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Equinox LIVE Solo Review 11/19-11/28


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Thanks for all the finger crossing, folks! It totally worked! I arrived at my hotel at 10:45am and was able to check right in! 


I’m staying at the Hyatt Centric Las Olas in one of their pool walkout patio rooms.  The patio has a little gate so you have direct access to the pool. The hotel is very modern and clean and on my way to the elevators I saw something I plan to ask Santa for for Christmas (see first pic below 😁).


There’s quite a bit of construction going on in the area and it took my Uber driver a few minutes to find the entrance in all the confusion (the driveway is like halfway up a ramp to a condo parking garage, it’s odd).  


The pool area has an outdoor bar so I rewarded myself for sending my last work email by popping out my walkout and going over to get my first vacation margarita.  I sat out on my patio until I started to feel rain drops hitting me, which also helped me realize that my stomach was starting to rumble (such is life when you eat breakfast at 5:30 in the morning).


I just got back from lunch at the bar at the hotel restaurant.  I ordered the mahi-mahi tacos and washed them down with a nice French rose’.  I will say, I’m pretty impressed with the wine list here for a hotel bar.  But this is also a hotel with a champagne vending machine, so it follows, I guess.


When I checked in, the front desk gave me a little card good for one free “Absolut cocktail” at the hotel bar.  I was a little skeptical that it was a bait and switch of some kind so I was planning not to use it.  Then while I was sitting at lunch I saw the bartender make the cocktail for someone else who was redeeming their coupon and realized it was an awesome opportunity to relive childhood memories (see the pics, they’ll explain).  When I ordered, the bartender asked what flavors I tend to like in my cocktails and used that profile to make the fresh fruit mix for my drink.


I’m about to take a little nap then do one more check in with the office and FaceTime with the hubby at home then chromecast some Netflix to the room tv until it’s time to get ready for dinner.


I asked the pool bartender for a recommendation for a good upscale seafood restaurant near the hotel for dinner and he  suggested that I try a place called Lobster Bar Sea Grill a couple of blocks away, so I’ve made myself a reservation on OpenTable for later this evening.


So far my trip is off to a great start!




















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My friends TODAY IS THE DAY!!!!  I was up at 5am today dealing with yet another work emergency (funny how indispensable one becomes in the 24 hours before you turn off your cell reception for a week and a half) but I was too excited to sleep much longer anyway.


Last night I dressed myself up a little and walked three blocks down from my hotel to Lobster Bar Sea Grille for dinner. The bar was way too crowded for anything close to social distancing so I sat at a booth in the lounge.  My server Hernando was fantastic (if you go, ask for him!)


I had some delicious lobster bisque and since they’re in season also treated myself to a Key West stone crab claw to start.  For dinner I had a broiled 2lb lobster with garlic mashed potatoes.  It was not a cheap meal by any means but it was worth every penny I paid!  

If you’re like me and love all the shellfish but hate the work and mess that comes with cracking and picking out the meat, this place is a godsend.  The kitchen does all the splitting and cracking so you just get to dig your fork in and enjoy.  In fact my waiter noticed I was still trying to get some meat out of a knuckle of my stone crab and he just took the plate back to the kitchen and had the chef open it up more.


I’m all dressed in my embarkation day dress and just completed my health questionnaire and now I’m going to watch the safety briefing in the Celebrity app, put on my luggage tags, do online checkout from the hotel and catch an Uber to the port!


Stay tuned for more from ONBOARD EQUINOX!













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Hello from the Equinox martini bar!!!!


Somewhere around sip 3 of this Blue Wave  (which I ordered after finishing my welcome champagne which is now served here to avoid people congregating in the entryway) I realized I’ve been too excited to eat anything today and probably should before I go any further with the cocktails.  I’ll get on that as soon as I’m done.


I’m already getting a little nervous about wifi on this cruise.  I set up my prepurchased stream package and logged in and the connection right now is TERRIBLE.  I can’t get cruise critic to load at all and social media posting takes for ever.


I finally gave up on it and reconnected to my cell signal (which I assume lots of others are doing too because my connection is so slow I can’t get pictures to load), but that solution won’t work at sea. Not to worry though friends! Worst case, if I’m not able to post as much as I’d like, I’ll still be taking photos and writing posts in notes on my phone and posting as I’m able.


In the meantime, I’m gonna finish this drink and head to oceanview for some food then head to the Sunset Bar till sail way!

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Love your travel (embarkation) dress!!  Interested to see how you handle your solo travels. I will be retiring soon and plan to continue sailing solo as my daughter (previous travel companion) is now a grown adult with a career (and budget) of her own. We do still have one more cruise together next March that was a lift and shift from March of 2019!!  We're both nurses and need the time off!!

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Good evening from the sea!


I’ve just finished an hour long unpacking marathon and have a few minutes free before I need to start getting ready for dinner in Murano tonight, so I thought I’d take a few minutes to report on embarkation and my stateroom.


I had an 11:30 arrival appointment and arrived at the port around 11:15.  After multiple checks of my passport, vaccine card and negative Covid test I was waved right up the escalators at pier 25. At the top of the stairs there was one last check of my documents and an attendant confirmed that nothing had changed in my health questionnaire responses then I went to sit and wait for boarding to begin.  Having checked in on the app, the whole process from curb to boarding wait area took less than 10 minutes.


They started boarding a little after 11:30 and it seemed like it was done by order of arrival at the port rather than stateroom class or loyalty level.  

All in all, it was definitely not the luxury experience of Retreat embarkation last month (where I was personally escorted from curb to private lounge with snacks and then right on the ship by 10:45 to have cocktails in the Retreat lounge).  But hey, last month sky suites for this cruise were priced over $10,000 (crazy, right?) and the cruise I lifted and shifted to this one cost a little over $2,000. You get what you pay for.


Once I got on, I went to my stateroom 7137 to pick up my seapass card and put some valuables in the safe.


This is my first time on Equinox post-Revolution and I don’t think much was done with these basic verandas. Other than some updated bedding and artwork it looks the same as I remember from my last Equinox cruise in a basic veranda in 2018.   I will say though, after being in a revolutionized sky suite on Summit last month, while I noticed the square footage drop, there’s a lot I actually like a lot more about this room. At least sailing solo anyway.  It seems like there’s  FAR more drawer and cabinet space and glory, glory hallelujah: this room actually has a full body mirror! 


I’m going to hop in the shower and dress for dinner then start my S-class ship first night routine of pre-dinner drinks at World Class Bar, dinner in Murano and after dinner fun in the martini bar!


Sharing some room pics as well as some info in my stateroom about elite events, laundry and port COVID restrictions below.

























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Good morning CC!  I fell asleep last night to pouring rain and blowing wind and woke up this morning to this. You really can’t beat this life.


Last night I started my evening with some live music in Ensemble Lounge then had a pre-dinner cocktail at World Class Bar. (Sidebar: Like my dinner dress? It has pockets! 😁)  I discovered this gem of a bar tucked away by the shops on hubby and I’s Solstice Alaska cruise and it was great to see its survived revolution!   Drinks there run about $15 so you’ll need the premium beverage package if you don’t want to pay an extra charge, but it’s totally worth it for the experience of the upscale, original cocktails and knowledgeable bartenders.


I had a Kentucky calling then headed to Murano for dinner (detailed review on that to be posted soon).  After dinner I had an espresso martini at the Martini Bar then went up to the sky lounge for the late night dance set and had one of my happiest moments in my return to cruising…


I wonder if anyone else felt this way, but when Celebrity announced the global suspension and I was following the news of crew members being repatriated to their countries, many of which were in the deepest throws of COVID outbreaks, I just couldn’t stop thinking about a lot of the standout crew members (the ones whose names and faces you can still remember even years later) and wondering if they were safe and well and if their families were alright.  One of those I thought about often was DJ Yuli the first woman Celebrity DJ I ever met (and a fantastic one at that).


When I walked into the sky lounge and saw her behind the turn tables, I nearly cried!  It turns out that she and her family have all stayed healthy and coped well during the shutdown! 🙌🏾 She was on Solstice in New Zealand when the suspension was announced and told me how well Celebrity treated the crew and did the best they could to get everyone home safely.


Apparently in order to reduce risk of COVID spread right now Equinox crew are not permitted to go ashore in port unless they’re on a specificity organized crew excursion and it’s understandably made it tough for many of the crew.  This is Yuli’s last sailing before her contract is up then she’ll head home to spend some much needed time on land.


I’m going to throw on my workout clothes and go for a jog around the top deck then I’ll shower and head out in search of a little first sea day breakfast.


While I’m eating my eggs Benedict I’ll fill you all in on my return to Murano!













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It’s a beautiful morning at the Sunset Bar!


I just finished breakfast in the buffet.   Pre-pandemic my rule was that I avoided the buffet at all costs until the last couple of days of the cruise. It was always my theory that the buffet (and in particular people’s unsanitary hand washing and self service practices) was ground zero for noro outbreaks and if I was gonna get sick, I wanted it to be when I was already at or on my way home.  With the new setup of the crew serving everyone I feel much more comfortable.


I have a lunch reservation at Sushi on 5 today so I figured I should go with a light breakfast. You can see how well that plan worked out.


It didn’t take long to find a good table, but no servers came over to take a drink/coffee order until I was almost done eating.  No biggie though, just gives me an excuse to head to cafe al bacio later.


After breakfast I took a walk around the lawn and watched some people doing the hot glass class. I also got a chance to check out the revolutionized lawn club cabanas.  Pre-cruise I briefly considered booking one for a sea day and I’m kinda glad I didn’t.  $250 is a little steep for me to spend the day in a big egg jail.  


I also discovered a hidden shop/bar that as a bourbon enthusiast, could be a dangerous revelation for me. If anyone knows anything about this Whisky House at the Lawn Club thing, please fill me in! I can’t seem to find anything about it in the app.


My sea day plans are pretty chill. I’m gonna curl up in this chair and read until lunch, then go to a sushi rolling demo and a beyond the podium lecture on myths and mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle.  Once that’s over it’ll be mid afternoon which, by my watch, is just about frozen drinks by the pool-thirty.






















Edited by GenerationX
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20 minutes ago, 01Sweetpea said:

Following along.  Trying to convince my hubby it’s time to get back to cruising and this itinerary is the next one I want to take!!


On a side note, where did  you get your anchor/heart mask?  

I hope you’re successful convincing hubby to get back out on the ocean!  Celebrity really is doing a great job at taking precautions to keep everyone safe. I honestly feel like safer on this ship than I do in my local Walmart.  I’m very excited about this itinerary too!


I got my mask on Amazon. Will post a pic of the listing.



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18 minutes ago, GenerationX said:

It’s a beautiful morning at the Sunset Bar!


I just finished breakfast in the buffet.   Pre-pandemic my rule was that I avoided the buffet at all costs until the last couple of days of the cruise. It was always my theory that the buffet (and in particular people’s unsanitary hand washing and self service practices) was ground zero for noro outbreaks and if I was gonna get sick, I wanted it to be when I was already at or on my way home.  With the new setup of the crew serving everyone I feel much more comfortable.


I have a lunch reservation at Sushi on 5 today so I figured I should go with a light breakfast. You can see how well that plan worked out.


It didn’t take long to find a good table, but no servers came over to take a drink/coffee order until I was almost done eating.  No biggie though, just gives me an excuse to head to cafe al bacio later.


After breakfast I took a walk around the lawn and watched some people doing the hot glass class. I also got a chance to check out the revolutionized lawn club cabanas.  Pre-cruise I briefly considered booking one for a sea day and I’m kinda glad I didn’t.  $250 is a little steep for me to spend the day in a big egg jail.  


I also discovered a hidden shop/bar that as a bourbon enthusiast, could be a dangerous revelation for me. If anyone knows anything about this Whisky House at the Lawn Club thing, please fill me in! I can’t seem to find anything about it in the app.


My sea day plans are pretty chill. I’m gonna curl up in this chair and read until lunch, then go to a sushi rolling demo and a beyond the podium lecture on myths and mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle.  Once that’s over it’ll be mid afternoon which, by my watch, is just about frozen drinks by the pool-thirty.






















On the Equinox in January… Great Report and pics - Big Thanks 🙏 

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I’m running early for my sushi lunch reservation so while I’m hanging out with Arden at the Passport Bar drinking Chandon and watching the brave souls taking the free salsa class, let’s talk about my first night dinner in Murano.


When I first arrived I had a mini panic attack.  When I sat down and opened the menu there were only 3 starters and 3 entrees listed (and none of them the favorites I’d been waiting 18 months to eat again).  Fortunately it turned out the maitre d just gave me the lunch menu on accident, phew!


I started with the pork belly which was perfectly cooked and then had the always amazing Murano lobster.  I originally planned to try something new for dessert, but in the end couldn’t resist the allure of my favorite: the gran marnier soufflé.


The chef’s amuse bouche was a tiny ball of the best steak tartare I’ve ever had. The first bite of it followed by a sip of Pinot Noir made my heart sing a little French song.


In between the main and dessert my server Michael asked if he could tempt me with any cheese from the cart. The answer to that question will never be “no” for me.


I washed dessert down with a double espresso (because this ain’t my first rodeo and I know that coffee comes with a plate of tiny chocolates and macaroons) and a glass of 10 year tawny port (included in the premium package).


I was very happy with the service and food and can’t wait to return in a few days for my Thanksgiving dinner!


Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s sushi time!





















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