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Am I being unreasonable?


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Actually, I do know exactly what it means. I own two business and live in an area where the school district get sued every year because they teach in enough Spanish. So - by all means, I do know what it means. It still doesn't mean that a family should be able to do what they did. I don't care what culture you come from, it isn't ok to let this family do what they did to the passengers on this ship and fully let them get away with it. Who is to decide when the rights of the other passengers have been infringed upon? All we asked is that Princiess do something, and they didn't. It didn't have anything to do with their culture, it had to do with how much money they were spending. And nothing more. This family even refused to pay for the large chess pieces & basketballs that got thrown overboard (keeping other children from playing) and the Princess staff just said, "OK" and put their tail between their legs.

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I think you should take the credit and just chalk the whole episode up to a bad experience with people who have more money than manners. There isn't a lot anyone can do in a case like this short of escalating the situation to a level where it could get very ugly. These kinds of things happen everywhere from time to time. We had a similar experience on a holiday cruise and decided that we will just avoid that season in the future.


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If I have to hear from a parent one more time that "it's my vacation" and not parent their kids.....if you don't want to be a parent, DON"T take your kids on the cruise!


We have two small children and I would never dream of taking them onboard unless I knew with some certainty they would be well-behaved. Just because we are on vacation doesn't mean we aren't parents anymore. We prefer to leave the kids home so we really CAN have a vacation! :)


A few years ago on a Carnival cruise we had a similar experience, except the "kids" were college students. They would lean against our door and have luggage throwing races down the hallway. I happened to be sick on the last night (was pregnant and didn't know it!) and I spoke with the students several times but they would start up again within 5 minutes. Calls to staff were completely ignored, and we swore it was our last Carnival cruise. If my needs and feelings are so unimportant, my money can be spent elsewhere.


Do I sound bitter? you bet! I'm sorry that Princess was so unresponsive. Let's hope this family is banned permanently!!!



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Hello all - We were on the same cruise as Mommykim & Cruisin' Chick... we also got a poor response from Princess that was in the form of a canned response. The one statement in the letter that got my steamed was this which proves that the repercussions from dealing with this family outweighed the cruising experience of the other 1950 passengers on board.


"In such circumstances, however, the crew and staff is made aware of the fact that over stepping what is considered to be the accepted line of our responsibility is done guardedly with the caution that such action may have long-lasting repercussions."


So, even though there was a problem - they had no intention of remedying the situation. They cited that in different cultures, what is considered acceptable behavior varies. But, I guess the rules of the ship don't matter at that point. This family was horrible and didn't care. But of course, the grand poobah was getting treated like royalty when he was spending thougsands in Facets. Of course.... why wouldn't they?


How they have treated Mommykim - a 24 times traveler with Princess - speaks for itself.



Thats sad,because RCI has a completly different stance..I have seen personally and have read many accounts of kids being the cause of the family being put off at the nearest port for behavior such as this.

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If I were there, I'd be right there with you complaining about the family in question. Like I said, we've seen something similar. And I agree, the amount such a family might spend on a cruise could easily exceed several hundred thousand dollars. The family we ran into had over 60 members. Not all were awful, but enough were.


Example: Teenager comes into the buffet wearing only a wet swimsuit. The crewmember at the entrance tells him he has to put on a shirt and shoes. The kid pushes the crewmember down and yells at him. Security is called. The parents blame the crewmember and say, "He should not have got in our son's face." The crewmember is forced to apologize. You can't expect Princess to step in with parents like that running around.


I just think it's a no win. You guys are unhappy, and should be. I'm not saying you shouldn't be. The problem is, if you decide to go elsewhere, the cost to Princess is much less than the cost of their business. If they did decide to file a civil complaint of discrimination, the cost could go up dramatically.


I think it sucks that the nice people lose. I don't blame Princess or anyone else, I blame society.

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I had heard about this cruise from a couple that will be on our May 3rd cruise. In hindsight I think that I would have gotten as many people together with the same complaint and bombarded the Pursers Desk and then if no statisfaction I would have rallied the group and asked to speak to the Captain. We pay too much money to have to put up this. I also heard that 1 of the kids fell overboard in one of the ports. Is that true?

After hearing this story I don't think I will ever take a Xmas cruise.

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I also heard that 1 of the kids fell overboard in one of the ports. Is that true?


This is what I heard: one of the mothers in this family was carrying her toddler off the gangway in Ensenada and started futzing with her purse, and dropped the girl in the water.


when we were walking down that same gangway a couple of hours before, we could see the water and said to each other, "I wouldn't want to fall in that." Even our 8-year-old noticed that the railing on the gangway wasn't that strong and was careful.

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It may be somewhat a society problem...but the society on that cruise ship should of demanded that entire party be let off at the next port...NO QUESTIONS asked.


SHAMEFUL...That captain and crew should of taken care of the entire cruise ship and ALL of it's passengers, instead of bending over backwards for this tacky, undisaplined, disrespectful bunch of snobs.


A lesson for all of us reading these posts..if this EVER happens..remember the "squeeky wheel gets the grease" the more noise...the more voices..the more your problem will be addressed....and quickly.

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I must first say, that I don't doubt you had a terrible experience and feel sorry for you. I did want to get a few answers about a few things that bothereded me.

"To make matters worse I've gotten emails from an attorney who told me the family that terorized our cruise was the same family that Princess got sued over on the same cruise the year before."

Did you actually have an attorney call you? It seems odd that you would have a beef with Princess and then be contacted by someone who was sueing Princess. I mean, I don't believe Princess would ever disclose your private contact info to someone who was sueing them.

"The Captain was well aware of the problem as were all the officers at the Captain's Luncheon. Princess chose not to do anything about the people as they were spending a fortune on booze and gambling plus they had the majority of the large suites on the cruise."

The Captain might be aware of it, but he is responsible for the Ship. I don't think he should be called down to deal with every unruly passanger. I have to ask, "How did you know this family was spending so much money on the cruise? Did they tell you this? Majority of large suites? How many people were in this group?

"I don't know if it's true or not but the Passenger Services manager was not at the Captain's lunch and I'm told it was because he did not want to talk about these people."

Who told you this? I can't believe the Passenger Services Manager would say this in the first place, but then for someone to report it to you?


I am sorry your cruise was so horrible. I am not a Princess Cheerleader as I have never rode Princess. First Cruise in three weeks. But does anyone have any info on this lawsuit? I ask because everyone is citing this, but a simple websearch by me hasn't provided something. I deal more easily in facts and am willing to let someone point the way. Thanks.


BTW, I do think Princess is to blame. I do think you should of pressed it and got copies of your complaints. Documentation is everything. Do I think you will get anything better? Not without any documentation.

Hi all,

Sorry for disappearing for a couple of days but I have an in-law infestation at my house that I am just getting under control. In answer to your questions I think the attorney actually got my email address from this chat board. We were "talking" about the cruise and I had posted my email a couple of times to get emails from people I met on the ship.


As far as the Captain being called because there is a problem, no I don't expect that to happen but when you have the Captain's luncheon and he has 2 couples with 100+ Princess cruises and another 2 people with 40+ wanting answers about this (meaning why this family was not put off the ship) and all he can say is but isn't it a lovely ship???


How do I know how much money they were spending? I was at the table with them and while I was playing $5 a hand they had 10-15 of them losing thousands of dollars regularly and I was told they ran out of a certain type of champagne who's name I cannot remember is I am not a drinker that was $100+ per bottle as they drank it all. The Opus One and $128 Caymus too. That says they spent a LOT of money. Heck, the casino people had to keep calling security as their kids would throw things at the people playing slots and they did nothing about that either.


As far as filing a lawsuit I will not hire someone else to sue them for me. That's not the way I operate. If they'd only get a human on the phone with me to give resonable responses I would be happy. My husband says we've made our answerto them with our feet by cancelling the 3 Princes cruises we had booked for 2006 and booking with Celebrity. Does Princess know it? Yes, they do. What was their response? We hope you'll come back soon.

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Wow, we had a similar experience witnessing an adult on a NCL cruise, only it was only 1 adult, vulgar & loud & very mean to his wife in public. At the casino he would throw his thousands on the table & loose hand after hand, we were watching him leave, he was furious he lost & threw the hand sanitizer & broke it, when we went to dinner the host shook his hand, but (the host) was holding something so he shook him with his left hand, Well this guy flipped out saying "whats the matter, you shake my hand left handed, you don't think I'm a man" he took the table the host has his seating arrangements at & threw it down, in less than 30 seconds security was there & threw him in the cruise jail, they kept in jail for 2 days at sea & at the next port he was off the ship!! I hope his wife stayed & celebrated!!

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does anyone know what the international laws are on the following?


1) Spanking kids (yours or otherwise)


2) "Accidentally" bumping into them enough to knock them down on the ground or against the wall


3) "Accidentally" tripping them or otherwise hurting said kids causing a nuisance of themselves



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3) "Accidentally" tripping them or otherwise hurting said kids causing a nuisance of themselves



We do know one person who accidentally/intentionally clotheslined one of the kids (this one was about 14 y/o) while they were running down the hallways on our floor. He claimed that security came to see HIM and said he'd be put off the ship if he caused physical harnm to a passenger again. He insisted it was an accident and asked why they don't control the kids and was told that the situation was being handled. He was also told his onboard account could be cancelled so he could not buy liquer. He told this to a group of us in the casino that night and we each offered to buy his drinks if needed.

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Last year, during the embarkation process on an MSC cruise, we had to sign a form spelling out our parental liability should any of our teenaged daughters (18, 15, 14) create a problem while on the ship. The language also warned of potential consequences for both them and us in the event of misdeeds/misconduct. One form per child. We signed it, and also gave them to the girls to read and WE made THEM sign it, too. Although we never anticipated any problems, it sure opened their eyes. I, for one, was thrilled that MSC handles the possible future misdeeds of minors this way.


Incidentally, as far as I know, there were no problems on the ship that week with kids ... regardless of age. Guess that form was a pre-boarding wake-up call to potential negligent parents and ill-behaved children.



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Perhaps the best way to deal with this problem is everyone avoid Island Princess to Hawaii during the same time frame and let these crazy families have the ship all to themselves. Then what is Princess going to do (lol)?

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Hi all,

Sorry for disappearing for a couple of days but I have an in-law infestation at my house that I am just getting under control. In answer to your questions I think the attorney actually got my email address from this chat board. We were "talking" about the cruise and I had posted my email a couple of times to get emails from people I met on the ship.


As far as the Captain being called because there is a problem, no I don't expect that to happen but when you have the Captain's luncheon and he has 2 couples with 100+ Princess cruises and another 2 people with 40+ wanting answers about this (meaning why this family was not put off the ship) and all he can say is but isn't it a lovely ship???


How do I know how much money they were spending? I was at the table with them and while I was playing $5 a hand they had 10-15 of them losing thousands of dollars regularly and I was told they ran out of a certain type of champagne who's name I cannot remember is I am not a drinker that was $100+ per bottle as they drank it all. The Opus One and $128 Caymus too. That says they spent a LOT of money. Heck, the casino people had to keep calling security as their kids would throw things at the people playing slots and they did nothing about that either.


As far as filing a lawsuit I will not hire someone else to sue them for me. That's not the way I operate. If they'd only get a human on the phone with me to give resonable responses I would be happy. My husband says we've made our answerto them with our feet by cancelling the 3 Princes cruises we had booked for 2006 and booking with Celebrity. Does Princess know it? Yes, they do. What was their response? We hope you'll come back soon.


You see, I am a "Princess cheerleader" but I do think think that they are to blame for this. I feel this way only because it all went way too far.Yes, it is ultimately the parent's role to discipline but when they are not willing and other individual's safety is compromised as a result, the ship's staff should take command.If it has to be the captain then so be it. He is the highest individual in command of that ship and he should be responsible for the safety, in all aspects to every passenger no matter what amount of money that is spent. I remember when all of this was originally posted. We all cringed as each account was expressed. I don't care how much money these people spent on their cruise, it does not give their children free rein to destroy property or possibly hurt another passenger......"throwing things".


I have a real pet peeve about parents that take a vacation with their children just to be away from their children. We always cruise with our teenager and though I feel very confident that he conducts himself politely and respectfully, we do not let him wander as desired all hours of the night.He is not with us every minute of the day but he is very clear about the rules that we have discussed with him and he has never crossed the line.


The lawsuit, I am not sure is a way to handle this.I don't know what the answer would be. I think that if I were in your shoes, it would at least be better if Princess would validate my concerns and tell me that these families were not ever going to be permitted to sail on Princess again.


I really like the idea of the signed document as discussed in an above post. I truly think that kind of an agreement should be in place BEFORE the cruise begins.You know, there are parents and children like this everywhere on land and sea and they are all over the world.I think that it needs to be clear that activities like this are not permitted period. I was a little worried when we took our European cruise last summer because all of this happened before we left. The youth security were all over the place and I really felt that their presence was a vivid reminder that bad behavior would not be tolerated. The kids were all very polite and well behaved.


I am very sorry that all of this happened to you. I am sure that it happens more that you think on all cruiselines.I hope that your cruises will be more pleasant for you in the future;)


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Now I'm the type of person who would be as evil to those little brats as they were to everyone else:


- I'd (accidentally) elbow them in the head as they run past me


- (accidentally) spill something slippery on the floor where I know they are going to run past


- (accidentally) spill hot coffee on their arms as they run by


- leave a bottle of beer right next to them at the pool and complain that there's underage drinking going on


- trip them or push them into a wall when no one else is looking.


- throw those little shampoo bottles at their heads when they're outside my door at night.


That would teach them!

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Now I'm the type of person who would be as evil to those little brats as they were to everyone else:


- I'd (accidentally) elbow them in the head as they run past me


- (accidentally) spill something slippery on the floor where I know they are going to run past


- (accidentally) spill hot coffee on their arms as they run by


- leave a bottle of beer right next to them at the pool and complain that there's underage drinking going on


- trip them or push them into a wall when no one else is looking.


- throw those little shampoo bottles at their heads when they're outside my door at night.


That would teach them!

No disrespect intended here, but I think that all it would teach them is that hooliganism is acceptable, even encouraged. Sort of ratchets up the ante, don't you think?


(But it sure does sound tempting!):D:eek::D

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Last year, during the embarkation process on an MSC cruise, we had to sign a form spelling out our parental liability should any of our teenaged daughters (18, 15, 14) create a problem while on the ship. The language also warned of potential consequences for both them and us in the event of misdeeds/misconduct. One form per child. We signed it, and also gave them to the girls to read and WE made THEM sign it, too. Although we never anticipated any problems, it sure opened their eyes. I, for one, was thrilled that MSC handles the possible future misdeeds of minors this way.


Incidentally, as far as I know, there were no problems on the ship that week with kids ... regardless of age. Guess that form was a pre-boarding wake-up call to potential negligent parents and ill-behaved children.




I'd thought I read on CC last year about parents being asked to sign a form about their children's behavior onboard. I would absolutely in favor of such a form. Carnival had a required form about not taking tobacco aboard the Paradise back when it was a no-smoking ship (the major reason we went on that ship). Of course, most passengers on the Paradise were non-smokers anyway but I don't think anyone would have a problem signing a pledge.

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We do know one person who accidentally/intentionally clotheslined one of the kids (this one was about 14 y/o) while they were running down the hallways on our floor. He claimed that security came to see HIM and said he'd be put off the ship if he caused physical harnm to a passenger again. He insisted it was an accident and asked why they don't control the kids and was told that the situation was being handled. He was also told his onboard account could be cancelled so he could not buy liquer. He told this to a group of us in the casino that night and we each offered to buy his drinks if needed.


Gee, if I knew about this guy, I would have bought him a drink.

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So sorry that you had this experience. I can not imagine the level of frustration you must have felt. But I do think that if this extended family that caused all the problems is all that important to Princess then perhaps they should just schedule a cruise on the ship for only that extended family just let them charter the ship and they can have the run of the ship and not ruin everyone elses vacation. It seems as if in this instance at least money talks, and they seem to have plenty of money. Perhaps the lawyers in on this should pursue that avenue ?? Anyway I wish there were some way that we could find out when and on what ship this family sails and be sure we aren't on it. Sort of like a terror level rating. Princess should notify everyone that is booked on a cruise that this group is going to be on the ship and give the people an opportunity to cancel without penalty.

Hope that those people that were on this cruise and the cruise the year before , get some type of resolution to this and hopefully Princess will set some type of rules and stick to them.


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Now I'm the type of person who would be as evil to those little brats as they were to everyone else:


- I'd (accidentally) elbow them in the head as they run past me


- (accidentally) spill something slippery on the floor where I know they are going to run past


- (accidentally) spill hot coffee on their arms as they run by


- leave a bottle of beer right next to them at the pool and complain that there's underage drinking going on


- trip them or push them into a wall when no one else is looking.


- throw those little shampoo bottles at their heads when they're outside my door at night.


That would teach them!

I like the way you think! My feelings exactly. A well-placed foot extended into the hallway as they are running past my door at 3:00 in the morning ... a teenaged hooligan getting his head rammed into the wall as he trips over it ... hey, accidents happen, right? What's the kid gonna do? Complain that I tripped him as he was running down the hall banging on stateroom doors at 3:00 a.m.?


Frankly, I think an even better idea is for a group of the passengers victimized by these little brats to locate the parents and quietly toss them overboard. After all, the kids' atrocious behavior is at least as much, if not more so, the fault of the parents who are not providing any supervision.


The thing I don't understand is why Princess allowed these parents to rebook another cruise if the line got sued because of this same family last year. I would think Princess would have this family's information (passport numbers, etc.) in their computer ... with a notation not to accept any more bookings from them.


Blue skies ...



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I like the way you think! My feelings exactly. A well-placed foot extended into the hallway as they are running past my door at 3:00 in the morning ... a teenaged hooligan getting his head rammed into the wall as he trips over it ... hey, accidents happen, right? What's the kid gonna do? Complain that I tripped him as he was running down the hall banging on stateroom doors at 3:00 a.m.?


Frankly, I think an even better idea is for a group of the passengers victimized by these little brats to locate the parents and quietly toss them overboard. After all, the kids' atrocious behavior is at least as much, if not more so, the fault of the parents who are not providing any supervision.


The thing I don't understand is why Princess allowed these parents to rebook another cruise if the line got sued because of this same family last year. I would think Princess would have this family's information (passport numbers, etc.) in their computer ... with a notation not to accept any more bookings from them.


Blue skies ...




What if the doors opened into the hall. You hear them coming and then open the door real fast!!!! Smacko. Sorry

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