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Spirit of Adventure delayed again?


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I didn't think today was the 1st of April!

What about people of working age, not everyone on Saga is a pensioner and may share their household with someone of working age or has commitments elsewhere?

This is like  something  worthy of central govt, not thought out and totally unworkable. 

Next thought, there is supposed to be a shortage of test kits and labs to process them so govt guidance is only to be tested if you are showing symptoms.

 Where are all these needless test kits going to come from, who is going to test them and what happens if the test doesn't arrive with you in time, you send it off and it gets lost in the post or the results don't come back in time. 

I don't know about anyone else but we only had two postal deliveries last week and I'm still waiting for a letter posted locally last Monday. 

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The bit about, "so when you get you test it will include instructions....." was my theory of what would happen - I did not make it clear that bit was my add-on, sorry. 😪

But otherwise - how can the risk of people coming into contact/picked up the virus after testing be avoided?.

And the bit about being picked up by Saga transport - does that mean that the only people who can cruise will be those living within the cut-off distance of 250 miles?

Nobody can fly in? catch the ferry from the IoW?

800 people to be transported to the ship, 800 people to be transported back home from the ship - and all with a same-day ship turnaround.

Can't see it happening, somehow. They were already struggling to cope with the transport when people were sharing cars and using coaches.

It was so obviously a puff-piece for the press;  the shareholders may believe it, us passengers are a bit more clued-up about things.




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3 hours ago, nosapphire said:

The bit about, "so when you get you test it will include instructions....." was my theory of what would happen - I did not make it clear that bit was my add-on, sorry. 😪

But otherwise - how can the risk of people coming into contact/picked up the virus after testing be avoided?.

And the bit about being picked up by Saga transport - does that mean that the only people who can cruise will be those living within the cut-off distance of 250 miles?

Nobody can fly in? catch the ferry from the IoW?

800 people to be transported to the ship, 800 people to be transported back home from the ship - and all with a same-day ship turnaround.

Can't see it happening, somehow. They were already struggling to cope with the transport when people were sharing cars and using coaches.

It was so obviously a puff-piece for the press;  the shareholders may believe it, us passengers are a bit more clued-up about things.




🙄  😬  😱  🤣  🤣    That's all I can think of !  

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I probably over think thingsbut :-! 

As nospphire has said what about people with long journeys, will there be no " pit stops" on the way, and not everyone leave from their own home, they may be relying on friends or family to drive them to the port and arranged to visit for a few days ?

When we arrive at a port, we need a pilot to navigate use in, once there the local police usually do a drugs sweep with sniffer dogs, immigration comes on board to clear the ships documents and if there is the weekly fire test the local fire Brigade will come aboard as well.. 

The Captain normally welcomes on board official guests for lunch and dont forget the minefield of shore trips, are we all to be confined to the ship for the whole cruise, the 16th Dec cruise is to go to Christmas markets, that's the whole point of going. 

Saga is turning this into " a three ringed circus with Liberty Horses", or did they perhaps get confused and think they were talking to the Daily Mail?. 

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19 minutes ago, JMyrtle said:

I probably over think thingsbut :-! 

As nospphire has said what about people with long journeys, will there be no " pit stops" on the way, and not everyone leave from their own home, they may be relying on friends or family to drive them to the port and arranged to visit for a few days ?

When we arrive at a port, we need a pilot to navigate use in, once there the local police usually do a drugs sweep with sniffer dogs, immigration comes on board to clear the ships documents and if there is the weekly fire test the local fire Brigade will come aboard as well.. 

The Captain normally welcomes on board official guests for lunch and dont forget the minefield of shore trips, are we all to be confined to the ship for the whole cruise, the 16th Dec cruise is to go to Christmas markets, that's the whole point of going. 

Saga is turning this into " a three ringed circus with Liberty Horses", or did they perhaps get confused and think they were talking to the Daily Mail?. 

Agree with every point.    Someone made this up didn't they?  We don't even know if the Christmas Markets will happen do we.

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According to Marine Traffic.com, the Spirit of Adventure is now registered under UK flag.

Last time I looked (during sea trials) she was still on a German flag.

So the handover to Saga must be imminent.

Wonder when Saga will update their website - they haven't put anything since July.

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I hadn't even thought about the Christmas markets being cancelled but of course you are quite right I am sure they will be. 

Others have said it will hardly be a holiday with no buffets, social distancing and probably no shore trips, all that's left is unlimited room service and alcohol, which as a diabetic I should best avoid

Well I for one won't be paying any more money, and certainly not the wrong side of £2K until I know exactly what I am paying for. 

I get more depressed by the day, I'm desperate to get away. Anyone else feel the same? 

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On 9/14/2020 at 7:36 PM, JMyrtle said:


Well I for one won't be paying any more money, and certainly not the wrong side of £2K until I know exactly what I am paying for. 

I get more depressed by the day, I'm desperate to get away. Anyone else feel the same? 

No we won't be paying any more money and yes I get depressed more every day.  We plan to take a few days away in Devon next month, but even that is doubtful.   Cruising is not on our cards for the moment until or if there is a satisfactory vaccination.  J

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11 hours ago, silversurf said:

Nosapphire. Re blood oxygen tests. Mine is very low due to COPD, always declared on my travel insurance. Are Saga going to refuse my boarding because of this?


I've no idea.

It sounds as if Saga have no idea, either.

As far as I am concerned, the information from Saga to the press is totally deranged, and the information from Saga to their customers is non-existent.

They're not getting any more of my money until I am convinced that this company is going to survive - the reports  at the minute make me very uneasy.

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After being on hold for over half an hour I finally got thru to Saga this morning as the balance for the Christmas cruise on the 16th of December is due tomorrow.

Their payment advice is that " if you wish to pay your balance they will take the money but are not actively persuing payment at this time because of the current situation, once things are clearer they will contact you by telephone to request payment" 

That statement was repeated several times during the conversation, the person I spoke to checked with his manager and they were also unaware of the Sunday Times interview and have no knowledge of tests being sent to passengers or arrival at the port by Saga car only although it is correct that there will be no buffet only waiter service at meal times and tests will be carried out before boarding. 

There is also no change to the Christmas cruise itinerary, the departure port is still Sou'ton and destination ports are still Antwerp and Zebrugge. 

So there we have it, I hope, until next time! 

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Thanks for that update.

The interview/report was a 2-page spread on the Sunday Times Business section 13th September, by Sabah Meddings. The section I quoted word-for-word was an insert in this article, which was supposedly quoting  Euan Sutherland.

Unfortunately I cannot post a link as you have to subscribe to get the article on-line (we only buy the Sunday Times for the Jeremy Clarkson farming articles) but I have just retrieved the paper from the recycling bin to make sure I did not dream it all.

It is definitely there, as a statement made by by Saga to the Sunday Times reporter.

I'll look out next Sunday to see if there is a retraction - I'll let you know if there is.

But - Saga saying they have no knowledge of the interview does not surprise me.

They had no knowledge of the Adventure being delayed from the shipyard.

They had no knowledge of norovirus on board the Discovery.

They had no knowledge of planned protocols for restarting.

They had no knowledge of cruises to be cancelled.

Etc., Etc.

The phone people, who are really lovely, must have a chart pinned up stating exactly what they can or cannot say to customers.

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These comments are similar to this found on the boards for other cruise lines. I think we are being a bit harsh on Saga (and the other cruise lines). The government has flipped and flopped all over the place since the outbreak began with no clear leadership. If the government cannot make its mind  up on what is the best course of action how can they expect businesses  like Saga to keep their operations going. 

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On 9/16/2020 at 12:16 PM, JMyrtle said:

After being on hold for over half an hour I finally got thru to Saga this morning as the balance for the Christmas cruise on the 16th of December is due tomorrow.

Their payment advice is that " if you wish to pay your balance they will take the money but are not actively persuing payment at this time because of the current situation, once things are clearer they will contact you by telephone to request payment" 

That statement was repeated several times during the conversation, the person I spoke to checked with his manager and they were also unaware of the Sunday Times interview and have no knowledge of tests being sent to passengers or arrival at the port by Saga car only although it is correct that there will be no buffet only waiter service at meal times and tests will be carried out before boarding. 

There is also no change to the Christmas cruise itinerary, the departure port is still Sou'ton and destination ports are still Antwerp and Zebrugge. 

So there we have it, I hope, until next time! 


Well, in addition to the statement made by Saga to their shareholders (see my post about Saga restarting cruises 2020) that said all Saga passengers travel to and from the ship in a Saga arranged bubble - the front page of the October Saga magzine has another statement form the CEO, "We will be testing passengers for Covid-19 before they leave home again before they embark..."

So unless the Saga arranged transport is carrying testing kits with them... Saga failed to tell their own staff about the plan to post testing kits.

And apparently the daily crew testing will be blood oxygen levels. My understanding is that you have to be pretty far gone before this shows anything.

And not sure how the transport "bubble" is going to work for those living further than 250 miles, or who use their own transport.

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We are totally dependent on the Saga xport as I no longer drive and my husband has never learnt. 

We are yet to receive the Saga magazine so I cannot comment on that. 

What we have received is Sagas revised cruising brochure for 2021/22, it would appear that there are no longer "partner cruise lines" and quite frankly Saga's prices for their own cruises are absolutely laughable so the only place for the brochure is the recycling bin. 

There is also no sign of the usual Christmas Markets cruise on either ship for December 2021 so it looks if our last Saga cruise will be Scandinavia in March 2021 on S. O. D. 

A shame but I can do two "Fred's" for every Saga even taking in to account the all inclusive, you can always get a deal if you book late and fine dining outside cabins and shore trips are of no interest to us.

Dover is our home port so we can be there in half an hour so Fred on an anchor fare will do us just as well. 

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In fairness to all cruise lines (including Saga...) it must be an impossible task to try and prepare itineraries without knowing when you can sail, where you can sail to, and what you can do when you get there.

P&O may have taken the better option with their announcement that there would not be any cruises from Southampton before February 2021, rather than keep the cancellations going bit-by-bit.

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I agree totally I wish Saga would get off the fence and make a decision. 

Nothing has been updated since August, and that's just not good enough. 

It's just as well interest rates are so low, as I expect others just like us took money off deposit earlier in the year that's now sitting in current accounts earning nothing wondering if and when it's going to be spent. 

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On 9/22/2020 at 9:06 PM, JMyrtle said:

I agree totally I wish Saga would get off the fence and make a decision. 

Nothing has been updated since August, and that's just not good enough. 

It's just as well interest rates are so low, as I expect others just like us took money off deposit earlier in the year that's now sitting in current accounts earning nothing wondering if and when it's going to be spent. 

I imagine that the board of Saga currently have their minds on raising funds rather than updating cruise customers.

Their press release and interim shareholder statement of 10th September rather ominously ends with the warning that should travel continue to be disrupted beyond January 2021, there is uncertainty about whether Saga group will be able to continue operating. They are in the middle of raising funds to make sure they remain solvent, which hopefully should be resolved beginning of October.

Maybe then, after a sigh of relief and a stiff drink,  they will switch focus back again to their customers.

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About time to. 

We are also registered with Fred Olsen and we receive an update from "Mr Fred" in the form of a short video every Friday, it's a shame Mr de Haan of Saga doesn't deem it necessary to do the same! 

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22 hours ago, JMyrtle said:

About time to. 

We are also registered with Fred Olsen and we receive an update from "Mr Fred" in the form of a short video every Friday, it's a shame Mr de Haan of Saga doesn't deem it necessary to do the same! 


Can't blame Roger de Haan for that - he sold Saga in 2004. Blame Euan Sutherland, the current CEO.

BUT - the announcement on social media that Saintgeorge refers to may be after the special general meeting 2nd October.

Saga are trying (should be successful) to raise £150million, and the bulk of this is expected to be provided by Sir Roger de Haan who is coming back to the board of Saga - subject to shareholder agreement.

Also interesting is that the owner of Mystic Cruises and Nicko Cruises has been buying a lot of shares in Saga lately.


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