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New pre-cruise protocols-booster requirement and testing changes


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Effective for January 15, 2022 and until further notice

Viking is committed to doing all we can to ensure you are healthy and well prepared for international travel—and that you will be able to arrive in your destination and embark your ship safely. Viking has decided torequire that all guests take a COVID-19 PCR test within 48 hours prior to boarding their first outbound flight from their home country.


Noticed a loophole.
It says take a test. Does not say you have to have the results or Pass the test.
Wish me luck trying this one!


And what if your boarding is delayed say 4 hours making it say 49 hours since test?

Disclosure: My pre-cruise PCR test results failed to arrive pre-cruise but Viking & Malta did not ask for them. Whew! Felt like dodging bullets in The Matrix!


Edited by philw1776
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Hi All - I am one of the “not happy” Viking passengers- I am sailing Jan12 Journey to Antiquities departing US 12/11 and this will be my 3rd Viking cruise since September- I understand changes due to Covid but this change was instituted after the Risk Free Deadline and Viking will not allow change - almost every other cruise line is allowing a change- not Viking they said if I cancel then no refund of FCC.  I agree with so many I felt very safe with Viking but this change is major plus they say expanded tour offerings / well no communication of tours for my cruise and so close to departure -  yes I have travel insurance but not the overpriced Tripmate Viking offers.  This may well be my last Viking Cruise!

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 Viking has decided to require that all guests take a COVID-19 PCR test within 48 hours prior to boarding their first outbound flight from their home country.


We are leaving the US 5 days before we board our cruise. I can see countries requiring testing before we board a flight to enter, but I'm not sure this makes sense for the cruise line. We could certainly contract the virus upon landing, or in the next four days. There could theoretically be a week between our test and boarding. I imagine there will be others aboard who have been outside of their home country considerably longer. 


We went to French Polynesia last month. We had to test within 48 hours of flying LAX to PPT, upon landing at PPT, and again before boarding the ship the following day. That made sense to me. We felt phenomenally safe from boarding our plane in LA to getting off the plane in LA. 


I'm more than happy to cooperate with protocols, I just prefer that those protocols make sense. 



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15 minutes ago, MamaFej said:

 Viking has decided to require that all guests take a COVID-19 PCR test within 48 hours prior to boarding their first outbound flight from their home country.


We are leaving the US 5 days before we board our cruise. I can see countries requiring testing before we board a flight to enter, but I'm not sure this makes sense for the cruise line. We could certainly contract the virus upon landing, or in the next four days. There could theoretically be a week between our test and boarding. I imagine there will be others aboard who have been outside of their home country considerably longer. 


We went to French Polynesia last month. We had to test within 48 hours of flying LAX to PPT, upon landing at PPT, and again before boarding the ship the following day. That made sense to me. We felt phenomenally safe from boarding our plane in LA to getting off the plane in LA. 


I'm more than happy to cooperate with protocols, I just prefer that those protocols make sense. 



After multiple "chats" with Viking - this is my understanding. I'm not sure where you're sailing from, but we sail from Rome after arriving 8 days before the cruise. We are to follow Italy's requirements for entry (no worry about the 48 hour test prior to leaving home) and then while we are in Rome we obtain a PCR test 48 hours before we board the ship. They also made mention of a second test being done at the airport upon arrival, but again that does not apply to us because we are not going straight to the ship or on a Viking extension. Hope this helps. Easiest thing to do is contact them, explain your situation, and have them confirm or deny that you need that test 48 hours before you leave home. You will likely be looking at obtaining a test in whatever country you're in for the 5 days (unless you're on a Viking extension). 

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Thanks, @TinaLee. At this point, it's more a thought exercise than anything else. We've cruised four times post-shutdown, and the rules for each of those changed between booking and sailing, some of them had multiple rule changes. I fully anticipate that the same will be the case for our booked cruises this year, and possibly next. 


Our Viking cruise is not until late July. When I think of how many things have changed in the past 7 months, I can only imagine how many will change in the next 7. 

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Here is an update from my travel agent who spoke to Viking this morning.


1. PCR test results will be in your hands either later the same day or the next day, so your 48 hour window will be ok before flight departure.

2. Viking will organize another test for you at the hotel before you board the Octantis.

3. Viking will make every effort to satisfy your requests in the event of positive tests on board.

4. If you decide not to go now, you can transfer entire trip cost to a future cruise credit to be booked within 24 months.


#1 above is saying that Viking is convinced that results from the PCR test will be back the same day as the test or the next day.  We are scheduled for the test at a CVS pharmacy and they will not guarantee when you will get the results.


#2 above is in response to my concern that since we are going first to Iguazu Falls and won't be boarding the Octantis until 5 days later.


#3 above He was also told that if your onboard test comes back positive, they will get you back to your home and give you a credit for any unused portion of the trip.


Still don't know what we are going to do.  Fortunately, we have the cancellation coverage, but this is the second Antartica trip that may be postponed.  Viking canceled the first one in 2020 due to the pandemic.  Going to decide one way or the other over the weekend.


Hope this helps.

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1 hour ago, rrgator said:

Here is an update from my travel agent who spoke to Viking this morning.


1. PCR test results will be in your hands either later the same day or the next day, so your 48 hour window will be ok before flight departure.

2. Viking will organize another test for you at the hotel before you board the Octantis.

3. Viking will make every effort to satisfy your requests in the event of positive tests on board.

4. If you decide not to go now, you can transfer entire trip cost to a future cruise credit to be booked within 24 months.


#1 above is saying that Viking is convinced that results from the PCR test will be back the same day as the test or the next day.  We are scheduled for the test at a CVS pharmacy and they will not guarantee when you will get the results.


#2 above is in response to my concern that since we are going first to Iguazu Falls and won't be boarding the Octantis until 5 days later.


#3 above He was also told that if your onboard test comes back positive, they will get you back to your home and give you a credit for any unused portion of the trip.


Still don't know what we are going to do.  Fortunately, we have the cancellation coverage, but this is the second Antartica trip that may be postponed.  Viking canceled the first one in 2020 due to the pandemic.  Going to decide one way or the other over the weekend.


Hope this helps.

So here is what I have run into today and called Viking and have not hear back from them yet

We are doing a pre excursion to Chile

Chile is requiring at Covid test (PCR or Rapid) 72 hours before we get on the plane to leave.

When we land in Chile we have to take a PCR test and quarantine in hotel until results.

Viking says we need a PCR test (48 hours) before boarding the plane.( so Sat. test.)

All of the test place are telling us it will take at least 5 days to get results back because of test on the weekend.

The odds of us get a results back under Vikings rules are slim and none.

So what happens if we follow Chile rules?


Viking has yet to answer....


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4 minutes ago, broker1217 said:

You need to seek out a test center that works with travelers. Preferably one near a lab or airport.

Your standard "free" Covid center or Walgreen's test will not work for 48 hour requirement for Sunday departure.

You will probably need to pay $120-300 per person for a quick result PCR for travel.

Testing is overwhelmed right now--you cannot count on the free test to get results in time.



So our airport has no lab near by...we have to have the test on boarding the first outboard.... according to Viking rules....Chile says that a rapid test is OK  Viking says only a PCR

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I see your issue. At the US airline check-in they will only validate that you are clear to fly to your destination as far as negative PCR, vax cards, etc. They don't know about any cruise requirements.

Viking will have lots of pax in this position who arrived pre-cruise. They should be able to point you in the directions of a testing center that can provide 48 hour turnaround once you are in Chile.


It is a real mess for South America right now. I realize that things are changing but Viking needs to be doing a better job communicating to those of you traveling in the very near future.

Sorry you are dealing with this. So stressful


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1 minute ago, broker1217 said:

I see your issue. At the airline check-in they will only validate that you are clear to fly to your destination as far as negative PCR, tax cards, etc.

Wait to see what Viking says. They are going to have lots of pax in this position who arrived pre-cruise. They should be able to point you in the directions of a testing center that can provide 48 hour turnaround.


It is a real mess for South America right now.


I feel for the TA... She told me that we should  follow Chile rules but then said..... well the Viking rep may have a problem with a rapid test.  But I said we will have a PCR test at the airport.  She was as confused as I was.  All that I know with a Monday flight and requiring a 48 hour PCR test is going to be a problem.

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We're in the same boat (pun intended) for our January 24th Northern Lights cruise in Norway.  We're using Viking Air so have to get a PCR test 48 hours of departure of our first outbound US flight (flight departs Sunday at 5:35 PM).  That means finding a 6 PM appointment on Friday (hard to find!) or an early Saturday morning appointment.  Because Covid is raging in our area, I can't find a test site that will guarantee 1 or even 2 day return of PCR test results (includes CVS, Walgreens, Quest, Labcorp, County test sites). The Covid testing link in MVJ is not helpful (basically lists the same sites I've already found on the internet).  I've called Viking twice and the agents are clueless, and even give incorrect information. The second agent went to some search site and said there is a CVS nearby that will get PCR results back in 24 hours.  When I went to that CVS site, it said it will take between 2-4 days to get back results.  Unbelievable!

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I really feel for those who are traveling within days of the changed requirements. So challenging and it seems nobody (even Viking) really owns the process.

I wish Viking did a better job have folks available for you online or via email that really knew what is required.

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17 minutes ago, Moonlion said:

We're in the same boat (pun intended) for our January 24th Northern Lights cruise in Norway.  We're using Viking Air so have to get a PCR test 48 hours of departure of our first outbound US flight (flight departs Sunday at 5:35 PM).  That means finding a 6 PM appointment on Friday (hard to find!) or an early Saturday morning appointment.  Because Covid is raging in our area, I can't find a test site that will guarantee 1 or even 2 day return of PCR test results (includes CVS, Walgreens, Quest, Labcorp, County test sites). The Covid testing link in MVJ is not helpful (basically lists the same sites I've already found on the internet).  I've called Viking twice and the agents are clueless, and even give incorrect information. The second agent went to some search site and said there is a CVS nearby that will get PCR results back in 24 hours.  When I went to that CVS site, it said it will take between 2-4 days to get back results.  Unbelievable!

Yeah-don't count on the Viking search for a valid testing site with the current demand.

Try searching for COVID test for travel--that will point you to places that will provide quick results (perhaps near an airport).

We drove an hour each way and paid $200 each for tests to meet the timing requirements for St. Kitts entrance. 

No way the free testing can provide results quickly enough now with the omicron surge.

If you are not willing to jump through the hoops and pay $$--way too hard to travel until omicron dies down.


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48 minutes ago, broker1217 said:

I wish Viking did a better job have folks available for you online or via email that really knew what is required.

Sadly, the US Viking call center agents don't seem to know much more than what's already on the internet, and often times less.  I say this after calling Viking at least 4 or 5 times in the last couple of weeks trying (unsuccessfully) to get information on our cruise.  It's not just one untrained or uninformed agent.  It's clear that those at the top of the Viking chain aren't providing good information to those at the call centers. You would think that when they issue major policy changes (such as the 48 hour PCR testing requirement), they would better prepare the customer service people. 


Here's a "humorous" example of one of my calls.  We booked an optional excursion ($189 per person; 12:30 to 5:30 PM) to the Polar Park near Narvik Norway.  The bus leaves at 12:30 and it takes about 50 minutes to get to the Polar Park; assuming that the bus would leave the park around 4:30 PM to  get back to the ship at 5:30 PM, we'd have about 3 hours to enjoy the park.  However, when I went to the Polar Park website, it says that the park closes at 3 PM in the winter, which would only give us an hour an a half at the park.  When calling Viking to ask about this, the agent said she thought that maybe the tour operator has an arrangement with the park to stay past their normal closing time (which is reasonable) but she wasn't sure and would ask her supervisor.  The supervisor's advice was for us to call the Polar Park in Norway to find out if we are actually allowed to stay in the park after 3 PM.  What?? Isn't there someone at Viking who can provide information about a Viking sponsored excursion?  Apparently not.     

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So my question is if can't get back our PCR test in 48 hours and then we  follow Chile rules with a Rapid test.... (we are OK get on the plane as far as Chile cares) and land in Chile and do the required PCR test at the airport what is Viking going to do?  

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Ok. I’m confused- what’s the point of the PCR test?

I don’t need it to board the plane or enter the country?

I actually would be in transit before I get it’s results 

They are retesting me as soon as I board 


So why do I need the PCR test? 

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22 minutes ago, uktog said:

Ok. I’m confused- what’s the point of the PCR test?

I don’t need it to board the plane or enter the country?

I actually would be in transit before I get it’s results 

They are retesting me as soon as I board 


So why do I need the PCR test? 

That is the whole issue.... It's a Viking rule not a Chile rule.  What happens if we follow Chile rules

Chile rules.... 

  • Are U.S. citizens permitted to enter? Yes.
  • Is a negative COVID-19 test (PCR and/or serology) required for entry? Yes. The test must be taken within 72 hours of boarding the final flight to Chile. The 72-hour time period begins from the time the test is administered, not from the time that results are returned. Only PCR tests for COVID-19 are acceptable for entry into Chile; antigen-only tests are not accepted.

Viking rules......

Viking is committed to doing all we can to ensure you are healthy and well prepared for international travel—and that you will be able to arrive in your destination and embark your ship safely. Viking has decided to require that all guests take a COVID-19 PCR test within 48 hours prior to boarding their first outbound flight from their home country.


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I think for me, going to Norway as I have a valid electronic vaccination certificate accepted by the Norwegian government (and I have it without Vikings intervention) being a fully vaccinated UK citizen I do not need any negative covid tests before arriving in Norway.  It seems we have a Viking rule that might have been part of their agreement to get vaccination certs for non EU/UK guests.  But it is going to cost us over £200 to jump through this unnecessary hoop.

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37 minutes ago, uktog said:

I think for me, going to Norway as I have a valid electronic vaccination certificate accepted by the Norwegian government (and I have it without Vikings intervention) being a fully vaccinated UK citizen I do not need any negative covid tests before arriving in Norway.  It seems we have a Viking rule that might have been part of their agreement to get vaccination certs for non EU/UK guests.  But it is going to cost us over £200 to jump through this unnecessary hoop.

I again spent time with Viking TA... They are not sure what to do.  Feel sorry for them

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We have talked to both Viking and Argentina consul and it appears the rules are now contradictory. Viking is 48 hours before first activity and Argentina is 72 hours before your flight. A rep for Viking actually told use Argentina has to change their rules.. OMG...

BUT HERE IS OUR REAL CONCERN because of all the people just requesting and having tests the labs in Denver are telling us 48 to 72 hours for results. It has become a cluster. Then Viking is going to rapid test you the minute you get on the boat. So why to 48 hour test????????? 

If it were not Antarctica and them having my money I'd cancel. 

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On 1/7/2022 at 6:13 PM, rrgator said:

Here is an update from my travel agent who spoke to Viking this morning.


1. PCR test results will be in your hands either later the same day or the next day, so your 48 hour window will be ok before flight departure.

2. Viking will organize another test for you at the hotel before you board the Octantis.

3. Viking will make every effort to satisfy your requests in the event of positive tests on board.

4. If you decide not to go now, you can transfer entire trip cost to a future cruise credit to be booked within 24 months.


#1 above is saying that Viking is convinced that results from the PCR test will be back the same day as the test or the next day.  We are scheduled for the test at a CVS pharmacy and they will not guarantee when you will get the results.


#2 above is in response to my concern that since we are going first to Iguazu Falls and won't be boarding the Octantis until 5 days later.


#3 above He was also told that if your onboard test comes back positive, they will get you back to your home and give you a credit for any unused portion of the trip.


Still don't know what we are going to do.  Fortunately, we have the cancellation coverage, but this is the second Antartica trip that may be postponed.  Viking canceled the first one in 2020 due to the pandemic.  Going to decide one way or the other over the weekend.


Hope this helps.

We are on the February 25 cruise to Antarctica and just canceled our 5 pre cruise days which included the falls. This came after both my travel agent and I had 7 different calls with Viking that netted 6 different answers. It just got to be stupid with them. And yes we too got the answer 5 times that Viking knows results will be done in less then 48 hours.  More Viking BS.  My daughter is a teacher who has to be tested and recently results have gone from 12 hours last year to 72 hours this year. Viking doesn't understand or care that they don't control the testing they are requiring us to get.   It's getting to be a cluster....but that had no problem taking money a year in advance. This could be my last Viking cruise. 

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On 1/7/2022 at 1:01 PM, Jjg34219 said:

So aside from all this, once onboard, what are the masking requirements?

we mask responsibly now here in Florida when we are indoors out in public, but we feel no need when outdoors. 

I’ve been onboard Venus now for almost three weeks.  The instruction is to wear masks whenever outside your cabin, unless “actively eating or drinking”.   

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