vacation either.

Welcome to my thread Glitterbutton. We seem to have like minds - maybe because I was born in Okmulgee OK way back in 1929

We moved to Texas when I was 9 so I feel like a Texan but I was an Okie first and proud of it.

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I'm feeling restless tonight. It's taking more time for my body, mind and life to get back to normal this time. I wake up each morning feeling the ship's motion. I wake up after a long nap thinking it's morning. And I find myself drinking more water than I usually do.


I have one more memory to share before I turn out the lights. Marty was really disappointed that we would be setting sail  after dark. He had looked forward to standing on the balcony and seeing all the sights as we sailed down the Mississippi. It turned out to be a good time for me. Disney has started sailing out of NO. Not sure when they started but I know TK, our driver, was surprised and didn't even know about it. We drove past the Disney dock and saw the building and the ship so it was really happening.


Marty was pouting - just a little bit - and I was urging him to not let it ruin his vacation when we heard a ship's horn - a very unique horn because it was playing "when you wish upon a star". We all rushed to the balcony and watched the Wonder sail away. It was a beautiful sight. Glenn and I were on that ship for our very first cruise. I love the happy memories I have of Glenn when I go on a cruise. We had 40 great years - never mind we were married for 67 years. They weren't all great. And this is where choices become important. I choose to remember the good times and there were lots of those. Glenn wasn't perfect but he was special. I'm not perfect either. I know because one time he said to me - quietly and not in anger - "I'm the only man in the world that would put up with you". I choose to believe that what he was really saying was "I love you".


Okay, I'm through being sentimental - at least for now. It's 9 PM in this tiny Texas town and this nonagenarian is going to bed.



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It took a while but I'm ready to talk about food, entertainment and shopping on the Getaway. Unless I get sidetracked by some other memory.


First - food. We ate at 3 specialty restaurants - Cagney's, La Cucina and Ocean Blue. Some of us - aka guests 1 and 2 - had a 4 dinner dining package and ate at Cagney's twice. But that's okay. I didn't let it ruin my vacation. I had planned to dine alone at the Haven and it would have been easy and pleasant but I skipped a meal instead and sat out on the balcony.


Had read lots of negativity on CC about Cagney's but we had no complaints. I had a petite filet mignon that was practically perfect. I almost laughed out loud when the server brought my plate. It was a HUGE plate with just a tiny steak and half a grilled Roma tomato in the middle. It would have been easier to cut and eat if I had moved it to my bread plate. But you will be relieved to know - I didn't do that. Aprille had the same. Marty wasn't hungry so he thought a double cut pork chop would work. He was quite surprised when they plopped it down in front of him. Light it wasn't but somehow he managed to eat it all. The entertainment was to watch the servers practically running through the room and hoping they didn't collide. They didn't but they sure were busy. I loved the tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwich appetizer. I had seen 2 reviews - one positive and one very negative. But I give it a thumbs up. The bread was good.


The cannellini bean soup at La Cucina was really good and served hot which is the way I like soup. It needed salt and pepper and you would think that would be a simple fix. Which brings us to salt and pepper shakers and/or grinders. Each restaurant has something different and I have trouble with ALL of them. Of course one could just ask the server for fresh ground pepper but I would really prefer to do it myself when possible - and the fresh ground pepper always makes me sneeze. The paper packets at Dairy Queen work best. I will make a note to bring some with me on our next cruise. Nevertheless the soup was really good. As to the pasta dish I had - I firmly believe pasta should be broken in pieces BEFORE cooking it so as not to have to screw it around on a spoon with a fork or however the heck you are supposed to do. The shrimp on top was good but I was too exhausted from trying to eat the pasta to even eat all the shrimp. The bread was good - it was the same bread they serve at Cagney's. But La Cucina gets high marks for soup.



Ocean Blue was the restaurant I had chosen. It was the most crowded - and by that I mean one had less space than in the other restaurants but on the plus side they served the BEST bread ever. It was only 4 small pieces and of course I got 2 of them. Aprille and Marty are good about that. The server offered to bring more and I was tempted but exerted enough will power to say no. Aprille and I both got the Fish and Chips and it was really, really good. Just the fish part - the chips were just plain old fries. It came with cole slaw in a very small cup and looked much like cottage cheese to me. I didn't even taste it - just passed it on to Aprille and she actually ate it. Looking back - I wish I had let the server bring more bread.


It's time for Aprille to call so I will be back later to talk about the Haven Restaurant. Maybe you have heard - the menu never changes. That's true but I sure didn't let that ruin my vacation.



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I created an account on Cruise Critic to emphasize and restate what others have said.  This is some of the best writing available.  You really need to write a blog.  And I am definitely using your catch phrase on our next Cruise.  "But I didn't let it ruin my vacation." ! 

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16 hours ago, sunsetsoon said:

 I know because one time he said to me - quietly and not in anger - "I'm the only man in the world that would put up with you". I choose to believe that what he was really saying was "I love you".

I am far from perfect myself & my husband says "I love you" the same way yours did!


6 hours ago, sunsetsoon said:

The cannellini bean soup at La Cucina was really good and served hot which is the way I like soup.

You like soup the same way my grandfather did! HOT! If it wasn't hot, he'd send it back asking "you call this soup?" Servers & my mother (yes, his daughter) all had photos of him in their kitchen with "do not serve" written above.


Your writing style is unmatched. You are funny and serious at the same time. You have us on the ship with you one moment & in your tiny town's post office the next. It's wonderful! How can we get you published???

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My favorite restaurant was by far the Haven. Not because the food was the best but because of the service and the ambiance - I  googled to be sure of the spelling and discovered there were 2 ways to spell it and both were correct so I will go with the one I have already typed. After our first meal, everyone was greeting me as Ms. Mary. It quite simply a lovely place to dine. We ate breakfast there every morning and had dinner there the nights we didn't do specialty dining.


They serve a delicious salad - Butter Lettuce and Prosciuto w/radicchio, toasted pistachios, small olives which shall remain unnamed and a creamy vinaigrette dressing - I really don't like to use this description but it really was "to die for". Be advised I spent a lot of time googling those ingredients so as not to misspell them. From this point on I may just go with doing the best I can and hope you can figure it out. The point is, it was a fantabulous salad. Marty thought they must be running low on olives the last night because they were smaller than usual. He decided to not let it ruin his vacation.


Another delicious item was Shrimp and Percini Risoto. Everything I tried was very good. Marty is the adventurous one and he ordered the duck breast one night. I didn't even ask for a taste. He ate most of it but didn't brag about it a lot. One night he ordered the rack of lamb and I did ask for a taste. It was quite good. As was the beef short ribs.


Without a doubt, the Haven Restaurant in my all time favorite place to dine.

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Time to talk entertainment. We had reservations for Burn the Floor and the Million Dollar Quartet. They were both excellent but my nod goes to Million Dollar Quartet. I knew all the songs and couldn't keep myself from bouncing along. I even quietly sang some of the words. Up till now my favorite NCL production has been Jersey Boys on the Bliss. My nod still goes to Jersey Boys but don't miss the Million Dollar Quartet. And whatever you do don't leave before it's over. The best is yet to come. Don't leave until "Elvis has left the building". 


Our other entertainment was people watching. I look at how people dress and wonder why I ever worried about what to wear. It doesn't seem to matter at all. I was somewhat taken back by some of the things people wore - or didn't wear. I've already told you about "naked man" (Marty gave him that label) but at least he was in the vicinity of the swimming pool. Must say - large women were the worst offenders. That's just my opinion I quickly add.


Marty is the dresser upper in our small group. He does his own packing and is quite particular about what he wears. Aprille and I don't dress up much but we try not to embarrass Marty. Glenn wasn't picky about what he wore but wanted to be sure he had plenty of underwear and socks. I always bought him new ones when we went on a cruise - another happy memory.

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About the only thing left to talk about is shopping - and we didn't do much. Matter of fact I just tagged along while Aprille shopped. She was into the free bracelet buy a lot of charms thing so we were in that line several times. She wanted me to buy a scrapbook kit but I don't really need it. I do freestyle scrapbooking and have already prepared several background pages. I'm ready to scrapbook as soon as she sends me the pictures. Yes I am a serious scrapbooker and have completed 32 in the past 28 years. Must say - some of them are masterpieces. That proclamation is a bit much but I'm going to let it stand. I love those albums and they are my legacy. I hope to do a few more.


Marty gets off at every port. Sometimes for excursions but always for shopping as required by the women in his life. He gets post cards for Aprille to send and for me to use in my scrapbook. One time he forgot to take a bottle of water and had to pay $4.50 for the smallest he could get - and bingo! that's why we had that one bottle left at the end of the cruise.


I'm going to be writing our HEA soon. This has been therapeutic for me and - funny thing - I didn't even know I needed therapy.

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Okay I'm in finish up mode so here goes. I almost thought about skipping the sister's stories because I'm sure by now everyone has figured out what happened - twice. While flattering for me it wasn't that much fun for Aprille but she took it pretty well. She's actually proud of her 90 year old mom.


It happened the first time 4 years ago on the Jade. We were all dressed up for some affair or other and crowded in an elevator  with lots of other folks. One lady pointed at us and said "are you sisters?" I was stunned and started explaining that I was 86 and that I was 28 when she was born and that just brought more compliments. By the time we got back to our room I must admit to feeling pretty good - Aprille not so much - so that made me feel pretty bad.


The second happening was at the muster drill on the Getaway. Some lady asked the very same question. Well I am 90 now so I just laughed and assured the lady she had just made my day. She was a little embarrassed when we explained our relationship and redeemed herself well by saying she had guessed Aprille's age at about 60 but would never had guessed me to be 90. So she was right about Aprille's age and flatteringly wrong about mine so what's not to like. Aprille has adjusted well but if it happens again I'm thinking about saying "oh no, we're not sisters. She's my mom". Just kidding honey. I probably wouldn't do that.


I have a list of things to talk about and I will be through - probably - but will do them in another post.


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Okay I had to take time out to pout. I was well into my final post when I lost it - just like that - poof and it was gone. So instead of one fairly long post I'm going to break it down into a few short posts and see how that works.


I almost forgot to tell you about the activities part of our cruise. They have these painting classes on sea days and I love them. I kinda fancy myself as the Grandma Moses of my generation. My niece drug me to a painting class about 3 weeks after Glenn died and it really appealed to me. The class took place at the Alibates Flint Quarries - a national monument just a few miles from where I live. It's a scenic area and the class was outside. The challenge was to walk around, find something you like and paint it - not the object - paint what the object looks like to you on the paper provided. Everyone except me walked out into the hot sun and strolled around. I chose to sit in the shade and paint the closest plant. I painted a recognizable plant  and a new hobby was born. I have painted many pictures during the years and have used most of them in my cruise albums. Some of them fit nicely with the theme and some don't. So I make up a story and suddenly they fit. Enough background. I took 4 paint classes on the Bliss because that was all that was offered. I liked them all except the tulips. I just can't seem to paint tulips. But that's okay. I can paint other things well enough to pass muster. Aprille joined me for the Northern Lighats class and we had fun. We had a great instructor from Ukraine. His name was Alix. He was funny and cute and kept things moving right along because he had to go teach ball room dancing as soon as painting class was over. I only did 2 paintings on the Getaway because I didn't want to paint daisies. I guess I have an aversion to flowers. I was totally unaware of that until just now. I did Palm Trees and Aprille joined me for Funkly Elephant. You don't have to be an artist or even artistic to take the classes and have fun. The instructor points out - it's not fine painting, it's fun painting. But there's only 15 places so you do need reservations.It costs $35.  And there were several men in each class so it's not just a ladies thing. Maatter of fact, a 6 year old boy sat next to me and did a really freestyle funky elephant. He stayed in the lines and finished in about 10 minutes. He and his mom left when he finished to a round of applause. She said they were going to the Art Gallery and put his painting up for sale. He was yelling "NO!' as they left the room. The rest of us stayed for another hour. Marty was there to take pictures. That's his job. He got some good ones and they will have a prominent place in the scrapbook. This is getting way too long so I'm going to submit.

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I was delighted to find out I could get airline boarding passes printed at the Concierge desk - while I waited. Fantabulous!


Marty and I went to the big meeting in the lounge for debark info. David gave a fine speech and all the butlers were there to pass out packets to someone from each cabin. We were told to check out the contents and see if we needed anything else. Well I checked and there were only 4 luggage tags. I told Yogi aka Hugo and he immediately left and reappeared with another luggage tag. I swear Haven is sometimes like magic.


I weighed this morning and have lost 2 pounds. Only 5 to go and oops! now you know how much weight I gained.


The Dairy Queen has a sign up - it says "Hiring".


One more story and I'm done. A few months ago my doctor discovered I have an aorta valve problem. He sent me to the hospital for a heart echo. Then I got a call from his office asking me to choose a heart doctor. I chose the one I took Glenn to for many years. I took Glenn to Houston in 2004 to have his aorta valve replaced and it was horrific surgery at that time. He came through like a champ and lived a good life for 10 more years. Now they have a procedure that isn't even surgery that works most of the time. So I wasn't too scared yet. I went to the heart doctor, had another heart echo and went home with an appointment to come back in a year. Sounded good to me. Then I got a call that they wanted to do another and different kind of heart echo. That didn't sound so good. I reported as scheduled and actually had quite a good time. Michelle was the tech in charge of testing. She made sure I was prepared and comfortable before Sol came in. He works at BSA hospital and was going to observe. Katie had already done an EKG and she stood over on the other side of the small room. Michelle explained what was going to happen and seemed to want me to understand it wasn't a stress test - just a different kind of heart echo and a fluid would be injected through the already in place IV that would cause my heart to pump very fast. They were hoping it would cause my aorta valve to open more so the blood could flow better. And then this guy and another woman came in pushing some apparatus I didn't recognize. The guy was going to administer the juice and the woman was going to observe. So now we have 5 people plus me in that small room. I wondered what we were waiting for and Michelle told me - a heart doctor had to be in the room while the testing was happening. I wouldn't be my heart doctor. It would be the doctor that does the procedure. So we waited and Michelle was getting annoyed and was texting back and forth with the doctor - he was in the building but not in a hurry evidently. And then it happened. This Hollywood Handsome guy strolled casually into the room. He was wearing crisp white scrubs, had a 3 or 4 day beard and was carrying a cup of coffee. I had to put my thumb under my chin and push my mouth closed - I swear. He strolled over and greeted me - called me Ms. Mary and explained that if the procedure was necessary it would involve one night in the hospital and I would go home with a shiny new valve. I smiled back at him and told him if the procedure were necessary he would have to work it in either before or after my cruise in February. He smiled and agreed. At least I think that's what he did. Michelle was tired of small talk and instructed the juice man to do his thing. I felt it immediately. My heart started thumping and everyone's eyes were glued to the screen. Michelle signaled for another dose of juice and my heart thumped even more. There was no pain at all - just thumping. I got one more dose of juice and found myself thinking - my arota valve is performing before a packed house. The test was over and Dr. Handsome strolled over once more and we chatted briefly and he left. Everyone left except Michelle. She brought me some coffee and helped me get dressed, nudged me with her elbow and said "that guy's not hard to look at is he?" I tried not to spew coffee all over her as I nodded my head in complete agreement. I guess the test went well. They let my year away appointment stand. I walked out into the sunshine - feeling good.


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I love NCL and I love Haven. So you can add me to the list of NCL cheerleaders.


I have already added all of you to my list of BFF.


I'm looking forward to writing another review sometime in the future. I'll be sure to not use the word "brief" in the title.


Happy cruising to all of you and be sure you don't let the small stuff ruin your vacation.



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Great review, Mom! I've been telling you what a great writer you have always been.


I've been meaning to be more active in this thread but I'm also having a tough time adjusting back to "real life". 😉


Funky Elephant:

funky elephant resized.jpg

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