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best way to get upgrades?


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We've cruised 8 times on 4 different lines and have never been upgraded. Each time we booked a specified cabin because location is important to us. We've read that upgrades usually occur with those booking a "guarantee" for a particular class of room. Has anyone ever gotten an upgrade after booking a particular cabin, and when did the upgrade occur? Thanks for your input.

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I've been upgraded after booking a specific cabin. I normally request pricing on a selection of categories, then tell my agent to book the category I want. I'm not sure I've ever selected a specific cabin within a category. I once booked an AA minisuite and was bumped up from there. I have also been upgraded to a suite after booking the cheapest minisuite guarantee. All this is ancient history now, I think the Upgrade Fairy has gone into retirement.

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You'll be happier booking the cabin you want - and marking "No Upgrades".


We have turned down upgrades in the past - not always a more desireable location.

That said, we were sort of hoping for an upgrade next month on Regal Princess - but the Upgrade Fairy has been in hiding. Perhaps when we get to the dock!

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When I have gotten upgrades(which by the way is few and far between) It has always been from a cabin that I had chosen not a guarantee. So you just never know what the upgrade fairy has in her mind. I always select a cabin that I want and will be happy in and like Druke said ask for "No upgrades".



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If location is important to you, take the advice already given. At times, upgrades can bump you up in your category, but to a less desireable location. Very rarely anymore do upgrades place you in a higher cabin category.

The old upgrade fairy just isn't what she used to be, upgrades just don't happen anything like they used to.


Looking back, we were upgraded on our very first Princess cruise back in the early 90's after booking an assigned cabin. We found out it was probably because we had paid tons more than others as we were in a state that didn't offer a 'great special' on that cruise, like 95% of the other passengers on the ship received.

The second time was because we had booked a 'gurantee', AE, and were upgraded to an AA. Not a true upgrade, just higher in the same category.


If location is important, book the cabin you will be happy with and don't worry about not receiving any free upgrades.

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Probably the best way to get an upgrade is to call your TA to see what other cabins are available. If you book a GTY, there's no guarantee that you'll be upgraded. From my observation, if the ship isn't full and has a lot of cabins remaining in inventory, your chances of getting an upgrade (usually within the same type of cabin category) are better although it should never be expected. If the cruise is sold out, there isn't a chance for an upgrade. Most Princess cruises are sold out well in advance. Not all, but many of them.

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Pray to the cruise goddess! ;)


I agree!


We got upgraded from an assigned cabin on our British isles cruise last year. The ship didn't sell very well and our TA had a lot of bookings on the sailing (the owner of the agency and his wife were on the cruise with us) and all of us who booked with that TA got upgraded, insides to outsides, outsides to balconies, balconies to minisuites (that was us!), even minisuites to full suites. They were offering amazing deals especially in Britain trying to fill the ship, so I think the amount of upgrades weren't something that would happen on your typical sailing, I think it was just because of the ship being so empty.

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We've cruised 8 times on 4 different lines and have never been upgraded. .


This is NOT the way to get an upgrade!


You have loyalty to four different cruise lines .. and no real track record or frequency on any one specific line.


There are two types of upgrades. Complimentary Upgrade and Paid Upgrade. Comp obviously is the kind we all want where they move us from an inside cabin to a mini suite for FREE. A paid upgrade is where you are confirmed in a specific category but would like something better and are willing to pay the difference. We have done this in the past moving from a mini-suite to a full suite but we paid the fare difference.


Paid upgrades will have a wait list .... where you are confirmed in a cabin, but wish to move to higher category. They can happen at any time but most often about the time final payment is due.. so keep track.


Comp upgrades would occur should the cruise line need to make available specific cabins (or categories) towards the last minute. For example, the Guarantee bookings . and there are not enough left in this group .. they need to move someone. This happens probably more about the time final documents would go out that need to carry a cabin assignment.


Princess (like the airlines) have tiers of repeat travelers. Princess has Gold (cruises 2-5), Platinum (cruises 6-15) and Elite (16 and above). An Elite is FAR FAR more likely to get a complimentary upgrade than someone who is taking their first cruise. Requesting a Paid upgrade and getting it sort of depends on the time of the request (where you stand in a wait list) and your ability to move/decide/pay. I think the one paid upgrade we did we had like 24 hours to accept and pay.


I am assuming that requests for paid upgrades would be processed first (as Princess makes more $$) then as the sailing date comp upgrades may happen.


If you are on back-to-back cruises or a short portion (3day) of a longer (9day) cruise or some other anomoly .. comp upgrades may happen (and have been reported here).


I guess the 'way' to get an upgrade would be:



Continual checking for open cabins

Willingness to pay


Booking with Princess vs local Travel Agent vs Mega-cruise travel agent .. who knows if this helps or not. I tend to book with the crusie line so they might consider that fact when it comes to upgrades.

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First cruise on the Sky Princess we booked a BB balcony category and selected our cabin.

We were upgraded to a full suite a few days before sailing.


Second cruise on the Sky Princess we booked a BB balcony category and selected our cabin.

We were not upgraded as the ship was sold out way in advance of sailing.


Third cruise on the Royal Princess we booked a BB balcony category and selected our cabin.

We were upgraded to a mini suite a couple of months before sailing.


Fourth cruise on the Golden Princess we booked a BB balcony category and selected our cabin.

However, our TA notified us that if we'd drop our cabin and book a BB guarantee we could save $1000 per person!

We're not stupid..we took the downgrade to the category BE, got our $1000 bucks per person and eventually ended up back in the BB category just 2 rooms down from the cabin we originally booked.

p.s. no other upgrade happened and I know the PS and PH suites were available as we inquired at the Pursers desk. They offered to move us for a price, but we didn't want to spend the money.


Fifth cruise on the Grand was the Galveston inaugural..that was totally booked with TA's. No upgrade chance at all on that cruise.


Sixth cruise on the Sapphire was for 19 days. Didn't want to risk not getting an upgrade so we booked an AC mini suite and selected our cabin.

We were very happy that we opted to select the cabin that we would be comfortable in, thus, we were not dissapointed when no upgrade came.

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I find that upgrades are more common when you book a gauranteed cabin and you pay for the entire cruise up front. EVERY time we have done this we have been upgraded. Sometimes it's only a same category upgrade but better than nothing. Just my 2 cents.

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I always book "Best Available" and have received an upgrade 3 outta 4 times. In San Juan, I was checking in aboard the Destiny and was pleasant to a fault to the lady checking us in, she wanted to upgrade us to a balcony but wasn't allowed to. (We ere best available inside) Still we score the highest inside cat! The cruise only cost me $ 379.00 and we were given a $1,049 cabin!

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I also am on an airline forum (http://www.flyertalk.com) which is very similar to here at CruiseCritic.


Upgrades are a constant question there also.. and many many theories about them.


I like to think of upgrades as being struck by lightening.


Yes they do happen (as Crowsie mentions).


They don't happen very often.


They are very hard to predict (tho standing under a tree or next to some of the posters here may help).


They cause a wonderment in people who have never been upgraded and a desire to become part of this elite group.


How many cabins are on a ship? A thousand or more .. How many ships does Princess have? 15...at this time. How many cruise lines are there in the world (now and past years)?


Looking at the potential number of pax that have cruised .. yes .. some have gotten comp upgrades. But if you try and find a reason for it .. and then emulate it on your next cruise .. you are opening yourself up for disappointment.


Either book the cabin/suite you want on the sailing you want .. or plan to accept what is available.


And IF you get something better be thankful.


By reporting all your successes you make newbie cruises think that an upgrade is something easy to obtain .. like a second lobster on formal night. That an upgrade is an entitlement of a cruiser. And when all our sage advice does not get them an upgrade . they start the cruise off with a feeling of loss.


Upgrades DO happen. I just am waiting for being stuck by lightening and hitting Powerball Lotto and winning the Irish sweepstakes .. or a mega-slot machine in Vegas. The odds in my opinion are about the same .. and people should realize that.

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So far, our 2 out of 3 cruises,we got upgraded.I think that an upgrade is a tad easier to get than winning a lottery:D

I also am on an airline forum (www.flyertalk.com) which is very similar to here at CruiseCritic.


Upgrades are a constant question there also.. and many many theories about them.


I like to think of upgrades as being struck by lightening.


Yes they do happen (as Crowsie mentions).


They don't happen very often.


They are very hard to predict (tho standing under a tree or next to some of the posters here may help).


They cause a wonderment in people who have never been upgraded and a desire to become part of this elite group.


How many cabins are on a ship? A thousand or more .. How many ships does Princess have? 15...at this time. How many cruise lines are there in the world (now and past years)?


Looking at the potential number of pax that have cruised .. yes .. some have gotten comp upgrades. But if you try and find a reason for it .. and then emulate it on your next cruise .. you are opening yourself up for disappointment.


Either book the cabin/suite you want on the sailing you want .. or plan to accept what is available.


And IF you get something better be thankful.


By reporting all your successes you make newbie cruises think that an upgrade is something easy to obtain .. like a second lobster on formal night. That an upgrade is an entitlement of a cruiser. And when all our sage advice does not get them an upgrade . they start the cruise off with a feeling of loss.


Upgrades DO happen. I just am waiting for being stuck by lightening and hitting Powerball Lotto and winning the Irish sweepstakes .. or a mega-slot machine in Vegas. The odds in my opinion are about the same .. and people should realize that.

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This is NOT the way to get an upgrade!



I guess the 'way' to get an upgrade would be:



Continual checking for open cabins

Willingness to pay.


I would respectully disagree. I think the way to get an upgrade would be:


1) Be the CEO of Princess

2) Be related to the CEO of Princess

3) Know the CEO of Princess



6) LUCK :D :D :D


Rob (never been upgraded) Potter


In poker the saying is "give me a chip and table" In cruising it is "give me a ship and cabin". I will be happy :)

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My wife and I are sailing this Saturday on SP. When we booked, the only thing avail was outside full obstructed view guarantee. With that said, and sailing in 2 days, I called Princess on Wednesday to find out if we had been assigned a cabin. The woman on the line stated no, but checked the availability and stated that there were still rooms avail, and based on our F category guarantee, we would be getting a very nice upgrade. However, she advised me to call back on Thursday. When I stated that was the next day, she apologized and checked to see if she could assign my room.


She came back on the line and told me to call back on Friday. I am still hoping for that upgrade. This will be our 5th Princess cruise, not quite platinum, but would love the comp upgrade. We have never been upgraded on Princess, and have been in every type of room from inside to Mini suite.


In Nov 05, we booked on NCL Pride of America for a 7 night Hawaii cruise. At the time, the only rooms available were inside--for 199.00 I might add. We booked it on Tuesday and were flying out on Friday! Upon check in at HNL, we were upgraded to an outside (full view) without even asking. What a treat for $199!


Keeping our fingers crossed for today's room assignment.

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Rob and Cheryl, I know this may be off the subject some, but have been trying to do the glitter signature. I am missing something because it won't take. Can you please explain it to me how to get it to take. Thank you



Delores: go to the glitter site and fill out the entire column with your choices. Then click on the top right box (website option). Copy and paste what's in the box to your signature in the User CP area. Good Luck!


I must say, as the OP of this thread, I also was the OP for the same question on the Celebrity board. I was told by one poster that one of the reasons I never got an upgrade was because I use Glittermaker! :D

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Well so much for the comp upgrade. I called today to get our cabin assignment, and we were assigned a room in the category we were ticketed in. Now I know I trully can't complain, we got what we paid for. However, after being told by a Princess rep that we would be getting a very nice upgrade, I am a bit upset. I told the woman I spoke with today what we were advised on Wednesday, and she said we are listed for a comp upgrade, but the other agent should have never told us about it. Unfortunately, the damage has been done and now I'm just mad and disappointed.--and had a better category been avail when we booked, we would have paid the extra for a better room.


I guess I should prepare myself to look at the back of a tender boat for the trip. AGGGHHH

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When I made our final payment for our CB cruise (first time on Princess) last year I was asked if we would like to be upgraded from a BC balcony to a Full Suite. We were traveling with other family members who would also be upgraded. Total 3 cabiins. However we would not be on the same deck. Wouldn't you know it my Mother in Law wanted to keep the cabins that we had next door to each other. So I had to turn it down. What a sin. I will say having 3 balconys next door worked real well as we had the balcony doors opened which in essence gave us a triple balcony.

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  • 3 months later...

We booked two mini suites- D228, D330 and asked for no upgrades as we wanted to be next door. A week later, I got an email saying we had been upgraded to a Premium Suite C628. Initially, I was upset but after seeing the perks for a PS, we decided not to complain. Does anyone know anything about C628, on the Coral Princess. (going to Alaska in June!) Thanks.

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Our best upgrade was from an outside to a balcony. That was the time we were sailing with 2 other couples and requesting that we be kept together. They moved us to balconies all in a row. (we opened the doors between them. It was great to have that big open area) So the time I thought it would be least likely was the time it happened. Out of 5 cruises we've been upgraded 3.

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